Clinton News-Record, 1960-05-19, Page 7Rutabaga King Aims For $in a Bushel, Ontario Turnip crbp Appearing on TV on Monday evening from Wingtiant, was A. H. Wilford„, the Rutabaga King, He spoke on "The absurdity of the law of supply and demand.," Mr. Wilford, says it should be .the law of demand and supply. He has, buyers asking for •Can- aclian rutabaga Already, and is now hoping to find .enough of the tasty vegetable to supply the de- mand he has found south of, the border in the United- States. Mon- day he told this office that he had one small dealer in Southern On- tario who could. have • placed on. other 5 000 bushels of rutabaga, if he'd had them to sell, The aim ••this year is $.1.90 s bushel for the producer, 414 Mr, Wilford hopes he will not have to- stop short of this goal, Looking about for new ways of processing the vegetable, and to the delight -of the .housewives, he has one very large fruit and vege,, table processor investigating the • 'possibilities of dicing turnip,. quick freezing. it, and offering it in cello bags in the gracery stores, "No more .hard work, cutting up those hard rutabaga," he chuck- les. "The scientists are at work testing different varieties to find out which one will process the best," • - quest o f that commodity group, 4. rn case of a vote of t com- modity group marketing plan the County Federation will do all in- its power to organize, assist and encourage all producers to vote. 5. The County Federation sup- ports the democratic principle that the minority must Obey the will of the majority in whatever area for which the vote is called. Reports were lacking from the affiliated groups since at this time of year activity in farm or- ganization is at a minimum but the dairy groups reminded us of the Dairy Princess Contest to be held at the Clinton Spring Fair on June 11. 0 Every insured motorist pays for every insured collision. The On- tario Safety League reminds, you thai every traffic fatality report you hear on 'the radio, every wrecked car you see on the boule- vard, Means money out of your pocket. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE St•sw ooy ACCESSORIES TOO! Get added Pleasure, from your driving this summer with new.itccessoriett. Whatever at. Cessoriaa you want, check the outsttulding buy* during Chevrolet Deal Days. YOU'LL GET THE BIGGEST DEALS" . „ There's never been a better time to buy! And theta:ea never berit a bet* Pithy! RIGHT NOW you can make the exciting twitch to a new Chevy and save money Into the bargain. tie doels are WOWS ... during C;heyrolet Deal Day& TREMENDOUS TRADES ,,.. •on the beet used ears in WIWI Alt makes, all models, and -1,,4116es every •-..--; • , one of 'em. Get your money-saving trade NOW and be all set for 4 trouble free. , fun-filled sanunor, Canada's best car for the best reasons! Get the big, family-sized comfort you need. Get the industry's peppiest, savingest engines and transtnissions. Get, a ride that rivals that of costly cars. Get all the safety features, all the dependabhity and value, that only Chevrolet in its field can offer. Head for your Chevrolet dealer's NOW. Get the keys and put this superlative car through its paces. GREAT DEALS ON NEW CHEVROLET TRUCKSI What deals! What trucks! They're ragged, reliable,. revolutionary. And they'll beast your profits at no other truck can. Put one to work for YOU soon. Tit mote AM FIRR/Rei Yes, your Chevrolet dealer can save you time, worry and money by servicirig your present car right now. Guardian Mainten-ance servicing is the best care any car can have. Now's the time to arrange fOr happy summer motoring, The place? . . your Chevy dealer's, THE YEAR'S MOST EXCITING CAR VALUES! • Chevrolet is Canada's fastest-selling' car , . . by thousands! Its looks will wow you. Its big car per- formance will delight you. And its practical, thrifty ways viii SAVE YOU MONEY every happy mile you drive. .erne Brown - Motors, 1,0, Cliritoq, 1 pm 0$ SAVOY " allow:wit cm 041tOVOURNIP.40.6 THE .MARKET'S BOOMING" THE BUYS pNBEATABLEtAltrult. CHEVROLET DEALER'S' 1110101,10W1 f.k 7.61 '*.e;744 AiiimarMt tsS.lioE v. Make the Contair test! . Aive the bed/ Acclahned the car of the year, Corvair is big in room, pep