HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-26, Page 7' Jubilee Year BanquetHeId . , Pictured at the Guide and Brownie banquet held in the mess hall Qt RCAF Station Clinton last Wednesday, May 18, are, from the left, Mrs. Ludwig, Miss M. Alward, Mrs. Nickerson, Mrs, E, Lebedovich, Mr's. K. C, Cameron, -Mrs. MacLaren, Miss L, Seidner, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. W. Cameron, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. ,Ponberger.. Also seated at the head. table, were Mrs. V, Crockett and Miss D. Lepan, Thursday, May 24, 1960 • Clinton News-Record -- Page 7 Church Directory DAYLIGHT SAYING TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CH1C.TRCIt. Pastor: JOHN AGCLIAN, Bah. 10.00 a.m,-Sunday School 11,0Q a.m. Morning 'Worship “W.1:19 WINNING" Coolla4 Welcome to, All It ameatd.. U YOU WILL RE ABLE TO SEE :A113 BUT WITH ONLY TWO EYES THE GREAT SAVINGS YOU MAKE DOING BUSINESS AT EATING OILS a GASOLINE GREASES-MOT0101W4 Come in for a DEMOACTIA1700 of EXTRA ties and WORK SAVING features MODEL' R30-4 BUDGET PRICED AT $21 9 00 Big, supersize, 24' oven, with simplified automatic time clock control that looks after your baking and roasting while you are absent, 7 Heat rotary switches offer you the exact heat you want on surface elements; oven window and light permit you to check progress of cooking without opening oven door. Sutter-Perdue Ltd. QUALITY HARDWARE and HOUSEWARES Clinton HU 24023 Trousseau And Showers For Young Bride-Elect (By our Hensall Correspondent) Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen, enter- tained at a trousseau tea, Tues- day, May 17 in honour of her daughter Elizabeth Louise Hyde, whose. marriage to John Wallace Stephenson, Woodbridge, took place in Bayfiekr Baptist Church Saturday, May 21. For the occasion, the tea table was covered with, a ,linen cloth and centred with 'an arrangement of pink and white tulips flanked by pink tapers- in candelabra., Guests were received by Mrs. Hyde and her daughter. Pouring tea were Mrs. • Lorne Chapman, RR 1,'• Exeter; Mrs. Ivor Bodenham; Bayfield. Tea room attendants 'were Miss Char- lene Cook, London; Miss Sandra Westlake, . Bayfield; ,Mrs. Ernest Talbot, Kippena.,IVIrs. Gordon WeStlake, ...11aYifieldel4 Displaying trousseau' and glifts "'were MisS Marjorie Tdyde, Kipper; Miss Bev= erly Charette, and Mrs. Arthur Cook; London. The register was attended by Miss Rosalie West- lake, Bayfield'. Miscellaneous Shower Pre-nuptial presentations were held for •the bride-elect when the ladies of Bayfield Baptist Church arranged a miscellaneous presen- tation at the home of Mrs. Carol Goodman, May 13. Miss Anne Westlake, Miss Louise Talbot, and Carol were in charge of the pro- gram. Louise was seated in a chair beautifully decorated for the occasion over.. which balloons containing confetti were hung. Each balloon to be broken to find gifts. Surprise Shower Mrs. William Bell, Kippen, was hostess at a surprise shower, May 14, when all members of the Thrifty Kippenettes 4-H Home- making Club and their leaders were present. Mrs. Bell read a presentation address and present- ed her with two lovely living room lamps. Louise expressed thanks in a• fitting manner, after which luncheon was served. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott directed contests. SS 14 Shower Monday, May 16, friend's and neighbours of Miss Louise Hyde held a shower for her at SS 14 Stanley. Mrs. E. Talbot, Mrs. Aub- rey :Farquhar and Mrs. William MacLaughlin were mistresses of ceremony. Program included a poem "Aunt Bertina" recited by Gwenith, Hen- dricks, and the song "Sitting in the Back Seat" dramatized, and several well chosen contests. The guest of honour was escorted to a decorated chair over which hung a traditional parasol in pink and white motif and balloons. Presen- tation address to the bride-elect was read by Mrs. Fred Reichert who made her the presentation of a beautiful coffee table and large mirror, also several other gifts. Others entertaining for the Pop- ular bride-elect were Mrs. Arthur Cook, L o the d o n, miscellaneous shower; The Teachers Christian Fellowship group from London Teachers' College a kitchen show- er; classmates frOin London Tea- chers' Colleg e, miscellaneous presentation. Holstein Breeders Bus Trip Cancelled The Rolstein Breeders bus trip planned for to-morrow has been cancelled, due to lack of interest caused by the backward Spring. Deposits may be picked, up at the agricultural office, or at the twilight meeting oft June 6 on the Alvin Betties farm, Bayfield, ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "rl'HE,FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Evening Chapel Service Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.