HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-06-09, Page 10hog, 0 — 'Ciinto
Hews-111cco r
r ,June 1i, `11160
mows O' Bayfleid
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pugh and
Tangly, Royal Oak; Mich,, spent
the weekend at their cottage,
Mrs, E. W. Oddleifson, London,
came on Monday to spend this
week at •her home on ly,Laht .Street,
Mr. ,and Mrs. M. Amkenheed
London, were at their cottage on
Delevan Street for the weekend,
Miss Kathleen Reid, Windsor,.
spent the weekend with her moth-
er ' at "Enfield" cottage.
George Fellows and daughter
Pamela, Riverside, were at their -
cottage for the weekend.
Mrs, E. Kells, Petrol*, spent a
day this week with her friend;
Mrs. R. Kerr,
Mr. and Mrs. R. 'W, Yantis and
family, London, Were at their -
summer home over th,e,' weekend.
James Fisher and family, Kitch-
ener, spent the weekend at their
Mr, ,and Mrs, Charles Guest,
Whitby, cane on Sunday to, spend
a few days at their cottage
Mn and 1VIrs, Munroe Fisher:
. and Susan; Waterloo, • occupied
their cottage over the weekend. •
Mr, and Mrs. Golan Pfaff and
Mark, Windsor were at their cot -
+page rom Friday night to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hilton*
Jeff and Patricia, London, ied their their cottage in Bailey Park
for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawraaon;
Listowel, visited his mother, Mrs.
Isabella L.awrason, from Friday
to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard
and two children, London, visited'
his parents, Mn and Mrs. Emer-'
soon Heard :on Sunday.
Mn and Mrs. Joe Clark and
baby, Ottawa, moved into Hiner -
son Heard's .apartment on June:I.
for the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Parker,'
Pam and Jackie, .London, visited
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. William
E. Parker, for the weekend.
Mrs. Edna. Turner. and Mrs.•
Lawren;.e Turner, Detroit, ., were
the • guests of Mrs. Bruce Menery,
from Thursday to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A.. Stephens
and famibr,'Tronto, were at their
cottage "Loeb- Home at The Pop -
(grown on our own farm)
for patching wet fields or seeding
late fields.
This millet will produce many.
hundreds of pounds of•,good grind-
ing livestock feed per acre.
Inquire at the Seed Plant in
cars• Xoruric, weer ono,
Jim Higgins, Torornio, came on
Monday to be with his parents,
Mr. and Mr % J. 13.. Higgins until
Mn and Mrs', R, Elliott were in
Stratford with her brother J.
M•eeks1 from 'Sund'ay to Tuesday
evening, They also • visited in In-
Mrs, E, 3, Bauer, Waterloo,
Eugene Hauer and family of Kit-
chener were at her cottage over
the weekend..
Mrs. L, Duggan, Miss Patricia
Duggan, Stratford,entertained
several girls at their home here
over the Weekend.
Mrs. Richard Moore, In, De-
troit, entertained 24 members of
her sorority at Wayne University
at a house party at "Fairlawai"
over the weekend.
Miss Madeline Ruddick, London,.
spent the weekend with her broth-
er, R, S. Roddick and Mrs. . Rod-
dick Century House,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rehm,
Grosse Point Farms, Mich., are
spending this week at their home
with her mother, Mrs. David De-
Mrs. M. Leckie, London, is
staying with a. grandson Shaun,
while his mother, Mrs. Eugene
McLaren is in hospital with a new;
baby, Sherrie -Lee.
Malcolm latacLeod in Goderich
on Saturday, while the SS "Star
belle" was in port, spent a couple.
of 'hours with his mother, Mrs. L.
H. D. MacLeod.
Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod, Miss
Dorothy Anne MacLeod and Ca:r-
sori Fawcet,t, were in London on
Sunday to visit L H. D, MacLeod
in Westminster Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston
left on Sunday to spend a few
days with their daughter, Mrs.
Keith Leonard and family, Wl1-
Mrs. A. L. Chapman Who has
been. at their cottage on Louisa
Street for several weeks, returned
to Detroit with Dr. Chapman ,who
was here for the weekend. .