and value but small in cost. See it . drive it ... price it soot! You'll love it. in 43 Thomas F. Penhale BAYFIELD, ONTARIO Phone 71 a 19,•20-21-22p Reaborn, chairman of the service committee is in eharge. Plans were finalized for the hockey. banquet Monday, May 16, when Car Brewer of the Maple Leafs will be guest speaker, •and • Leaf Scout Bob. Davidson will at- -tend. Harold ' Taggart won the raffle; •Guests for the evening were Neil Campbell, g)cetor; Milt Palm- er, Hanover; Harold Taggart, Lon- don; Gordon Warden, 1.4iden, .Bride-elect Honoured Miss Louise Hyde, London, whose marriage to John Wallace Stephenson, Woodbridge will take place in, Ilayfield Baptist Church on Saturday, May 2l. has been hen, cured At many functions prior to her wedding, - Mrs. Arthur Cook, 971 Hamilton Road, London, was hostess for a miacellmteous shower at Hope Baptist Church, London, highlighted by a otoelt wedding, .After gifts had been opened and displayed, a delicious luncheon of Taney sandwiches, cookies and tea was served, The Teachers Christian Fellow- ship group -from London Teachers' College arranged a surprise kit- chen shower for which Mrs. Lloyd Webb, 508 Maitland Street was hostess, "Lunch was served after an interesting program and display of gifts, Classmates from London Teach- era' College gathered At the home of Miss Una Hoover for a surprise miscellaneous shower, arranged and planned by Miss Beverley- Hull, Windsor. Luncheon was prepared' afterwards and a large cake dec- orated with "Showers Of Hap- piness" was presented to the bride- to-be. Miss Hyde is the daughter: of Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hyde, • Kip- pen. Auxiliary Meets • The Evening Auxiliary met May 9 in the school room of the Unit- ed Church, Mrs. Hugh McEwen, president, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Edison Forrest conducted the devotional period and read 'an art- icle written by Rev. Padre W. A. Young on "Prejudice". Scripture passages were read by Mrs. Ross Forrest and prayer offered by Mrs. Walker Carlile. An invitation was accepted to Chiselhnrst United Church on May 20. Juice and water glasses will be parchased for the' kitchen. Mrs. Pearl Passrnore reported for the visiting committee, three visits to sick and shut-ins made. MrS. Currie Winlaw reviewed the fotir cloSing chapters os/the study "Afri- ca Disturbed". Stole From. Red Cross Thieves with little charity broke into the public school here in the early hours Friday morning, and made off with a glass jar contain- pupils' contributions to the Cahadian Red Crois Society. 1oWever, they must have some twinge of conselerree, They left another jar whit% had $1.0 in it. Both jars were on teaehei'i desks, Robert Redburn, principal of the School- said. The !thieves, gained entrance to the school by removing a screen from the door in the kindergarten room and smashing the' glass door, The teachers' desks were ransack- ed. Chief of police E. R. Davis,. and Provincial Constable George Mitchell, of the Exeter detachment are investigating. Sunday School Seals Clarence Volland, superintendent of Cannel Presbyterian Sunday School announced, the following seals and diplemas given at a re- cent service with presentations by Rev. G. C. Vais. First year diplomas, Brenda Koehler, Mary Thomson, John Tholn.son, Michael Sangster, Jain. es CaMpbell, John Moir, Wen y Moir, Cheryl Little. Second year seals, Dorothy Skea, Bonnie Foster, Billie Hoy, John Shea, Bob Moir, Marcia Little. Third year seals, Ann Lawrence, Rose Marie Campbell, Carolyn Campbell, Garry Scholl, Danny Cameron. Fourth year seals, Cheryl Mous- seau, Patsy Moir, Betty Cameron, Bevan Bonthrori. Fifth year seals, Christine Cam- eron, Lois Wright, Janice Bon- thron, Sixth year seals, Marjorie Seitz: warn, Michael Hoy, Mervyn Bell. Seventh year., seals, Eleanor 1 ENGINE... 