HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-21, Page 10BRUCEF ELD
"rb, Rev, Pr, Donald McKenzie,
minister at Brucefield, will S11,04
his coloured -Odes. Of Scotland in
.the Erucefield United Churel; on Monday night, April at -•fi p.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Victor
Zrurieb, spent Easter .Sunday with. Mr: and Km, Williarn V. Dirinin
Easter Sunday brought out a
large percentage :of the congrega-
tion at Erupefield to morning
capably directed by the rain-
istert the Rev, Dr. D. McKenzie,
the Grand Black Chapter of On-
0 West, and Very Wor, Sir
Knight Max. 'SWeitzer, Woodliani,
County Master of Huron .County
Black Chapter, all of whom gave
very interesting addresses,
Four Worthy Sir Knights of
Wingham ;took this most exalted
degree, Other guests attended
from Woodham, Varna, Clinton,
:Myth, Fordwich, Tara, Amberley
and Whigham.
is collecting wool for grading and
sale on the co-operative plan. Ship,
pers shay obtain sacks and twine
free of charge from the above or
their Licensed Operators
Any Government Deficiency Pay-
ment will apply only on
Properly Graded Wools.
Secure the Utmost by Patronizing
the Organization that made
this possible.
217 Bay Street — Toronto '
tors in the United. .States will be
told that the highest price 'paid
for anywhere in Ontario, Radio
stations will carry a nightly rePOrt
throughout the fall season, of Prig"
as as :prepared by Mr. Wilford
his London office,.
One more new thing in the tur.
nip industryf Mr, Wilford announc-
es that a manufacturer in Holland'
is planning to bring into Canada
a machine, which is made
for grocery stores to install sitar
lax to a coffee grinder, where the
turnips can be sliced for a shopper -
before she takes it out of the
store, That would help those ladies
who find cutting up this tasty
Vegetable is hard to do.
Lloyd Stewart
PHONE HU 2-9910
Zurich Ph. Hensel! 697r3
NO Penalties
Top bloodlines from U:S.
raised, selected and hat-
ched in Canada, Bred-to-
lay chicks from famed
Now yours atid guaranteed by
Literature and Prices on
Will Be Open From 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.,
on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons,
Until Further Notice.
Clerk. 15-tfb
Grown on our own farm:
Commercial Climax Timothy
Certified York Barley
Selkirk Wheat
Locally Grown:
Garry Oats (Commercial and Registered)
Red Clover
Alfalfa and Red Clover mixture ( as grown,
not blended)
Most of our farm income comes from poundi* of
beef and pounds of milk, and this can only be produced
by good pasture and good hay,
If you need a pasture or hay mixture, it- is im-
portant to buy the seed ingredients separately and -have
t-em mixed yourself, because the standard of purity in
a mixture is much tower that) in the individual seeds,
No other car has springs like these!
Volkswagen rides like a big car—with springs you can't
even see! Sealed in tubes, they're protected from rust,
dust and dirt. These torsion bars give independent spring-
ing to each of the four wheels—unlike any other family
car. Lou get the same remarkable riding comfort front
seat or back.
Volkswagen wheels-are different, too. They are larger
than normal with larger tires for a softer, more comfortable
ride. And oversize brakes give you maximum safety.
Volkswagen's unique suspension, large'Wheels, luxurious
contoured seats—these are the important things when it
comes to riding comfort—not size. Volkswagen's ride on
any road is unmatched, even by big cars.
That Volkswagen's famous engine is different, is a well
known fact. It's in the tear, of course. It's air-cooled. In
fact, it has set a new trend in motor design. You get up
to 40 miles per gallon and can drive at top speed all day
long—if you wish.
All this makes Volkswagen different. When you drive it
you'll find--
tt pays to be different.
No wonder, then, that Volkswagen Is the largest
Belling imported car in North America—by fart
Don smith Motors Huron St., HU 2-9088
cols had been passed with the ap-
proval of all parties,
This new Bill 88 was the brain
child of members of the party in
power and without discussion with
farm organizations was introduc-
ed into the house, by the Minister
of Agriculture as a partisan Bill
and was opposed by the combined
opposition. Farm marketing leg-
islation now seems to have be-
came a political football.
A statement of County Federa-
tion of Agriculture policy con-
cerning Commodity Groups prev-
iously drawn up by the resolution
committee was presented and af-
ter discussion it was agreed to
defer final approval until the pro-
posed statement could be consid-
ered in the light of the present
Alf Warner, of the county Hog
Producers, thanked the county
and township Federations for the
support given in opposing Bill 86
and stated that with such strong
opposition the government would
probably hesitate in making use
of any of the new powers.
Could this be the reason that
Mr.. Goodfellow failed to appear
far the opening of the L,istowel
Farmers Co-operative April 8?
Rutabago400 Per Bushel All Year
Aim Of Wilfordl Marketing Service
Mr. and Mr‘s. Arelde Noakes
spent Easter with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Earl •
McKellar and family, Chadian),
Sergeant Don Orr., and Mrs,
Orr, St, SYlvestret Qtle„ spent the .
Easter holidays with the former's
Parents, Mr, •and Mrs. R. A. Orr..
James Bent was taken by
ambulance on March 18 from the
Queensway Nursing home to South
Huron Hospital, Exeter,
Mr. and Mns, J. L. McCloy,
Cathy, Jimmy and Christine, To-
ronto, spent 'the Easter holidays
with the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. George Hess.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold,Bell, To-
ronte, 'Visited over the .asterholi-
days with the foriner's father, W.
R. Bell and brother-in-law and Pis,
ter, Mr. and MM. Clarence Knight
and family.
FP) Ralph McArthur who has
been stationed at RCAF Centralia
has been posted to Rivers, Man.,
and with his wife and sons. Mae
and Cam leave this week to take
up residence there. Mrs, Mc-
Arthur is the former Elaine Beer,
- Ed. Little is a patient in St.
Joseph's 'Hospital, London, where
he underwent surgery on his knee
Saturday morning which he injur-
ed in an accident 'recently. Follow-
ing a week in the hospital he will
return home where he expects to
be confined for six weeks.
Easter visitors with -Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Beer were Sergeant
John Beer, ]Mrs. Beer, David and
, Johnny, Springfield;F/O R. D.
McArthur, Mrs. McArthur, Mac
and Cam, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs.
George Beer; Linda Lee and Betty
Ann, Hensall.
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens Club met at the
Community Centre April 12 with
a fair attendance, and enjoyed
an evening of progressive euchre.
Winners were: ladies, Mrs.
George Hess, Mrs: Annie Saunder-
cock; men, Willard Buchanan,
Mrs. F. Harburn; lone hands,
Mrs, Florence Joynt. A social
hour was enjoyed and lunch serv-
ed. The group will disband un-
til fall.
Kinettes Give 81.0
Mrs. Robert Reaburn was hos-
teas April 12 for the Meeting
of Hensall Kinettes. President
Mrs, WilliaM Nfielcle -chairing the
meeting., .$10 was donated to. .the
Canadian Cancer Society, A form-
er member, Mrs, Tony Charrotte,
was a guest At the meeting, Many
thank you notes were read,.
Plans were laid for the annual
rummage sale in the town bait
Hensail, Saturday, April 80. Donan
dons are gratefully accepted, M.115,
Jack Drysdale, Mrs. William
Miekie, lt2xs, John Heal and Mrs,
Ross anies will attend the Sea-
way Convention in Windsor at
the Prince Edward Hotel, May 20.
Mrs, .-lylickle won the' raffle,
A eombined meeting of the Wo-
men's Missionary Society and La-
dies Aid of Cannel Presbyterian
Church • was held in the- church
schoolroom April 12 with presi-
dent Mrs. Earl Campbell taking
the chair for the WMS. The
theme was "The Lord is Risen.
He • is risen Indeed". The devo-
tional consisted of a hymn, pray-
er and s ripture passages. Mrs.
Pearl Love gave an Easter ines,..
sage, "The First Easter Mes-
At the business session two in-
vitation$ were accepted from the
WMS of the United Church. to
their birthday party, April 29, and
one from the Arnold Circle to at-
tend their Easter meeting.
Slides were shown of the Cecilia
Jeffrey Indian Residential School
aft Kenora. Mrs. Alex IVIeGrego17,
president, took the chair for Meet-
ing of the Ladies Aid when a mo-
tion was passed to purchase More
new hymn books for the church.
A report of the recent barniiteg
was , most gratifying, A social
hour was enjoyed,
Chiselburst Ladies
The Woman's Missionary Soo-.
iety and Woman's Association of
Chiselhurst- United Church held
their Easter service April 12 us-
ing as their theme: "Peace I
leave with you". President Mrs.
Clarence Coleman for the WMS
took charge and Mrs. R. Taylor
conducted the devotional, assist-
ed by Mrs. E. Taylor,Mrs: Har-
old Parker and rs. Benson
An invitation to the birthday
party of the Hensel' WMS, -April
29 was accepted. Mrs. Earl Kins-
man reported on the Presbyterial
at Seasforth.
Plans were made tb entertain
in May when special guests will
be present.. Mrs, Stoneman -
viewed a chapter of the study
book "Africa Awakes". The L,
'dies Aid held a brief meeting
with president Mrs. Alf Ross in
charge. The ladies quilted two
quilts for the bale for overseas
Dice are thought to have been
invented about 1,244 BC,
Royal Black Knights
.Entertained At
Wingham Event
(By our lionsail _C9rroopontiont)
About 100. Royal Black Knights
of the County of Huron and sur-
rounding territory gathered at the
Town Hall, Wingham, on, March
15 as .gtiepti oi< R,13.1", No. 797 to
witness the exemplification of, the
Red Cross, Degree, by a team from
Araberley, under the leadership of
Sir Knight Donald Courtney. This
degree is :emblematic of Good -Frir
day and Easter' Sunday pertaining
to the Crucifixtion of Christ and
the resurrection. This degree' also
reviews the ten degrees leading up
to the Red Cross,
Guests of honor were Rt. Wor,
Sir Knight Oliver Jaques, HensaTh
Grand Lecturer of the Grand
Black Chapter of Ontario West, Rt.
