HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-12, Page 11Page 10 Charon News-Record 741,orsday, May 12 1960 •_35111 Wedding Day Marked By Surprise early For .Armstrongs. 4. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TAX PREPAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1960' The Township of Tuckersmith will pay interest at the rate of 4% per annum from June 15 to December 15 on 'all prepaid .taxes. Certificates and full particulars may be. obtained at the clerk's office, Tuckersmith, RR 4, Seaford,. • Signed— CORA CHIESNEy, Treasurer; 18-25-b TERRIFIC SAVINGS! GRAND OPENING SAL mileage./ . Tfre'$:-at.Wholosalei'.'ericos Just In Time For Spring Change-Over TO YOU, OUR FRIENDS: Through a lucky break we bought in on a warehouse clearance stock of quality tires and tubes at substantial dollar 'savings. For the period of our GRAND OPENING SALE, May .12 to , 21 these savings will be passed on to you. No weasel words! Every new tire, sold off our premises during this period 'will be at wholesale prices. ALL new "'tires carry the manufacturer's guarantee •and will be mount- ed without cost to you. Drop In For Your FREE NOVELTY FREE PRIZES Drop In For Your - FREE NOVELTY' FREE. NOVELTIES FOR ONE AND ALL FREE REFRESHMENTS I CAR TIRES by B. F. Goodrich Pick Your . Tire Pick Your PRICE NEW and USED from $3.95 up TRUCK TIRES by B. F. Goodrich HIGHWAY TRACTION and EARTHMAN/ER Types `c At Prices Competitive with Toronto and Montreal Markets FARM TIRES by B. F. Goodrich See the Complete Line of Specialized FARM SERVICE TIRES Priced Strictly Right for Your Needs 1st PRIZE — Two B. F. Goodrich DeLuxe Silver- town Tires in the size that fits your car. 2nd PRIZE — One B. F. Goodrich Electra Start Battery in the size that fits your car. 3rd PRIZE One 50' Length B. F. Goodrich Koroseal Garden Hose. 4th PRIZE ,--• Complete lubrication on your car courtesy SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE. 5th PRIZE --- Oil change an your car courtesy of LLOYD BUTLER WHITE ROSE. 6th PRIZE— Grease job .on your car courtesy of RAY'S SUNOCO SERVICE. 7th PRIZE.— Car wash on your car courtesy of LORNE BROWN MOTORS Ltd., Clinton. 8th PRIZE — Car wash on your car 'courtesy of CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE, Clinton. COMPLETE ROAD and ON-THE-FARM SERVICE WITH THE MOST MODERN PORTABLE, AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE NOW VARSOL BETTER THAN EVER From attic to basement, Varsol cleans with greater ease and efficiency. You'll use it for floors, clothes and fabrics, painted surfaces, plastic and ceramic tiles, " and many other household chores. And Versol is deodorized—leaves no offensive odour. Ask your Imperial Esse Agent for now Varsol In the handy gallon can. ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST GRAND OPENING SALE Free. Prize Entry Blnk; NAME A .surprise .celebration in hop? ion of their 35th 'wedding anniV- our of Mr. and Mrs, John Arm- ersary was, given by their son and. strong,. Londeaboro, .9.A.'311e eCT4t5' dAtighter. ,at the home of their son-'}n-law and 'daughter; Mr. .and Mrs. Glen Carter, PTA'rritclAY, 29. 28 ...guests including brothers, slaters, and friends. of the couple as well as their family and grand- Children, sat down to a ,delicious Any Government Deficiency Pay- ment Will .apply only on properly graded wools. Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that made this possible. SHIP COLLECT TO, Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from RUSSELL' MANSON (Shearer)' ZURICH or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 211 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada turkey clitiner servedhy ' rs. id Andereen; Mrs. Watson Reid, 1Vrrg, Len Caldwell and Mrs. Tom Allen. The bride of 35 years ago was arming two-piece grey Silk rigure4. dress With a corsage of pink Carnations, a gift from her O.E.S. pale end the goo A white' carnation his lapel, „ The room was tastefully decora,,,- tell with pink and white stream-. era, The head table was centred,: with a three-tier .wedding cake decorated in pink net entwined. with ivy and white. hyacinths and flanked on either ,,side with pink and white candies in silver cantle, labra, Present was the best man of 35 years ago, , iltori, brother of the 8TPOM, who spoke a few word4. Also present was the bridesmaid, Mrs, Freed. Wagner,, Auburn, cousin of the Winer,, In a few well chosen words, James Armstrong, Clinton, con-gratulated the couple on behalf of those present and asked them to accept two step-up end tables pre- sented by their son and daughter, Little Cathy and Larry Carter, grandchildren of the couple, pre- sented them with the other gifts. Mrs. Glen Carter, daughter of the conple thanked all present for 'COMing and making the event a success and presented them with a book ShOWing events in their 35 years of married life, This book offered much 'amusement during the evening, After opening the gifts, ,Tack, on behalf of his wife and himself, thanked all present for the lovely gifts and the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong, Hamilton, showed some Pictures of a trip to England, 'taken by their daughter, and several other interesting films. The remainder of the evening vizas spent visiting. x Guesqs were present from Hain- ikon, Stratford, Clinton, Seaforth, Auburn, Londesbocro. Mrs. Armstrong was the former Gladys Irene Taman, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.