HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-07, Page 8Clinton NewS*Rec9rd 'Thursday, April 7, 1960 News of Bayfield By lifTSS, LUCY WOOBS PlIONE; BAYEIa.1) 45 tage „... Save Feed Dollars Clinton Feed Mill Huron Strum', Clinton Phone HU 2.3815 HARRY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 RR'2 CLINTON HEATING OILS- GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR,OILS, WHITE ROSE P515EE tfUN .44Wie42144.7: APPEARING IN PK NEWSPAPER SOON 1 itS SEE IT IN THE AD RUN by Studebaker New 1960 Larks in our Showroom Now ALSO GOOD USED CARS 1957 STUDEBAKER' Commander, 4-do: r 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe 1956 STUDEBAKER 2-door, 6 eyl. with over- drive 1955 STUDEBAKER Low Boy 1953 BUICK 4-door. with extras. "You name it"—It's on this car. W. H. alrynipie & on STUDEBAKER SALES and SERVICE Brucefield Dial Clinton HU 2-9211 0 I I Z ' 9 Year Make • D:9411 171:117904......... I OWNER PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF SEDAN .... .„ 239 79 BUICK LeSabre HARDTOP, all power .... 349 110 Ai C9 CHEV BEL AIR, radio, automatic II.. ' DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN 229 78 ONE. 1 CMS PONTIAC STATION WAGON 295 93 z 58 PONTIAC Parisienne Hardtop,' radio $249 $85 NASH METRO HARDTOP, radio .„., ..... „ 119 42 LIKE 0 NEW METEOR CUSTOMLINE, radio 199 69 z 57 I /0179.11 CUSTOMLINE "300" $179 I ar z I zm 0 z $6.4. $52 48 62 41 45 69 42 622 79 Year Make Down Monthly 54 FORD STATION WAGON, radio $119 $41 BUICK HARDTOP, radio ' 109' 39 PONTIAC COUPE, powerglide 109 39 OLDS "88", radio, automatic 109 39 METEOR "NIAGARA", radio 91 41 FORD SEDAN, radio $ 39$25 I PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 49 29 lOrmlosmaiwarormammiumunlowomm....i..irsrmwarwinimminnoiwawammmimirmenomorens. 52 PONTIAC LAUREN'TIAN I-IARDTOP „.,,,,$139 OLDS "88" Sedan, hydromatic, radio 89 FORD TWO-DOOR, „ ....... .... ...... CIIEV "150" Sedan, Only 37,000 Miles 119 FORD SEDAN, automatic „..„., ......... ......... 119 OLDS "98" CONVERTIBLE, Power 189 55 A.1 C N N '$48 ' 30 36 39 39 65 =NMI TEN-DOWN =-- — TEN-DOWN — TEN-DOWN -- — TEN-DOWN TEN-DOWN 0 9 W. 0 — TEN-DOWN — TEN-DOWN ; NOW you can be PROUD of the car you drive 3 Cars In London 4 Cars In Clinton 6 Cars In Goderich I Car In, Grand Bend 3 Cars In Seaforth 4 Cars In Wingham 8. Cars In Zurich and Exeter 10 "Distance Is No Barrier -- -- To Pearson's Customers" WiNwilsm. • • roarsor‘rosi Pearson Motors Ltd. PONTIAC -'- BUICK -- VAUXHALL GMC TRUCKS and BEDFORD VANS "Huron County's Largest Car Deaier" ZURICH [XETER 0 JACK'S BEST BUY 1955 PONTIAC PATHFINDER SEDAN deluxe, radio, dark green Low Price of Just $195.00 TRUCKS OVER' 15 All Makes, Models And Years TRUCKS • 56 FORD F.AIRLANE, VA automatic, radio $159 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN (Minister's) 139 °/!Lk" PONTIAC STARCHIEF HARDTOP ..... 179 xi, '• A CHEVROLET TWO-DOOR „ ... ......... . 129 O NA FORD CONVERTIBLE, automatic ............195 BUICK TWO-DOOR, two-tone 179 MERCURY HARDTOP, radio, automatic - 179 1LIID BUICK Road/nester Convertible, power 239 G •AUSTIN A-50, overdrive, radio „ ..... „..„„,.„. 119 53 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, radio $ 69 EASY PONTIAC PATHFINDER SE-DAN 79 T° HUDSON' HORNET, radio OWN 69 BUICK SEDAN, Only 41,000 miles 99 FORD CUSTOMLINE Two-Door 89 $30 34 30 41 37 'waft B. C, Moore, Detroit, was bere over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, William HOarson and four children, Condom, were. le the village on Sunday. Mrs, T. W. Castle WAS with iler daughter, Mrs. Ronald Coleman, London, from Friday to Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, R. Smith, David and Cathy, Seaforth, visited Mr. and Mrs, 'Russell Kerr on Sunday, Mrs. Russell Kerr attended/ the Hill-Cawghel wedding in -GO.00ells, Mich, on Saturday, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. James Fisher, Larry and Frank, Mtehener, were at their cottage on .Suritlay, Mrs. 3. Mayman and Jeffrey,. Centralia, spent the liveekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 'Sprag- ue, Mr. and "Mrs, Harold Prim, Detroit, were. at "Holley Lodge" for the weekend, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham. London, Mr. and M. George Heard and Larry were with Mr; and Mrs,„Ernerson. Heard on- Suo- day. Mrs.