Wor, Sir Knight Walter Scott, Bel-
grave, Grand Committeernan
A word of warning to motorists.
If you are planning a trip outside
of Ontario you should get —a veri-
fication card from your Insurance
Company showing Liability cover-
age. Many states in the US and
some provinces require this. If
you happened to get picked up
Friday evening your car could be
impounded until you could contact
your company Monday morning,
Could be most embarrassing.
The Properties Department of
the Ontario Federation of Agri-
culture met with Hydro on Jan-
nary 27, and requested 'a 20 year
term lease. Since that time there
has been no action but just last
week I was informed that nego-
tiations have been again opened
and it seems that hydro eventu-
ally will give a better deal. It just
takes a long time for them to
make up their mind.
The Huron County Dairy Co-
Ordinating Board met recently
and decided to conduct the Dairy
Princess contest in conjunction
with 'the Clinton Spring- Fair,
June 11. This is „about a month
earlier than other years and we
hope 'the girls interested will get
their entries in by June 1. At-
tractive prizes are being offered.
Notify the County Federation of-
fice, Box 310, Clinton, for partic-
Art the County Federation of
Agriculture Directors meeting
April 12, the secretary was in-
structed to invite a representat-
ive of the Ontario Provincial Po-
lice to the next meeting to ex-
plain the regulations controlling
the movement ot.- farm machinery
on the roads.
Gordon. Greig, first vice-presi-
dent, in reporting on the, Hog
Producer delegation meeting with
Premier Frost pointed' out that
previous farm legislation had or-
iginated with farm organizations
and after :thorough study and con-
sultation with government offic-
Injectable Iron
virtually eliminates
baby pig anemia
Pigdex saves young pigs
by giving them the iron
they need—in a form
they can easily use. It
is your lowest- cost
injectable iron. Get
new Pigdex today!
iC .111.1V AL AK X XI
Cyanarnld of Canada Limited
This Product Available From:
Huron Street Phone HIJ z•aals
Antabaga fit for a king . A,
H. Wilford suggests lightly boil-
•Slieea of rutabaga ('turnip) In
water, with a bit of salt, then fry-
ing them in brown sugar. "They'll
beat sweet potatoes, anytime," he
More enthusiastic than ever., Mr.
Wilford reports that many of the
weaknesses in turnip marketing are
ironed out, With co-operation from
the waxers, he's giving them lea-
dership hi evening .out tie price. His aim is. at least .$1,00 a bushel
throughout the season. "If ruta-
baga is worth $1.15 to-day they
were worth that last September,"
claims Mr; Wilford.
The trouble last-season, reports
the rutabaga marketing specialist,
is that while one waxing plant
took the lead and paid 75 cents
throughout the season, other
plants, far afield, did not pay
much more than half of that,
Mr. Wilford says that distrilau-
Phone HU 2-7418
Guests for Easter weekend with
Mn and Mrs. Jack Yea, were their
daughter, Mary Helen, Stratford
Teacher's College; Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Murray, Dundalk, and A.
Clifford, London. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson
and family, of Oak Ridge Acres,
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Brown, Warren, Mich., were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gild-
don, over Easter weekend.
Miss Elanor Yeo, nurse-in-train-
ing at Royal Victoria Hospital,
Montreal, spent the weekend at
her home. Miss Yea was met at
Malton by her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Yeo and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McCullough, and then they
went into Toronto to spend the
evening with Miss Frances McCul-
lough, Who is in training at Tor-
onto Western Hospital,
Miss Helen Potter, teacher at
Oakridge Acres, London, spent
the weekend with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Patter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cudmore
and family, Hamilton, were re-
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mel Gliddon spent Easter Day
with his sister, Mrs. E. J. Tre-
Mr, and Mrs. A. Parker and
family, Ottawa, spent the Easter
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Les
LAC and Mrs. R. Glenn and
family, spent the holiday weekend
with their families in the Camp-
beilford district. While there
LAC Glenn was best man at his
brother's wedding.
POgt,e 10r,011149.01 .News-.Record.. -Thursday. April 21, 1960
News of Nolan
(Mrs. Maude Hedden, Correap91.4404)
Trani Abroad; Hydro Settlements and
Bill 86 Discussed by Federation
(By J. Carl Hemingway)
SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as such, will
be received by the undersigned, until 12 o'clock noon,
Saturday, April 30,' 1960; for the
on the Township roadsides, at an hourly rate. Lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
16-17-b Varna, Ontario.