HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-26, Page 12ampion Athletes at CDC' SENIOR GIROS. Dashes, 75 yard, ;:jeaa Judy 1Halward, Helen youngbaut; 7i l) 0 yard, J. Etue, alwar d, Jean Booth, High ynn DemaraY, argaret Merrill, va Verhoefi run- ning broad jump, Demaray, Marg AWallis, Jean Tor- Lynn Demaray ner; standing broad jump, M, Wallis, la Derna- ray, Mary Macaulay; baseball dis- tance throw; Beth Thompson, Ruth Turner M. Merrill; relay, J. Hal- ward, 'M. Wallis, Dianne Hulls, R. Turner. Champion - Lynn Demaray, 13 points; runner-up-Jean Etue, 10 Points. INTERMEDIATE GIRLS Dashes, 75 yard, Merrill tied with WM Elaine Brown , , Jean McLinchey, Myrtle Collictia; 100 yard, Marie Van Baaren, E. Brown, Iris Ellis High jump, E.' -Brown, v 'Baaren; Sandia' Lorraine Dale and: Connie S rn. i t running broad jump, Mary Col- Elaine Brown quhoun, I. Ellis, M. Van Baaren; standing broad jump, B. Brown, M, Van Baaren, Nancy Caldwell; baseball distance throw, Ca Smith, Donna O'Brien, I. Ellis; relay, Joanne Hulls, Cathy Wallis, Corrie Brand, Margaret Boyle. Champion - Brown, 18 points; runner-up - Marie Van Baaren, 12 points. Kinsmen Peewee Baseball League All Peewees who have handed in their player's forms should meet at the Clinton• public school grounds on Friday evening at 6.30 p.m. to get acquainted with their manager and coaches, and to prac- tice. Four teams will be entered in the town league. Games are on Mondays and Fridays beginning at 6.15 p.m. MONDAY, MAY 30 Tigers vs. Dodgers (Clinton-Public School) Umpires--George Thomas and Ken Stafford. Giants-vs. Indians (RCAF Public School) Umpires-"Danny" Colquhoun and Jack Merner. John Anderson Wins Kippers Club Shoot points• toria Day Trap Shoot, at Kippen, Sunday, winning permanent pos- session of it, with a score of 46 out of '50. Jack Gilbert, Goder- ich, also scored 46 out of 50 but Anderson outshat him with a per- feet 25 out of 25. Gilbert scored 22 out of 25.. VARNA Miss Lola Chuter, Brantford, was home recently owing to the death of her grandfather. Goderich Twp. South Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stirling and son, Mark, . spent the. weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. James R. Stirling. Mr. sand Mrs. Earland Betties, spent a few days with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allin Betties. Ed. Williams spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Torrance and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Keys in Stanley Township. Carol Argyle, Goderich, spent the weekend with her cousin Brenda Stirling, BURNS (By Mrs. George Carter) Last week, Mr. and Mrs. George Canter, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid, Hullett, Motored to Sud- bury, where Mr. Carter attended the convention of assessing offic- ers of Ontario. 98 Years Congratulations to Hugh Camp- bell, Walton, who had his 98th birthday on Tuesday, May 17. For the convenience-of some of the re- latives., a family gathering was held on Saturday, May 21, when Mr. and Mrs. Watson. Reid, Rat 1, Blyth, entertained at their home. Mr. Campbell is enjoying fairly good health, can do softie reading, and enjoys visits and games with callers. After spending the win- ter with relatives he was anxious to return to his home, Where he Is doing his own work. Those Meseta were Mrs. John MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Lyrme; Malcolm Fraser, all of Walton; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kellar, Seaforth; Mrs. Gordon