HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-06-16, Page 5Clinton Community Auction Saks EVERY FRIDAY 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Said By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager 130B McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply of a TRUCK CHASSIS and CAB until 5.00 p.m. on FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960 Cab to axle dimension of approximately 60", dual rear wheels, gas tank clear of chassis frame with mini- mum gross vehicle weight rating of 11,000 lbs. Colour 5003 blue, equipped with lug type snow tires on rear, heater and defroster, directional signal lights on front with (P.U.C. Clinton) on each door. No trade in. No tender necessarily accepted. Clinton Public Utilities Commission JABEZ E. RANDS, Superintendent. 23-4-b SUN GLASSES QUALITY GLASS With case from 69c WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums of Choice Design. Portraits, "err4"nmeircial Photography, etc. Jervis Studio 130 Isaac St. HU 24006 Married in Goshen Church MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM AMOS STANBURY were married in Goshen United Church, on Saturday, June 4 by the Rev. T, J, Pitt. The bride is Merle Marie, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Armstrong, RR 1, Varna and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Staribury, Goderich. The couple will live in Goderich. (Zurich Citizens News Photo) ST. ANDREW'S WMS ' TO MEET ON JUNE 21 The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. William Blacker, Tuesday, June 21 at 2,30 p.m, PAST MISTRESSES CLUB TO MEET JUNE 21 The Past Mistresses Club of the LOBA 377 will meet at the hoMe of Mrs, Wilfred Colciough, RR, 3, Clinton on Tuesday, June 21, The hostess will be Miss Clara Har- rison. Church Directory DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME tiniteb 0311,111) REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R, RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, June 19 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per. HOLIVIESVIIAN. 9.45 la.m.--Morning Worship and Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- 2. 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School Let us use the Lard's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Sunday, June 19 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Mornhig Worship "The Scriptures Divinely Inspired." 7.30 p.m.—Everting Service "The Feast of Pentecost" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services. Christian Reformed Church Student Summer Pastor MR. R, 0. BROEKHUIZEN Sunday, June 19 10.00 a.m.—Service in English Communion Service. Speaker: Rev. Van 'reek, Exeter. 2.30 p.m,—Service in Dutch Communion Service. Speaker: Rev, Van Beek. Everyone Welcome ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A. Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, June 19 9.45 ans.—Church School, for all classes 10.45 a.in.—Divine Service The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered and the Sacrament of The Lord's Sup- per will be observed. "This Do In Remembrance Of Me" All Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 1101•11111111111 11111.111e GILLETT BL ADES Super Blue Gift Pack $2.75 BUXTON B1LLFOLDS..$3.50 to $10 LIGHTERS ,,,,,,,,,,, 49c and up PIPES $1.50 to $4.95 SHAVING SETS $1.50 to $5.00 CIGARETTES all brands $3.29 ctn. RAZORS Blade and Electric eee,esseee, li TENDER KODAK pc/NI( 828 CAMERA $25.00 Carrying case $9,15 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere ...0.0.0.....oramomnropommol r PHONE HU 2.9511 CLINTON BIRTHS HARaimAN--In Sit, Mary's Gen- eral Hospital, Kitchener, on Friday, May 27, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hartman (nee Annie McGee), 74 Allen Street E., Waterloo, Ont., a daughter. GRAHAM — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, June 9, 1960, to Mr. .and. Mrs. Robert Graham, Clinton, a daughter. McLEI.LAN — In, Clinton Public Hospital, on, Friday*, June 10, 1960, to LAC and Mrs. Ross McLellan, Clinton, a son. PROCTOR — Irr Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, June 15, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor, RR 5, Clinton, a son (brother for Billy and Patsy). WALSH—In Clinton Public Hos- pitel, on Monday, June 13, 1960, to Corporal end Mrs. Herbert Walsh, Clinton, a son. WISE—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, June 10, 1960, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wise, Clin- ton, a son. MARRIAGES CRIOH-STEVENS — In Ontario Street United Church Chapel, on Saturday, June 4, 1960, by the Rev. G. Mills, Elizabeth Louise, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin. Stevens, RR 2, Seaforth, to David Ar- thur Crich, son of Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Crich, Clinton. MARTIN - NEWMAN — In All Saints Anglican Church, Ot- tawa, on Saturday, May 28, 1960, by the Rev, Mr. Leth- bridge, Penny Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Newman, Ottawa, to William E. Martin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Martin, Clinton. DEATHS GOULD—In Clinton, on Monday, June 6, 1960, Ethel Mae Elliott, beloved wife of Henry W. Gould, in her 76th year. Ser- vice Wednesday afternoon, June 8, by the Rev. J. A. McKim, from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Exeter