Mr. ,and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson;
St. Clair Shores, Mich., were at
their home on: Colina Street, for
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Merton ;Merrier
and Mas. Grant Turner, were 'in
Detroit, on Sunday, to visit their
aunt, Mrs. J. D. ` Merrier, who is in
iib he�alith. "
Misses M. 'and A. Watson, Wind-
sor, eerie last week to, be at their
cottage on Main Street, for the
Miss Muriel Sanford, India,
was 'the guest of Miss'' R. E. Hay-
man, "The Little Inn", over the
weekend. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. William C. Par-
ker and Charlie, London, came to
the- harm of her parents, Mr.,„,and
Mrs. J.* Fraser on Sunday. Mrs,
Parker and Charlie remained to
spend this week with them.
Mrs.' Clayton Guest who has
been visiting her slater, Mrs. Me
coin Toms, returned to Leaside
on Saturday with her husband,
who motored to the village in the
Sunday visitors with .the Fitz-
simon's were Mr and' Mrs. Car -
3 -Piece Bathroom Set - - only $125.95
5 ft. recessed bath with overim tub filler, waste and overflow.
1 Vitreous China Basin with 4 inch centre set, faucets
chrome plated trap.
1 close coupled closet complete with seat.
10%. off on all Glidden Paints
Fink PIurn.bng. Heating
HENSALL Phone 36
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For Spring Fair Day
1955 DeSoto Sedan
Radio, Power Brakes,
New Tires
Only $1295.00
1955 Plymouth Sedan
Transmission Only $ 895.00
1954 Ford Sedan
in real good condition Only(�
Radio ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<.,... Q
$V 695.00
1953 Vauxhall Sedan
Only $ 295.00
Cheap transportation ..,,
Phone HU 2,7947S Huron St.
MRS. I.. AllocI .LOVOl"k
Phone HUJ 2.7418
Flower Suntgay was tzbser'ved at
the Holsnesvidle Unrited Church on
June , when Murray Mott, ott, Or-
illie, 'a former Holmesville boy,
was the guest speaker. A child-
ren's choir, 'assisted by the senior
girls sang two anthems, Miss Ha
Grigg Presided at the organ, and
was .assisted in training the child-
ren by Mrs,: Barrie Walterand
Mrs. Frank Yeo. The ,assistant
.Sunday School superhrtenclant,
Kennetah. Trewartha, assisted with.
the service.
Mrs, Charles Biss'itt, .Goderich,
was a guest on Sunday of Mn and
Mrs. Jack Yeo,
Murray Elliott,. Orillia, was the
guest on •Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
William. Normman..
Mr. and' Mrs. H. M. Bezeau and
Mr. and Mrs. C, Bezeau, Kitch-
ener, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs•. Ft!axrk McCullough.
Mrs. Charles Williams, -Clinton,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Williams.
Ma and Mrs. Kenneth Langford
and 'family, Woodham, were the
guests on Sunday of Mrs. E. J.
Trewartha 'and Mr. and Mrs. Wil•
,liana Norman.
1VLr, alnd• Mrs, Frank Mead
lough, Miss Frances McCullough
and Bruce Lobb, were in Kiaclnen-
er on Saturday, and attended .the
wedding of Mrs, McCullough's
god-datughter, Miss Susan Fay
Nyland and Ronal Ward •Shane,
in St. Andrew's Presbyterian.
Church. -
man McPherson, Clinton; Mr,
Bill Smith and Miss Ruth Fitch,
Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Harry
rooks, Stratford; Mrs: Ethel
Clubb, Mr: and Mrs. William
Laird and family, Sarnia,
Mrs. Lloyd Westlake with her
baby son Paul Matthew, .carte
from Clinton Public Hospital on
Friday to the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms.
Corp. L. Westlake, OPP, and
Ricky carne on Wednesday to take
the other members of his family
home to Kitchener on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sinton
and Dawn, who were called from
Georgina Island, on Friday owing
to the critical illness .and subse-
querit death of her father Colin
.Campbell, returnedd oir Tuesday.
They stayed With her brother
John Campbell .and farhily,
Martin Ormond, Sodial Director
in a mental hospital on Puget
Sound, Stealacoon, State of Wash-
ington, visited' his parents,' 'Mr.•
and Mrs. H. H. Ortlwnd .tram
Monday to Thursday. He was on
his way to attend a convention of
social directors at 'Atlantic 'City.