-Sunday School 4nniversary and Flower Service Guest speaker: Mr. Robert Elliott ,•••••••••••••••••W ...OW SON.", FOR RADUATION . GIVE A KODAK CAMERA! Kodak Miniature $25.00 Cameras from Brownie Movie $34.95 Cameras from Brownie Cameras from $6.95' Em* Huron Deanery Stages Spring Meeting Host Church Is St. Paul's, Wingham EN GAGEMENT ANNOUNctO and gm. Allen ..A.,Tut, Wong, Varna, wish to an- l'aalnee, the engagement of their eldest daughter, Merle Marie, to Mr.' William A. ,StanbUrY, -Geclerieln son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stan- ' bury. The marriage to take place at the Goshen United Church, on Saturday, June 4, .art. 3. p.m. 21x NOTICE BAYFIELD DOG BY-LAW A by-law has been passed by Stanley Township Council for- bidding dogs to run at large in the Police Village during the months of May, June, July and August. Every dog must have a dog tag altached to its collar for said year. E. A. FEATHERSTON, Chairman. 21-b • JOVIETTS GROVE Bayfield Beautiful Picnic Grounds ‘ Covered Tables - Swings Good Water - Ball Park • . Ponies - Swimming Refreshment Booth DANCING Every Friday Night from 9.30 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. STEW and His COLLEGIANS - Door Prize - Hall Available for Receptions and Private Parties For Reservations: Call HU 2-7064, HU 2-7551 or Bayfield 29r3 The premises have been ap-, proved by the LOBO for Private Parties, including Receptions and Stags. CARDS OF THANKS Many thanks to all my friends for cards, flowers, treats while .a patient in Clinton, hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison and' Dr. Newland, and hospital staff. -MARION DALE. 21p Lawrence Stephenson would like to thank all his' friends neighbours for get well cards, flowers and treats, while a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Pitt, Dr. W. A. Oakes and nursing staff. 21-p I wish to thank all those who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits in Goderich and London hospitals. Special thanks to our good friends of Taylor's Corners and Holmesville for their very thoughtful assistance. Your kind- nesses were all greatly appreciated. -JIiM LEISHMAN. 21-p I wish to thank all my friends who remembered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland, nurses, and staff of the hospital. -MRS FRED PEPPER. 21-p The family of the late William H. Dowson wish to thank their friends, neighbours and relatives, for their expression of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes and many acts of kindness during our re- cent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, nurses of Clinton- Hospital, and the Rev. T. J. Pitt, the staff of Ball and Murteh Funeral Home. 21-b (By our Middleton correspondent) The spring sessions of the Dean- ery of Huron, were held in St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on Wed- nesday, May 18, commencing with Holy Communion., at 10 a.m. The celebrants were the Rev. C. S. In- der, Clinton, and the Rev. John- son, Wingham, The clergy and laity adjourned to the rectory and the Women's Auxiliary under the president, Mrs. Fred Hunt, Goderich, held their business session. The secre- tary and treasurer reports were given by Mrs. J..B. Higgins, Bay- field. Mrs. Weeks, convener of Dean- eries, addressed the ladies, There are 11 senior branches of the, WA in Huron Deanery and 27 life members. This year, the Women's Auxiliary celebrated its 75th anniversary. The following is the executive of the WA of Huron Deanery for 1960. Honorary presidents, R. H. F. Gairdner, Bayfield, Mrs. H. Thompson, Clinton; president, Mrs. Fred Hunt, Godericin first vice-president, Mrs. William Mid- dleton, Exeter; second vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Fred Hudie, Clinton. secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Johri. Middleton, Goderich; _Dorcas sec- retary, Mrs. E. Heard, Bayfield; educational secretary, 'Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Bayfield; secretary, Mrs: C. S. Inder, Clinton.; juniors' secretary, Mrs. E.