Cemetery. PARKER — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, June 13, 1960, Miss Jean Parker, dear daughter of Mrs. Mary Parker, and dear sister of John S. and Wilfred, all of Clinton. Service from the Needham Memorial Chapel, London, on Wednesday afternoon, June 15, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. RUDDELL—On Tuesday, June 14, 1960, in Clinton Public Hospital, Mary Ellen Atchison, widow of the late Charles Ruddell, Lon- desboro, in her 85th year. Rest- ' ine at the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, 153 High Street, Clin- ton. Service from the Londesboro United Church, to Londesboro Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, June 17, at two o'clock, by the Rev. H. A. Funge, CARDS OF THANKS The family of the late Colin Campbell wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to rela- tives, friends and neighbours, for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes received. 24-b Words of gratitude cannot be found to express our thanks to friends and neighbours for kind- ness shown us in the loss o f our dear mother and wife. For the Huronic Rebekah Lodge, flowers and other acts of kindness, cars that were loaned and special thanks for the nurses, doctors, Ball and Mutch and Rev. J. A. McKim. —HENRY GOULD and Family; Norman •and Marge and family; Victor and Melinda and family. 24p IN MEMORIAM COLEMAN—In loving memory of our dear son and brother Ger- ald Coleman who passed away June 19, 1955 in his 16th year. "Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved, Remembered, Treasured, Always in memory." —Ever remembered by his father, mother, 'brothers, sister-in-law, 24-b Quick Canadian Quiz 1. How many seats are there in the Canadian Senate? 2. Canada's populatiOn is of how many different racial origins? 3. Transfer payments, money col- lected by taxation and then re- paid to individuals, made up what proportion of the person- al income of Canadians in 1959? 4. Which of Canada's provinces is the only one to have a flag granted by Royal Charter? 5. Of all the children who enter Grade One in Canada's schools, what proportion go on to high schools? ANSWERS: 5. Only 50 percent. 3, Transfer payments made up 10 Tuckersmith Club Combines School With Meeting Night Tucitersmith Ladies' Club atten, ded the IGA cooking school in Clinton on Wednesday evening, June 1. The regular meeting was then held at the home of Mrs, Norris. Sillery, with the president, Mrs. William Pepper in ells:lige. Reports were read by secretary, Mrs. William Rogerson and treas- urer We. Ernie Crich. Roll call, eneeeee, I would like to go on 4 picnic," Was answered by 14 mem- bers, The majority favored Bay- field as a picnic site, The date will be decided by the social com- mittee. - Mrs. Stanley Johns thanked the club for flowers and a card sent her while in hospital, The sur- prise package donated by Mrs. O'Brien was won by Mrs, Ander- son. A letter from the Clinton Retarded Childrens Association was read, Mrs. William Roger- son and Mrs. Ernie Crich were nominated to represent the club at the next meeting of the Assoc- iation. • The meeting closed with the Homemakers Prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess and her group, 0 Catholic Women Set Up Committees For League In 1960-61 (Intended for last week) St. Joseph's sub-division of the Catholic Women's League, Clinton, at its June meeting in the newly decorated parish hall, set dates for the annual rectory tea for Wednesday, September 28, and the annual bazaar as Saturday, October 29. The president, Mrs. Arnold Dale, chaired the meeting at which 33 members attended, Mrs, Dale announced the appointments of the standing committees as: spiritual, Mrs. Lawrence Denom- me, Mrs. Theo Flynn; press and publicity, Mrs. C. A. Trott, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien; membership, Mrs. David Kay, Mrs. Lloyd Medd, Mrs. Mac LeBeau, Mrs. Clem Reynolds; social action., Mrs. ,Clifford Park- er, Mrs. L. A. Shanahan, Mrs. Alvin Sharp, Mrs. Joseph Blake; social, Mrs. W. E. Managhan, Mrs. Bert Gliddon, -Mrs. Oscar Priest- ap, Mrs. Frank Becker; civic ac- tion and immigration, Mrs. Frank Van Altena,, Florian, Mrs. Tony Deco° and Mrs. W. Vanderbreggen. A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of a spiritual 'bouquet to the Rev. Father L. E. Reed-Lewis, spiritual director on the occasion of the 11th anniver- sary of his ordination. to the priesthood, by Mrs. L. Denomme, on behalf of the sub-division. A report on the recent diocesan convention of the Catholic Worn- en's League held at Stratford was presented by the secretary, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien. Fourteen visits were made to sick, shut-ins and newcomers by the visiting corn- mate. Mrs. Frank Van Altena, treasurer, reported that a check for $10 had been forwarded to the Clinton Kinsmen Club for its fund for the Carter family. The mystery prize, donated by Mrs. Edward's, was won by Mrs. Clem Reynolds, The purchase of a sick-call kit will be made for the purpose of placing it in the Clin- ton Public Hospital, It is expected that the civic ac- tion and immigration committee will make the appointment of two representatives of the sub-divis- ion, to the Clinton Retarded Child- ren's Association, as requested, Father Reed-Lewis spoke briefly to the members on the "Art of Visiting the Sick," Appointed to the visiting committee for June were Mrs. Joseph Flynn, Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. Thomas: Feeney, The July meeting will be followed by a strawberry soc- ial for members. Following the business session two instructive films, supplied by the Clinton Branch of the Canad- ian Cancer Society were shown by Kelvin Jervis, with a -talk given by Mrs. Kenneth McRae, public health nurse with the Huron County Health Unit. percent of personal income. 