Kerr, Mrs. Pat McGcale, Mrs, B. W. Barber, Teroato; Mr. and Mts. George Carter, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Carter and Cathy, Lon- desboro; Mr, and Mrs, ID. R. Mad- Kenzie, Inclmew. .His son Archie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sinai, Lorides- bozo, and Jack MaeDonald, Wal- ton, were unable to hepresent hes cense of ill health.. The following Weil prizes at progressive eachrei most games, Mrs. Garden Xett, Dariald. Mae, Xerizie; lone hands, Mrs, Bather JUNIOR BOYS Dashes, 100 yard, Neal; wartto,. Don; Loeltwood, Allan Cleave; 20 yard. N. Trewartha, D. Leckwdod, Hug Lobb; 440 yard, B e n Creyclanus, John MacDenald, Jim McCullough; open mile, .2-* C.onsett. High jump, John Carew; Mau- rice Marshall, 'B. Gaeydariva• running broad jump, Bruce Cooper, Bryan Cyr, Bram Endenburg; hop step and jump, J. Carew, B. Cyr, Mike Peterson; shot put, Ernie Brubacher, J. Car-ew,Endenburg; discus, E. Bru- bacher, Bill TreVeria, Morris Dar- ling; pale vault, M.. Marshall, J. Carew, B. Greydanus. Champion - John Carew 16 points; runner-up, Neal Trewaltha and Ernie Brubacher, 10 poitits (tied). JUVENILE BOYS Dashes, 100 yard, Allan Dur- nin, Bob Liver- more, Gary Sut- ton; 220 yard, Al- lan Durnin, Doug Macaulay, B. Liva ermore. High jump, A. Duman, D. Mac aulay, Tom Gilet te; running broad, jump, G. Sutton, D. Macaulay, Tom larcC1 ea n; hop, step and jump, D. Macaulay, Mike Burns, Paul Brodeur; shot put, B. Liver- more, Don Yeo, M. Burns; discus, M. Burns, T. Gillette, G. Sutton; pole vault, B. Livermore, A.-Dur-nin, T, Gillette, Champion - Allan Durnin, 18 paints; runner-up Doug Macaulay, 14 paints. Relay races run by the boys were won as follows: Grade 10, a, team from Grade 1013, made up of Anthony Verhoef, Bill Rathwell, Budd Boyes, and Douglas Con- stabk. Grade 9, a team from Grade 9B, made up of Bob Liver- more, Sohn Robichaud, Ben Grey- dams, Brian Cyr; Grade 11 and 13, a team from Grade 13, Ron Demaray, David Constable, Larry Powell and Tom Logan. John Careaf Allan Durnin Mortgage Burned At Ontario St. Church Continued from Page one) her Canvass" was made for pledges of funds. Building started in May, .1955 with D, Veenendaal:, Sarnia, as builder. The official opening was that November. Cost of the building, furnishings,: re- pairs and renovations to the, old basement, etc., was about $70',000. Not only has the entire_ amount been paid, but Missions .givings has doubled, the minister's salary has increased 30 percent and the general fiind has remained strong. A devotional period suitable to the day was conducted by Robert Elliott, superintendent of the Sun- day School, at the morning ses- sion. Accompanying him on. the platform were former superinten- dents Charles Stewart and Charl- es Elliott. Special music for the day in- eluded a duet by Mrs. Jack Mc- Knight and Don Symons; organ and piano duets by Miss Lois Grsasby, organist and Miss Elva Wiltse, choir leader. Taking part in the evening service were Dr, James Semple, Egmondville, chair- man of Huron Presbytery and the Rev. J. Arthur McKim, chairman of the Clinton Ministerial Associa- tion. Pastures P Contest To Be Staged Again The pastures competition is ag- ain being held by the Soil and Crop Improvement Association, and entry forms are available at the agricultural office in Clinton. Entries must be in that office not later than June 1. SERVICE IS op R MIDDLE NAME' Dashes, 100 l yard, John