HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-26, Page 3NOTICE OF APPLICATION ' The Liquor Licence Act, 1950 LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 2 TAKE NOTICE that Frank Cook of the Town pf Clinton in the County of Huron will make application at a Special Meeting of ,the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Canadian 1-e91911 Hall, 48 Ontario Street North in the City of Kitchener in the County of Waterloo on Tuesday the 14th day of June, 1960, at .the hour of 9.30 o'clock D.S,T. in the forenoon fpr the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE: for the sale and consumption of liquor with meals. LOUNGE LICENCE: for the sale and consumption of liquor. for the following premises: HOTEL CLINTON 33 Victoria Street, - Clinton, Ontario. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. R. B., Trott, Q.C., the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is Dunker Building, Suite 402, 251 King Street WeSt, Kitchener, at least ten days before the meeting at which the applica- tion is to be heard. DATED at Clinton this 13th day of May,.1960. L. F. COOK, Applicant, Hotel Clinton, Clinton, Ontario. NOTICE OF APPLICATION The Liquor Licence -Act, 1950 LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 2 . TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League BranCh No. 140 of the Town of Clinten in the County pf Huron will make application at .a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall, 48 Ontario Street North in the City of Kitchener in the County of Water- loo on Tuesday the 14th day of June, 1960, at the hour of 9.30 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance, of a CLUB LICENCE (RESTRICTED)—for the sale and consumption of -beer only (without meals) to MEN ONLY. for the-following premises: THE CANADIAN LEGION BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE BRANCH NO. 140i, premises at 95 Kirk Street, ln the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of abjection in writing shall befiled with Mr. R.„ B. Trott, Q.C., the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose addressis Dunker Building, Suite 402, 251 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario, at leak ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED at plinton this 10th day of May, 1960. THE CANADIAN LEGION .BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE BRANCH NO. 140, Clinton, Ontario, Applicant, 95 Kirk Street, Clinton, Ontario. 20-21,13 . 20-21-b the only full-sized compact— bigger on the inside where it counts smaller on the outside where it costs! MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS AT THE. Goderich: PARK THEATRE PJhPne A 47811- NOW PLAYING— "Here Come the Jets" & "13 Fighting Men" MON., TUES. and WED.--May 30-31, June 1 THE DRAMA YOU MUST SEE!! ADMITTANCt RESTRICTED • TO is yEARS orolatoit oat The truly great dramatization of Robert Traver's sensational suspense novel. Called "the year's perfect picture", it features a top-chewer Hollywood cast. ONE SHOWING ONLY EACH NIGHT Starting at 8 o'clock James Stewart -- Lee Remick -- Eve Arden -- Kathryn Grant 4 "THE ROOKIE" Coming—"ONCE MORE WITH FEELING". Yul Brynner -- Kay Kendall—Technicolor ' • "ANATOMY OF A MURDER" THUR., FRI. and SAT. — June ;2-3-4 A NEW Comedy Team — Tommy Noonan -- Pete Marshall Julie Newman and Jerry Lester Come out for an evening of chuckling fun and see: LAMBTON LOAN DEBENTURES APPROVED TRUSTEE INVESTMENT • • Redeemable at par Choice of 3, 4 or 5-year maturity • Half-yearly interest coupons LAMBTON LOAN & INVESTMENT COMPANY Established 1844 CANADA'S OLDEST MORTGAGE COMPANY J. A. Smith G. C. 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The bride Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Hyde, Kippen, and the groom's !Parents are Mr. and, Mrs. HarrY Stephenson, Woodbridge, Wilda]. music was proVided by Miss ,,Grace Roberts, Burlington, who accompanied the soloist Miss Maureen Harvey, Stratford, who sang "God Bath Not Promised" and "Their Sweet- est Hour". Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride selected a ballet- length cloud-white silk chiffon gown, fashioned with a beautiful collar of •alencon lace forming a large bertha, at back and re-em- broidered id diannente and tiny arls. Her fingertip veil of tulle uaion fell from a Princess Mar- garet tiara, and she carried a crescent bouquet of pink sensa- tion roses and stephanotis. Bridal attendants were sisters of the bride. Maid of honour, Miss Jean Hyde, Oshawa and brides- maids, Miss Evelyn. Hyde, Osh- awa; Miss Marjorie Hyde, Kippen, were gowned alike in nylon organ- za in sedfoam shade, tiny puff sleeves and cumberbund of match- ing taffeta ending in huge hatter- fly bows, with matching' mittens. Loops of white satin formed their headdresses, and they carried bouquets of seafoam blue 'mums With white tulle and white satin ribbon. Howard Stephenson, Wood- bridge, was his brother's grooms- man, and Allan Stephenson, Woodbridge, and Jehn Windsor, ushered' guests'. Receiving the 90 guests at it reception in the 1,4ttle Trin, Bay- field, the bride's mother chase gown Of •chantPagrie -rei•eMbreider- Pa organza with draped trim and accessories in blue, The peones Mather Chose an ensemble of flowered 81.”1., silk with matching accessories. They wore corsages of pink and white carnations re- sPectively, TOPS, lilacs and OPPle blos- soms_ formed an attractive floral setting for the aeceptien. For their wedding trip down the east coast of the United Stat- es through mountains to West Virginia, the bride travelled in a dressmaker suit of dawn blue, with which she wore a 'corsa.ge of white carnations tied with sil- ver ribbon, 'and accessories in white. Upon their return they will reside in Merton. The bride is a 1959 graduate of London Bible College and 1960 graduate of London Teachers Col- lege. The groom is studying for the ministry at London Bible Col- lege. The bride will teach at Il- derton commencing with the fall term. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SEE OUR Albums of Choice Design. Portraits, Commercial Photography, etc. Jervis 130 Isaac St. Studio ' HU 2-7006 Instead of spending warm summer days, slaving over the ironing boarcl. Send your laundry to us. We'll pick up and de- liver. Save time and energy for fun in the sun! Use the SPEED WASH on wet days A Good Place to Dry! LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1098 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the cal- endar to our office and claim your $3.00 . credit: ThurS40Y, May 24, 1960 C41001 News-Record Pala 3 Thankoffering Evening Staged At Wesley-Willis With Some Guests WESIA.Y.W144,10 WA TO MEET ,ON NNE. The June, meeting of the Wesley, WLWs 'woman's AOSOOntioo will be held lo 'the chum)); Flour .on ThUredaY,' Arlie 2 at 2.30 .1Nro. Mtg. two Wootton% Lunch vkla,, WV-0 D. Andrews' ;PAT will he in In the :StomlaY *MO raeria . charge, happy Workers At Regular Meeting Mrs, Hugh Ball was hostess on. Thursday evening, May 12 far the HaPPY Workers' Club. Ten mem- bens and three visitors " were pre- sent. The preaident, Mrs. William. Holland, rondileted the meeting. A guilt is to be given to, Mrs.'Ruth Carter, 59 Welker Street, Clinton, Ting* YOU notes, were read from 4171,-*PlY G.IfIzter 4114 Henry KlaVer, A lucky tieltet Was drawn by Miss Jean Falconer and won by MnS. Kenneth Johnston. Two films were shown by the Cancer SOciety after which Miss Jean Falconer, public health nurse, spoke on Can- cer, MIS, Holland on behalf of the club thanked Miss Falconer, Lunch Was served, Flowers and plants were exchanged. Any member hav- ing used clothing is to bring it to the next meeting which is to bp held on Thursday evening, June 9 at the borne of Mrs. Wilfred Glaz- ier and 'Mrs. Milly Glazier. The Thanic,Offering meeting of 'Woman's Mission- ary .Society was held, in the ,ehur-. ch or Thursday, .May 19. at 2,30 pan. .Pgelickst ura.. Fingland woleomed the visitors from 0Oter-i,o Street United Church and Hoi- mesville, WOrShip_service was condUcted by Mrs. George Beattie reading the Scripture 'Co. 8; 1-. fir Mme=.atinr10s Nelson; . led, .* prayer; 'A solo by Mrs. W. Hearn Was accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie et the organ. A reading Was given by Mrs, J. A",` The Offering was taken by Mrs. J. McLaren. and Mrs. E. Hearn, Mrs. J. McGill gave the prayer. A solo by Mrs W. Hearn, -44 Come to the Garden Alone," was appreciated. Mrs. E. Epps introduced the speaker, Miss Ena Horning, Scot-. land, Ontario, who is home on her first furlough from Japan, where she is a missionary.. She gave a very interesting account Of the work in Japan, which she told is one-third the, size of Ontario. A, lot of work is. done by hand. 