HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-21, Page 8FARMEI Come and see the New Holland and Massey- Ferguson balers, rakes, crimpers--also canversian kits to complete the ',alert so that it ma be used for baling groin. Learn how this method will save you time and labour; and not increase your cost of the machine, Presently hundreds of farmers are now using their baler for haling grain and are very happy and satisfied with this method. 4T George 'Wraith Montreal Street. Gooerich Phone ,JAchson 4-9934 ON Friday, .April 22 at 1,30 p.m Pete Hathaway, of Central Cities Service wishes to announce that he now has a new partner, in the person of ELMER HUGILL . who is well known in the Clinton area. Mr, Hugill and Mr. Hathaway extend on invitation to all to visit theen at their modern up-town service station. aM Central Cities Service Phone HU 2-9032 — Corner of Mary &- King Streets C ities Service Premium and Regular Gasolines Koolmotor OilsFirestone Tires and Batteries Complete Lubrication Service Automatic Car Washing—Full Line of Accessories Page Clinton.8-,News-Record---Thursday, April 21, 1.960 STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Financial Report for year-1959 RECEIPTS 1959 Jan. 1—Balance on hand May 1—Legiskitive Grant June 2—Purina Meeting at SS No. 1 June 30--,Election at No.'s 1, 10, 14 Sept. 30—Legislative Grant Oct. 1—Sale of old desk Dec. 1—Refund on Ball Dec. 18—C.T.A. Election No.'s 1, 10, 14 Dec. 18—Over Deposit Dec. 22—Stanley Sections Levy Dec. 22—Tuition fees from No. 13 Dec. 31—Total Receipts EXPENDITURES $16,928.25 6,000.00 3.00 60.00 6,562.89 5.00 6.31 60.00 6.31 12,167,80 580.00 $42,379,56 1959 ' Dec. 31—Instruction $15,843.70 , Approved Texts 610.85 Approved Library " 161.04 Other Instructienal Supplies_ 1,643.74 Administration ' 1,061.12 Plant Operation 3,736.11 Plant Maintenance 1,628.60 Auxiliary Agencies 274.47 Fees from Other Boards, 180.00 Transportation ,,,,,, ,...„ 1,716.50 Capita Outlays 177.55 Extraneous Payments 228.43 Total Expenditures $27,262.11 Balance on hand 15,117,45 $42,379.56 A. M. HARPER, Auditor T. B. BAIRD, Secretary-Treasurer 16-b 1 . .. No High Priced .. White Collar Office Help . . to eat up the profits - SAVINGS WE MAKE ARE YOURS! Mrs„ Alvin 1-.1Olm, AeOmparlied by her son Roy and: young Roy, Rroston„ and Mrs, 'Glenn -Toner,. Mien,, called on friends in the village .en Saturday, Ms's, • Holm brought' flowers for the al- tar of Trinity Church, in memory. of her patents, Mr, ft-TO, Mrs„, Henry Ik/feCiinehey and their sans, William and Roy, Mr .,ond Mrs Gerald Sturgeon and habY .N.exicy Joyce, Mr. aed Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon -and hal,Yy. Kenneth, Mrs. Lottie Davis, Pres- ton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, E, J, Sturgeon. Also with their parents on Easter Day: Mr. and Mrs, F. Anderson.; and sons Paul Francis, Scien- ce Hill, and Mr, and Mrs. Dennis, Eisback, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. George Castle spent Easter Day with their' daughter, Mrs- Wiiharra Craig anal .Clinton:family, Williann .Craig and. sisters, Mrs, H. worso. and Mrs. George Wilkins,. Coder-' sang as a trio on Sing Song T1:flee CIKNX-Ty Wingbain at 5.30 -pen. Sunday. Bayfield's Pet Crow A Real Friend Of School Children (By our ,hayfield eorrespowlent) Have you had a visit from the pet ,crow in Hayfield? He is a fine big •fellow who is very fond of women 'and children. He soon learned that by visiting the school; pupils began saving bits of wein- ers and other food to hand him some ltine„h too. Apparently he is• not too fond of men but loves the kiddies and follows along -about a foot be- hind them. Mrs, Ken Brandon reported that he visited their place last week and had great fun pecking the shoes of her sixteen-month-old son Blair. "Golf," a husky dog belonging to Patricia and Paul Payne, jumped at the big black crow. The bird just hopped off about four feet, turned and fac- ed the dog as much as to say: "Come on, I'm ready for you!" but "Loki" did not follow him to take the dare, One day down at Glenn Bran- don's, Crow had fun swooping down at the red bob on Billy's hat. He played in the sand box with the children and pecked heather's finger when she was feeding him, The children 'were not afraid of him and it was quite evident that Crow was thorough- ly enjoying the play. Whose pet is he? They wonder. li 104 Shirley Brendsm, hex, Mos. Dorothy Reinke and Miss who spent Easter with her father,. Mice Lusted, Hamilton, are swi- ll, N, Brandon, is visiting in Tor- ding the- Easter week at the New onto tine week. Ritz nf;e01. Top Quality—Complete with PaWer Pump PRICE— $11 9 • No Trade Required T. A. UTTON Appliances Open Evenings- 'Ti! 9 p.m. HU 2-3232 BRUCEFILD THE K Y STUDEBAKER Lowest Priced Full Size 'Built We Can. GUARANTEE the B EST DEALS In Canada , TRY 10 MINUTES BEHIND THE WHEEL AND YOU'LL KNOW IT'S YOUR KIND OF CAR SMALL TOWN OVERHEAD SAVES YOU MONEY We do our own selling . . YOU DON'T PAY SELLING COMMISSIONS STODERAKER •••••-, Full line: 2 & 4-dobr Senors-2 & 4.door station wagons--Hardtope-Convertlete W. H. Dalrymple and Son STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE BRUCEFIELD Dial Clinton HU 2.9211 '.• '',1",'.f,MgaegetWateageea- • • • • • gs x 4 11111,41k.::::;',,,"Iii•;:%-...'k'S',. 1".11E 4 28 Huron Street Phone HU 2.3815 E aster Weekend, Ricky remained with his grantiparents„ Mr. and Mrs, MalcOhn TOnia for the Mrs, Viola, Black, .Goderich, spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mrs. Charles Dell, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Arnistwog, Zurich',Mr,. and Mrs, Donald bell, Clinton, were with their parents on Eese ter Pay. Mx Artinir -1Wer, Stratferd, accompanied her rieplieW, John Elliott, wife .and three children, Jinany, Nancy and Susan, icitch• .ener, to spend -Good Friday with his- parents, M. and Ws. William R.. Elliott Mr,. and Mrs. Keith lEcraildon,, Brian,- Gary and Shirley; Strat ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon and Mr. and MrS, Wendell Pitblado, .Oakville, were with her father H. Bran- don over the Eastertide. Mrs, L. 1st, Hurt, London, is at ,her . home here' for . the vacation. Howard and son Jeffery were- with her on Friday and .Saturday; Ronald from. Friday to Sunday, and Mr. and M Otto von ,11011- rierikampff, London, spent. Sunday with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows, Fraser, Pain and Kim, Riverside, spent the Eastertide with. Mrs. FellOW's parents, Mr. and Mrs." F. Fraser. Mr. Fellows and son Fraser, returned. to Riverside on Monday, while. ,Mrs, Fellows and the • girls remained for a longer visit. Mrs, H. C. Sevitts, Mount Vern- on, Ohio, came on Wednesday of last week to be the guest of Mrs. 1-1...H, Ormond for ten days. • Mr. -and Mrs. David Ormond, Lucy, Stephen and Brian, Plymouth, Mich,, spent the Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond. Mr. and -Mrs, Carson •Fawcett and Nancy, Mrs. L. H. MacLeod and Miss Dorothy Arm McLeod, were in. London on Easter Day to visit L, H. MacLeod at West- minister Hospital. Cathy Mac- Leod accompanied them on their return •to spend the vacation with her grandmother. Mr. .and Mrs.-3, Pounder, John- ny, Cathy and Mary Beth, were with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotch- .mer over Good Friday. They went to Lansing, Mich., on Saturday, returning to the village -on. Tues- day for Howard Scotchmer who accompanied them to London, for the remainder of the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Jan- ice, and Charles, were with her mother, Mrs. J., H, Parker for Eas- ter. Janice remained to visit at the home of her aunt, rs. Fred Weston " and Elaine Weston" and Lorraine Dale, Clinton, accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Pruss and Char- les to London, on Monday for a few days visit. • Young- People Hold andielight Service At Bayfield United (By our Bayfield correspondent) Services in- keeping with the Easter theme were held in St., Andrew'-s-United Church on Sun,- day, with tit- Rev. John Patriek, basing his discourse on 1st Cor. 15, the Apostle Paul's argument. for the resurrection." The . choir sang several, songs of Easter, un- der the direction of Miss Cathar- ine Welsh, -organist. In 'the evening -a candle-lighting service was carried out by the Young People's Society, with Mr. Patrick presiding. Two Easter poems were recited, one by Mar- ten Porter and one by Barbara Turner/ -also two solos, one Mrs. Kingsbury, "0, the bitter by shame and sorrow," and one by Ted Dann,. "Were you there?" • The service of candle-lighting was presented by Margaret Was Carol Willis, Gail Lockhart, Shirley McCowan. and Janet Har- ris, It Wee entitled, "The Way." Two Easter anthems by - the choir and many Easter hymns sung by "all, completed an interes- ting and impressive service. Beautiful flowers, Bikes, violets, hydrangeas and snapdragons,' de- corating the chancel, enhanced the thbught of spring and of the Eastertitre.