1. There are 102 Senate seats. 4. Nova Seotia, 2, The census lists 30 different racial groups. ENOA$EMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grain- ger, Zurich,. wish to announce. the engagement of their, Old, est daughter, Elaine Elizabeth to Mt% Edward Albert Deiebe ert, Scarborough, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.. Victor Deichert, Zurich, The wedding will take place July at 2 p.m., in the Zurich Evangel- ical United Brethren Church. 24-p Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Golds- worthy, RR 1, Clinttn, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Arnie Elizabeth, to Mr, Fran- cis Patrick Paul 13rohrnan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James 13roh- man, Hamilton, The wedding to take place on Saturday, July 2 in St, Joseph's Church, Clinton. 24p Women Teachers Mare Officers for Huron Association The annual meeting and ban- quet of the Women Teachers' Federation Association for Huron 2 and 3 was held in Goderich Pu- blic School, on Wednesday, June 1. Mrs. H. Shacldeten, president of the Goderich Unit presided. Guest speaker was Miss Angela Ararat, University of Western Ontario, Associate officers for 1960 to 1961 were appointed as follows: president, Mrs. Verna Hicks, Cen- tralia; past president, Miss. Gladys McDowell, Goderich; first vice- president, Miss Edythe Beacom, Londesboro; second vice-president, Mrs. Doreen Oesch, Zurich; sec- retary-treasurer, Mrs. Madeline Jory, Eiirkton; finance convener, Mrs. Etta Thorndike, Clinton; le- gislation, Mrs, Letta Taylor, Dash- wood; publicity and educational week, Mrs. Elva Turvey, Exeter; educational studies, Miss Jean Peelle, Exeter; status, Mrs, Mary Haugh, Brucefield; good will, Mrs. Edna Stephens, Goderich. Teachers who attended from this vicinity were Miss Edythe Beacom, A/V/M Hugh Campbell School; Miss Leola Johnston, Miss Olive Johnson, Mrs. Etta Thorn- dike, all from Clinton Public School. Delegates to attend the annual meeting in Toronto in August are Mrs. Hicks, Miss Beacom and Mrs, Oesch, with Miss Helen Vid- ean, Goderich, as alternate. HOSTESS' SALAD SERVER SET REG....2.69 I Set as illustrated, consisting of Salad Bowl, Salad Fork and Spoon. Mode of rigid 'Steri-rite" plastic in Black, Turquoise, or Yellow with gleaming Silvertono trim. CASH and CARRY ONLY No Phone Orders BALL & MUCH I.H.A. Hardware PHONE HU 2-9505 A Girl With Designs A girl with a different job is Vera Kochanski. She's the only woman set designer in CBC's design deport- ment--among 22 men, She previously spent four years With the National Film Board doing illustrations, com- mercial art, and design for educational flms. K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton NEWEDMOE barmy Give Father a Transistor Radio $5.00 down — $1.00 weekly Anstett Jewellers Clinton Thursday, boo 16, 1960 C Won NewsArteconl Page 5. • ,, ... . . PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Victoria Street. Clinton H. KENDRICK, Pastor irriday, June 11,- 8.00 pan,—Christ's Ambassadors: Snduay, June 19- 10.00 a.rn,—Sunclay School 11.00 a.M.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Wednesday, June 22- 8.00 p.m.--Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome AWalts You Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, June 19 9,45 a,m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7,30 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest Speaker, Mr. Bob Bran- don, Forest Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer and Bible Study. Guest speaker, Bob Brandon. ALL WELCOME FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Sunday, June 19 8.30 a,m.—Holy Communion 11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's — Clinton 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "ARE YOU AFRAID OF TOMORROW" A Cordial Welcome to 'All REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Charles Merrill, organist 10.00 a.m,--Sunday School CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGUIAAN, ILTh. 11,11.- I•Al • 4/.- .41. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE.,FRIENDLY CHURCH" • Pastor—REV. GRANT MILLS, IS.A. 9.45 ant—Sunday School 11.00 la.tri.—Commtinion Service 7.30 p.m.—Evening chapel Service Turner's Church 9.45 aan.—MOrning Worship 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School Jute 30: Sunday School *ale lit Lifts Perk, Seaforth Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matti 18: 20) Meetirig in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: SERVICE 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p,m.—Sunday Sdhool 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pat.—Wedneaday--- Prayer Meeting eiid Bible Reading.: BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV, I. BODENHAM