HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-07, Page 10HAROLD 177. BIRCH HEATING 'OILS -GASOLINE MOTOR OILS A GREASES 600 /111.2-3873 296 JR/77E5 5T CL TOn SEDROOm 10%.10..od.le KITCHEN L•sei•O%el RES siEr.„ FAMILYROOM •••0* • r BATNROOm STOR YOUR JOB more eggs per, dollar OUR, JOB CHICK'S bred to lay more High production cannot fie promisedinto chicks. It must be buitt in. SAY 1:10E CHICKS.— and get the right ones every time. Famous STONE'S, DEMLERCHIE, TRUE-LINES, .ROE Imo and sussnx CROSSES.. Famed "air-LAY" blood lines available and pro. yen at node FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO • ha MO cod frionthIn payments Mr. and Mrs, Archie NOakee will celebrate their 45th wedding anneverestrY on April 7. Mr, and .Gns Voth and JIM- MY', Detroit, spent the .weekend With Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr, .and .Mrs, John Henderson and family spent Sunday with re- latives in Glencoe and London. Ed Fink and Ray McKinnon left Sunday for Winnipeg, It/Jam, where 'they will vacation for three weeks, The Woman's Missionary ',See- Jety of the United Church• will hold their April meeting on April 7, Mr. and Mrs. D. B, Havens and family visited on Sunday With, M. and Mrs. George Sawyer and .,fam- ilY) Exeter,. Bill Brock, Welland, .and Don Brock, New Hamburg, visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Week, .' Miss Jean Henderson spent the weekend: with her-. brother-in-law and eteter, Mr. and Mrs: Keith Lindsay, -Pamela and 'Shiela, Lon- don. Mrs. William Sarale, Mrse D, B. liaVene, Mr.4.,,G.Ce'den-,Mtinte Mrs. Mary Taylor attended 'theePlaY- offs for. the monthly :card, PartY at Harriston, March Mrs. - Maude .Schnell, Regina, Sask., on her r,eturn, from Florida, has been visiting her sister ;Mrs. Charles Stephenson, Hensall and °the- friehda the' past few weeks. She returned on Tuesday last by plane to Regina.. Miss BeVerley Evans, Brussels, and Miss - Charlene Scotchmer, Bayfield; who are attending Strat- ford :Teachers' College, spent last week practice teaching at SS 1, Tuekeremith, where. Mrs. Laura- belle Reichert is the teacher. Mr. and Mrs. William Swale, Eric an,d Miss Erla Hay, Zurich, attended a 'turkey banquet at the Nordin, London, April 1, sponsor- ed by the Moose Lodge 1300. Frank Cousins, son-in-law .of Mr. and Mrs. Smale, retiring govern- or of the lodge was presented with 'a 'travelling bag. NE.7.,S Joan Young, Exeter, who died in St. Joseph's Hospital Sat- unclev as a result of injuries suf- fered in a car at Clandeboyne was a niece of Mrs. Earl Dick, Cromarty. Her parents, Mn and Mrs. j'in Young were former Kip- pen residents. Miss Edna Jean Anderson, 'RR 3, Exeter, in St. Joseph's. Hospital with serious in- juries from the same accident is a niece of Mrs. Stirling Graham. Bingo Winners Winner of share-the-wealth at the Legion bMgo was Miss Marg- aret Boa; l5 door prize, Mrs. D.- B.. Havens. Other winners were Mrs, Shade; Seaforth; Mrs. Wil- liam Austin; Mrs. Clarence Reid; Mrs, Fleischauer; Bill Austin; Jim Bisback; Margaret Boa; Mrs. Reichert; L. Johnston, Clinton; THE /1. LADS GRIS! GREe NET Z. wE'RE„. LADS" V 'S TO01...UP TIME We're fieekeerters for fameis ragE ATTWO715 BUILDING and REMODELLING REFERENCE LIST • ROOFING Earl Doucette Built-up Asphalt Roofing Coating—Patching—Shingling Roof Repairs of All Types PHONE HU 2-9741 — CLINTON O PAINTING and DECORATING D. A. Kay, and Son FLOORS SANDED VENETIAN BLINDS PAINTS and WALLPAPERS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9549 • PLASTERING CONTRACTOR Carman F. Garrow PLASTERING CONTRACTOR and General Repair Estimates Gladly Given 139 QUEEN ST., CLINTON PHONE , HU 2-7008 • HEAT. LIGHT and PLUMBING Cities Service Oil Co. Ltd. Jack Scruton, Distributor HEATING FUELS Clinton — Phone HU 2-9653 P99.9. 10 YOUR TRADEMARK OP OUR • DISTRICT'S MOST REPUTABLE Xet Natural lighting is emphasized in this two-bedroom bungalow plan by designer F. W. Sunter, of Nanaimo, and architect D. L Sowtell, of Van- couver. The generous-sized windows, While providing for a bright interior, are also effective in creating a dis. tinctive exterior appearance. The combined kitchen and family room with is well-arranged U-shaped working area will appeal to the busy housewife. A handy storage area in the living room and the large clothes closets in the bedrooms are also noteworthy. Other features are the fireplace, the terrace across the front of the house and the door off the family room leading to the back garden. The total floor area is 979 square feet and the exterior dimensions are 35 feet, four inches, by 30 feet, four inches. Working-drawings for this house,known as Design 139, may be obtained from Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost. Sutter-Perdue Ltd. QUALITY HOUSEWARES and HARDWARE Clinton Ontario FOR n irability ...to start strong and slay strong. FOR layabilliy . 