HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-12, Page 7Wed in Chapel - MR, and MRS. JAMES RICHARD HOWSON were married in Ontario Street United Church Chapel, Clin- 'ton on May 7, by the Rev. Grant Mills. The bride is Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Walter NOW- . combe and her husband is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Howson, Blyth. (Mocl.,aren's, Studio) Tag Day Nets $139 . For Hospital Group Girl Guides selling tags for Hospital Day on Saturday, earn- ed the Auxiliary the total of $1.39. Highest amount was taken in by Judith Wells, followed by Marg- aret Ladd and Nancy Elliott. Other baggers were Marjorie Woods, Dianne Cudmore, Marg- aret. Gliddon, Barbara Irwin, Cathy Draper, Carol Thompson, Linda Nicholson, Judith. Watkins, Susan Smith, Mary Ellen And- rews, Linda Dales, Barbara Sharpe, Connie -Beck, Linda Nice, Pamela Burton, Barbara Ball, Faye Johnson, Corinne Snell. O Concert-Campaign Is Success; Clinton Doubles Members It was eVident at the close of the Community Concert Cam-paign that the ladies carrying it out had made a great success. There are 570 members, an in- crease of 26.6 percent over last Year. This beast -has enabled the As- sociation to book three tsVo-part concerts for this season. The con-. certs are expected to be: Archer and Giles, the Bel Canto Trio, a vocal group and Ampara. Iturbi, pianist sister of Jose Iturbi. Miss Helen . Videan, campaign. chairman and George G. Parsons, president, 'both of Goderich, ex- tend their appreciation to Mrs. Gordon Curtinghame and her hel- pers, who for the third year have successfully conducted the cam- paign in Clinton. Membership in town is almost double that of last, year. Also five scholarship awards, were secured. This 'shows that more and more citizens of Clinton are availing themselves of a splendid eppottuns ity ;to enjoy close to home, world famous artists of the concert stage. CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends,, neighbours, and pupils of my dancing classes for cards, vis- its, -treats, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Oakes and nursing staff.—MRS. TONY ZAB- LOCKI. 19b I wish to thank all my friends who remembered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats, while I was in the Clinton Public. Hospi- tal. Thanks -also to Dr. Oakes, nurses and staff of the hospital. —MRS. L. W. LAVIS. 19b • I wish to iexpress sincere thanks to my friends- and neighbours for flowers, gifts and cards received o•a the birth of my son, Robert Allan,' and for many acts of kind- ness shown. Special ;thanks to Dr. Thompson and nursing staff of Caisson Public Hr~^pital: MRS, ,GEORGE KNISAITS. • 19b I Wish to 'take this opportunity 'ha-eking my friends for treats, -ards, and visits while I was a patient in the 'Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Mr. Cochrane -incl Paul Allem for assisting me to the hospital, -also my sincere thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff KEN McGOWAN, .. 19-p Students of Grade 1213, CDCI, would like to express their sin- cere thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy for chaperoning, the "Hilltoppers" for their orchestra and A, Garon -fer . donating the Bayfield Pavilion, which made the World Refugee dance successful. 19b We would like to thank the people of Clinton and vicinity for their Many acts of kindness at the time of the fire last Thursday morning, It is very gratifying to know one has so many friends at a time like this and it Was Only thrhugh their thoughtfulness and consideration that we were able to enjoy o. place to live and food to eat, We wish to give special thanks to our many kind neigh- bours the day' of the fire. -MRS ntrm CAATtri, and rAmnr, 19-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton 4aiwaigad: 41' WINNE Sec the new luggage and leather goods styles for '60. Complete price range and selection of matched sets or single pieces. • Ideal GIFTS for the Graduates AIKEN'S 'Footwear and Clothing 4. SCOUT and. CUB BAKE and CANDY SALE Under auspiZes of the Mother's' Aintiliary • CLINTON TOWN HALL SATURDAY, MAY 21 from 2 to 4 p.m. 19-20-b AMMIMMINIUMIIIMiniaagnimPionnuMmo, 1111010- IMO tInittb efiur0 REV, J. A. McKIM, B.A, MRS. M, R. RENNI.E, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director ,Stuiday, May 15 11.00 enn—MOrning Worship Nursing Service for babies and young children. 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class 0.00 p.m.—CGIT Graduation Service (Huron Presbytery) IliOLMESITTLISS 9.45 e.rn.—Worship' Service 10.45 a.m.—Sunday' School Lot us use the Lord's Day to - strengthen our Christian Faith ANGLICAN ' CHURCH OF CANADA St. Pours — •Clinton REV, C. S. INTDER, Rector Charles Merrill, organist FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER Sunday, May 15 8,30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 arm—Morning Prayer and Sermon Tues.; May 17—St. Paul's WA will hold their meeting -at the home of Mrs. Fred Rudie at 2.45 p.m. Maple Street GOSPEL HALL cuNToN BIRTHS DOWN)—Xn Pittsburg, PentlaYln Yenta,. on Saturday, May 7, 1960, • to Dr. and Mrs. jOhn Downie, (nee Mary Alice Hunter) datighter (airtStine Avery). HALLIDAY---In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, May 6, 1960,. to Corporal and Mrs, Berry Halliday, Clinton, a son. • KArrirkmws---411 Clinton Public gospital on Monday, s, q May 1960, to LAC and Mr len Matthews, Clinton, a daughter, IV/OROAN"-In 'Clinton PUblic. Hospital on Monday, May 9, 1960, - to Mr.- and 'WS< Dottglas Morgan, Clinton, a 00.4 (James Bnadley), , OLIVER—In Clinton Public Ilen, pital on Saturday, May 7, 1960, to. LAO and Mrs, T. $, Clinton, a son. POWELL—In • Alexandra Marine ant.. GeneralTiospital, Qaderieh, on Friday, May 6, 1960,, to Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Powell, Au-burn, a son (brother for 'Wayne -and Bobby); SINCLAIR—In Clinton Public Hospital .on Wednesday, May 4, 1960, toe LAC and Mrs. Leslie Sinclair, RR 5, Clinton, a son. DEATHS. BELL-1n South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, May 8, 1960, Dr.. James Bell, beloved husband of Ruth Curtis, Hens-all, in his 92nd year, Service from Bon- ,thron funeral chapel, Tuesday afternoon, May 10, by. the Rev. Currie Winlaw, ;and interment in Exeter cemetery, CHARLESWORTH--In Victoria Hospital, -London, on Monday, May n, 1960, Harry W. Charles- worth, former feed merchant in • Clinton, in his 78th year. Ser- vice from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattertbury Street East, •Clinton., on Wednesday afternoon, May '11, by the Rev. J. A. McKim. Temporary en- tombment in Clinton Chapel, ' thence to Forest Lawn Ceme- tery, London. MACDONALD In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, May 9, 1960, Alice Mary MacDonald, (native of Bayfiekl) beloved wife of Gordon W, Macdonald, Goderich, in, her 69th year. Service from the Lodge funeral home, to Maitland Ceinetery, on Wednesday afternoon, May 11, by the Rev. It. G. MacMil- lan. MIT TER-1n Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, May 8, 1960, Mabel Marshall, Gode- rich, widow of the late NOrman Miller (and formerly of Clin- ton) in her 61st year. Service from the Stiles funeral home, Goderich, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wednesday 'afternoon, May - 11, by the Rev. A. E. Eustace. RAPSON—In Clinton. on •Sunday, May 8, 1960, Emma Leah Re- gan, widow of the late Albert Ra,pson, in her 73rd year. Ser- vice from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on • Wednesday afternoon, May 11. Additional' Women's News On Page 12 London Road. Club Sees Films Shown By Mr. C. Magee Mrs, Clare Magee was hostess for the London Road Club, when roll call was answered by giving hints on house cleaning. The treasurer -and flower convener gave their reports. A gift to the Cancer Fund of $5 was authorized on motion of Mrs. Magee, sec- onded by Mrs. Rooth. Flower collection amounted to 79 cents. Films on "The Open- ing of Parliament by the Queen" and "Peter and the Potter" were shown by Clare Magee. Pot luck lunch was served. The May meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. Plumsteel. Hostesses- will be Mrs. Plumsteel and Mrs. Deane. Third Generation For Invin% ore + a* Records 50dears Celebrating -50 years of service -to Clinton and .area shoppers, Irs wires. Ladies Wear is staging an anniversary sale starting Union- rovernMay 12. Special bargains in all lines of merchandising are be- ing offered. It was in- 1910 that 3. A. Irwin Moved his family to Clinton from London, Ontario, and in the spring of that year he opened the Irwin's Department Store in, the building now occupied by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, on Al- bert Street., When: Mr. Irwin. died in 1928, his daughter, Ruby V. Irwin took over the -business and carried on ;alone until after the war of 1939- 1945, 'when her nephew Bob mov- ed to Clinton- from Lethbridge, Alberta and entered the firm. Bob's father was the-Rev, H. Irwin (Ruby's brother). Then in 1954, Miss Ruby Irwin retired, selling out to the present owner, Robert "Bob" Irwin. In 1954 Trwirns expanded, ad-. ding ;another store in Hensoll. Then .tiVo years later another unit was purchased in Exeter, and 1r- win'S is now a chain of three star- es serving a large portion of Hur- on County. Bob- Irwin gays, "We are proud of our record and hope for many years to continue to serve. For three generations Irwin''S has been supplying the needs of shoppers in Clinton." Employees at the Clinton store are Mrs. Floyd Nelson, RCAF Station Clinton; Mrs. Vincent Rel- es, Princess Street, Clinton, and Mrs. Donald McGregor, Bas t Street, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lam, Auburn, -announce the engagement of their daughter Grave to Mr. William Jemns Cartwright, son of Mr. And Mrs. .4 4 iv i n Carfownight, Blyth, The marriage to take place in- Auburn United Ch. urch at 12 o'clock noon, June 4. 19b Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Willard, Buffalo, spent Mother's Day with the lady's mother, Mrs. Wes Shah- brook, RR 1, Clinton. Mrs. Donald Haddy and two sons, Kim and Grant, Winnipeg, are spending a few days with IVIr, and Mrs. A. E, Haddy, Mr, and Mrs, G. E. Kendall, Detroit, spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Murray East, Victor Corran left last week for a summer job with the' De- partment • of „Lands and Forests at Elk Lake in the Temagami district, Hugh Cinquhoun has successful- ly completed his third year at. Roy- al Military College, Kingston. He visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Coiquhoun a week ago. Miss Dorothy Marquis has mov- ed into her new home on John Street, and during her vacation from her position at Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, as entertaining friends from England, Home for Mother's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Currmghame's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Sarnia, with their four little sons. - Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Aiken- head and two daughters, ' Faye Louise and Debbie Ann, Chatham, spent the weekend' with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Cochrane, 115 Mary Street. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Carless, Susan and. John, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Breakey and son, Richard, Zurich, were with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cowles* 121 Orange Street,. on the evening of Sunday, Mother's Day. Carter Fire-leaves Family of Six Homeless Thursday (Continued from Page One) , needed. As outlined in an adver- tisement on page 11 this issue, Money dentitions may be left at the Bank of Montreal, the Royal Bank -of Canada or the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. For gifts of clothing, furnishings, etc., contact any Kinsman, and 'the ma- terials will be picked up, Furnish,: ings .wills be stored until required in September. As Mayor H. Bridle stated as he made a plea in council meeting.on Monday night for funds from the special relief account set up by the town in a bequest from the Pea- cock estate: "We certainly hope that such an emergency does not happen in Clinton more than every ten years or so. When it does, it is the town's duty to care for those who need it," Council authoriied the payment of rent at $40 per month until the first of September, out of this fund. BRAND NEW 1960 VOLKSWAGENS Don Smith Motors 1 Pastor; JOHN. AOPLIAlsT. Bah,- avforn,ing Worship 10.00 onn,--Sunday School 11.00 a,m.— CLINTON ROOST 011.1UROit "THE TRINXTr) A Cordial Welcome to All BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. T. B9SSENHAlVf Sunday, May 15 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worithip "The Eyes of The Lord", 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service "A Distinguished Student" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these services, Christian Reformed Church Sunday, May 15 ReV. W. Feenstra, Woodstock a.m.