Robi- chaud, Bill Wild, Don Mills; 220 yards, B. Wild, D. Mill s, J. Robi- chaud; 440 yards, Tunis van den Dool, Douglas Constable, George JacksOn; 880 yards, Tony Ver- hoef, Harry Bak- es Siebrand Budd Boy Wilts; open mile, George Jackson. High jump, Budd Boyes, Wayne Stanley, Brian Glover; running broadjump, B. Boyes, D. Mills, J. Robichaud; hop, step and jump, B. Boyes, D Mills,. W. Stanley; shot put, Rossaraitkn, John. Jacob, Bill Rathwell; discasa,john Jacob, Tun- is van den Dool, la Constable; pole vault, 33. Boyer, T. Verhoef, Paul Draper• Champion --a Budd Boyes, 20 points; runner-up, Don Mills, 10 (By our Hansen correspondent) John' • Anderson, Hensall, won the Venner Trophy at the Vic- I Dashes, 50 yard, PoY Amxi Rather- ford Joanne Cud, more, Karen Sohetter; 70 yard, L. A. Rutherford, marg. Glidden, Marjorie Woods and J. Cuclrnore (tied), High jump, Terry DenioraY, Wendy McGee, P t Horbanuik; Lloy Ann running broad . Rutherford Jump, Lloy Ann Rutherford, K, Schefter, Sylvia Shepherd; standing ,broad jump, Sharon Gray, T. Demaray, W. Mc- Gee; baseball distance throw, Edna Ducharme, Sandra Demaray, L. A. Rutherford; relay, L. A. R,uther- ford, M. Woods, M. Glidden, Irene Ga.rroW. Charripiona-Lloy Ann Rutherford, 16 ,points; runner-up-Terry Dema, ray, 8 points. SENIOR BOYS Dashes, 100 yard, Larry Pow-, ell, Paul Pickett,k K e n Engelstad; 220 yards, P, Pic- kett, Barry Pipe Doug Roorda.; 440 yards, L. Powell, Dave Coastablea ID o n McKenzie;. 880 yard run, I) Constable, Bruce Lobb and K. En- gelstad, tied; op en mile, Don Mc- Larry Powell Kenzie, High jump, Mike Michalski, D. Roorda, Robert McCann; twining broad jump, L. Powell, Don Derna- ray, Archie Van Dongen; hop, step and jump, L. Powell, M. Michal- ski, Bev.. Boyes; shot put, B. Lobb, 13. Boyes, Pave Alexander; discus, N. Peterson, •D. McKenzie, D. Alex- ander; pole vault, D. McKenzie, 13. Lobb, )3, Boyes. Champion -, Larry Powell, 20 points; runner-up-Bruce Lobb, 11 points. INTERMEDIATE•BOYS .:e 4-H Homemakers Complete Project 93 Percent Record The final meeting of the Clinton Merry Maidens 411 Club was held at the home ' of Mrs. Hartley Monaghan on Tuesday evening, May 24. Marion Pepper, president, opened the meeting with the pledge. Roll call, "Have You Gat Your Record Book Finished?" was answered by 14 members. The minutes were' read by Viola Col- lins. The leaders helped the mem- hers to construct their record books which are to be handed in by June 6. The leaders are quite pleased with the record of attend- ance this year, 14 out of 15 mem- hers who joined completed their project. PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD, HARRIS Phone HU 2-3362 SS Anniversary The Sunday School of Grace United Church will hold their an- niversary service on Sunday, June 12 with Rev, Albert Martin as guest speaker. Special music will be provided by the Sunday School choir. Service will be at 9.45 a.m. WA Meeting The Woman's Association of Grace Ur-died Church Met Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of MrS. Willi n Townshend. The president, Mrs. T. Sowerby was m charge. Scripture was read by Mrs. E. Townsherid with Mrs. Sowerby giving the topic and leading in prayer, Roll call was answered with an exchange of flower seeds. Secretary and treas- urer reports' were given. It was decided to do the annual church cleaning on Wednesday, May. 25. Plans were Made for serving dinner to approximately 40 men haft. Waterloo County Crop Improvement