HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-21, Page 5ANNOUNCING.. The °porting of the tb jorociftm, arfietti At the Intersection of Highway g1 and the Brueeficid-Rayfield Road. A New Feature at the Inn is the opening of a New Billiard Recreation Hall 16-p Under the management of 7~.,.41o, .4. rater pieroon Plan Your. Spring Housecleaning The Sensible Way! Send Your Laundry To Us And-Save That Much More Time to Put on Cleaning and Painting. This Week The Lucky Number Is 1260 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match take the cal- endar to our office and claim —Shop While You Wash— '"your $3.00 credit. Or . • • Try the Fast Laundry Method at the Speed Wash on King Street. ti FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for.. United Co-operative of Ontario and solielt your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 773 4immimiONONNO M O INNalmeMiMmemniMmiim.,MIN, SPECIAL THIS. WEEKEND FRESH FILLETS OF PERCH -SELECT VEAL ROASTS, CHOPS and CUTLETS N . 1 Quality Choke Sides of Beef ONLY 45c per lb.. $PRINGFESTIVAU S*000 Modern Meat Market Phone Hp 2-3834 "THE SIGN- OF THE STEER" TEST BUYS for BUSY W IVES! COOKED MEATS MACARONI and CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF ANY BRAND NAME (sliced) WEINERS Large BOLOGNA, No. 1 Our Own SAUSAGE (The best ever sold The Very Best GROUND BEEF (fresh) Fresh Sliced SIDE BACON 1 lb. Package BREAKFAST BACON ( no better buy) lb. 45c in Cli n. y .3 lb. for $1.00 per lb. 39c lb. 49c 314. for $1.00 4 for $1.00 5 lb. for $1.00 nton) . Sold by the Whole Side or Part Cut to your Own speelfications This Special Price Good Only' 'Till End of Month (Thursday., April 21 to Saturday, May 7) May we suggest that you try a Steak or Roast from the MODERN MEAT MARKET and you'll be convinced that we Specialize Only in the Best of Meats Pi 2-7034 eZitoo, atee0,49- BAZAAR and BAKE SALE_ Aprons. Sewing, Good Used Clothing Tables DOOR PRIZE in the Council Chambers, Clinton on Saturday, April 23 at 2 p.m. Auspices Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order Of Eastern Star PROCEEDS BENEVOLENT WORK 16-b SEE THE ALL NEW 1.960 VISCOUNT.and JAMES BICYCLES At Clayt Dixon's Auto SUPply, ALL SIZES AVAILABLE' REASONABLY PRICED from $34.50 — Sidewalk to $49.95 for Three-Speed Roadster AUTO SUPPLY NEWS OF MURIEL!) Correspondent; MRS. H. BERM' Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Bumble 411.4 family, Toronto, spent the. weekend with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoeb, Mr, and Mrs, George Griffith and family, Stratford, spent Good Friday with, relatives in the lege Mr., and Mrs. Ray Mason, Wind- Adam Steep Service was condacted from Roll and Mutch faneral home, 153 High Street, Clinton. on Thursday, April 14, •for Adam Steep, who died in Clinton Public Hospital on Mon- day, April 11, in his 77th year, Harold Bauer, Mitchell, officiated and interment was in Clinton Cemetery, Pall-bearers were Fred Middle- ton, Stewart Middleton, Bruce Hol- land, Harl McNally, all of Clin- ton; and Ralph Brodie, Jack Bro- die, Dungannon. The flower-bear- ers, all grandsons, were Donald Steep, Douglas Wightm'an, John Steep, Bruce Falconer, Arthur and Raymond. Hallam, Mr. Steep was born in Goderich Township on April 7, 1584, the son of Peter Steep and Elizabeth Curry, and married Emily R. Alair on December 10, 1913. He had liv- ed for • one year in Clinton, at 62 Orange Street, after three years residence in Goderich following his retirement from' the farm. He was a member of the Clinton Congre- gation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Death was clue to pneumonia, fol- lowing an illness of nine days, Surviving besides his wife are two sons, Melvin, Colborne Town- ship, and Albert, Clinton; four daughters, Mrs. Alice May Lobb, London; Mrs. Arthur (Gladys) Hallam, Hullett Township;. Mrs. Mervin (Evelyn) Falconer, Tuck- ersmith Township; Mrs. Grace Wightman, Clinton; 19,grandchil- dren and two great-grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Alair, Meredith Alair and son, all of Detroit, Michigan, attended the funeral. Other friends and rela- tives were present from Toronto, London, Goderich, Blyth and Exe- ter, NEWS OF KIPPEN . (Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG, Phone Hensall 694r15) Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander- son. .accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson visited Mrs. Wil- liam Winder, Alsia Craig Nursing Home on Monday. Miss Pat Lovell, London, is spending the Easter holidays at her home, She and her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Lovell, are spending a few days in Detroit. Mr. .and Mrs. William Rechics and Sylvia, London, visited Good Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Littleton