HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-19, Page 8T • IL d rsn LADS71 W WHIMS HEAT IS YOUR AIM. WITH OUR GOOD OIL YOU'LL NAVE THE SAKE OS vfr 4.4 — 4t."N, Zi V HAROLD IA SLAW HEATING OILS-GASOLINE MOTOR OILS •a GREASES H112-3873 196 JIN7765 .5T ,1/7 11 Ton 140 WITILYOURIVATINGSYSTEM WORKING RIGHT... YOU LIVE IN tOLIO coffin BAYARD NIGHT! , Inter-Town Bowling Prize Winners Pictured at the inter-town bowling league banquet held in Harbourlite Inn, code- rich, ore, from the left, Jim Fairbairn, captain of the Exeter team, and in-coming presi- dent of the league; Mrs. Jim (Doe) Queen, Goderich, president of the ladies league; Donald Switzer, Clinton, president of the men's league; Mrs, Bob Rush, Goderich, cap- tain of the winning Goderich team; second row, Mrs. Corlile Bannister, Goderich, win- ner of the high average prize; Mrs, Story, Wingham, high single winner (406) and Mrs, Lorne Haugh, Exeter, with high triple award. (MacLaren's Studio) St. Andrew's Girls Plan Assistance Of Church Board The May meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church met Tuesday evening, May 10. Miss Lorene Langford read a portion of scripture from St. Matthew and Mrs. Royce Mac- aulay led in .prayer: A portion of the study book entitled, "Com- panionship" was read by Mrs. Al- lan Graham, Mrs. D. J. Lane, representative from the club who _ attended a meeting in connection with the Canadian, Consumers' Association, reported that an organization had been foamed' with Mrs. Fingland as president. All members were. in favour of catering to a' lunch for the Girl Guides on June 4. A substantial amount from the treasury was voted •to be given to the board of managers for the spring thankoffering, Mrs. Royce 'Macaulay kindly extended an in- vitation to the club to cone to the Macaulay summer cottage for the club's June meeting. Thin will be a' pot-luck supper on June 7 and members ere asked to be -at the church by 6.30 p.m, Each member is to bring an item for an 'auction sale. Luna was 'serv• - ed .by 'hostesses Miss Mabel Har- vey and Mrs. All Graham as- silted -by -other club members, COO Sports Day At Station Clinton All Day Friday Sporty day for students at Clin- ton District Collegiate Institute will be staged on FridaY, May 20, at the eperte RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, it is an gladay fair, beginning at 9 a,m.,. and finiShing at 3,30 o'clock with track events in the afternoon,. and field events, in the morning, Lunch is 'being sold at the field, by the "S" club of the school. The inter-school track and field meet is being revived this year in this area, under the guidance of Ken clynieka physical train- ing instructor at the collegiate. Taking part a week from Satur- day, May 28, will be athletes from 'the secondary schools at .Seaforth, Wingham, Goaeriah and Clinton, It has been some years since enough interest was shown. by pu- pils of high school and collegiate age, to make such 'an event prac- tical, Site for the meet is the sports field at RCAF Station Clinton, Returns are not complete from the varied activitie$ at CDCI in raising funds for the World Refu- gee Year week in Clinton, but Principal D. John. Cochrarie pre- dicts that over $350 will have been raised. Kippen Farmer Buys Exeter Bowling Alley Aubrey Farquhar, RR 3, Kip- pen, is the new owner of the Ex- eter Bowling Lanes. Be announ- ced the purchase of the lanes at the Exeter Men's Bowling League Banquet held' last Wednesday. Mr. Farquhar is well Itnown throughout Western Ontario Bowling circles. He has partici- pated in the Inter-Town Bowling League for the past '-two years as well 'as being a member of the Exeter Men's League for several years. Mr, and Mrs, Farquhar and family expect to take up residence in Exeter August 1. t CITIES SERVICE, L SMILES SERVICE IS OUR. MIDDLE NAME CITIES SERVICE' , SCRUTON FOR EVERYTHING IN • PETROLEUM 40 HU.V96-53-GININAN JACK 1111111111MINIIII..." CALL US! We'll have our truck call at your house fp pick up your laundry.and deliver it promptly. DRY CLEANING TOO! ON RAINY DAYS— remember the SPEED WASH on King Street (the easy way to wash and dry) LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS- 1400 Check Your Calendar. If the 'numbers match take the cal- endar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. LAUNDRY— / .CLE AN ERS axe ceco CLINTON 9d. HU.