HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-19, Page 16COMING EVENTS Tuesday Neon - Last chance to Place advertisements in this eolumn, Phone before 12.30 pm, • 43.x-tfil Thurs., May 19-Bingo in Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Kirk :atre, eL, at 0.30 p,m. 15 regular games at $25. Jackpot; $61 in 61 numbers; 3 door prizes, $2.50 each, Admis- sion 50c, 20-tfb lrritlay,. May 20--Reeeption and dance for Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dale in Forester's Hall, Kinburn. Ladies- bring lunch, Everyone ..wel- come. 19p Friday, May 20-Opei#ng dance, Bayfield Pavilion-, Dancing every Friday night 'till September. Mu-, sic by Stew and His Collegians. 19b HARBOU.K.ITE INN, Goderich, Holiday dancing Friday, May 20, Hi-Teen record dance with John- ny Brent, CICNK.. Saturday, MAY 21, acing4ng to Bon Brown and his orchestra, vocals by jack Levy.. . - 20b „„. Tues., May 24-- Bingo in Alma Grove Club house, 3,30 pan .Spon- SOX': Ladies Conservation club. • 20-b Sat.,. May 28 - Bazaar, home- baking, White Elephant, in the Council ChaniberS, -at 2.30 p,m, Auspices WA of Clinton. Baptist. Church. ,19-20b Sunday, May 29-Fenally picnic at Camp KeeWayclin for all Guid- es, Brownies, Guiders and local Association members pf Thironia. Area and anyone formerly connec- ted with the organization to cele, brae Jubilee Year, Turn west at first road crossing Bluewater Highway north of Kintail Corners. Bring family and picnic lunch. Hot water supplied. 20-1b Wed., %June 8 - Legion paper drive. Have bundles securely tied and -at curb at 1: p.m. 20x-1-b-2x BROWNIE'S Trap Shoot at Kippen On Victoria' Day (By our Henson correspondent) The annual Victoria Day Trap Shoot will be held at Kippen, Sunday, May 22, at 1 pm. Main event 50 16 yard target for the Vernier Trophy. Other events time permitting. Trophy was won last year by Earl Doucette, Clin- ton. Sponsored by Kippen Gun Club. BRUCEFIELD Mrs. W. Stackhouse and Mrs. Mac Wilson spent a few days last week with friends in London and Wilton Grove. Mr. and Mrs. David' Triebner and family attended the baptism service, of -their first grandchild, GwendOlyn Elizabeth at Brussels United Church last Sunday. A number of neighburs attended the funeral of -the late Samuel McClung at Watford on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- rymple, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNeil and Gordon Elliott. Mr. and Mrs.- George Henderson visited with the lady's brother-in- law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox, at Priceville, on Sun- day. Harry Dalrymple's health is improving but he is still a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. A. Ings is visiting with her brother in Seaforth and her nep- hew, Gordon Horner, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzie, Bly- th, spent Saturday with their son, Dr. D. A. McKenzie at the manse. Mrs. Alex' -Mustard fell and fractured her wrist in London. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Snelling and family, Kitchener, spent Sun- day with Mrs. Israel, aunt of Mrs. Charles Snelling. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Doan, Alvin- ston, spent a few days with Mr. Doan's sister, Mrs. Dawson, last week. retiatow paint- at neiluead (1443:111) utter-Perdue Ltd. QUALITY HOUSEWARES and HARDWARE CLINTON HU 2-7023 440-yd. and 1-mile relay. Field - men: broad' jump; hop, step and jump; high jump; discus throw; shot put (16 lb.); hammer throw (16 lb.) and javelin throw. Track - women: 60yd.• ' 100- yd.; 220-yd.; 880-yd; 440-yd. re- lay. Field - women, broad jump, high jump; shot put (8-lb.); discus threw and javelin throw. The locations of the various meets and contest sponsored by the Armed Forces and the Ama- teur Athletic Union of Canada will be announced shortly. Interested civilian athletes should make en- quiries through local branches of the Amateur Athletic Union. 4H Dairy Calf Club Visits Huronco Farm At Season's Start (By Eliane Brown) The first meeting of the season for the Bayfield Dairy-Calf Club was held at the Huron County Home on Wednesday evening, May 11, at 8.30, p.m., with 18 of the 22 members present. After the minutes of the organ- izational meeting were read, the leader, Ted Dunn, assisted by Ger- ry Chamberlain, summer assistant at the agricultural office, demon- strated what characteristics are desirable in the dairy breeds, and how to judge them. The mem- bers took part in judging a class of 2-year-old Holsteins. The 4-H pledge brought the meeting to •a ,close and the mem- bers were served lunch provided by Stan Collins. Page 14 Clinton .News.Rocord Thaisdoy, May 19, 1960 . „.,. Anne Bilis; and. high averages was held by Martha Gillette, Murray Cutler took home the; award fall high .single, high „double and high. Average for the boys. This was the first year for the leen-agers curling elub, and pres- ident Wally Michalski presented .Station Curling Club pins to the winning rink, Winner at the end- of-season .bonspiel was the rink made up of Ross Peterson (skip); John Robichaud, Marianne Mich- alski and Cathy Cameron. D. G, Hudson, guest speaker, who talked of "'Recreation Organ- izations in Ontario," Also atten- ding as vests were the Rev. and Mrs. C, A.,MeLaren, Mr, and Mrs. Mania and Father Drumm 'Teen Town would like to sin-. cerely 'thank Anstett Jewellers and Newcombe's Drug Store, Clinton, for -their - donations Of . 'Teen Town Trophies, Track and Field Meet By Post Office To Encourage Cross-Canada Entries re-establish us, to have a place we could call "home"; earn our own living and regain our self- respect? Repeatedly, our military lead- ers have warned that Canada will be the next battle ground in a world conflict. It was stated by an authority last week that in such a struggle Canada will be ,a no man's land-where will the surviving Canadians go? They may well be refugees without a home, without means, without a country. Dimes and' dollars given now in good will may well come back to us. "Cast thy bread upon the wat- ers: for thou shalt find it after many days." Ecclesiastes 11:1. The late Reverend F. G. Rick- ard when he was rector of Trin- ity Church, based a sermon on that text. He illustrated it so vividly with true stories that this young girl never forgot it. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wood and family, Mitchell, spent Saturday with the lady's mother, Mrs. Rena Mr. and Mrs. Barney I-Iilde- brand, Seaforth, was recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Mr. and Mrs, Ivison 'Torrance and faintly, Mitchell, were Sunday guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Reid Torrance. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Wahl, Liato- well, visited Saturday evening with Mr. •and Mrs. Norman Dick- eft. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and family spent the weekend at Chatham, visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long accomp- anied by Mr. and Mrs, W. Meths Sunday evening at the, borne SEE US FOR THE NEW KIND OF HOUSE PAINT THAT CUTS BRUSHING TIME Saves work, time and money New' Acrylic-Latex Exterior Paint does away with "brush drag"-cuts brushing time in half. New formula makes it more blisterproof than any other type,of paint-gives you four or more years of perfect protection, RCAF 'Teen Town Presents Trophies To Bowlers, Curlers RCAF 'Teen Town held the an- nual sports banquet last Saturday night with awards presented to curling and bowling Club whiners of the year. Miss t amen Buck, president of the Bowling Club presented a to- tal cf 12 trophies to the very hap- py winners in this spirt, The team trophy was earned by the Beatnik team made up of Martha Gillette (captain); Pat Cobain, Lyn Johnston, Bill Henley and Brian Glover, The girls high sin- gle, and high double were won by Clip This Entry Form WANTED!!!! PEEWEE BASEBALL PLAYERS FOR Player's Signature Parent's Signature Bring Entry Form properly signed to K. W. COLQUHOUN Real Estate OR CLINTON NEWS-RECORD by May 24 1 Special Priced Window Shades FACTORY SECONDS in three qualities vinyl coated .cloth shade- •37"X70" only- No. 1 quality Priced at $3.35 Factory Seconds at $1.98 COLONIAL SHADE-an oil filled cloth shade in , cream only 37"x70" Only- No. 1,, quality Priced at $2.85 Factbry Seconds at $1.79 ALBERTA SHADE-a water color cloth shade in cream or white-36"x70" Only- No. 1 quality Priced at $2.15 Factory Seconds, at $L49 ELGIN SHADE-embossed plastic shade-cream, white, green-Priced to Clear - 36"x70"-Reg. $1.95 for $1.19 36"x82"-Reg. $2.10 for $1.29 AURORA PLASTIC COATED WINDOW SHADE cream only-36"x70"--Reg. $1.25-Special 69c FIREWORKS Displays On Sale $1.00 to $5.00 Assortmints 5c to $1.00 each piece McEwan's Clinton Ontario New C-I-L- Acrylic-Latex Ex- terior Paint blends the dura- bility of acrylic with the fast- drying, smooth-flowing quali- ties of latex to give you the ultimate in house paint per- formance. You'll love the neW range of beautiful colors that dry to a rich, velvety sheen hi minutes! Douglas Kingsbury, Phillip Tur- ner, Terry Fitzsimons and Gar- field Merrier, members' of the Fir- st Bayfield Scout Troop did their bit -for the Huron County Blitz for the Canadian World' Refugee Committee, on Saturday, May 14, by delivering literature from door to door in the village. The problem of rehabilitating refugees and displaced persons dile to the war in various areas in the world may seem very re- 'mote to us. "Why not do some- thing for the needy in Canada?" some may ask. We in Canada have one of the highest living conditions in the world, Let us put ourselves in the places of hundreds of thousands who for no fault of their own have lived in abject misery in dis- placed peraoris camps. Would we not be glad of a helping hand to, Mr. and Mrs. van Wierren and family visited friends in Blyth Sunday. The Ypung People will hold their anniversary on Sunday, May 29, at 11 a.m. The Rev. Carrie Winlaivv, Hensel], will be guest speaker. Special • music is being Prepared by the chair, Mr. and