-Henry Tam- an, Blyth, Jack's parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong, Hullett Township. They have one son, Kenneth, LONDESBORO Mrs. -Bert. Allan Correspondent Women's Institute There was a geOd attendance .at the meeting of the Loridesb.oro Women's Institute held in the Community Hell,. May 3, to en- courage new president, Mrs, Tom Allen, at the first meeting of the year and also hear Clifford .4PPS, Clinton, who has _a wide knowled- ge of growing, flowers.. He show- ed slidg.s of his trip to Western Canada. Mrs. Robert PairaerVice gave the ,motto on ""Influence" which was very much enjoyed, Roll call was. -answered' by members each, modelling an Apron which was la- ter sold bringing in a good am- aunt. A piano duet was' enjoyed given, by Nancy Caldwell and Karen. Al- len, also on accordion solo by El- aine Alexander. Mrs. Len Cald- well gave some very fine sugges- tions for home cleaning. The hos- tesses served lunch. Plans were ,alSo made for the West Huron Di$triet annual, in Lorideshoro, on May 18. Stratford, and one daughter, een, Londesboro. They also five grandchildren. Dor- have Last week I was told the story that the Ontario .Hog .PrOdtteerS, are talchig the producers. money 'to ,.build a tinge bank 'account as going the rounds. and Thaw pro- chic.era. are believing the story. This tita the -amount is $200,000, I would like to give-sonie facts, First, the Hog PrOducers have a huge bank 'account. Net $200,- 900 but rather $2 million 'and it did go ..UP to $4 Million one .week. This was ..probably the week of • January 11 after the very large run ...of hogs just before .deficiency payments became effeetive. Actually there . IS in the $hip- pers. Trust Account. of the Qntario Hog Producers the equivalent of the value of 'a week's run of hogs plus the Amounts of all those !cheques that farmers are slow in rashrno.,. - In ,order .get interest on this account, from the_ bank the Hog Producers .have agreed to keep one and a quarter million in this account 'at all, times. This money can only be u.Secl to cash cheques for producers' „hogs. Let us consider how this money is accumulated,- - A hog is delivered to Clinton Marketing yards' Tuesday niorn- ing, It is sold to Whyte Packers and killed Tuesday afternoon!. The dressing weight, price and amount for the whole load, of which this pig was' one, is made up in the company office first thing Wed- nesday morning and mailed to the Toronto Hog Producers office to arrive Thursday morning. The tat- 'too numbers are sorted out and cheques made out to the produc- -ers and mailed Thursday night and the farmer likely receives his cheque by rural mail' Friday 'afternoon., The farmer will then get his cheque when he comes in to supper and can't cash his cheque Monday. The bank won't get it sent back to Toronto 'till Tuesday and it won't be talc-. en off the Trust Account 'till Wednesday and by that time the cheque from. the packer-lor -next Tuesday's pigs will be Secondly, the only_,other source' of revenue for the organization is the interest on "this 'account and, the 40 cents per hog.: The "inter- eit provides 'about half enough money to pay for.' cashing all cheques at par.. The 40 cents has to pay for the other 'half of par chequing, salaries of sales - staff , 13 cents for making out and mail- ing cheques, teletypes and phone calls, operation .. of ,marketing yards, rebates to county organiza— tions and all expensel of the On- tario organization. Seems to they are getting a lot of mileage out of '40; cents.- Especially when you el:insider that it cost almost double this ,amount 40' years ago when - farmers delivered their hogs to 'the local railway yards. V. If the Board is• able to accumu, late a huge surplus along with these other things, more power to them. The money might be very handy if it is .necessary' to enter the processing field, One of the aims of World Ref, ugee Year is, to close the Refugee Camps of Europe. Voluntary committees in Canada have pled, god 'themselves to close ten camps in this 'World Refugee-- Year. As a Canadian, do .ypur art to help. Support the..Nuron .0 part World Re/twee Year Blitz May 16 to 21 inclusive, Objective .of the blitz. is $10;000 .and people are asked tO promote it As a fttrther effort to assist in .this great •nah„so." W 1 I tO knows best? Eliminate guesswork, get proven bred-to-lay chicks from famed names: Stone's,Dem. lerchix, True-Lines, Roe Red and Sussex Crosses. All under the ROE name. • PLAY IT SAFE with. out high cost franchise payments to U.S. hatcheries. The finest proven blood lined available now from no]E FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Eliminate Trade name penalties • Where Does Two Million Hog Surplus Come From? Only Week's. Current Money (By 3. Carl illemingwv) FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for.. United Co-operative' of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Fariners Co=operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 CLINTON Nights — HU 24692 S COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE How To Qualify . . . Just fill in the entry blank below. Then send, it in, mail it in, or bring' it in-L-to Holland's Tire, Service. All entries will dbe held until May 21, 1960, when the winner will be drawn. Fill in as many entry blanks as you like. The core the merrier. ADDRESS , PHONE I To: HOLLAND'S TIRE SERVICE I 24 Princess St. -- Clinton, Ontario 24 PRINCESS STREET .H11:24559 Day's HURON COUNTY HAROLD M. BLACK James Street Phone HU 2-3873