-2-7064 Leaders in their field for Quality and Price—They are the product of Canadian Labour. A Fine Machine giving Satisfaction in Homes- and Offices Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, Larry and Frank, Kitchener, were art their cottage on Sunday. Mrs. L. Norris and son William, Detroit, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sherritt, London, were at their cottage for the weekend. Mr. •and Mrs. Dalton Smith and Janet, London, were at their cot- tage for the weekend. • Ronald Path, Toronto,' visited his parents, Mr. end Mrs. LeRoy Poth, „over the weekend; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Port Dover, are occupying C. Dal- ton's cottage on Howard Street. e Mr: and Mrs. Norman Jones, Hensall, were the guests of Mr. and Mr's. F. P. Arkell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Wilbert Fralick and Mary, visited' Mrs. Fralick's mother, in Elmwood, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guest re- turned to Whitby on Monday, af- ter having spent a few days at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rowse, Jim- my, Cathy and Vickie, London, visited in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Aritell spent Sunday in Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Jeoffrey Arkeil. Dr. R. G. Hunter and Sally Beth, Torento, were at their home here over the weekend. Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, spent the weekend at her home Murray Oliveri 22-year-old can- tee ice star rookie of the Detroit Red Wing Hockey .Club was guest speaker at the Kinsmen Club of Clinton Worts night banquet held in Hotel Clinton Tuesday evening, The, annual dinner. honors play- ers in the Kinsmen sponsored pee- wee baseball end hockey leagues. President Don. Epps Chairedthe meeting, Mr. Oliver, a native of Haml- ton, started his professional lion- key career with Edmonton, end was called up to Detroit last year. He played junior hockey with Burlington and Hamilton. His idol while a, minor player was Gordie Howe, and now Murray- is a linemate of this .greaa player. He recommended a pro sports career for young players with the ability; but;he warned, "do not neglect your education, because a professional sports career is' only part of your working life." W.' Oliver has only as grade 12 edu- cation, but be has served his ap- prenticeship as a carpenter, and new holds a< union card. The young. pro hockey player answered a dozen and one ques- tions from the peewee players. The guest speaker was introduc- ed by Malt Edgar and thanked by Don Kay. Norman Hill, New Hamburg, president of the WOAA, spoke briefly, thanking the Kinsmen for Page 8 'Oaten Now071tecoral .,..Tharsdayf May :19 1960 Trophies Awarded Peewees At Sports Banquet In Hotel .Clinton Tuesday - WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL C I NJ TCt their minor sports promotion, asked the kids present to appree- late the efforts of the Kinsmen and other clubs in peomoting min- or sports, Mr. Hall presented th e Legion, Brands of New Hamburg Peewee "C" WOAA championship lannha to the Clinton Kin' team. New Hamburg had heat Clinton out for this trophy in 1958, Captain. and catcher of the team, gee-opted 'the trophy for his team, L, Coiquhoun, ofthe News- Record, presented his firm's tro- phy to John Cooper, captain of the Dodgers, who won the Kins- men Peewee Baseball League championship last simmer, Tbe guest speaker, Murray Oliver, presented' the Pickett and Campbell Limited Tip Top trophy to the winning team in the Kin Peewee Hockey League. Captain Darryl Qilks ,accepted the trophy. r/s. Doug Hudson, mayor of Adaeteaa Park at .RCAF Station Clinton, spoke of *the fine co-op- eration between town and Station in regards to minor sport. Deputy Zone Commander Doug Andrews of the 'Canadian Legion,. who has managed numerous min- or sports teams in Clinton, spoke -highly of the start given to pee- wee boys by the Clinton Kinsmen. P, 0, Nutter, of RCAF Station and Don Fulton, manager of Clinton Lions Arena, also spoke. briefly. • in the News of Auburn Queen Elizabeth and her sister, Princess Margaret (Mrs. Ann- strong-Jones) from earliest years in the movement until she became Chief Guide. Mrs. Alma Bassett, chairman of 'the local association, moved a vote • of thanks to commissioners and leaders, and all who helped in the preparation of the banquet. The Women's Association of St. And- rew's Church catered. ‘1.11111111111111W -Clinton News S6 ALBERT STREET What better Gift for the Graduating Student " in Your Family? 11/111116111/' OII NTON Mrs. George Connell, was the guest of Mrs. Alvin Betties, God- end" Township, on Sunday. Mr. •and Mrs, Lawrence Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim, Detroit, were 'at "Holley Lodge" for the weekend. Mrs. Donald Kingsbury return- ed home on Sunday, after a Week's visit in Dundee and Wood- stock. • John R. MacLeod visited his mother recently on his way to Miehipkotin Island to engage in fishing. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Jimmy, Nancy and queen, spent Sure:lay with his parents, Mr. and MrS. ,William R. Elliott. Rev: and .afas, F. H. Paull,' Lie- towel, were the guests of Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner over Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rathwell and ' Keith, Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison, De- troit, have been visiting •their brothers, Lyall, Melvin and Russel Davison. Mrs. L. Green who has spent the winter in -Thorold, came on Saturday to be at her cottage for the summer. Miss Alice Drouin and, Miss Adele Fernette, Detroit, opened their respective cottages last week for the season • Brian Grime who has finished writing first year examinations of the School of Engineering, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, came home' on Saturday. William Carson and family, John Carson, wife and two child- ren, London, spent the weekend at their respective cottages in the "Mr. and Mrs. William Murray returned to Warren, Mich., on Friday, 'after having been with Mr. and, Mrs. Malcolm Toms from Monday. Mie and Mrs. F. P. Arkell, will leave on Saturday to visit their son,, Tom and family in Aiken, Souh Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston, Clinton, will accom- PanY 'them; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long and Gregory, Antaster, spent the weekend with her parents, Mn: and Mrs. Harry Baker, "Wheel en./. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hughes, De- troit, and Mr. and Mrs. Williern Gmeiner and family, Grosse Pointe Farms, were at their re- spective cottages in the Jowett area for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Corriveau and two children, Clifton and Car- reen, Varennes, Quebec, came on. SEE THEM ON DISPLAY NOW WI Entertain Goderich Women's Institute were guests of the Auburn Institute at their May meeting. The president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt was ,in charge and Mrs. William J. Craig was at the piano. A beautiful corsage donated by Mm. William Robison was pres- ented to the mother with the most daughters. Mrs. Haggitt pinned the corsage on Mrs. George Mil- lion who has six daughters. Roll call was answered by pre- senting bulbs and plants which were later sold. It was decided to purchase a student's ticket for the community concerts and plans were made to inquire into a bus trip ethis summer to attend the Shakespearean Festival. The con- vener of the card committee, Mrs. Clifford Brown read many thank- you notes that had been received for cards sent. An interesting reading "The Joys of a Summer Vacation" was" read by Mrs. Ernest Patterson. The president of the Horticultural Society, Mrs. Kenneth Scott had invited Mrs. Raymond Redmond to be the guest• speaker. She gave an interesting account of the flow- ers and trees of New Zealand and illustrated them with pictures, and said that New. Zealand .was noted for its ferns and is called the land of the silver fern. A solo was sung by Mrs. John- ston, Goderich. The convener of Health, Mrs. William J. Craig an- nounced that she had secured Dr. Such, Goderich, to be the guest speaker at the June meeting. Everyone is asked to bring a friend and donations are asked for the Cancer cupboard., The hostesses will be Mrs. William Straughan and Mrs Sam Daer. A successful auction was held with Mrs. George Millian, Mrs. Donald Haines and 'Mrs. Ed. Dav- ies in charge. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell and Mrs. William Straughan. Mrs. Thomas Lawlor was asked to have a dis- play at the district annual at Lon- desboro. Saturday to visit Mrs. Corriveau's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Pear- son. They spent last week with her brother Milton Pearson and family in St. Thomas. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard' on Sunday, were their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk- ham, London, 'and Staff Sergeant and Mrs. L. Baird and three boys, London; Corporal and Mrs. Har- old Smith and son Glenn, Clinton. Corp. Lloyd Westlake, OPP, and, 'family motored to the village on Friday evening. Mrs. Westlake and Catherine Anne remained with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Malcolm Toms. On their return to Kitchener, Corp. Westlake and Ricky were accompanied by Mr. and' Mrs. E. R. Weston on Spite day Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. r. M. Stewart, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs. S, H. Bryant, Mrs. Emn'ierson Heard, Mrs. R. J. Larson and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, were in, Wing- ham on Wednesday for the spring meetieg of the Deanery of Huron in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Miss Margaret Howard who has finished Weitinag her Third Year eeareinations at Huron College came on Saturday to be with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ho-- ward for the vacation, Lawrence E. Statisbury-Leeson aceompapied her 'to spend 'a fortnight before leaving for Fort Albany on Jam- es Bay to Serve as a missionary under the Rt. Rev. N. R. Clark, Suffragan Bishop of Moosonee. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Day, Grosse Pointe, Mich., were at their cottage on Tuyll Street, on Monday. They have disposed of this beautiful property which they built and developed in Rich- ard W. Yalatie, London. • James Day has been summering in Bay- field since he was a small boy,- when his parents occupied one of the cottages in Jewett's Grove until, they built "Eight-in". on the south aide of the rivet. His chil- dren have spent vacations here, too. Me., and Mrs'. Day and fam- ily will be missed from Bayfield'a summer community. They move from Grosse Pointe to ileston eon month to which city he has been transferred in his business. The Girl Guide and Brownie Mother and Daughter banquet held in St. Andrew's United Ch- urch basement, Bayfield, on Fri- day evening, May 6, was enjoyed by the 66 attending. The tables were beautifully de- corated with masses of daffodils and narcissi, donated by Mrs. H. H. Ormond. Mrs. R, H. F. Gaird- ner said -the Grace. The tribute to •the Queen was given by Jane- lyn Weston. Mrs. Grant Turner, captain, introduced those 'aft the head table -and led in the Girl Guide Promise. Mrs. J, B. Hig- gins, Brown Owl, led' in the Brownie Promise. A word of welcome was given by Margaret Wallis. Sylvia Fitz- simons paid' a tribute to the moth- ers and -the local association, to which Mrs. Ross Middleton re- sponded. Shirley *Darnborougla gave the tribute to the Guide movement. In her response, Miss L. Siegner, Exeter, Division Commissioner, gave statistics of .the growth of the Guide movement in Canada up to this Jubilee Year. She spoke of Camp Keewaydin and mention- ed the field day to be held in Clin- ton on. June 4, She also announc- ed the family picnic for Guides or 'anyone ever connected with Guiding on May 29, when they will have the freedom of Camp Keewaytlin for picnic lunch. Miss Uha MacDonald Goderich, District Commissioner, showed "The Royal Guide," pictures of LONDESBORO Peewee and Bantam Baseball Players Asked To 'Tarn. Out 'The Kinsmen, Peewea Baseball League will operate again this, Nmliter, in competition for the News-Record Trophy. .14 an _ad- vertisement on Page la 'this is- sue the Kinsmen are calling or players, to sign up, The past two years this league has been fotw teams strong, Birthday deadline for Peewee players is May 1., 1947, The Fish and Game Club spon, sored Bantam baseball team has called a practice for Friday night at Community Park. Jack car ter has been appointed as coaCh. Boys born on or before May 1, 1945 are eligible to play Bantam baseball.- Low Cost Low Down Payment Easy Finance Plan Record PHONE HU 2-3443 Guide Banquet Served To Sixty-Six At St. Andrew's United Church (By ogr Bayfield Correspondent) News of Bayfield By -MISS LUCY WOODS PHONE BAYFIELD 45r3 Correspondent: MRS. W. BRADNOCK Phone Auburn 53W Auburn School IJSS 5 Hullett attended the music festival for Hullett Township last week at Londesboro. Prize winners in their classes were, Laura Deer, first; Rodney Polich, second; Patsy Wilkins, second; Shelley Grange, third; Barbara Mackay, first; Jen- nifer Grange, third; Betty Moss, third. Congratulations! Ladies Aid Mrs. Ed. Davies, president of the Ladies Aid of Knox Presbyterian Church was in charge of the meet- ing. The 'minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer. A sub- stantial •amount was made at a re- cent banquet and a gift 'of money was given to - the WMS expense fund and the CGIT. It was decided to send -three to camp this year along with ,the Sabbath School. Lunch was served by Mrs. Roy Daer and Miss Minnie Wagner. YPU Sees Pictures The Young People's Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the Sabbath School ratan and' presi- dent Edgar Leatherland gave the call to worship. Scripture lesson on the first chapter of the Book of Genesis ,was ,read with each mem- ber participating. Minutes of the previousmeeting were adopted as read by the secretary, Helen Youngblet. Tlie 'offering was re- ceived by the treasurer, Gordon Baer. - Miss Ruby IVIcVittie spent a few days last week with her cou- sin, Mrs. Alice Caldwell and Mrs. Wallace McDougall, Goderich. Jirn Neilans' motored to Pontiac, iele, On Saturday to attend the funeral of a cousin, Robert Mc- Donald, who passed away on Therm:lay morning. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Ann.' strong and farrilly, Stratford, spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs, Art Mahaffey and Susan ,Byran, spent Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs, Bert Allen. On Tuesday afternoon and evening, May 10, Mrs. Earl Gaunt was hostess to about 30 Mende and neighbours- in hoeour of her daughter, Faye, bride-elect of Saturday-, May 14. Mrs, Emerson Hesk and Mrs. Harrit Durran, aunts of the bride, poured tea and served refreshments. Mrs. Donald Sprung and Mrs., Glen Robinson, North Bay, displayed the bride's trousseau. YOU SUPPORT CANADIAN INDUSTRY WHEN YOU PURCHASE SMITH-CORONA "KEYED FOR SPEED" PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS