HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-12, Page 5.Beau t- BEAUTY AND BARBER SHOP Phone HU 24420 72 Albert Street EDNA and NORMAN PEPPER, Proprietors Permanents—Hair Cutting—Finger Waving cowirr MOMV. 4107014fAIRIT Hama County Home . Auxilipxy TO:MM. ON MAY L6 will be :held on Monday, May 16 The Monthly meeting of the at 2.30pan.Everybody welcome. .. OPENING SOON In The Moderniied Murray Building Raftenbury and Albert Streets "YOUR GIFT STORE" SUGAR and SPICE Continued from Page Two) live. During the .service y*u sneWced fond, -sidelong glances at 'them, and you had to admit that they did love you and appreciate you, after all, After church there, are more treats 111 store, Dear Dad has giv, en up his entire day for you, You'd have liked to get the kids home ,and out l og their best cloth: es. You flinch at the thought of all those eggy plates. in the chen, But nothing's too good for Mum, and yotere whipped off with a flourish to a roadside hamburg. er joint for lunch, I3y this time,- the glamour of the occasion is wilting a little. The kids start bickering, Father stares gloomily at the perfect Sunday afternoon going to Waste, Your daughter gets ketchup on her new spring coat. When you get. home, the kids ask bravely if there's anything they .can do to help, then (Us- 41.1M14411111111.114 appear like startled deer. Dad tells you to sit down, Put your feet up 04d have a cup of tea, while he tackles that filthy mess in the kitchen. * liar an hour mater', your legs almost paralyzed from keeping your feet up, and no tea in sight, you totter to the kitchen, Na sIgn of Father. Dishes stacked neatly in sink With cold ,water running on frozen, egg, Dad is located mit at the back, craftily exhuming worm% "Irla ha," he smirks, "Another surprise for you. ,.Thought I'd, get A few WorMs and take the kids out to the trout stream and get them out of .your hair so you can have a real rest;" When you have finished the breakfast dishes,' it's time to start peeling the spuds for dinner. Your loved ones arrive, home .at six, tired and starving Dear old Dad 1111.404111441•11111411111.0, WesleyYillis .WA :Regular Meeting,, Reports Are Heard The Nay meeting of the Wes, leY,Willis United Church Woman's Association was conducted by Mrs. D, Andrews.. Mrs. F. Andrews read the Bible lesson, Mrs, F, Fingland the thoughts, on the •les.SOn- and Mrs, B. Adams took the prayer. Re, Ports from the various secretaries were received. Mrs. F, Andrews and Miss L. Walkinshaw gave reports ef thie tosses three small trout on the cupboard for you to Miter the big roast dinner* Dad yawns, admits he's bushed after such a hectic day, and drops down for a nap. The kids vanish into the outddors. And as you labor through the dishes, faintly steals the realization that you have once again been had. That's Why you have my 'bless- Mg when you milt for 2z/ hours after reading this. If they get, bel- ligerent, tell them it's lylother's Day in the new order, and de- mend a cup of tea in ringing ton- es. Keep your feet on a stool if it ..kills you, Eat a whole box of ohocolattes..,liarden your heart to pleas of httriger, your eyes to the sight of dirt. They'll be glad to have you hack on any conditions, and that's the time to make your terms as. stiff as that egg you scraped off the plates on the old-fashioned Mother's 'Day. —TINS, WA presbyterial in Qoclerich. Two dollars wall be sent to the Me- lannen House at London. Mrs. Hearn gave an interesting report on the Canadian Associa- tion of Consumers meeting in On- tario Street United Church, It was decided to have regular meet mak gig in. June and a strawberry 04 for the shut-ins later, Mrs, N, Shepherd read two in- teresting readings, Members viewed the Progress made in the new basement room. A social time was spent with Mrs MeLaren'a group in charge. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS '455 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the cal- endar to our office and claim your $3.00 credit. c711mittotig gitti Mrs. Howard Armstr.mg, Prop. Wesley-Willis Holmesville Men's Club . AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 14 at 2 p.m. Wesley-Willis Recreation Room FURNITURE -- DISHES — RUGS RANGETTE — MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Everyone Welcome ' Edward Elliott,• Auctioneer 19-b Thursday, May 1Z, 1960 Clinton News-Record Page 19-p Protect them against moth damage. Some- times the tiny hales moths make can't be seen but the fibres have been weakened and will shred during a dry cleaning, The safest place for winter drapes is in our storage vault. Ask for Details To-day! ON RAINY DAYS —don't forget the SPEED WASH on King Street Speedy Dry, too! NTON KINSMEN DRAW Proceeds For RDED C ILDREN AND OTHER COMMUNITY PROJECTS tl S 25.00 —I for 25th. 75th, 125th, 175th, 225th, 275th, 325th, 375th, 425th and 475th Tickets 00 IN PRIZES Drawn. S 50 .00 —PR .for 50th 100th, .10th, 200th, 300th, 350th, 400th. and 450th Tickets 'Drawn. SPECIALS Pennebakers IDA Drug Store ADORN—with 4 Plastic Brush Rollers $1.49 BRECK SHAMPOO—$1.75 Special at $1.49 MAN TAN—Tanning 'Lotion SIR TAN—Tanning .Lotion RESDAN—for Dandruff $1.50 ENDEN—for Dandraff, $1.50 Reg $1.69 for Special NOXZEMA- • . 2 jars—Reg. $1.46 for 2 far $1.09 COBALT BULLETS for Sheep and Cattle. Give before you put animals on summer. pasture. LEAVE YOUR FILMS FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING S.M.A. Baby Food 98C DETERGENT HANDS? Get BARRIER CREME — sure protection. for' $100.00 for .250th 'Ticket Drawn $500.00 — for 500th Ticket Drawn UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F1 'B. PENNEBAKER 'DRUGGIST HUnter 2-6626 EVERY'TICKET WILL BE 'DRAWN ONLY 500 TICKETS BEING SOLD DRAW. to be held FRIDAY at a STAG in the BAYFIELD PAVILION WHICH MASSAGE PADS Xgtti2 MAY 13 "Reflex Muscle Tension" wx,amvo (Not at Clinton Lions Arena as printed on Tickets and originally advertised) ONLY TICKET HOLDERS ADMITTED TO MV. — TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR EARLY IN THE EVENING FREE SMORGASBORD TICKETS: 5.00 Are available at Hotel Clinton; K. W. Colquhoun's Insurance Office; Clinton News-Record Office; Percy Brown at Lorne Brown Motors; and from all Kinsmen Club members. THESE LOOK ALIKES . DON'T WORK ALIKE! No, you cannot tell a massage pad by its cover. That there would be so many cheap imitations of the CYCLO., MASSAGES heat.'massage pad by Niagara Is, we suppose, to be expected. There have always been opportunists to ride the coattails Of a successful new product. But that so many folks have been fooled into thinking they could enjoy the same benefits with them is regrettable. There is this all.important difference. The uniq ue 3-way action developed by the CYCLO-MASSAGE equipment is capable of sending its radiating motion through muscle and other soft tissues. The action of single-direction vibrator- massagers cannot penetrate soft tissues 'to any significant degree. This power of penetration helps to relak RMT, "Reflex Muscle Tension," to increase blood circulation In the areas of application, helps you to feel better in minutes In the several significant ways listed below. Five ?tears of Scientific research hi Medical schools has confirmed the ability of this equipment to help: • Pap you up when yeti are tired • Relax you froM simple everyday ten. • Prepare you for more refreshing, restful, drugless sleep • increase blobd circulation in areas of application' • Relieve Many everyday aches and pains *including simple backache and sore aching feet • Relieve the Minor pains et chronic arthritis and rheumatism whenever they occur THERE'S ONLY ONE NIAGARA THE PROVEN DRUGLESS METHOD TO I iGHT ttMT For FREE Home Demonstration Call in at 118 JOSEPHINE STREET, WINGHAM or PHONE 290 4 DRAWS START AT 9:00 P.M. Tickets available at +11; door until drawing starts at 9.00 o'clock only. No tickets will be sold after drawings start. • EVERY 25th TICKET DRAWN IS A WINNER !ir• "w•L". %ow warm cy , GuaranteodbiN Good Housekeeping *.°4t.swinimio° lead n g teaching hospitals and ‘CYCL.0-,MASSAGE8 HEALTH APPLIANCES