'produce eorly and lay longer. FOR pm:ability high "qualify; efrong-shelled eggs for• fop market prices. FOR your best buy h's bEICALB ...:;CNIX. Order yours today! The sympathy of this district is extended to Mrs. Bert Hunking whose sister, Mrs. Frank Tamblyn passed away suddenly last week. Mrs. Tamblyn was before her marriage, Miss Elva Manning and was a school teacher at the Au- burn School, USS 5, Hullett. Mrs. Ed. Davies, Mrs. Gordon. R. Taylor, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Clifford Brown and Mrs. Bert Craig attended the demon- stration, "Sandwiches for all Oc- casions" at Carlow last week sponsored by the Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute. Plans are being made for the annual Sunshine Sister banquet of Auburn` Women's Institute in the Sabbath school room on April, 21. Ex-members and friends wishing a ticket for this ...turkey banquet are requested to' get in touch with the committee. Mrs. D. A. Mc- Naughton, Winghain, is to be the guest speaker. Mission Band The Easter Thankofferteg meeting of the Light Bearer's Mission Band was held in the be- ginners room of Knox United Church, with the leader; Sharon Ball in charge. The theme was "Cheer. up No sulks," In the Urn- bundu language the advice is "I'll sing, not cry." Mre,. Arthur Grange read from the,book of Proverbk and the superintendent led in prayer. Nancy Anderson, Robert Wilkin, and Laura Daer each played the piano for the children to sing a hymn. Eldo Hildebrand and Al- la n McDougall received t h e thankoffering and all sang the de= dicatory prayer. The story depic- ting life„in the Belgian Congo was told and Mrs. Grange led in the after story discussion. United WA The Woman's Association of Knox United Church met in the Sunday school auditorium. The Rose Group was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Stanley Ball presided and Mrs. William J. Craig was at the piano. Scripture lesson was read .by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. Mrs. William L. Craig presented the meditation and led in prayer. A quartette of four girls, Misses Bernice 'McDougall, Anne Speigleberg, Martie Koop- mans, and Klasha Koopmans, was much enjoyed. The guest speaker of the even- ing was Mrs. Neville Forbes, RR 2, Clinton, who gave a very inter- esting address on the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Mrs. Forbes was thanked, by Mrs, Jack Arm- strong and presented with a gift. The offering was received by Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer a n d Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. The president, Mrs. Arthur Grange took charge of the short besiness period. Tea was served by the ladies of the Rose Group. CGiT Plans for Easter The Canadian Girls in Training met with Barbara Sanderson pres- ident in charge. Scripture was read by Carole Brown telling about the Last Supper, and the leader Mrs. Wes. Bradnock con- ducted a Bible quiz relating to the events that took place before the first Easter Season. Gail Mil- aple Syrup Time But Stores Don't Sell Top Grades What stores in Ontario stock the best grades of maple syrup? A cheek in. the chain stores local- ly shows that only the lower qual- ity grades, like medium, are of- fered for sale. Do our best res- aurants feature Canada Fancy Maple Syrup? If they do, they certainly do, not advertise it; yet what food is more distinctive for Canada, whose symbol is the map- le leaf? It is true that the' stores and restaurants will supply maple sy- rup; but the poor grades offered are of such low quality that they do not encourage the buyer to re- peat his order. The canny.housewife buys most products by grade, 'and she us- ually insists on buying high qual- ity products only. Does she know the grades of maple syrup? To help her select the best, she must know a little about grades. Colour is most important in grading syrup, for impurities, which interfere' with flavour, cause the darker colours. The best grade of maple syrup, Canada Fancy AA•is a "very light amber", resembling the colour of best liquid clover honey. It weighs 13 lbs. 2 oz. per Imperial gallon and has a mild character- istic flavour free from any trace of fermentation or adulteration. Canada light "A" is the next grade, Its colour is "light am- her". otheresise