HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-05-12, Page 4Pogo 4 Clinton News-Record Thursday, May 12, 1960 Aylmer Girl Wins Carnation Award Two Holmesville Students Won Before Varieties in the famili of man, Finding paths. across 'the oceans, Will Mae explore other worlds? This book will appeal to children of any age. The boys who want new Worts, stories will be pleased to see "Olyo*-e hero," "First, base lips- tier,' "Little league _hero," and; "Stretch at first base," Ilteolder boys and girls will want to read "Find a Career in Mecitielpo, "`$1.1mmer . Change," 9:eart. ,41141 Johnny," "Julie With backache I —tired burl .—sett Orturbetli ARE ALL IVES FED ? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest, ntsny, many women torn to Dodd's Kidney Pills. These conditions can be caused hi excess acids and wastes in the system and Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys and aid their normal action of removing these excess acids and wastes. Then life seems brighter, housework lighter! Why don't you, too, try porld's? 63 Memhera of the Library, la33, asked to Pete that the Library will be ,open, to the public at. 8,00 o'clock in the afternoons of Men, day, Tuesday, Thursday and day of next week, beginning on MOnday, May. 10, Students of grade 8 of the Clinton Pablie School will be conducted on a special tour on those .days, Some of the boORA ordered in April have• arrived and are ready .fetrieireulation. This week we will mention some of the new books for the -boYs and girls, For the 4ibeginning4b,read" group them are several in the three levels of reading. "This is a Rond",."PinitY and the Petunias", "Andy and his ST. ANDREWS WMS 'XV MEET ON MAY 11 The Women's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet. at the home of Mrs. W. Shaddick on May 17 at 2:$4 p.m. Fine' Friends," "Lionel the ,a7 Lion," HT9o. Many Dogs," And "Children of Hidden Valley", a book fully illustrated with beauti- ful Plotures an .colour, of a valley rin Switzerland, "The Indian and his horse" Is an. easily read story, of how the Teld*.s, learned about homes from ,fthe:parly .Spanish ex- plorers. For the eight and ten Year-Olds there is "Little yellow Shoes" collection of Bosnian fairy tales, Which was very much eyed` by the first reader, "Poems and Pic- tures" is book to delight the MulPter who likes poetrY and it is noticed, that more children ask for books of poems. 'Qur World in Time and Space" is a pictorial treasury of know- ledge and will be a source of de- light to the children who have more questions to ask than_ par, ants have time to answer. The chapters are brief and well writ-. ten and deal with subjects rang- ing from The birth of the Earth, Miracle of life's. beginning, The twee-less Foresta„of the Coal Age, At Clinton- Public Library Mba Evolyn Wings," "Mystery on Wheels,' 'ter ."Rand9M Sky," "The Stars "Cherry Blossom .Frineess,"' "Fed- 'Hang . High," "April. Wedding," latric Nurse," "Split Rook Mys- • "Adventure on Ghost. Myer," ANNUAL MEETING and DINNER HURON COUNTY TB ASSOCIATION Hotel Clinton, Clinton Thursday, May 19th 7 o'clock The Special Speaker will be— Mr, ID, N. MASON, Rehabilitation Officer HARVEY A. McPERIVIITT MRS, S. B. RUSSPII, President Executive Secretary Public Cordially Invited 18-19-b ORE Ey if ONTARIO TRAVEL LITERATURE -Shows you Ogre to go, where to stay at the priO you want to pay. Mall for Ontarib Travel, 761,Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Name Address Past Mine KNOW ONTARIO Bet Tell to all PARENTS and PROMISING HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATES Class of '60 ANNOUNCING the BANK. OF MONTREAL CE to schol A SEVEN-YEAR PLAN S mat s 124 SCHOLARSHIPS of $750 to $5,000 in VALUE .,Every Starter Eligible for Final Awards, If you are a high-school student. well up in your studies and confident of graduating next month — here is a great opportunity for you. If you are a parent, with a son or daughter ready for ' university this year, here is important news. We are searching for 50 top high-school students graduating this June . , young men and women ready for intensive university training in the Arts or Sciences, From these 50 students, we hope to find eight outstanding young scholars for Canada's Centennial in 1967. They will be young Canadians of exceptional scholastic attainment — well- equipped and anxious to blaze new trails for the benefit of Canada in scientific research, in the social sciences or in the humanities, One of the winners could be you ...or your son or daughter. To commemorate the Centenary of Canada's Confederation and the 150th anniversary of Canada's First Bank in 1967 Gloria Qientster, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, g, Glenister, 19 5th Avenue, Aylmer, Ontario, has been awarded -$850 Bibridge A. Stuart Scholarship for the 1960.- 61 school year, the Carnation Company Scholarship Foundation has just announced, Jack :Noianan and Frames Mc- .Cullough on leaving CPC( both received Carnation seholarShiPS to Anther their education. Jack has completed three years at Queen's and Frances is a nitrse-in-training At Toronto, Gloria, who plans to again at- tend University of Western On- tario in the fall to continue her studies in Honours Langtiages,• is one of 85, winners selected from sons and daughters of Carnation Company emPloyees throughout the United States and Canada. Her father is a processor at the Aylmer Carnation CondenserY• Gloria was selected by a three man eernrOttee composed of Dr. Wallace Sterling, President, Stan- ford University; Prank L. King, President, -California Bank, Los Angeles, and James Shelton, presi- dent. Security First National Bank, Los Angeles, This is the second time Gloria has received,. a Stuart Award. The Scholarships were establish- ed by Carnation Company to hon., Huron County - World -..R E U 6 E Year BLITZ - MAY 16 - 2.1 Give