„ Sale, Goder- ich; Little 'Helpers' secretary, Mrs. A. Kirby, Clinton; life mem- bers secretary, Mrs. N. Wade, Gorrie; prayer partner convener, Mrs. Donaldson, Seaforth; candi- dates' secretary, Mrs. Fred Hudie, Clinton; social service secretary, Mrs. C. Epps, Clinton. The officers were officially in- stalled by the Rural Dean, the Rev. C. S. Index. The clergy and laity joined the WA for the afternoon session. The Rev. Carman Queen, Dio- cesan CoMmissioner addressed the joint meeting. The Rev. Queen stated that $100,000 in , cash and Materials were contrih- uted by the WA Diocese• of Mir- on during 1959. The special speaker of the day was the Rev. Helier Wilkinson, former Bishop of Amritsar„ the Punjab. Bishop Wilkinson is now assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Niagara, and also pant time wor- Kinette Club Has - Regular Meeting The Kinette Club met at. Hotel Clinton on Tuesday evening, May 24. Reports of the District 1 Sea- way convention in Windsor, May 20-23 were received from dele- gates Mrs. Malt Edgar and Mrs. Donald -Epps. - At the Saturday business meet- ing of the Convention, Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Hensall, was •appointed district convener for next year. The Kinettes decided to send a child to camp for three weeks this summer. In connection with the Clinton Association for Re- tarded Children, two represent- atives were delegated to attend all meetings. Following the meeting the Kin- e'tes joined in •a very interesting debate on trading stamps. Mrs. Ken Clynick and Mrs. Frank Cook served lunch. ker with Canon Davies of the M.S.C.C. He traced the missionary effort that culminated' in the Bishopric of Amritsar. The famous Maple Leaf Hospital at the Kangra Mis- sion in the Punjab is in this dio- cese.. "An every member witness in our church is what is needed. Our aim in India is make the church• there self-governing to carry on the unfinished work of evangel- ism, The role of the missionary is changed," the Bishop stated, "they must, learn to play a sup- porting role." "In Canada there is no giving until it hurts. We must let 'the Spirit of God pulsate through ev- ery aspect of Christian Life." Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixon, To- rent% spent the weekend With Mrs. Wes, Shobbrook, Miss Gladys Addison, Sarnia, was a weekend visitor with her mother, Ms, Margaret Addison. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer MeMan4s,: Windsor, visited with the lady's, parents, Mr, and Mrs. j, B. "Cap" Onok • • Miss Jean Smith and Miss Aud- rey Start; Curries, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A.'E, Haddy. • Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Adams, To- ronto, :spent the' holiday , weekend with agTe, Ada Adams and Miss 0, Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shabbrook of Toronto 4, spent the holiday Weekend with his mother, 'Mrs. Wes Shobbrook, Holiday visitors at the home of. Mr, and Mrs, George j, Colclongh were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Town- send, Elizabeth and Bill, Miss Karen Goodwin, all of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Tyndall were in Toronto for the gradua- tion ceremony Tuesday, at Con- vocation Hall, of their son Arthur J. Tyndall, B..Sc. While in the city they stayed with Mr•. and Mrs. Clifford, L. Tyndall. Rev., and Mrs. De Witt Cosens, Kintore, called on Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless recently. Mr.- and Mrs. Cosens are moving to Us-- bridge at the end of June upon his retirement after 45 years in the ministry. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glen were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, ,Goderich; • Mrs. Mary Elliott, Toronto; Mrs. Guy Maddock, Oakville; Mrs. Maddock, Sr. and Miss Eleanor Maddock, Newfotindland; Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Neilans and sons, Murray and Larry, London. Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Martin, 188 Princess Street East, Clinton, will spend 'the -Weekend in Ottawa at- tending the marriage of their only son; William E. to Miss Penny Ruth Newman, Ottawa. The wed- ding will 'take place in A11 Saints Anglican Church, Saturday;- May 28 at 3 p.m. Pat. Scruton, Toronto, was home last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scruton...Em- filoyed with Trans 'Canada 'Air- ways, Miss Scram recently spent a vacation in Paris, France, and London, England; touching down briefly at Shannon, Ireland; home via Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson, With Peter, Jane and Arm, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, with Eugene, Michael, Derek and John Wallace, all of Sarnia, were guests over the . holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cun- inghame, in "J.K.J." their lake- side,,henk41...1AayfictS.,,:iV.,: and• Mrs. Ctininghame occupied "Cedar Nest" their smaller summer home close by: Lady Teachers Have Last Meeting Of 1959-60 School Year