HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-21, Page 9a, 8 e4RpoR1 5EDROoK4 9tv.94' BEDROOM 9,r. 9,1` 6EPROOM O'fr.10.7. Thursday, April. AL 1960-4lb/ton News-Record Page 9 BUILDING and REMODELLING REFERENCE LIST • ROOFING Earl Doucette Built-up Asphalt Ft9oflito OontIng--Patehlog,Shingltog Roof Repairs of All Type!, PHONE NU 2-9741 91,114.TON . . • PAINTING and DECORATING D A. Kay and Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton — Phone HU 2-954P GRANT RATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street — Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton * BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball-Macaulay Ltd. Phone HUnter 2-9514 Full Range of Builders' Supplies COAL -- LIME CEMENT King Street — Clinton J. W. Counter Builders' Supply "Everything for the Buildeim CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie Builders' Supply and Sawmill Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON HU 2-6655 • GENERAL CONTRACTING EARL DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Asphalt Roofing CLINTON —„Phone HU 2-9741 M. McADAM Clinton — Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Clinton Phone HU 2-9562 • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR General Concrete Construction CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9496 0 PLASTERING CONTRACTOR `Carman F. Garrow PLASTERING CONTRACTOR and General Repair Estimates gladly Given 139 QUEEN ST, CLINTON PHONE HU 2-7008 • HEAT, LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton -- Phone HU 2-9653 Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S Sales and Service SEAFORTH ZURICH Phone 644W1 Phone 34 Electric and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electric installation and Repairs Motor Rewinding A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton — Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- FUEL OIL CEMENT A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD — Phone 16 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-6633 WISE PLUMBING and HEATING Harold Wise, Prop, CLINTON — Dial HU 2-7062 Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services * HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's Ladies Wear Draperies - Curtains -- Blinds Curtain Rods -- Drapery Track Estimates Free — CLINTON — Phone HU 2.6623 McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9766 `iormamsaminisamommmossolosommooreaummommosiomarsmor Watch Next Week's. News-Record for BEATTIE FURNITURE Annual Spring Sale Beginning THURSDAY, APRIL 28 through to SATURDAY, MAY 7 Unheard-of Bargains In . . V LIVING ROOM FURNITURE V DINING ROOM FURNITURE V BEDROOM FURNITURE OUR STOCK OF ELECTEMEQUIPMENT IS SO COMPLETE ANV J08 WE DO IS JUST A TREAT 0 ;( WHY SHIVER AND SHAVE %THEN INSIDE? Want EXPERT 0 2ralif S OUR PRIDE! Here's how Imperial's income dollar is divided Last year, out of every dollar Imperial took in: 55 cents was spent for raw materials—mostly crude oil—and for freight, a big item in a big country. 25 cents went for costs of operating the company. This included wages and salaries for our 13,000 employees. 9 cents was for depreciation, money set aside to help pay for replacing worn-out equipment. 5 cents went to various taxes (not including provincial road taxes ranging from 10 to 1814 cents per gallon). 6 tents Was left. But two of these bad to be set aside for equipment to make new products'', and for expansion of things like refineries and service stations to meet the public needs. 4 cents was left for the shareholders—whose , invettment made the company possible. HARRY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 RIMCLINION HEATING OILS- GASOLINE GOA OMIT ROSE RSISEE/r BY HARRY WILLIAM ft496(414,F EVERYONE TROUnt IT. TILL. TW'Y REALIZED HE TOO WAS CLEVER - 1.14: WAS DEALING AT After Child Is 19 He Must Pay Hospital Insurance .1,04 Parents still do not. realize that their dependent eill- dren. no longer ilave hospital in-. surance with the family after they reach, age 19. According to the Ontario gospital Services ComirriSSien some young people of 19 are fotind to be uninsured when they are admitted for hoS- pitai treatment. Moat 77,000 children in Ont- ario will reach age 3.9 this year, and while many of them will he- Come intuned On their own through becoming employed in in- sured groups, others must armige to:pay premiums directly to the Commission or they will be ..un- insured when the need arises., Care should be taken to act promptly to keep insured. Appli- cation forms are available at all hospitals, most banks, or any Of- fice of the Ontario Hospital. Ser- vices Commission. Attractive Threaidroom Bungalow Particularly Su #¢d for Narrow Lot. This brick veneer three-bedroom bungalow has been designed by architect R Whiteley. of Don Mills, to ensure good internal circulation,: The floor plan is so arranged that any part of the house may be reached without crossing the living room. The large kitchen. which can be used for dining, is conveniently located in relation to'both the main and secondary entrances, ample cupboard. closet and storage space Is another attractive feature of the plan The front door is protected ,, by a roof overhang. which is ex- • tended to form a carport. For best orientation the front door should face north. The total hoot area is 1,085'; square feet and the exterior dimen- sions are 30 feet, two inches, by 40 feet, 10 inches, Working draw- fags for the house, known as De- sign 292, may be obtained from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost. ENTRY Special Planning Will Produce Fireplace-A Credit To The Home Building a good fireplace takes er, the size of the smoke shelf, and the diameter of the flue, all have a bearing on its efficiency. Firebricks used in building the fire chamber should be bedded with morfsr specially made to re- sist high temperatures. The thick- ness of the fire chamber wall should never be less than the thickness specified i,,p the book "Housing Standardshese stan- dards which are prescribed for all housing financed under NHA, al- so give details on the depth of the hearth, the minimum distance which should be allowed between the sides and the top of the; fire- place opening, and the minimum dittance ;between 'the fire chamb- er and combustible materials. Although a single chimney may serve both a fireplace and a heat- ing unit the chimney must have two flues. Flues should be separ- ated by masonry not less than four inches thick, unless all: joints in the flue linings are staggered. In the lower section of the chim- ney the flues are often set farth- er apart to allow the furnace flue to bypass the fireplace. Where the bend in the flue occurs the angle should not exceed thirty de- grees, otherwise the chimney's albility to draw may be affected. When a fireplace is included, the base of an outside chimney is often an extension of the base- ment foundation wall. The chim- ney shaft will require a flue lin- ing if the concrete on any side is less than eight inches thick. The wooden form used in fram- ing the shaft should be of suf- ficient size for easy removal, once the concrete has had time to set properly. it should not be burned out if it can be avoided. Until Spring . Is the proper time to consider neict winter's comfort. Also . . Consider your summer comfort Instead of taking off your old storm windows yourself, let us remove them and replace with new, modern "STORM SEAL" aluminum Storm 'n Screen Windows. We wilt also allow you cash for_your old frame storms. We'll also wash all your windows. STORM SEAL Self-Storing and Standard Doors STORM SEAL Aluminum Storm 'n Screen Windows (available in both 2 and 3 track) Storm Seal Aluminum Storm 1n Screen Windows have eliminated: (1) Rattles—with Schlegel weather stripped intents. (2) Drafts-- with interlocking meeting rail and weather- strip inserts. (3) Friction—No more sticking windows—the ease of operation will amaze you. No difficulties When removing for clean- ing. (4) Repairs—No more springs or clips to break. No lift screws to rust. Welded corners give maximum strength. (5) Factory Glass Replacements—Inserts are screwed to- gether enabling home glass replacements. (This is a big feature of Storm 'n Screen' Windows), All windows and doors installed by competent carpenters. Cali tither agent listed below for a dem- onstration and free estimates on all or part of the windOwS in your home, DON C. COLQUHOUN Phone KU 2-3297, RR 5, Clinton ROBERT RATHWELL Phone HU 2-9105, RR 3, Clinton KITCHeN •0114IN5 ROOM wce.$w both skill and experience. its height and depth, as well as the shape of the apron above the op- ening, 'the location of the damp- It wouldn't be practical for Imperial to divide its income dollar the way the people in our picture are doing. A more exact division is required, as you can see from the figures below. • 'a a tot' 79 Viliatrit n leadar In CAN-Waft arowth IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED the concreteF is sufficiently cared burning out the forms can cause the concrete to crack, especially if fuels that generate intense heat, such as gasoline, are used. • LANDSCAPING • SODDING • SEEDING • LAWN ROLLING Free Estimates • TOPSOIL • FERTILIZER • MANURE BAIRD and MERNER -CLINTON, ONT. Phone 'HU 2-7176 Phone HU 2-9734 10p-tfb