and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. George Tinney and three grandchildren, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eyre and Brenda, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee, Seaforth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre. Miss Hazel Slavin, Lively, Ont., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Torn Stavin; is spending her Easter hol- idays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and Laurie, Hanover, spent Easter weekenld with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mrs. R. Gibson, Wroxeter, who has spent the winter months with her son-;in-law ..and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mellis; returned to her home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap and Joyce, Mitchell, accompanied by Robert Thomson, visited Eas- tr Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cornish and family, Geld- erieh. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Shipman and family, Exeter, visited Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ulch, Wind- sor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little, Hensall. Mr. end Mrs Arnold Gackstet- ter and family, Guelph, and Mrs. William Homey, Exeter, called Westinghouse Compact, Budget.: Priced 24" Stove MODEL DM-24 High style appearance and top- flight perferrnance. Oven has Miracle Seal and Spread-Bven Heaters in any position. The Corox Surface burners tilt for easy Gleaning. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH) Proprietor HU 2.6646 CLINTON VARNA William Dowson, Sr., has had to return to Clinton Hospital for further treatment. A large eengregation filled the United Church last Sunday Morn- ing for the Easter service with the pastor, the Rev. T, J. Pitt in charge, The choir sang two an- thems under the direction of the. organist, Mrs. Robert Stirling.. The Sacrament of the Lord's-Sup- Pr was .adMinistered, Among the many ;holiday visit- Ors in the community were 'Mn,. and Mr's. P. Keyes and family, Sernie;. George Coleman, Toron. to; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barker and family, King 'City; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, , Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hill and tam,. Hy, St, Catharines; Miss Jean Keyes, London. Easter Meeting The Easter meeting of the we, man's Missionary Society was held hi Varna United Church on Thurs.. day, April 7 with. 17 ladies pre- sent. Mrs. W. Webster conducted the worship service while Mrs. Lee McConnell 'presided at the or- Mrs, Elmer Webster gave a. reading on Easter customs and Mrs. Harvey Hayter read an Eile- ter poem. Reports of the recent presbyter-, ial in Seaforth were given by Mrs. Harvey 'Hayter (morning) and Mrs. J. Postill (afternoon). SUGAR and SPICE (Continued from Page Two) It's painful to recall the WI- lions we've spent on defence since World War II. Personally, I think Switzerland could' lick us with one hand behind her back. And those billions could have con- quered the refugee problem entir- ely, if we'd had the courage and the Christianity to use them there in the beginning. r *. * It's too late for that, but it's not too late to take our fair share of the load, and more. What bet- ter time than Austerity Week? Ten cents from every Canadian, during the week, would not exactly wreak havoc with our economy or our creature comforts. It's a cup of coffee, ' a few cigarettes, a gin .s of beer. But what a fine splash it would make 'if we threw it into the World Refugee Year fund. If there isn't a branch of •the organization .near you, send your dimes to me, If I get enough of them, there'll be one more. refu- gee, bit he won't be in a camp. I've always wanted to go back and look up that blonde Ukrainian girl I was refugeeing down a Ger- man road with, just about 15 years ago. But I've never been, able- to raise the fare. PROCLAMATION TOWN OF CLINTON In accordance with a re- solution adopted at the April meeting of Clinton Town Council and the usual custom; I hereby proclaim that: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME will be in effect at 2 a.m. Sunday, April 24 And call upon all citizens to observe this proclama- tion. HERB BRIDLE, Mayor, Town of Clinton. Thursday, April 1, -1.9 .0 .clinton .News,Recor(1,Pa Variety Night by WESLEY-WILLIS YOUNG PEOPLES OP Fr day, April 29 at OM ,p,m. at Canadian Legion Hall. ADMISSION—Adults — 50c Public School Pupils — 25c Watch Next Week's News-Record for • • . BEATTIE FURNITURE Annual Spring Sale Beginning THURSDAY, APRIL 28 through to SATURDAY, MAY 7 Unheard-of Bargains In , . V LIVING ROOM FURNITURE V DINING ROOM FURNITURE V BEDROOM FURNITURE Enjoy the Talks on The Tabernacle in the Wilderness (The above Scale Model will be on