• Malcolm Toms returned home on Wednesday of last week after having spent a few days with her daughter and family in Kitchener, Mrs. Carl - Barber and son Wayne, ;Hamilton, are spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. George 'Campbell,. Stanley Township. Mrs, Keith Gemienhardt return- ed to London again on Sunday evening after having been with her children for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Carswell, Mark and Glen, Kitchener, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, George Bell- ehaniber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Po-under and three children, London, visited her mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and family on Sunday. Misses Roberta and, Frieda Mc- Leod spent the week-end in Clin- ton with their sister, Mrs. T. H. Colquhoun and family. Mr. and Mrs. Warner 'Payne, Patricia and Paul returned home on Wednesday of last week after having spent -two months in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mrs. R. A, Simons, Randy and Danielle, who have been in Wind- 1111111111111111111311111111111 sor for several weeks owing to her mother's illness a.nd subsequent death, returned to ""Shangri-La", their home here on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Winhold and family, London, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Castle, Goderich Township, visited their father T, W, Castle, Sr., on Sunday. James Hutchings who returned home on Thursday after .a holiday in Florida with Fred and Frank Thompson, left on Sunday evening to resume his work at -sta.:0:014w. Miss ...Margaret Howard and Lawrence E. •Stotesbury-Leeson, were with her parents, Mr, -and Mrs. 3, E. Howard torn Friday to Monday. Mr, fond Mrs,. Dennis 13iisback, Clinton, • spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. 3,•Stargeon. Mr, Hisbeek is. be-. ginning -rte- got aborit again after ten weeks in hospital. Also visit- ing bis parents on 'Sunday were Stuart StUrgeon, wife and small soli Kenneth, - Hespeler. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Attwoocl and Tinuny, Mrs. Harold King visited Mr.. and Mrs . R. J, Larson on Sunday. On their return- to Sarnia, they were accompanied by Mrs. King's sister, Mrs. George Reid, Varna. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt and five children, Shelley, Rich- ard,' Stephen, Chris and Brian, Seaforth, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robert ,Turner over the weekend. Mrs. Walter Johnston, Bonnie, Cheryl and Danny, accompanied. by Mrs. Nelson Heard, spent the Weekend with relatives in Listowel. On the way up on Saturday they drove through water from Monk- ton to Listowel. Returning on Sun- day, the water was running over the roads and the land was cover- ed with water like a huge lake, Some side roads and lanes were, still snow-blocked. Trinity Woman's Auxiliary The Woman's Auxiliary meeting whidh had been post-poned twice owing to illness of members, was held at "The. Hut" on Thursday, March 31; with a good attendance Mrs. E. A. Featherston was at the piano for the opening hymn: "Oh, 'the Bitter Shame and Sor- row,' The rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison, conducted the litany and opening prayers, Mrs, Emer- son Heard read -the Scripture. In the absence -of the secretary, Mrs. T. Castle, the minutes -and cor- respondence was read by Mrs. 3. 