5 POWER TOOLS POWER- PAR combination unit V.4 4,•4 MOWS , D)4 ts PLOWS SNOW Hem's- real otohobtyon* intilno (loos the wad; (I Rya tagine•haattle unit Ohs off easily ch611061 from tiller to mowers rotary ItnO•tasl*r h1 minutes. ask for FREE deinenstratk* Win a Pool iosiiN orrItir so 40 • 4 air eitior '00" 10, 1. NA 'by Ilki• -444.010. Installed FREE Anywhere in Ontario You tan win a Four Oaks Swimming Fool-- and have it installed fre9 anywhere in Ontario. It's a family-size pool, ideal for garden or cottage. It's equipped with all the acces- sories you need, and will give Summer fun to the whole family. How can you win it? 8rrt4r The Telegram Win A Pool Forecast! FOr full (1001s, seo THE TELEGRAM OKEVIEW CASING Grand Bend • OPENING:: Saturday, May 21st - LIONEL THORNTON and His Casa Royal Orchestra Dancing every Saturday 19-20-b NOTICE 15-tf b TUCKERSMITHI TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL DUMP Will Be Open From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Wednesday and Sajurclay afternoons, Until Further Notice. CORA CHESNEY, Clerk. Thursday, May 19, 1960 +Clinton News',Record — Foie Wright,, Colleen Bayntutin, James, Wright, Charles ,Schwalin, Brian. Fink, Alumni diploma, -Gerald Volland, • who also received a Bible, gift of the Ladies' Aid', Ninth year seals, Margaret Hyde, Barbara Fred .Hyde, Tenth year seal, Patsy, SChwaliol eleventh year seal, Carol 13rown, carmel WM4 of The CarmellV°M e TIPr'S elVIS VePrni FAY Society Cliure h met Tuesday evening, President Mrs, Earl Canaphell was in charge. The theme, "The earth is the Lord's" was read, by Mrs. Glen Bell, „Prayer was by Mrs. Archie Hoggarth, Plans were discussed for the 10th anniversary .of the society. A poem, "What Shall be Mine?" waS read by Mrs, B. ;d-wards, Mrs, • "Hoggarth presented the topic on "Christianity, Race. and Nationalism of 'Africa". Mrs, .Alex McGregor, chaired the brief meeting of the :Ladies' Aid whiph followed. Thank-you motes were read for Easter flowers sent out. Flower arrangements- were made for the summer and fall months. Motion was passed to have hymn book shelves made. A_ social hour was held with Mrs. H, Hyde's group in charge. Attending the Zone Cl rally at Oarrie on May 11. from the Legion Ladies Auxiliary were: Mrs. D. B. Havens, Mrs, Gordon Munn, Mrs. W. J. Cameron, . Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton, .Mrs. William Rrown, ms. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs. Lawrence Baynham. • Legion Bingo Share-the-wealth at' Legion Bin- go Saturday night was won by Mr, Schwartzentruber; door prize of S5, Paul Schwartzentruber; oth- er winners, Miss Margaret Boa; Mrs. Wes Vernier; Miss M. Boa; Bill Brown; Roy Kenney and Shir- ley Schwartzentruber; Paul Boa; Mrs. Clarence Reid; Reg. Dick; BRUCEFIELD r and Mrs. Robert Barr and Patsy, Jeanne, Mary and Dorothy liurlington, visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W, V, Dinnin.. Harry Diimin, Petrol-. ia.,. flew up for a few hours in his Aeronca craft, .1.anding on the field just acros5, the xippen; road .from Robert Dairymple's home. Mrs. Ron Mock And Phyllis El- liott tied; Mrs, Wes Vennerl. Albert Bedard; Mrs, Wes Yeutter; Miss Hannah Murray; Paul •SellWartzen-trnber. Seed Beans Registered No. 1, 2nd generation Sanilac and Michelite Seed Beans are available now. PRICE-38.75 per 100 lbs. — Contracts are available also. Please contact: . HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE, Hensall, Ontario or ONTARIO BEAN ,GROWERS. LIMITED, • 1358 Trafalgar Street, London, Ontario. Telephone GL 1-9861. 19-ttb I have iD SEED ORN Higl Gamine* I Well Graded I =SEE MR vooluv. 1 D. A. Moffat & Son KIPPEN Phone 677r22 Hensall 8111.111, Regulations On farm Vehicles Listed For Travel On Public Highways, Kinette Presents Kinettes meeting at the home of Mrs, Jack Drysdale, Wednesday evening, May 11, . for a brief ses- sion, presented Mrs. Bob Baker, Jr. with a deck, of Kinette cards. Mrs. Baker will be leaving shortly to join her husband in Calgary. The group formed into two teams captained by Mrs. Harold Bon- thron and ',Mrs. Jack Deitz, and enjoyed an evening of bewling at Exeter Bowling Alley. Mrs. Wil- liam Clement won the mystery prize, At a recent executive meet- ing of the club Mrs. Frank Ell- wood was appointed treasurer to replace Mrs. Baker, Kin and Refugees Hensall Kinsmen meeting on May, 12 with 100 percent atten- dance, had as their guest speaker HatOld Taggart, ' Lotiden, who sppoo!ke on "The InairpOration of the' HeitSall Kitianderi. Club,':.