HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-19, Page 15192 Huron Street Clinton Than Any Other Tire Sunoco Statio Ray floggarth, Proprietor S KING TO PROVE IT HERE'S A PROMISE FROM THE C ZURICH EXETER THE CAR KING OF HURON COUNTY .1. THE BEST .DEAL .ABOUND1 PAY Tfti, PER CENT DOWN - ARE FOR eal in Ontario 'Isionsiumennosionommiummininallanamil I Guarantee To 11 Any Car 103 CARS LEFT istialammor THIS WEEK'S SALES 3 Cars in London 2 Cart in Goderich I Car n Seaforth I Car n Park Hill 3-Cart in Ciih+on 2 Cars in Wingham I Car n Lucknow 7 Cars in Zurich & Exeter I Car in Grand Bend 20 CARS SOLD 1 1 1 (OR GIVE Y011 FREE GAS HOME) - FROM- PEARSON MOTORS PONTIAC L BUICK -- VAUXHALC-- LTD. — GMC TRUCKS -- BEDFORD VANS Thursday, May 194 190 Clinton News,Record Page,15 Don't Miss Ray's Tire Sale Great Truck .,Load ..of Tires. Means Savings for you G PO 0 DAY E A Ft TIRE 244.01V • 4;Vi, LOWPRICEr 434 tislit 0 on te., rr. suprt TUBELESS 34 NYLON Size 7.50/14 and 6,70/15 only $16•45 'headquarters Bring your tire troubles to- us—we can save you money! Mir / 0 ' 0 , //it l' / ).,,, \,,___-• 46 1111,t - ..„.„ -- '.---/ .• ..., ' At'11 .•' ...-- ...- ..- .--,_,. with• re-tappable trade-in AS LOW AS Also Sizes 6.70/15 and 6.00/16 BETTER BARGAINS WITH RAY See Us Before You Buy rim $10.88 St. Joseph's Church Wedding MR. and MRS. WILLIAM CHARLES LEWIN were married on Saturday morning, April 30, in St. 'Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, by the Rev. L. E. Reed-Lewis. The bride is Mary Diane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon O'Brien, RR 5, Clinton, and her husband is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anthony Lewin, formerly of Halifax, N.S. (MacLaren's, Studio) "Century House" Is Site For May Meeiing Bayfield's Trinity Club our Bayfleld Corres,porident) More People Ride On Make Your Car Safe Let Ray "Hang" your- old worn tires before they Ikeeonle "Killen" Good Tires are the Cheapest insurance for your futility's travelling safety Mrs, R. S. Roddick's attractive "Century HouSe" was the scene of the. May meeting for the Bay- field Trinity Club, In the absence of Mrs F. Arkell,, president. Mrs. W. Bellcharnber Chaired the Meet- ing.. "It is my aim and ideal as a member of Trinity Cluh...ta folk*, to ,the best of myabiatty the Virtues exemplified by J esus Christ; to show my lOyalty to our club and its members, in word, act and deed; to, be. willing • to take part in stick meetings; to be careful with my criticisms and liberal with my praise; to bUild up' and not des- troy, and remember my obliga7 tions as a citizen, to my home, my church, my community, my coun- try and all the- world," was re, peated in unison by the 15 .mern- bers r present. "Mothers' of Salem" Was the hymn chosen, in keeping with the Mother's Day theme for May. Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner's prayer and Mrs. R. Middleton's Scripture reading further developed the theme, honouring all mothers, past and present. Mrs. Bellehamber welcomed as guests, Mrs, J". McKenzie and Mrs. Mayman, Bayfield; Mrs. M. J. S. • Barber, Bagotville, Quebec. The annual bake sale wasdiScus- sed for July 2 and Mrs. R. A. Simons- was named convener. "Lighten our darkness, we be- seech Thee, 0 Lord, and by Thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of ThY only son, our Saviour `Jesus Christ. Amen" — is, the prayer signifying 'the ad- journment of all meetings. Miss Ev. a M. 5oinerviile,e Gode- rich,was introduced by Mts. Rod- dick who told the listeners that the guest speaker was a retired high school teacher, president of the' WMS Presbyterial for this ,district, who also has been, a 0,„soc- iated with the Goderich Business College and enjoys several bob- bies including travelling, photo- graphy and gardening. From her extensive travels •and varied int- erests,- the subject decided upon was "Egypt." As Miss Somerville recounted her trip of 1958, a conducted tour with the Baptist convention, Mrs. L. Poth operated' the projector for the slides which illustrated and highlighted the story. The vast difference in the levels of living . was shown to advantage in the cc:4°1114d pictures of the most modern buildings in Cairo and the mud 'huts and primitive existence along .the Nile. Lush vegetation, large corn fields, date palms in abundance, fierce looking water buffalo, small white donkeys, colourfully draped camels, tiny sand carts, the huge pyramids, the silent sphinx, veiled ladies, tall and distinguished Egyptians, dark-skinned, flowing-robed Eth- iopians plus many other. interest- ing sidelights wove a fascinating pictorial story, making all persons restless with desire to see these fabulous places personal y. Mrs. Path conveyed thanks from the Trinity Club and com- plimented her fellow traveller and photographer on a job well done. Due to the fact that Bayfield is a summer resort and most mem- bers, are otherwise occupied dur- ing this Season, the next meeting will be held on. October 4, at the home of Mrs, L. Path. a Leaf Player Speaks At Henson Banquet (By our llensall correspondent,) The first .annual sports night at the local Community Centre Mon- day night, was attended, by over 200, when a banquet was given to honor the,, midget, bantam and pee wee hockey teams, sponsored by the Kinsmen Club. Guest speakers Carl Brewer, Maple Leaf defenseman, and Bob Davidson, Leafs chief scout in speaking to the boys gave them suggestions on how to improve their games and stated that hockey was a good sport but Stressed the importance of education, blinding the ghosts liberal with their autographs, bays who forget note pads tore pieces of the paper table 'olaths for autographs. Spea- kers were intredUCed by VVill:ianl Mickle and thanked by Harold Knight, Bill Shaddlek, Captain of the Midget team, presented coaches George Beer and Robert Baker with smokers. Coach Beer intro- duced members Of ins team, coach IVIickle the bantams, and W. 3, (Doc) Cameron, the pee woes. Bantam end Midgets Were sponsored by the Xinsmen, and pee weer by the Hen.san LegiOn, rtoss Jinks was MC. Roy Bivelt catered for the tUrkey batiVet. Phone HU 24011