13. Higgins. . Mrs. R. J. Larson gave a report of the Shrove Tuesday supper in her financial statement. The rector dealt with Studies in Anglicanism-14, from the Living Message, in a most comprehensive manner, pointing out the relation of certain portions of the Old Testament Scripture to the Book of Acts; and the similarity • to BROCEFIELD Mrs. B. Berry visited in. Strat- ford over the weekend. Mrs, John X. Cornish is a. pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital where she underwent surgery.. Sam McClung, mail carrier, is in Scott Memorial Hospital, in only fair condition ,john Beane has moved to the farm of Mr, and Mns, John A. MaEwen, which he purchased last fall. Mr.,and Mrs. John A. McEwan retured to Brucefield after spen, ding the winter-with their dangh- ter,Mrs, Russell Zurbrigg and . Wingham, (By our Itayfleid correspondent) Mrs. Robert Turner entertained on Friday evening April 1, in honour of the 40th wedding an- niversary -of her husband's •par- ents. On April 1, 1920, Miss Bertha Westlake, daughter of the late Martha King and Matthew West- lake, became the bride of Min Turner, son of Elizabeth Madge and Robert Turner. The late afternoon ceremony took place in Seaforth in the presence of the bride's sister Susan (Mrs. Milton Pollock) brother Walter Westlake and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westlake, with the Reverend -Dr. Larkin officiating. The bride wore a taupe suit with brown straw hat and acces- sories. She carried a bouquet of red roses, Following the service the wed- ding party repaired to the Queen's Hotel where the dinner was ser- ved. The newlyweds returned home that evening. (They recall that it was snowing and cold). They have resided on the Blue Water High- way, Stanley Township, ever sin- ce. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner have three sons and a daughter, Rob- ert, Bayfield; Violet (Mrs. Fraser Stirling), Goderich Township; Walter, Stanley Township, and Wilfred, Parry Sound, who were all present at a surprise •party on Friday evening' for members of their respective families -and close events •today in South Africa and Morocco. Mrs. C. Knuckey led in the prayer partner's prayer. The rec- tor remembered the sick in the closing remarks. Mrs. J. B. Hig- gins was hostess. She was assist- ed in serving tea by Mrs. William R. Elliott. IVIrs,4•Adelaide Reid,. 90 years of age on Thursday Was. entertained • at -a birthday party at the home of .her granddaughter, Ray- rnowl acotehmer..- Mrs, Robert Reid, (Briton, and Mrs. Robert MeKinieY ,were also guests at this fete .cornPleto with birthday oake, candles and flOwers, 'The guest of honour Was born in Cioderil* Township, March 33., 1.$70, the daughter cef the late Hugh and Elilabeth Davidson. neighbours. It was held at the home of their son. Robert Mr, and Mrs. John Turner had been guests• here for anniversary dinner: With 22 attending, a Moat en- joyable evening was spent in pro- gressive euchre. Prize winners were: Fred Turner, Mrs. Walter Westlake (high); Peter Duch- arme, Mrs. Milton Pollock, low; lone hands, Mrs. Fraser Stirling, Then all joined in a guessing game which was won by Fraser Stirling. While it was in progress Mrs, Robert Turner set tables in the living room in the form of a T. The bride's table was done with a cloth which had been, one of her wedding Presents. It was centred with a beautiful decorated wedding cake with pink tulle, lily-of-valley, and pink rose buds around the base, flanked by pink tapers in silver holders. De- corations throughout the room were in pink and white and pink tapers, At the head table were the bride and, groom of forty years, (Mrs. Turner wearing a green frock with cream bow and a cor- sage of red carnations), Thomas Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter 'Westlake (the latter's corsage Was of white carnations). Mr. and Mrs. John Turner were the recipients of gifts and a bou- quet of chrysanthemums from friends. Quite informally Mrs. Walter Westlake presented them with a lamp from their brothers and sisters, and Robert Turner lazy-boy chair from .their child- ren. Both Mr, and Mors. John Turner expressd thanks and appreciation to all for the gifts, and the hon- our accorded them in such a de- , liglitfull