Nelson McConkey is recupera-
ting at his home here following a
long illness. - On Monday his son
Jahn brought .limn from VC -twin
Hospital, ' Londbb,where he has
been a patient sauce February, ac
Irene Kodak graate Mrs. McCoonnk-
ey was here to receive her hu-
band, haying :had Mrs. John Mc-
Conkey and family with her for
the weekend.
Mrs. James. Brown, Detroit, is, at
her, cottage for the season. Her
husband ,joins her for -weekends.
Also over the ` Decoration Day
weekend their son, Douglas, wife
and tw:o boys, Bobby and Dickie,
Detroit, and Mr, Brown's brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Williams, Rochester; Mich.,
were with them. •
Piano Recital
Mrs. L. ' A. Sparks held a de-
lightful piano recital at her home
on Monday evening, June 6, to
which there was an attendance of
35. 14 pupils participated in a
variety of piano solos. The young
performers were 'Rosemary Wild,
Shirley Keyes, Linda Armstrong,
Barbara Sparks, Martha Connie,
Kathryn Sparks, Mary .Elizabeth
Ervine, Linda Sparks, Gayle Tur-
ner, Patricia Sparks, Barbara
Turner, Beverly Sparks, Lynn
Brandon, Ellen Lindsay. Mrs.' R.
S, Roddick accompanied Mils.
Sparks when she favoured with a
vocal solo "The Holy City." At
the close of this enjoyable affair,
refreshments Were served.
Son Dies
„H. May received word last mon-
th of the death of his son Sidney
May, at his home RR 1, Courten-
ey, BC, on May 17. He had been
living, retired for about 'a year,
,having served his time with the
RCAF, He was 54 years of age.
Surviving are ,his widow and two
daughter, Monica and. Irene. Many
will recall the family when they
lived in Bayfield while 'he was
stationed at Clinton
Dominion Drama Festival Award
Presentation of the Calvert Trophy and .$1,00000,
for the best full-length :play in the Dominion Drama Fest-
ival was made by Governor General. George P. Vanier to
Peter Dearing of the London (Ontario) Little Theatre, who
directed the prize-winning play "Six Characters :in Search
of an Author." More than 10,000 people swarmed tb
Vancouver's Queen Elizabeth Theatre to applaud the'
week-long festival. The London group won out over entries
from Vancouver, Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Chicoutini,
Sudbury and Medicine Hat,
New Trees Planted
t School Grounds
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
The golden tulips planted in a
trefoil design try the local Guide
Company in Clan 'Gregor Square
to mark the Jubilee year of quid-
uidin .Canada;' . were quite outt-
standing. They also contributed
some for the school grounds.
Last year the school board did
some landscaping at 'the' sugges-
tion of the principal Wilbert Fra -
lick. He procured' and planted the
fallowing Junipers: '3 blue pitzer,
3 dwarf green !pitzer," 3 swedish, 2
savin and 1 glanca, silver. They
have all grown and added greatly
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and
Mrs. Kenneth McKay a,ttendedthe
graduation of the former's son,
li.obert, at University of Western
Ontario, London, on Saturday. He
received the degree of Master of
Business Administration. They
also 'attended the reception fol-
lowing the 'graduation at Univer-
sity College.
to the appearance of the school.
Merton Merrier, chairman of the
beard, donated tulips in various
colours. 'These Will 'be taken . out
of the planter and various kinds
of petunias, planted for the surxr-
mer. And Danis will 'be planted
between tike evergreens.
Margaret Wallis Gets All Round Cord
At Bayfield Guides . Ceremonial Event
a," (By 'our Bayfield Correspondent)
The closing meeting of the Girl
Guides for the season was held
in Trinity Parish Hall on Friday
evening with District Commission -
ear Miss Una MacDonald, Goderich,
Captain Turner, Lieutenant Mac-
Vean and Lindsay and Company
Leader Margaret Wallis and 14
Guides present. .
Captain Turner welcomed the
mothers and friends and thanked
them for their co-operation in the
past. She explained' about the
annual field day in Clinton the
neat day and how important it
was for all the Guides to attend.