- Service on Sunday, April 24, will be at eleven o'clock Daylight Saving Time. WHETHER you LoOKNotni EAST, SOUTH OR WEST, YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND, R SERVICE I Brooder Heat Lamps Special—OA ea, (While They Lost) MERRILL TV SERVICE Phone HU 24021 Clinton, a News of Bayfield IV MISS .17.4.1703t WOOPS PHONE; i3AYFIELD 45 Miss Mel, 13leir,. Lends" was. home over the long Easter weeele. end, Brim. UWO, London, was hegne .frein Thursday to Slane- dey, Xr—anel Mrs. Charles Guest, 'Whitby, were at their :cottage Tinusday and Friday. Miss Mary Marks, -Toronto, was with her mother, VIM Charles Marks, over Easter. Mrs, Alan ..AkileeWertli and fam- ily were at their cottage in the village en Tuesday. - At their cottage for Eapter were Mr, and Mrs, F, Chirter and Zvliss Doris' Cbuter, Preston, Mrs. R. Q. Hunter and Mrs. •C. Rogers, Toronto, were he tie . lade from Menday. to Wednesday. Fred MeZweri who has spent the - winter in London, re- turned heme - a week agoStrday, The Reverend and Mrs. P. H.• Petal, Listowell„ were the guests of Miss .1-140Y R, Woode, over Tues- day, - Mr. and Mrs. L. B. -Smith, 'Lon- am stayed with her sister, Mrs. R, J. Larson. from Friday to Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and Gwen, .Were at their cottage "Wheel-In" en. Good Friday and Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Heard, on Eas- ter Day, Mr. and Mrs. George Simons and Dawn, Georgina Island, are at their home on the Goshen Line this week, Mrs. R. Humphries and Carl, Port Stanley, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kerr. Miss Janie Myers, Byron, is, spending the Easter vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Bryant, Mrs. Spencer Irvine and Mary Elizabeth, are spending the Eas- ter vacation with her- parents in Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Francis and family spent Easter Day with her parents, Mx'. and Mrs, -James MC- IVER* 'Themesferd. Mr. -and Mrs, William Parker and Charlie, London, spent the Easter holiday with his parents, Mr.- mid Mrs. William E. Park- er. Li/Corporal. John Black, Mrs. Black, Michael and Carole, leder- ton, visited Mr, and Mrs. Emer- son Heard on Saturday and Sun- day. Miss Charlene Scotebmer, Tea- cher's College, Stratford, is with her Parents, Mr.. and Mrs,. Charles! Scotchmer for the Easter vaca- tion. - Mrs. S. W. Denby and daughter, Jeannine, Buffalo, -came on Tues- day to spend this week with her daughter, Mrs. Ken Brandon and family. Mrs. George Connell returned to "The Hut" on Sunday evening after - having visited her son in Clinton and and Seafort ! . after • leaving hospital. Mrs. R. Be Johnson, Sault Ste, Marie, was with • her brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, for a couple of days the first of the week. D, A. .Atkinson returned to his home in the. village on Good Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Atkinson, after having spent a couple of weeks in Detroit. 'Mrs. James Fisher, Larry and Frank and DouglaS. Barrett, Kit- chener, came on - Friday to spend a few days at cottage. es Fisher was also here from Fri- day -to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gemein- h'ardt, and Lois, returned, to Saginaw, Mich., on Thursday, af- ter having been here since Sunday owing to the death of his brother, Keith Gemeinhardt. - • Mr. and Mrs. John MacKenzie, accompanied their son John, wife and two children, Toronto, -to vise it their daughter, Mrs. Manley Thoinpson. and .,fandly, Chicago, from Saturday to Tuesday. „Corporal -and Mrs. Lloyd West- lake, Ricky and Cathy, Kitchen- er, were here for the Good Friday SHUR-GA1N FERTILIZER 24240-, $3$L$ Theis right. •if you 44y 1/2 of 4.24-20. at the Clinton feed Mill you will get all the plant food in 1 ton of 21240 for only $38.80. BUY HIGH. ANALYSIS AND SAVE $$$ ALL ANALYSIS QT RUCK 'BOTTOM PRICES