evening. We join in wishing them many happy years. together. Mrs. Reid's first school was apt Elaeltbush (near Dashwood, Two of her pupils there, George Link, DaShwood, and Mr, Wink, Cali- fernia, have visited her from time to time. She also taught at Crediton, Union (Orgierieb Town- ship) and SS 3, Stanley, which is holding its. :centennial" this year, •Sbe. has. memories of riding a bicy- cle from her Goderich Township home to Dashwood. on. Weekends, to teach school, -There is. a 'vast - .difference he, tween public school teachers' sal- axles in 1900 and 1960, Mrs. Reid's salary varied from $350 to 8800 for a year's teaching, In 1.908 Miss Adelaide Davidson became the bride of William Reid and went to make .her homo the- farm on Bayfield Coneession on Road, NOrti?„ where she has re. ,sided ever since. . • Her husband died in 1930, and her only daughter, Sarah E, Reid (Mrs. Elgin Porter) passed' .away in 1952. Surrounded by her five grand- children, Kathleen, Margaret, Marion arid Gordon Porter home and Anna (Mrs. Raymond Scotchmer), Bayfield, she has kept young in heart. One bro- ther, 13ert Davidson resides in Cartwright, Manitoba. Mrs. Reid erujoys good health and still likes 'to read a great deal, -attends church regularly and likes going for drives, Sh was very pleased to receive a letter of congratulations . from Prime„Minister John Diefenbaker; telephone calls from her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson; Windsor, and niece Mrs. Margaret Stover, Detroit; cards from many friends and relatives and a beautiful plant from • the WA and WMS of St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. All ad- ded to the happiness of this grac- ious lady on her 90th birthday. We join in congratulations and very best wishes, o - Daylight Saving Time on April 24 (By our Bayfield correspondent) E. A. Featherston reports that Bayfield will fall in line with Clinton for Daylight Saving Time, from April 24 to October 30. Change-over will be at 2 a.m. on each date. Eight-thousand European refu- gees on the mainland of China have the promise of a new life in a new land, but do not have the money •for their fares, because they are destitute. In Huron County, citizens are asked to con- tribute financially, to the World Refugee Year Blitz, May 16 to 21 inclusive. Tuckersmith Club $10 Cancer Gift .Tueltersmith Ladies' Club voted .".$10 to the Cancer Fund When they met at the home of Mns, Ernie Crich, RR. 3, Eeafbrtii, on Tuesday aftermon, Moil 5, Ten members and one visitor were present Roll call was answered by giving- a, hon,Seeleaning hint. Mrs. Rogerson gave the secre- tary's report and Mrs, Ernie Crich the treasurer's report. -Sev- oral 'thank YOU letters and a let- ter from the Cancer Society were read. fn addition to the "club's donation, Canvassers will call on each family in the district - for contributions to the Cancer Fund. Plans .were made fora shower to be held in SS 4 _on Saturday, Returns from the imaginary bake sale are to be in by May 4, 11/ns, Howard Johns gave a reading. Sewing to be done at home was distributed.. The re- mainder of the afternoon • was spent in quilting. Lunch was served by the .hostess 'and her Drive earefully — an accident could make your vacation perman- ent. Ninety Years.. Old, Mrs, A. Reid Celebrates Birthday With Family (Ey unrPaYfleid -gerrespondent) The Rev. E, R, StanWaY will be the guest preacher M Brucefield United Oinirch. on Sunday morn... She received- her public school lag., 1-0. • U the evening at tuition. at the Union ,School at 7.30 p.m, the Woman's Missionary Newcastle, Ontario, .where her Society will hold-. their Easter brother, the late Hugh DavidSon, thanitefferlrig ,and the Rev. Dr. P. was principal. She went to Ot- A. McKenzie willy be the speaker.. tawa for her Teacher's Training, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner Have 40th Wedding Anniversary Party I TEN-DOWN TEN.DOWN ---- TEN-DOWN TEN-DOWN &Am EN-DOWN --- TEN-DqWN TEN-DOWN