NA'S. Lloyd. Lovell and Mr., (arid Mrs. Kenneth ttue, Sea- forth, spent the weekend' in Bay City, USA, Mr, and Mrs. C, Priestap, chell, visited an evening last week with Robert Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillier and family, London., were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex McMurtrie. Miss /lone IVIcLean London, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr;-,acid MrS. Allan John, *WAR IS NUT:464,W CLINTON. ONTARIO THURSDAY and FRIDAY - May 19 and 20 "ALIAS JESSE JAMES" (Colour) Bob Hope . -- Rhonda Fleming (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY ONLY - May 21 - Double Feature - "Fort Massacre" "Hong Kong (Colour) (Cinemaseope) Confidential" Joel McCrae -- Susan Cabot Gene Barry -- Beverly Tyler (ONE CARTOON) SUNDAY MIDNITE And MONDAY - May 22 and 23 - Double. Feature - "Guns, Girls and "Riot in Juvenile Gangsters" Prison" Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment Mamie VanDoreen, Gerald Mohr Marcia Henderson, Scott Mario (ONE CARTOON) - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY - May 24 and 25 "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY" Adult Entertainment Frank Sinatra -.Deborah Kerr Burt Lancaster (ONE CARTOON) THURSDAY and-.FRIDAY - May 26 and 27 "THE FLYING FONTAINES" (Colour) ,Michael Callan Evy Norlund ONE STOOGE COMEDY) (ONE MUSICAL FEATURETTE) (ONE CARTOON) FIRST SHOW AT DUSK TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY ADMISSION: 65c Children under 12 in Cars Free Fresh as a Daisy ! We've just received a New Shipment of • CORVAIR GM's "Compact" Car with the engine in back. Good assortment of Colours-in Four or Two Door Models. SEE THESE Two Door Deluxe Gleaming Black. Whitewalls.- Wheel Trim Rings. Arm Rests. Cigar Lighter. Right Sun Visor. Heater (Instant). Automatic Transmission Folding Rear Seat. REGULAR PRICE $2,940.00 WEEKEND SPECIAL 2,600.00 SAVE 340.00 Four Door Standard Sedan Smart Blue with White Top. Arm Rests. Cigar Lighter. Right Sun Visor. Heater (Instant). Folding Rear Seat. REGULAR PRICE $2,785.00 WEEKEND SPECIAL 2,475.00 SAVE 310.00 Similar savings on all models in, stock. Full Factory Warranty, Licence, and Gas Included. COME IN FOR YOUR "TEST" RIDE TODAY. No obligation to buy. 'Convenient GMAC Terms arranged in strict privacy. Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your friendly Chevrolet, Oldsmobile & Envoy dealer. HUnter 2-9321 CLINTON The first National Track and Field Competition to be conducted by mail in Canada will be held be- tween. May 15 and July 15. This was announced in a joint statement by WIC J. K. Tetts, Chairman of Physical Education and Recreation Committee, De- partment of National Defence and Mr. Neil Farrell, Chairman of Track and Field Committee, Am- ateur Athletic Union. Aimed' 'at stimulating greater interest in track and field events in all communities, the "Postal Sports Meet" -will give many ath- letes an opportunity to take part in national competition for the first time. To be held periodically through- out the year, the national contest will encourage- track and field athletes to extend their period of training and enable them to take part in national competition that ordinarily would not be possible for -many because -of travel cost and lack of time. • "Competitions by mail and •tele- graph are already quite common in the Armed Forces," W/C Tett -pointed out. "Rifle matches and bowling tournaments have been decided by these long-distance means. it is a system that is ideally suited for Canadian ath- letes, scattered as they are from coast to coast. I believe that this type of competition will do much to encourage track and field sports in Canada." The National Postal Track Meet will be run according to AAU of C standards and individual win- ners- will be recognized as champ- ions in their events. Communities throughout the country have been invited to hold track and field events• during the same period and submit the re- sults of these to the postal corn- pettitipm Many civilian sports .meets are held on the Queen's birthday and Dominion Day and both holidays fall within the dates of the first competition by mail. The National Postal Track and Field Meet will be limited to sen- ior competition in the following events: Track - mem 100-yd.; 220-yd.; 440-yd.; 880-yd.; 1 mile; 3-mile; RCAF 'Teen Town Bowling champions Winners of the team trophy in the RCAF 'Teen Town bowling league, were the Beatniks, pictured above They are from the left, Brian Glover, Lyn Johnston, Martha Gillette (captain) and Pat Cobain, The young people posed' for this picture in the Ritchie Building, where the banquet was held last Saturday night. (News-Record. Photo) Refugees Need Help; Collection Will Be Made in Bayfield For Their Aid (By our Bayfield correspondent) I NEWS OF KIPPEN (Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG, Phone Hensel) 694r15) Kinsmen-Sponsored Baseball League COMPETING FOR NEWS-RECORD TROPHY Birthday Deadline: May 1 1 1947 . REGENT SHADE-a cream or white,