- 10.00 a —Service in Dutch 2,30 p.m.—Service in English Everyone Welcome ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J, LANE, 13.A- Minister „MRS. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 15 9.45 earn—Church School, for all classes 10.45 a.m.—Divine Service Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CI4INTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lard Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hail Invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on. Lord's day as follows: SERVICE 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 .p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel .8.00 p.m.—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ,.:104:0'"Adb0C4P;=:10zit=16% ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "Tlig,FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pager—REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP 7.80 p.m.—Evening Chapel Service. Turner's Church 2.00 pan.--CHURCH SERVICE 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School MOVING SOON To Our New, Modern Store (In the Former PVC Building) WATCH FOR OFFICIAL OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT GALBRAITH Your TV Service Dealer Phone HU 2-3841 Clinton _ MARRIAGES CUNNINGHAMREID—In the manse Of St. Andrew's.Presby- ter. ien Church, Clinton on Sat, urclay, Anna 30 1960, by the nen D. Iane, Marjorie Eu- nice Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Willient Reed, LuelsnoW, to Ford Lindbergh Ctimunghann son of Mr and Mrs. Vere D. Cultribighatn, Auburn PODDS-RO013.014 — In Hensel' United Church an Saturday, MaY 7, 1000, by the Rev, Currie Winiaw,leSsiged by the Rev. Charles p. 134.11i0, Ingersoll, Mafia Marie, daughter Of Mr, and Mrs. Simon Roabol, 'Hem-ell, to Donald MOVadseatt Dodds, sore of Mr. and Mrs. William Pncids, 'RR 1, Seaforth. EDWARDS-JONES—In the Jam- es Street United Church manse, Exeter, on Saturday, April 30, 1960, by the Rev. S, E, Lewis, Helen Jeannette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norval C, Jones, Exeter, to William Cecil gd, wards, -son of Mr, and Mrs. merlon Edwards, Clinton. NANAGISAN-SWAN --- in St, Mary's Catholic Church, Rich- mond Hill, on Saturday morns ing, April 30, 1960, by the Rev, Basil I3reen, Sylvia Grace, daughter of Ain and. Mrs. C. E: • Swan, to William Thomas Mans aghan, son of Mr, and Mrs, W, E, Monaghan, Clinton. TOMS-BODENSIAM— In 'Central Baptist Church, London,' on Sat- urday, May 7, 1960, by the ReV. A. R. Pyke, Marie, daughter .of the Rev. • and Mrs. Ivor Bodens ham, Bayfield, to David R. ..C. . Toms, . son of • Mr. and ;Mrs. C. Toms, Owen Sound.. WARLICES-jARREITs--In Grace Lutheran -Church, Eganville, on Saturday„-Aptil 23, 1960, by the Rev. - Henry Schmieder, mary Lou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Jarrett (formerly of Hensall), to Wayne E. Warlich, Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. -Warlich. - ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED and Mrs: Harvey TAY, lor, liriicefield, wish 4o notince the engagement of -their daughter Bar. hana to Mr. Fred Preston, son of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Preston of Sund- ridge, -Ontario, The wedding to take place early in. June, 19b Authorized Volkswagen Dealer HU 2-9088 9 Ontario St. Clinton 1910 IRWI 196Q We're Celebrating Our 50th Anniversary of Retailing Quality_ Ladies' Wear to the People of Clinton and District with a Storewicle SALE Check Our Circulars for 50th Anniversary Bargains LADIES" WEAR and DRY GOODS CLINTON Thursday, May 12, 1960 Chatoa Nows,Record Page I Church Directory DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Sunday, May 15 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service .11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7,30 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mr. Harold Swanson, Woodstock. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study- ALL'WELCOME ' Just add up the benefits you receive from prescribed medicine:- 1. It prevents more serious illness. 2. It relieves pain and discomfort. ., It restores health. 4« It speeds recovery. By any count of value —prescribed medicine is the biggest bargain your money buys, Count on us to fill your prescriptions promptly and at reasonable cost.