view) By H. W. D. ATKINS (of England) at Maple Street Gospel Hall Beginnng Sunday, April 24 to May 5 (Except Friday and Saturday evenings) Sundays at 7.30 p.m. Weekdays at 8.00 p.m. Saturday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. WMS Thankoffering Easter Thankoffering of the Kippen Woman's Missionary Soc- iety was held in the .church on April 7, with the congregation as guests. Mrs. John Sinclair was leader of the worship period and took for her theme "The meaning of the Cross," Mrs. Allan John- son read from Philippians 2: 5-11 and Helprdwe 12:2, Mrs. John Anderson presided for the rest of th meeting. Roll call was ans- wered wit ha verse from th eBook of Ephesiaris. Joan Sinclair, Grant Jones sang a (Wet "gaha and llon.„ Over the Hilltop." Mrs. Russell Consitt gave a report on the presbyterial in Seaforth. The society will pack bales for overseas relief and the Indian re- serves. Mrs. Emmerson Kyle re- ported that she and Mrs. Bert Fabr had made five calls to shut- ins. The offering was received by the hostesSes, Mrs. Hugh Hend- rick and Mrs. John R. Cooper. lvfxs, Alan Johnston gave a poem, 'One Easter Long Ago." Mrs. Ronald McGregor introduced the guest speaker the Rev, C. Win- law,- Hensall, who talked on the "Easter Message." Mrs. Ross 'Ave gave courtesy remarks. Lunch was served in the school- room by Group 3. Mr: -and Mrs. Andy Fisker, Brantford ,spent the Eastr week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc- Bride. A large crowd attended the re- ception in Zurich on Saturday night in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Wayne McBride. Mrs. Margaret Nichols. Toronto, and Mrs. Earl Ross, Kirkton, are visiting this week with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher and Ross. Miss Marian PePper, Clinton, visited aver the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pep- per. Howard Wright, Mitchell, and Ian Griffin, Toronto, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kercher and Ross. Good Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper •included Mr. and 'Mrs. Wellington Good, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs: Cedil Pep- per, Hensall. Weekend gtietts were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pepper, Niagara Falls. spent the faster holiday with Mr. and Mra, LQTAO. Wilson and other relatiVeS." IVIiss. Janet Watson,' Aylmer, is visiting with her parents, Mr, and MM. Robert Watson, Mr. and Mrs. A, Patterson spent the Easter weekend with the for- mer's brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mt's. J. A, Anderson, Tor- onto, Mrs Laura Tags spent the week- end with her brother, Albert Bohner-, Seaforth, Guests with Mrs, 'R, Berry on Easter Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. 14, Smiley, Erin; Mr and Mrs. A. D Smith and. Eleanor.:Bluevale. Join Chureh.. Thirteen new,. members 'joined the Brucefield United. Church by profession of faith), at the Easter Service on Friday evening, April 15, Accepted by the Rev. Dr, 1), McKenzie were: Ann McCovven, Irene Taylor, Isobel McCowan, Jean lVfeCoWari, Grace Clifton, Maryhi -Clifton, Lorne Talbot, Gail Farquhar, Karen Talbot, Douglas 1V,f,acBeath, Gerald Baird, Thomas Richardson and Robert McClung. Clinton Horticultural Society News (Ry our Middleton correspondent) The Clinton: Citizens' Horticul- tural SOciety and their friends have been kindly invited by the Lucknow and District Horticul- tural Society to attend a special meeting on Friday, April 22, in Carnegie Hall, Lucknow, at eight o'clock. John F. Clark, "the amiable Father of Horticulture of Ontar- io", will be the special guest speaker and his subject is, "Here and there. with Camera." This covers 25 years of Horticultural highlights from France., Holland, England, Japan, -China, Slam, Ha- waii, as well as Canada and the USA. TENDER TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders are Invited by the Township_of Tuckeramith for the construction of the Williams Municipal Drains in the Township of •Tuckersmith, under authority of By-law No. 4-1960. The work consists of; 160 lineal feet of open drain (20 cu. yds.) 4,471 lineal feet of closed drain 2 Catch Basins. Tender to collet Completion of the whole work; ail' require- ments to be furnished by the contractor with the exception that the township Will Supply the required tile and corrugated iron pipe. Marked cheque for 10 percent of the amount of the tender must accompany 'each tender or the tender wilt hot be consideCed. Tenders plainly marked are to be in the clerk% hands by 12 o'clock noon (DST) on May 6rd, 1960. Plans and specifications May- be seen at the Clerk's office. I-Owest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CORA CHE6NEY, Clerk, TuckersmIth township, 16-1/..b Rti 4, Seaforth.