HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-26, Page 5p00 IOU lc WISH PEOFESSIONAt RES11i11 . . SAVE NALF.THE cosi It's easy now to keep your ruy deau.sattl!aly and !P ling wit beatityl lust rein our Clarke Rug Shempao.Eqtlipment • and get professional results at half the cost! quick, easy, and safe. RENT CLARKE RUG 4 SHAMPOO jet EQUIPMENT ripl:N 1111 11/4; • Reni for 1 to 4 hours. $4.00 br only $7.00 ime day IHA "Fun-In The Sun" Contest Ball and Mutch Draw on Saturday, May 28, at 5 p.m. • ENTER NOW AND OFTEN IHA MAY Specials BARBECUES from $3.98 COLEMAN CAMP STOVE reg. $19.95 .... $17.95 $14.95 GRASS SHEARS--reg. $1.49 $1.19 10" VICE GRIP WRENCH—reg. $1.98 $1.39 OALL •-• j..CH Hmtp*Ri }11IJ 2-9505 ALUMINUM FOLDING CHAISETTE• Reg. $17.00 Clinton Mottl.rnricieSleat eter s Opposite Clinton News-Record--- Phone HU 2-9731 Weikend Specials; Buy; 314$,...Bologna for *40 1 lb. FREE Weiners -; SO*0 or fresh ,Picnic Ham 3.9c MERCI! We would like to thank all the many old friends and the many new friends we have made for calling in and making our Grand Opening a resounding success. We would like to offer congratulations to the winners in the lucky draw and our condolences to the others. Better luck next time. PRIZE WINNERS ARE of 1st—MRS. D. DOUCETTE, Brucefield, pair of B. F. GoodriCh DeLuxe Silvertown Tires. 2nd—CORPORAL JOHN CAMERON, Clinton, B. F. Good- rich Electro Start Battery. 3rd—MRS. JOE KOENE; Bayfield, B. F. Goodrich Karo- seal Garden Hose. 4th—MRS. J. W. HANDY, RR 4, Clinton, complete lubri- cation on car, courtesy South End Cities Service. 5th—LORNE WILSON, Brucefield, oil change, courtesy •- of Lloyd Butler White Rose. 6th—MRS. FLORENCE CHOWEN, Clinton, grease job, courtesy of Ray's Sunoco Service. 7th—CHARLES E. ELLIOTT, Clinton, car wash, courtesy of Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. 8th=-GEORGE cARBERT, Clinton, car wash, courtesy -of Central Cities Service. • HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE 24 Princess Street . CLINTON Phone HU 2-9559 NIGHTS: HU 2-9692 Thursdays May Mg. 19E0 Clinton Newilecorj 5 Friendship Club Meets Apt the close of the regular tress meeting last Wednesday even" Members of St. Faults Friend, strip Club quilted on two quilts that had. been set up by the Change of Location As of June 1, 1960, our office will be located in the Murray Block, 5 Rattenbury Street, East, Clinton, Ontario, H. C. Lawson INSURANCE & REAL' ESTATE 21-b MOWS iimdliscry• More detailed plans were made concerning the catering to a ban, quet for the blind of Huron CO- unty, in St, Paul's Parish Hall, Wedeeatley noon, May 25, The next meeting .of the club will be on Wedriesdey, June 1. Ride with Ease in The Volkswagen New Cars on our Lot Also: 1959 VOLKSWAGEN 1953 DE. SOTO 1953 CHEVROLET 1950 AUSTIN DON SMITH. MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE • 9 Ontario Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-9088 Sid -r 0:•:•;,` SHELBY d 91t19•i. KIRBY The distinctive styling of the hand-rubbed Dellcrift cabinet together with the high standard engineering craftsManship, make this one of.the most beautiful and practical television set today! Much slimmer! Much clearer! ENCORE pay Of Intercession For Africa. • Undertaken Here By:Anglican Church. The Union of South Africa ob- serves its Gelden Jubilee on Tues- daY next, May 31. The Archbishop of Cape Town has issued a call SUGAR and SPICE (Continued from page two) the crowd like rabbits in a let- tuce,patcle Went at the food like refugees, and put away a shock,- ing denglorneration of hot and cold food, soft drinks, ice cream and cake. ,0 The trip hunts was a minor nightmare, with the old folks as tired as the children, but We made It a little before midnight. My wife and_ I sat up late talking about the wedding and the rela- tives, stumbled off to bed in the small hours!, and, what seemed like 20 minutes later, I was being shaken to get up and go to church for.my first communion. After 'lunch, the little demons resurrected a vague promise of a few weeks ago, and I had to take them trout fishing.. Mora was down and out. So I spent a, •weary two hours putting on heoks and wornib, and untangling line from logs, and praying it would rain. My prayers were answered, so from now on, don't tell me there's nothing in this religion business. This was a typical Weekend around our house--exhausting, nerve-destroying, and the reason Monday, and the . quiet chaos of the office, loom ahead as welcome as an oasis looks to a camel with his tongue hanging out. to Pra.Yer for ,South Africa on that date, and the Archbishop of Canterbury has enderSed this ap- peal, Anglican churches through out the world are responding ,by holding 4 Day of Intercession for South Afrige. At St, Pawl's Church, Clinton, intercession will be Made martin, Uously from S O'clOelt in the itiOrtt- ing to 8 o'clock in the evening, on Tuesday, May 31. Peace and Understanding IA view of the unsettled and potentially dangerous state of world affairs, prayer will, also he made for peace and understanding among the nations of the world. The •program for the day will be as follows: 8 a.m.