- The. club will sponsor the' World Refu- gee canvass in Hensall: Robert Geor e Walker is a patient in South Huron Hospital-, Exeter, David Shirr*" is a patient 'in. St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation, John Hazelwood • has sold...his residence on Richmond Street stn Mr. and Mrs, Earl. Campbell. • Mr, and Mrs, Cyril Cornish have sold some property to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Fuss, Mrs. Margaret Vair is a patient in Scot-CW=04.i Hospital, Sea- forth, Mrs. T. 'C. Coates was the win- ner of a lovely gold sheepskin rug Ol a draw at a village Stare, Geo- rge Hess drcW the Winning ticket, Charles- Glanville P. is a patient in "St, ''Joseph's Hospi- tal,. London, • with a heart tion, - Simon Roobol underwent sllrgery at _St, jOseph'a H.ospilial, London, on Saturday morning, and his con- dition is yery satisfactory. Harold J, Bonthron has sold his Main Street residence to Mr, and Mrs. William F. McRae, OttaWa, Who will take up residence 'there early in June. - Highway acreage adjoining the public school has been sold by Wit= ham B,• Rowaliffe, to Harold Bonthron and Lorne E. Hay. The new owners expect to develop a new residential subdivision. • Funeral. services for Miss Annie Lawrence, Reg. N., PreSCott, were held Saturday from Northside Un- ited Church, Seaforth, Survivors are one - brother, Fred, Kitchener; one sister, MrS. Lorne , Webster, Seaforth, Mrs.- Clement Christie, Hensall, was a. niece of the deceas- ed, ••(B37 J..:Carl Hemingway) Huron County Federation of Otherwise a special permission must he obtained, 'These can be obtained from the Department of Highways, 4, Trailers with a gross 'Weight of over 3„900 lbs. require a brak- ing system, 5, Farm machines 'are required to have lighting similar to any motor vehicle for movement .on the roads. at night. In, reading these things you may think that the law 'is pretty strict but let us remember that these /WS- are tor our own aatety. Since our County Federation constitution was last revised in 1$51, marketing of farm products hy Commodity 'Groups Marheting Boards bas become. quite contro- versial and it, .4s been felt that the position o the bounty Feder- ation should be clarified. The resolutions committee pre-. senteci the following statement of Policy which will be presented' for discussion .at the county annual meeting in November. We hope you wiI3 take A. little time out • to consider the question. 1. The County Federation up- holds the right of farmers to or-. ganize and work together collec- tively for the benefit of agricul- ture. 2, The County Federation sup- ports all commodity groups in their right to market their pro- duce in whatever manner that group decides and will 'do all in its power to persuade government • . to provide the necessary •legisla- tion.- 3. The County Federation will do all in its power to dispense •un. biased information on - any corn- mcidity group problem at the re- Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment will- apply only on Properly graded wools, Secure the utmost by patfonizing the organization that made this possible, SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No, 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON (Shearer) ZURICH or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto; Canada .of Hensall (Mrs.. Maude Sedden, •Vorrespendont) FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for., United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them, up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Sattirday nights. Seaforth Former$ Co-operative- H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 Agriculture Directors net on May 12. Appreciation of the Federa- tion is 'extended to Sergeant Bar- ker .and constable Hobbs of the Ontario Provincial Police for com- ing to the meeting and explaining the law governing the operation of barn machinery on public, roads. Here are a few of the things we found out: 1. All roads for public use come under the same regulations. . Operators of farm tractors or self-propelled machines must be 16 year$ or over but are not required to have a motor vehicle driver's.peranit. 3. Overall width of machine must not be more than eight feet,