'Both Men and women work in the field yet they cannot raise enough food for themselves. Mra, N. Shepherd moved a vote of thanks to all who took part, which was seceonded by Mrs. F. AndrewS, Miss Horning showed curios. The Junior Choir gave Ashton's Taxi Office located in Don Smith Motors SUPERTEST GARAGE PHONE Buisinesi: HU 2-9334 If No Answer, Phone Reiidence: 'HU 2-9815 HARVEY ASHTON, Prop. DAY and NIGHT SERVICE 13-tfb Rise N. r Wal rn RI. • Mrs. Stanley H. Wainman, the former Lenta May, Ilfarlond, died Sunday in _Windsor, aft the age of 60. Mrs. Weinman. was born in Clinton on December 24, 1899, a daughter of 'the late Mr. and Mrs, William James 'Harland. She lived in Clinton for several Yeara tefore moving to Guelph and then to WIndroOr, Mrs. Wain, man attended the United. Church, Surviving besides .her 'husband' are two sons, David in Algonquin Park; Gordon, at home; one one sister, Mrs. J. A. (Bes.sie). Mac- Donald, 68 Earl Street, Stratford. Three brothers predeceased her.. Burial was made in Clinton Clem- etery on Wednesday, Glen H. Raithby (By our' Auburn Correspondent) Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wedge, London, in the Auburn Baptist Church for Glen Haden Raithby who passed away in Vittoria Hospital, London, after a lengthy illness on May 20, 1960. Glen Haden Raithby was the el- dest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Raithby and was born in the Auburn district. He Was 57 years of age. For many years he farmed in Hullett Township and then moved to London a few years ago. He was a devout, member of the Baptist Church. Surviving besides his wife who was formerly Edna Young are two sons, George and. Jim and one daughter, Miss Evelyn R.N., all at home; also one brother, Lloyd, Lon- don. Burial was in Ball's, Cemetery, Hullett Township. Pallbearers were cousins of the deceased, Mark Raithby, Lucknow; William Raith- by, Strathrey; Earl Raithby, Gode- riCh; Harry Sturdy, Clinton; Wil- liam Ball, Clinton and Frank Raithby; Auburn. The beautiful floWers paid a silent tribute to a devoted father, a kind neighbour and a good friend. Mrs, Wiliam C Pearce (8y our )(teasel" correspondent) . C. Pearce, 76,.. Dc- eter, (forrnerlY of Hay Township) passed - away May 22, at Exeter, The former Sara Jane NorthcorA she is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. Wesley (Frances) Redmond Fort • Laud- erdale, Fla.; Mrs. 17, E. (Marjorie) Whiting, Hazeiton, Mrs, Atastin Schwalm, Stratford; Mrs. William (Ruth) Geiser, Credlion; two sons Charles. Brant- frd; W,' Ellis, London; a brother William Northcott, Exeter; two sisters, Mrs. Annie Geddes, Exe- ter; Mrs. 'Rebecca Aidworth, Stratforda, The late Mrs. Pearce took a very active part in the Women's Christian Temperance Union and held several offices in- it: 'Fun- eral services May 25, were from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter. Quance The death occurred suddenly, early Sunday, May 15, at his home in Staffa, of Allen Quance, 45, Staffa bee-keeper. He-had been feeling slightly unwell re- cently b,ut had been working until 10:00 p.m. Saturday, May 14. Mr. Quince , was an assistant apiary inspector for Perth County. He was member of Staffs Uni- ted Church. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Irene Snralevyne son, Gary, at home; his mother, Mrs. Richard Quance, Harrington, and his fath, era Richard -Quante, Lueknow; three sisters, Mrs. Fred (Dorothy) Taylor, Hensall; Miss Mae Quan- ce, London; Mrs. Colin -(Milched) .11facDougald, Harrington: Service from the Bonthron fun, eral -home, Hensall, Tuesday, and interment in Staffa cenielery. William Henry Dowson Service was conducted from Bala and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, on Tuesday after- noon, May 17, for William Henry Dowson, Varna, who died on Satur- day, May 14, in his 81st year. Rev. T. J. Pitt officiated and interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Pall-bearers, 'all grandsons were: Harvey Boyce, Lloyd Bender, Wayne McBride; Leroy Workman, Billy DoWson and Eric Chuter. Flawer-bearers were Robert Dow- son, Garnet Taylor, Harold Dow- son, William J. Clark, Jack ouch and John Ostrom. mr. PginTon bolin Max.25, 1880, on the BabYlon Line, Stanley Township, the son of the late Henry Dovvson and Sarah Peck. He was married on December 9, 1903, to Elizabeth Alice Foster, who pre- deceased him in 1913. He farmed in the Varna area all his life, and on retirement lived in the village. He was a member of the Canadian Or- der of Foresters. Surviving are two sons, Roy, Hamilton, and Orrin, Varna; one daughter, Mrs. Wilfred (Shirley) Chuter, Varna; one brother:John Dowson, Varna; two sisters, Mrs. Edith Galbraith, Mrs. Sadie Foster, both of Varna; ten grandchildren and eight great grandchildren, The funeral was attended by re- latives and friends from Hamilton and Kitchener, as well as from the Varna area. Clinton an. Districtpi st ict 6itua ies W. H. DALRYMPLE & SON, BRUCEFIELD