Generously When The Canvasser Calls On You. ONE OUT OF FIVE REFUGEES —IS A CHILD 18-19-b our its founder and .first weal, dent, Bibridge A, Stuart. Awards are made on the basis of .charac-ter, scholarship record, leadenshiP and seriousness of purpose.. Al, though an award is for one year, reeiPients may apply Or renewals, Clinton Girl Is - Initiated Into Sigma Zeta Society Miss joy Montgomery, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Clarenee Montgomery,RR1, Clinton, has been initiated into Sigma Zeta, national honorary science society at 'Anderson College, - Indiana, USA— According to pp. John Buehler, faculty advisor for the Upsilon chapter at the Iloosier College (host May 5-7 to the na-tional convention of Sigma Zeta) Miss Montgomery 'has been receiv- ed as an active member among a dozen outstanding science stu-dents on campus. A biology major, Miss Mont, gomery is a graduate of Seaforth District High School,. Baptist Youth Have . Final Meeting Until Fall Season The Baptist Young People's group held their concluding meet- Mg for the season on Sunday ev- ening, May 1, at the church, with the Explorer Group, present, After a song service, Marion Leibold conducted the worship service. Susan Shipp read Psalm 33:10-72, Hugh Lobb gave the meditation on the theme "Now' is the time," Sandra Lee •took up the offering and Berva Switzer led in prayer. The subject, "The Boy with the Loaves and Fishes," was taken by Alan Cochrane, and followed by discussion, "What have you in your basket to offer to Jesus?" The Bible quiz on the Book of Mark was won by the boys. The interesting story about the New Canadian family and their problems was concluded. Lunch was enjoyed and the Mizpath benediction repeated. SCOUT MOTIIBitS WILL MEET ON. MAX 19 The:nionthly 'meeting Of the Mo- thers. Auxiliary to .ScOuts and Cubs will be held in ,Clinton Town Hall on Thursday, 4 MaY, 19, at 8 pan. NAVE YOUR YOUR BEST SUMMER EVER Really live. Enjoy the fun of going places, doing things. It's so easy inOntario.Start your best summer ever by mailing the coupon below. .explore _ ONTARIO (itiVAIttO intNlittMItt4t.0, #U6L16111i Hon, Orrin L. eatheirt mimeo 5OSCHOLARSHIPS OF $750... In a nation-wide competition opening this week, 50 of the most promising young Canadian men and women, graduating from high-echool this June, will he award- ed Bank of Montreal Scholarships, valued at $750 each, for entrance to first-year University next autumn. These young Canadians will be drawn from all of the ten provinces according to population, with, a minimum of two schol- aphip students from each province. They will be judged, by independent University Selection Committees on the basis of academic standing and character. They will enter a Canadian uniVersity of, their choice as Bank of Montreal Scholar- ship •Students to pursue studies in Arts or Science. Professional courses, such as law, medicine and engineering* are not included. B of At Scholarship Students may hold other monetary scholarships for the first year only. 48SCHOLARSHIPS OF $1,500.. In the Spring of 1961, the top 16 of these 50 students will each be awarded a B of M Scholarship of $1,500 for second-year uni- versity training. In 1962 and 1963, provided at least good second-class grades have been maintained, these same students will each be awarded a B of NI Scholarship of $1,500 per annum leading to graduation in 1964. 24FELLOWSHIPS OF $3,000... In the Spring of 1961„ the top eight of these 16 students will each be awarded a B of M Scholarship of $3,000 for one year's study anywhere in Canada or abroad. In 1965 and 1%6, provided a satisfactory standard of work has been maintained, these same students will each be awarded a B of NI Scholarship of $8,000 per annum for further study leading to their Doctorate. 2 BANK OF MONTREAL CANADA. CENTENNIAL AWARDS OF MOW..., In 1967, to culminate this seven-year plan, the two top students one in Arts and one in Science will be chosen, from all 50 participants in the plan, to receive the Bank of Montreal Canada Centennial Awards of $5,000 each for a further year of study anywhere in Canada or abroad. Thus, to each of these two winners if they have been participants throughout the plan the Bank will have provided financial assistance amounting to $19,250. HOW SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS ARE CHOSEN . Scholarship students are chosen on merit alone academic standing and character — by independent Selection Committees of faculty members of Canadian universi- ties, The Bank Will have no part whatever in the decisions taken by.the Committees. HOW STUDENTS IN ONTARIO .(and Baffin Island)* SHOULD APPLY... Interested Ontario students, graduat- ing from Grade XIII this June with ,Secondary School Graduation Diploma, should visit their neighbourhood. B of M branch and ask for the "Handbook for,,, Candidates" for the Bank of Montreal Canada Centennial Scholarships. This booklet explains the Scholarship Plan in detail and outlines the simple steps required to register your application for consideration by the Selection Committee of Ontario for one of the 13 scholarships available in 1960 to ,students in this province. If there Is no branch of the Bank in your district, then — and only then you should address your request tok The Assistant General Manager, Bank of Montreal, 50 king Street West, TORONTO, Ont. Yours for the asking ... thishooklet contains your application forni in developing the plan, the Bank of Montreal Is In no way seeking personnel for its own staff, but men and women who — through scientific research and pursuits in the public service 4-- will contribute in Some notable way to the common good of the nation in the years ahead. SEE YOUR BANK OF MONTREAL BIZANCI-I AND MAKE YOUR APPLICATION WITHOUT DELAY . 4 . DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOUR EXAMINATION RESULTS. ACT NOW.