it is the sarne as the best grade. Canada medium "B" is the third grade, which is usually offered for sale in Ontario stores. It is dark- er in colour but should be pure maple syrup without any trace of fermentation or adulteration. Canada Amber "C" is darker in colour, but must have character- istic maple flevotir, although a taste 'of sap is tolerated in this grade. `The best maple syrup is a delid- acy which fevw Ontario people know. It should, be well known and featured in our best restaur- ants, The 1960 Resident Hunting Lie. enee (summer) valid from. March I. to August al., is now on sale at the issuers, and permits the holder "to shoot groundhogs, fox, crows, .and other vermin. When le applying for a licence, .. appii' cant must state the area in. which he wishes to hunt, as ', -e licence is valid for one county only, Per, sons are reminded that even though they have purchased this. licence this does not give them authority to enter a farmer's pro- perty without .perrnissiom 411 land in southern Ontario is priv- ate property, and permission must be granted by the owner, before entering thereon, The 1959 Resident Hunting Lic-ence (winter) expired ;together with the' Towaiship Licence on February 29, 1960. The winter licence is valid from September 1, to-the end of Feb- ruery. A township licence is not • LANDSCAPING • SODDING • SEEDING • LAWN ROLLING Free Estimates • TOPSOIL r. • FERTILIZER • MANURE BAIRD and MERNER CLINTON, ONT. Phone HU 2-7176 Phone HU 2-9734 10p-tfb GRANT BATH PAINTER and DECORATOR Huron Street — Phone HU 2-7040 Clinton O BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Ball-Macaulay Ltd. Phone HUnter 2-9514 Full Range of Builders' Supplies COAL -- LIME -- CEMENT King Street — Clinton J. W. Counter Builders' Supply "Everything for the Builder" CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9612 Fred J. Hudie Builders' Supply and Sawmill Where your building dollar goes farther CLINTON HU 2-6655 required during the .stuntrier ..moil• OS. Persons are also' reminded that they must be the holder • Of a„ hunting licence when applying for renewal, or complete a Safte7 Course, before a licence may be issued, 0 IT WAS SAID: "He who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age„ but to him who is of an opposite disposition; youth and age are equally a bur, den" . , PLATA: • • • • 0 • •• e • • • lop FititS" • 414At e siiiiiiii••••• BUCK ,1400 ,y4t:TH D OV E P• i s'\,. • • • • • o • • • • 9 • • • • • • finish, you can transform dark or • Now, without removing the old e mis-matched furniture and wood- lit work to any of 14 modern or an, ; tique finishes, It's easy to apply. With just 3 o • • applications and the use of our • patented graining tool anyone can • achieve a beautiful wood grained • lo4 finish that is chip resistant. There is no substitute for the best... buy • • Buckhorn Liquid Grain from your • local paint dealer. • 0 Sutter-Perdue Ltd. QUALITY HOUSEWARES and HARDWARE Clinton - - Ontario Clinton Electric Shop For ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and WIRING Clinton — Phone HU 2-6646 GINGERICH'S Sales •and Service SEAFORTH ZURICH Phone Zurich 34 Phone 644W1 Electric 'and Gas Appliances Gas and Oil Heating, Plumbing Electric Installation and Repairs Motor Rewinding A. G. Grigg & Son Clinton ---- Dial HU 2-9411 COAL -- FUEL OIL CEMENT A. F. Scotchmer ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Domestic -- Commercial Industrial BAYFIELD — Phone 16 Harry Williams HEATING FUELS White Rose Petroleum Products R.R. 2, CLINTON Dial HU 2-6633 wisf and PL UMBIN HEATINGG Harold Wise, Prop. CLINTON Dial HU 2-7023, Plumbing -- Heating and Electrical Services • HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Irwin's Ladies Wear Draperies s- Curtains -- Blinds Curtain Roc% -- Drapery Track • — Estimates Free — CLINTON Phone HU 2-6623 McEWAN'S CURTAIN RODS WINDOW SHADES VENETIAN BLINDS CLINTON -- Phone HU 2-9766 1Clinton'News-Record — Thursday; April 7, 1960 ..1,10w.: of Henson (Mrs. IKettde Heddere GerreeporWent) Emphasis on Naturai, Lighting In.Two•Bettroorn liutgalow Plan Summer Hunting Licences .Now Being Issued NEWS OF AUBURN (MRS. WES BRADNOCK, Correspondent) LIVING ROOM 15,4" t5 • e' ler gave a prayer. The minutes were read by the secretary, Margaret Haines. Roll call was answered by each girl telling of something that comes with Spring. The offering was received by Margaret Sanderson and received by prayer by Mar- ilyn Daer. The treasurer Carole Brown gave the financial state- ment. The study of Africa was told by Mrs. Duncan