Association. These men are visiting the farm of Alvin Betties during the day of June 9. Talent money articles supplied by 1Vtas. Allen Betties: and Mrs. Alvin Bettlea were sold, Supply- lag them for the Julie 'meeting are WM,,331anche Cox and Mrs. Via illiFanlThanshead. Wad Donald MacKenzie; consola- tion, Mrs, John 1VitteDonald and Malcolm F'reser. At tunth the, table, beauti- fully decorated with yellow tad White candle, and tali pa and cent- red with beautifully decorated birthday cake bearing the interip- tion "Congratulations on your 98th birthday) June Wedding Time Is At Hand Prepare For It Early BRIDE'S SCRAP BOOK at, ,..., • '$3.50 BRIDE'S BOOK in white with gold or silver lettering $2.50 • WEDDING PHOTO ALBUMS ' $6.00 WHITE PHOTO ALBUM with grey leaves $3.50 PLACE CARDS for Wedding, Shower or everyday THANK YOU NOTES for Wedding or everyday 59c and up WEDDING INVITATIONS in many Styles 25 for WEDDING SERVIETTES-Printed WEDDING MATCHES-Printed MeEwan's Clinton Ontario oaa'ae)assa.M4,,iasaaga .4Y., maisaata Wawkn$vb*WoN.-1.1 Imp LOWEST PRICE EVER Intiv-Ammolvv. Rigifirs"ing' Ailirtto„:AtabihrAm. GOODYEAR NYLON All-Weather TUBELESS 750.14 ....„„ $16.50 with trade-in GOODYEAR GUARANTEE OF COURSE We have brand new Goodyear tires as low as $10.88 HAROLD'S White Rose GOODYEAR TIRE DEALER Victoria Street HU 2-9022 TV' 50c per doz. $7.00 and up $1.00 per 50 $1.00 per 50 Though ,some rather fantastic. times were ranked up by the champiens in competition last Fri- day afternoon at the Cellegilite Field Day, the whole thing is be- ing kept a deep secret, in case the champions in track and field at the other county secondary schools hear about them. • This Saturday, May 28,• at the apoits field, RCAF Station Qin- ten, the Huron Secondary Schools AsSociation field meet is being re- vived. The last such event was held in 1948, and at that time Bill Craig, student at the Goclerich Collegiate, was senior boys cham- pion. Now Bill is manual training. teacher at CDCI, and a coach of, COMING EVENTS Tuesday Noon - Last Chance to place advertisements in this column. Phone before 12.30 p.m. 41x-tfb Thurs., May 26-Bingo in Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, at 8.30 p.m. 15 regular games at $25. Jackpot: $57 in 57 numbers; 3 door 'prizes, $2.50 each. Admis- sion 50c. 20-tfb Harbourlite Inn, Goderich - Sorry no dance Saturday night. Every week commencing June 4, dancing to Ron Brown and his or- chestra. 21b Sat., May 28 - Reception and dance for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cooper, Kippen, (formerly June McClinchey, Varna) Bluewater Danceland. Desjardine's orchest- ra. Everybody welcome. 21-b Sunday, May 29-FoznilY picnic at Camp Keewaydin for all Guid- es, Brownies, Guiders and local Association members, of Huronia Area and anyone formerly connec- ted with the organization to cele- brate•Juhlilee Year. Turn west at first road • crossing Bluewater Highway north of Martell Corners. Bring family and picnic lunch. Hot water supplied. 20-1b Saturday, June 4-Rummage and bake sale in Council Chamber, Clinton, 2 p.m, Sponsored by Group 2 of WA, Brucefield United Church. 