On Tuesday evening of this week the Clinton Unit of the F.W. T.A.O. held the final meeting for this term in Clinton Public School. Mrs. Allen Shaddick presided and opened the meeting with the federation prayer. Each teacher responded to roll call by naming a favourite spring flower. Plans were made to attend the annual association dinner meeting in Goderich on June 1. Mrs. Willis VanEgmond was appointed to the position of first vice-president for the coming year. Miss' Marilyn Taylor offered a pleasing piano selection, and Mit. George Falconer read an article on the systematic plan for teach- ing reading, as used in schools of Ontario 80 years ago. Mrs. Shaddick introduced the guest speaker, Miss Elsie Pom- eroy, Toronto, who is becoming known among Canadian writers for her biography of 'Charles G. D. Roberts. The charming speak- er and writer based her talk on personal memories of *the great Canadian poet. Miss Pomeroy ex- plained circumstances under which certain poems had been written and frequently quoted passages from the better known ones. She closed her -address by repeating the touching selection, "Spirit of 'Beauty". Miss Edythe Beacom tendered a vote of thanks to the speaker for a most interesting and educational talk. Following the meeting a social hour was enjoyed at , Bartliffs restaurant. Several guests from Fullerton accompanied Miss Pom- eroy , to Clinton, Among them was Mrs. Walkorn, mother of the unit president, Mrs. Allen Shaddick. 101•1.1.4w.amm. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere esiep- CMS; tiniteo eblireb REV. J. A. MeKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNEE. Choir Director Sunday, May 29 9.45 a.rri.-Sunday School and Bible Class 11,00 a.m,-Morning Worship Nursing Service for babies and young children. HOLMESVILLE 9,45 a.m.-Worship Service 10.45 a.m.-Sunday School Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA " St. Paul's 7-- Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Charles Merrill, organist SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION Sunday, May 29 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon Tuesday, May 31 DAY OF INTERCESSION FOR SOUTH AFRICA AND FOR PEACE (See announcement elsewhere in this issue) Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, May 29 '9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-L-Sunday SchoOl 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Guest, Speaker: Mr. John Aiken, Shelburne. Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Prayer and Bible Study. ALL WELCOME • PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria, Rtreet. Clinton H. KENDRICK, Pastor Friday, May 27- 8.00 p.m.--Christ's Ambassadors; Sunday, May 29- 10.00.a.M-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Mprning Worship 7:30 p.m.-Gospel Service - Wednesday, June 1- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study. Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You ,IDCIDe7,0,001:70,6100:90,0000.0c BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV, I, BorigNii,ANI Sunday, May 29 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11,00 a.m,-Morning Worship "Heirs Of God And !Joint-Heirs, With' Christ" 7.30 p.m,-Evening Seevise Guest Speaker-Rev, Donald Sinclair of Wingliarn Bap- tist Church. Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, •,4 Christian Reformed Church Student Summer Pastor MR. R. 0. BROEKHUIZEN Thursday, May 26 • ASCENSION DAY 8.00 p.m.-Service in English for Students Sunday, May 29 10.00 a.m.-Service in. Dutch 2.30 p.m.-Service in English Everyone Welcome 5T. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A.. Minister MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May ,29 9.45 a.m.-Church School, for all classes .w. 10.45 a.m.-DivilService The members of Clinton Lodge A.F. and A.M. will be worship- pers with the congregation. Special music and Sermon ALL ARE WELCOME AT OUR SERVICES Joseph Street GOSPEL oHNALL Christians gathered in the name of the pord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) Meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear .the Gospel the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: SERVICE 11.00 a.m.--Brealdng Bread 3.00 p.m-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday- payer Meeting and Bible Relleing. FLORIST Dial HU 2.7012--Clinton SAVE IT, WITH A ItODAK.. C A MER .A ANa JO:WA Picture it NOW • • • Soo it again and again on Kodak film, with f` our oxiaort ....)ting Service! SEE OUR SELECTION OF FATHER'S DAY CARDS 5c to 50c WCOMBE Pharmacy CLINTON PHONE HU 2.9511