Mackay who des-' cribed the homes of some of the missionaries, and told about their surroundings and the schools and hospitals. Closing prayer was given by Laura Daer. Gaines were enjoyed and the evening was closed by singing Taps. This Twentieth Century was once christened "The Centry of the cotrirrion Man." But, when the history of the 20th Century is written, It will surely be called "The Centry of the Homeless Man." Since World War Two, 40- million refugees! And despite the constant efforts of humanitarian agencies, 15-million human beings are still• refugees in our world to- day. Yes, today—tine very min- ute! What can we, the people of Canada, do to help them? We can do our part to close the camps of Europe! This is one of the aims of World Refugee Year. To close the camps, and integrate their forgotten people into communities in West Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. To close the, camps, and wipe these sears• from the face of Europe. Support the Hur- on County World Refugee Year Blitz, May 16 to 21 inclusive. Deneye R. greeX,.Sherett S. en a 1 e, aWartzentraber <tied); leoy Kenney; Krs, Flay- ens; Mrs. risher., Hensall WI The annual meeting of Hensall Women's Institute will be held in the Legion Hall on 41)0,1 13. Roll call Will he answered with RV' 'Went of fees,. report's for the year will be submitted, and a social. evening will be held, Members are asked to speed up the travel-- ling and hand them tq Mrs. Fred Beer and Mrs. R.. M. Peck as soon as possible for the April meeting so the business for the year can be completed. , Teen Town Hensall District Teen Town had a successful. dance Saturday even- ing with over 50 young people in attendance. Ten 'new records re- quested by /the members have been ptirchased. They have also had a new microphone .and• amp- lifier installed. Broom dances were won by Marlene Dignan and Allan Roe- zel; Ron Schroeder and. Sherpa Meek. We would like to thank the chaperons for the evening, Mr. and . .1Vps: Bride Talbot, Kippen. The dances will be held Saturday evenings froin now. on. Kippen WI Social -IVIrs. Robert Kinsman was 'hos- tess at her home March 29 for a social evening when the losing side of the attendance contest re- cently concluded by members of Kippen East Women's Institute, entertained the winners to a pot luck dinner and an evening of de- lightful. entertainment. Included in the recreation per- iod was a contest "A pack of fun". Winners of court whist were Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Bruce McGregor, Mrs. It, Gem- mell, Mrs, Alex McGregor. Mrs', Robert Bell won the prize for having birthday nearest that date; lucky chair winners, Mrs, Gemmell and Mrs. Ross Broad- foot; having the most pieces of• jewellery on her costume, Mrs. Campbell Eyre; largest family, Mrs. A. Finlaysen; youngest member, Mrs. Kinsman. Captain of the winning side Was Mrs. Campbell Eyre; losing side, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot. Kippen East Women's Institute held a successful euchre and dance in the Community Centre auditor- ium April 1, with 20 tables in play. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, Kipper; . Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Hensall; Mrs. Jack McKay, Seaforth; gentlemen, Ernie Whitehouse, Kipper); Jack Cooper, Kippen; Lloyd Piper, Lon- desboro. Lucky lunch prize, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Seaforth.- Des• jardine orchestra furnished, music. There are still a few vacancies left for anyone:, wishing to take the millinery course in the Legion Hall, April'20-21-22, inclusive. Any ladies interested please contact Mrs. Fred Beer for details, phone 178W. Kippen East Women's Institute will entertain residents at the County Home, Clinton on Wed- nesday, April 13. Lunch will in- clude. a birthday cake 'for those having a birthday, in April.' Reserve Your DEKALB CHIX by Ordering Now! MONLEY FARMS & HATCHERY LTD. ZURICH Phone Neilsen 697r3 LLOYD STEWART SALESMAN RR 1 Clinton Phalle H.L) 24910 ECONOMY kW' iv #0 r - •al FAST- Sett e! VESTIBULE eeDROOM co*-o" • ca-o" • GENERAL CONTRACTING EARLa DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR • Asphalt Roofing CLINTON'— Phone• HU 2-9741 M. McAD,AM Clin#on — Phone HU 2-7070 GENERAL CONTRACTING Industrial -- Commercial Cement Work. CALE DOUCETTE BUILDING CONTRACTOR Clinton Phone HU 2-9562 • CONCRETE HENRY YOUNG CONTRACTOR General Concrete Construction CLINTON Phone HU 2-9496 47072470,7..., Good ifousekoopTni. 0041100.1.01, MODERN AND I FINISHES • • • • • • • • * • • NO : REMOVING BLEACHING SANDING