She also told ,about the trip to
the Detroit Zoo on June 25 -and
that .there were a. few extra seats
available which could' be sold.
Proficiency badges and service
stars were given out:
Sixth year service star, Marg-
aret Wallis; fourth year service
star, Sylvia Fitzsimons; third
year service stars, Jackie Weston,
Carol -Wallis, Gayle Mote; second
year service stars, Mary E. Er-
vine, Shirley Darnsborough, Gayle
Turner, . Sandra Middleton; first
year service stars, Barbara Turn-
er, Ellen Lindsay, Janice Merrier,
Linda Gemeinthardit, Lynn d. a
Scotchmer, Joan Mote, Micheline
Second class badges: Jackie
Weston, Gayle Mote, Carol. Wal-
Emergency Helper badges,
Jackie Weston, Gayle Mote, Carol
Wallis; dairymaid badge, Carol
Margaret Wallis. received her
athlete, fire brigade, handy -
woman, homemaker, hiker, world
knowledge and' woodman badges.
Also she received her little house
emblem and woodcraft emblem.
The all round cord, the second
highest award that a Guide can
receive was presented 'by District
Commissioner Una MacDonald.
Lieutenant Lindsay presented
Margaret with a Girl Guide spoon
from •the L.A, +and Lieutenant
MacVean presented her with a
world pin from the Guide Com-
pany. Margaret thanked everyone
for their kindness.
The impressive Fly -up cere-
mony *ea conducted by Mrs. 3.
B. Higgins, Brown Owl, Mrs, Aus-
tin McCurdy, Tawny Owl, and
Mrs. Kenneth Brandon.
Mrs. McCurdy and Mrs. Bran=
data presented' first year service
stars to Karen 1t`itxsimons, Cathy
Weston, Marion Francis; second
year service stars: Nancy Heard,
Ruth Wallis; 'third year service
start: Sharon. Middleton, Cheryl
dohnsten, Sandra Irwin.
The Golden •Bar, consisting of
12 tests was Presented IV Mrs.
3. B, Higgins to Karen Fitzsim-
one, Cathy Weston, and Marion
In the flying up ceremony, the
Golden Hand and Brownie Wings,
the highest ev' and a Brownie array
receive, Were presented by Miss
Utta acDonald, District Conniiit'.
sioncr, Goderich, and Mrs J, B.
Higgins, Brown Owl, to Sharon
Middleton, Chery1 Johnston and
Sandra Irwin.
The three Patrol Leaders, Shir-
ley Darnsborough, Jackie Weston
and Sylvia Fitzsimons received
the Brownies from their "Fly Up"
Rev. E. 3. B. Harrison spoke
briefly but congratulated Marg-
aret on her' award and the lead-
era for all their work, and Brown
Owl Higgins for her years of ser-
vice with the Guides and' Brown-
The chairman of the L,A., Mrs.
A. M. Bassett, presented the re-
tiring Brown •Owl (Mrs. J. B.
Higgins) with a cup and saucer
and Guide and Brownie spoon for
her eight years of service with
the ' Guides and Brownies.
Mrs. Higgins, taken by surprise,
thanked the L.A. graciously and
said it had been a labour of love.
Members of the L. A. served
chocolate milk, tea and cookies.
Colin Campbell.
(My our I,laytfeld correspondent)
The death occurred in Clinton
Public Hospital early Sunday Mor-
ning, June 5, 1960, of Colin Camp-
bell, in his 7300 year. Although
only In hospital for five day's, he
had. (bean in poor health for five
Born in Stanley Township, Aug-
ust .30,, 1887, he was the only son
of the late John Campbell and.
Mary Delgaty, and lived at the
family home on the Bronson Line
for 68 years.
in 1928. he was married to Miss
Jean McKenzie, He retired from
farming four years ago and moved
to Hayfield,
The deceased man was a form-
er president of the Huron Holstein
A quiet man of exernplory
character; he was for years a Lay
Minister, first with the Presby
teriarr. Church arrli after 1.928 with
the United Church of Canada. He
was a member- of the session of
St. Andrew's United Church,
Surviving 'are his, widow, ,two
spm, John M. anal Donald C.,
Bronson Line, Stanley Township, •
and a. da!ag!hterr, Mrs, George D.