21-b • Wed., June 8 - Legion paper drive. Have bundles securely tied and at curb at'l p.m. 20x-1-b-2x .P0901.2 ,Clinton News-Record Thursday, May 26, 1900 Top CDCI Athletes Prepare Now For HSSA inter-School Meet Saturday the local araelt and 'field .competa tars, The Clinton champion. at that time was Clare Maltby, Who came home with the junior boys crown, from the meet held in :Goderich. The county town school won the school championship. In 1.947. at Goderich, the county town won again. Bill Craig was tied with pave Medley for :senior boys champion. Jeanne Garon won the intermediate girls crown. She did it With a basketball throw of 66 feet, two inches; and a base-, ball throw of 1.33 feet, fiVe inehes. Bill won his share of the 1947 laurels with a running broad jump of 17 feet, 11 inches; a shot put of 35 feet, 8 inches and a 440 yard dash in one minute, 35 seconds. • Before that the HSSA meet was not held since 1939, when Clinton won. the county champienship (Jack Tudor, senior; Jean. Fair- service, senior).• Then the war came, and the eastoroary inter- school meet was suspended, The reason the meet dropped in 1948 was becaape of little interest on the part' of the pupils themselves. Taking part will be . athletes from GOderich, Wirigharn, Seaforth an& Clinton. The public is invited. Only admission charge is that out- lined at the corner of the RCAF Sports Field, . "Good Sportsman- ship".. Come to cheer and to en- courage. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND Thank you for making our opening a most ' successful one! Dance Every Saturday TO LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Special Regular Door KIM SEAFORTHLIONS Brownie's Admission Starflash. Prize: "JEAN NOVAK WEDNESDAYS -Proceeds -- Driveuln, Movie JEFF EAGELS" for THEATRE JUNE ' Camera CHANDLER Clinton Community 1 NIGHT %Work Your Credit Union 4/41ficRt :i)„.'" .... And wants Determine Then CLINTON The what BELIEVES You have Credit and you a The UNION Your think talk Union IN Financial COMMUNITY you with will Family your help LIMITED can. Details to you VACATIONS have Afford Credit work to • a Good Union. out CREDIT Spend One - BROWNIE'S - . - .. . . ... .-. - ‘94441110 -.= -- .-- • --. . . -. - . z , -. . . . . DRIVE-IN' LIMITED 1 << --: -- S %*:fgaaN. CLINTON. --, - ONTARIO .. _ . . . . ..-. _ ..-: r . . • r. - _ . . - - - -=. . THURSDAY "THE (Colour) (ONE STOOGE COMEDY) and FRIDAY - May 26 FLYING FONTAINES" Michael Callan - Evy (ONE MUSICAL (ONE CARTOON) and 27 Norlund , FEATURETTE) , -------= .-_-=-_-. ---aa-a---- • ----.---• SATURDAY 1 001 Arabian (Colour) Mr. Magoo --. and and MONDAY - May DOUBLE FEATURE -- Nights' "The 7th Randolph Scott (ONE CARTOON) (Colour) 28 and 30 Cavalry" -- Barbara Hale TUESDAY and (Adult Entertainment) "JEANNE WEDNESDAY - May 31 EAGELS" Kim Novak -- Jeff (ONE CARTOON) and June 1 Chandler -- ----.-.------. Wednesday, June --. -. --,..-=--: .=_-• - 1-Seaforth Lions Club - t Theatre Night A '.'"...' =••• THURSDAY "THEY (Colour) Gary and FRIDAY - June CAME TO CORDURA" Cooper -- Rita Hayworth (ONE CARTOON) (Cinemascope) 2 and 3 ------...------ -a-_a-_-___--- FIRST SHOW Children •,..----• - ----az-- AT DUSK - TWO SHOWS ADMISSION: 650 under 12 in Cars Free -.=. NIGHTLY soma drive 57 57 55 54 Drive NI PAY Lorne, Even a , Monthly valued a with new ENVOY FORD PONTIAC PONTIAC CHEY. Why not or higher , J your the Convertible payment investigate tO"t-alk Brown "BETTER /I a New AS YOU' minimum for just Coach Sedan than it friendly Coach.....„ reduced OR the over today! down $53.00 ..,. .,.... if with minimum Motors Chevrolet, One your We'll you. Used $66 $56 $48 $31 DRIVE payment, a month. trade-in required. per " " be glad " (k..*. Car . you can mth. " " is Ltd. - Oldsmobile & Envoy dealer. Icor - ' A A I larmisimmilmiiimr,