—Prayers for the people and government of :South Africa, and for peace, will be made by relays of individuals, whO will Pray silently, read, and meditate, for 15-reinute periods throughout the day, (except when services are in progress.) 10 a.m. to 30.30 a.m,—A service, open to everyone. 11.30 a.m. to 12—A service for Anglipan pirblic School Children, by kind permission of Mr. Bert Gray, the principal. 3 p.in. — A service, open to everyone. 3.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.—A service for Anglican high school students, by kind permisSion of the prin- cipal, Mr. D. J. Cochrane. phial Service of the Day 7.30 to 8 p.ni.—It is hoped that many people will attend this ser- vice, especially the men, who by Van ,Hotne-Trick Marriage vows were exchanged by Inez May Trick, Grand Bend, arid Cecil Wren VanBorne, Lueari, Wore the Hey,. Harold Snell at Clakri(lge Acres )(hilted C'hurch manse, Lgndon, on May 13, The manse was beautifully decorated for the occasion of this, the first Wedding to he performed there, Mr. and Mra Arthur gYnd, Lenden, were the attendants.. The wedding party was held in the Coral Room of the BraSS Rail. Mr. and Mrs. VanRorne Jett on 4 trip to CiCago, and on their return will reside in Grand Bend. LADIES CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will •meet at the helm of ;Mrs. Norris Sillery on Wednesday, June 1, at 8.30 p.m. Roll call will be: "Where I would like 'to go on a picnic." reason of their work cannot come to the earlier sekviees. These ser- vices are open to all. Anyone` in Clinton and district who would like 'to join in this chain of prayer around the world will be Welcome. As Arehbishop Clark said re- , cently, "As Christian people we should ,affirm our belief in the natural dignity and value of every man, as created in the image of God. In the light of this belief we must affirm that neither race nor colour is in itself a barrier to that life in family and community for which God created all men. We stand committed to condemn discrimination of any kind on the grounds of race or colour alone. "It is from this belief that we must pray for South Africa, And yet our prayer must never be that God will vindicate our belief. Rather we must pray that God's will of truth and love will he done in South Africa as we pray that it will be done in Canada, and that fear, pride, or resentment will novvirere frustrate His loving purposes." These taking part in 15-minute periods of intercession throughout that day will be: Mrs. H. Bartliff, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs. C. S. Indere Mrs. W. Burton, Mrs. F. Hudie, M. McAdam, Mrs. A. White, Mrs. G. Herman, Mrs. S. Thomas, Mrs. C. Wise, IVIris. R. --Bellinger, Mrs. M. Frame, Mrs. E. Bartliff, Mrs, ,B. ,Bartliff, Mrs. N. W. Counter, MS. J. Hart, Mrs. T. Carter, Mrs. A. G. Draper, Mrs. T. Herman, Mrs. L. McKinnon, Mrs.. R. R. Mackienon, • Mrs. T. D. Cochrane, Mrs. J. B. White, and Miss F. Sciroeirhals, Miss B. Slornant Miss W. Thompson, Mits E. Hall. CORNER ALBERT . and RATTENBURY STREETS PROMPT SERVICE TO ALL [ MAKES OF TELEVISION Call HUnteir 2-3841 MURRAY BUILDING V TELEVISION V TRANSISTOR RADIOS V STEREO 12ADIO-PHONOGRAPHS V STEREO and MONAURAL RECORDINGS V TAPE RECORDERS and TAPES V TV-ANTENNA INSTALLATION and SERVICE V SMALL APPLIANCES $499.50 SHELBY Luxury viewing with remote .control arm chair tuning. 26 tube Electromatic Mk AI chassis with full range hi fidelity sound to flake each evening more pleasurable than the last. Will complement your room decor (modern or traditional). KIRBY, Legs not exactly as shown. a "All Canadian" Conipany— Kitchener, Ont. $31 ENCORE A rare masterpiece of craftsmanship and sound performance - in a self eOnfaiiied ,'. Cabinet treated by skilled Dellcraft craftsmen. Optidital'AM Or OM/AM *tr. 4 speed record Changer. PoWerful 8. tube stereciphohid aruplifieK Mailable in finishes of Walnut, swedish Walnut; Sepia Walnut, Mahogany, Light Oak, Fruitwood and Teak. * quality * performance * economy TROH01140 *VALUE e4„.4.al i'PE'11" SPECIAL FREE with any Stereo Radio-Phonograph MOO Worth of RECORDS OF YOUR CHOICE