(Carol) Sin s; six grandchildren
to whom he was devoted; and
cousins, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer,
Mrs. Thomas Westlake, Bayfield;
Map. Jahn, 'Corrie, Miss Emma
Thompson, Mr's. John McDougal,
Toronto; 'Mrs. Leslie McPherson,
Petrone; Earl Delgatyy, Three
Halls, Alt'a.; Curry Campbel, Cali-
fernia. '
'The funeral was held from the
Bald and Mutch."funeral home,
:Chniton, on Tuesdy, Jame 7. The
service was conducted bythe Rev.
T. J. Pitt, Varna, and interment
made in Bayfield Cemetery.
• Pall -bearers were John Watson,'
Roy Seotchrrier, John Armstrong,
William Aymstrong, 'Gordon West-
lake, Bert Dunn Sr. Plower -bear -
era: George Keyes and Donald R..
McKenzie. - '
Attending the funeral from a
distance - were Mr. and Mrs. P.
McPhedran, Pe!trolia; • Mir. and
'Mrs, 'E.Rehu, Grosse Pointe
alarms, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. R.
Gilled, :St, .T ornas; Mr. and Mrs,
Hugh McLaren, Port Elgin; and
frien'dls from Goderich, •Seafortii,
Clinton, Walton, Zurich and Hay-
Decoration service will be held
at Daird's. Cemetery on .Sunday
afternoon, June 19, begionrng at
2,30 O'clock, by the B;,ucefield
IOOF, the Varna 10014 and vet-
erans. Ministers' attending will 1>e
the Rev. T.. J. Pitt and' the Rev.
Dr. Donald McKenzie, Everyone
is welcome.
Mr and Mrs. William V. Diann).
and Wilma motored to Petrolia
on Sunday to visit with Mr, .and
Mrs. Harry Dim-ibm' and Kathy. In-
cluded was a trip • to Sarnia and
the St, .Clair River to see the oil
refineries and the' ocean vessels
on the Seaway,
FU 0. •,.••r.. Ow.
flue Sunoco 200X
• for Xtra Power
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• for Xtra Protection
: " ..., .,... ...
20 cu. ft. --Model CD -200
• The. Revco Farm Freezer construction assures you
of highest quality materials and workmanship.
.• More storage space in less floor space.
• Outside always dry and clean.
•, Entire food compartment is used for fast freezing.
and safest storage.
• Easy to read control dial setting from zero to 20
degrees below zero.
• All 'aluminium interior makes faster freezing. No
rusting or paint to chip.
Clinton Electric Shop
D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor
HU 2-6646 ' . Clinton
From SHUR-GAIN's research laboratory
comes economical, easy to use, "Wormedicated"
Poultry Feeds . the world's fist effective
continuous control for the scourge of internal
parasites . , . worms in poultry. "Wormedicated"
feeds contain the active ingredient Hygromycin
"B" which has proven its value in eliminating
worms. At SHUR-GAIN's Demonstration Warm,
Maple, Ont., "Wormedidated" feeds are tinder-
goingcontinuing tests . . , and Were subjected
to rigid practical tests long before being offered
to you.
"Wormedicated" feeds assure control of
Most types of worms . . r effectively prevent
worth egg production and thus interrupt the
Worrier life cycle. "Worntedicated" fees are
harmless to birds, provide gentle and easy
elimination of worms and make for higher
efficiency and increased egg production.
It it recommended that a SHUIit-GAIN
"Wormedicated" Growing Feed be fed for the
8 -week period prior to housing, to assure free-
dom front internal parasites. And as you know
healthy, clean birds pay off in the, laying pen.
Should there be indications of Worths at
other times, check with your 811M'Jit-GAIN Mill
Operator, He'll recommend a "Warniedicated"
feed to correct the situation.
Dower through the years, SI•IUFt-GAIN
Feeds. have been nialiuf actured right in your
area. This 'has meant less handling, lower cost
per bag and 106% freshness,
Clinton. Feed Mill
28 Huron Street Phone HU 2-'381.5