HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-04-07, Page 5— WEEKEND SPECIALS— LEAN — S. P. LEAN Cottage Rolls 49c lb. DRESSED Picnic Hams — — — 39c lb. PURE PORK Sausage (small) — 39c lb. Ground Beef — 3 lb. $1.00 BY THE PIECE Bologna — 3 lb. $1.00, 3 LB. TIN Head Cheese 99c Stanley's Modern Meat Market We Will Have The Finest Selection of Easter Hams lius:DITIONAL AS OUR X:CYW PRICES! Eas N. a Also Capon Chickens, Ducks, Butterball Turkeys For An EASTER TREAT . . . Try Our Own Oven Baked - Fully Cooked PINEAPPLE HAMS — ORDER EARLY FOR FINEST SELECTION -- OPEN NOW 74 Victoria Street SAIvE PHONE HU 2-7065 NOT the Same Service It's BETTER! 0 Hours: Daily: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Evenings 'till 9 p.m. LIBBY HABKIRK OPEN NOW 74 Victoria Street Special! Special! Helene Curtis Curtis HAIR SPRAY Large 14 oz. tins Reg. $2.00 Special Price $1.28 —0- 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs., Fri. and Sat. April 7, 8 and 9 CHARLES PROCTOR, Prop. Best Wishes I Congratulations! , Bamboo 'Drapes .purchased in our store peoVide a modern touch. Irwin's LADIES" WEAR Victoria Street Ladies! • To compliment your New Easter Hair-Do, Plan your Spring Wardrobe at Irwin s. ot. PAINT SUPPLIES Congratulations! Charles Fluorescent Lighting SUPER KEMTONE REZ PAINTS WOOD FINISHES BRUSHES — Etc. Bright as Day K. W. Colquhoun COMMERCIAL FIXTURES from Clinton Electric Shop Dia Cornish, Prop, Albert Street, Clinton HU 2-6646 BALL and MUTCH MA Hardware GENERAL INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE —0— Albert Street, Clinton HU 2-9505 HU 24747 16 Isaac Street Clinton Arrianommommommir To CHARLES House of Beauty a pleasure to construct the main entrance, interior design, and lay the tile floor for this modern beauty salon. ' Princess Street RUSSEL JERVIS Building Contractor CLINTON HU 2-9390 Congratulations to CHARLES House of Beauty 74 King Street — Clinton • We Are Happy To Be Your Supplier of RAYETTE PRODUCTS MILLER BEAUTY AGENCIES LONDON LTD. 352 Dupdas Street GEn9ral 8-3509 Good Lucid CHARLES House of Beauty We Were Happy to Supply DOORS & WINDOWS and the JAPANESE MAHOGANY or LAUAN PLYWOOD which was 'used in remodelling the new salon. FRED J. HUME Lumber and Building Supplies Isaac Street, Clinton Phone HU 2-6655 Congratulations to CHARLES House of Beauty 74 Victoria Street — Phone HU 2-7065 BEAUTICIANS' SUPPLY LTD. KITCHENER Congratulations Charles . . . WIRING and INSTALLATION of FIXTURES by Chuter Electric and Heating Service Torn Chuter, Prop, Holland Couple on 40th Anniversary Thursday, April7, 1960 Clinton News -Record age 5 Youthful Businessman Expands Salon, Moves Into Larger Modern, Quarters F May We Suggest That You Try A Steak or Roast from the MODERN MEAT MARKET and You'll Be Convinced that we Specialize _ Only in the Best OrMeats. The fortieth anniversary of Mr,, and Mrs. C. R. I-10114nd, Qoderich,• WAS celebrated 'at the Stratford' Golf and Country .Club. It took the form of a ""surprise" family dinner, The couple were married on March al, 1.920, in. Clinton. Mrs, I•Tolland was the former Leona Neater, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, W. J. .Nediger, Mr. Holland is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Holland of the Clinton area. The ,copple have five sons, 13,4y,. John, Douglas, George and mormy. Present at the celebration were; Mr, and, Mrs. Bruce Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, Mr, and (Continued from Page Two) added to the curriculum in our public schools is a course in ethics and manners. We. could call it Social Behaviour or something fancy like that. It would start by teaching youngsters that prac- tically everything they learn at home is wrong. At the same time, they would be taught to 'treat their parents with respect instead of derision. This as you can see, would be a difficult course, and would require specialisits to teach it. * * For example, at home kids get the idea that (a) the world owes them a living and that (b) the old man will supply it until •the world starts to kick through. At school they would be taught that it IS a privilege just to be alive, and that they owe the world their best efforts and the old man something better than a room in a nursing home when he can't produce any more. * * In this course, children would learn the rudiments of kindness, generosity, trust, and sympathy. To some extent this would offset Mrs, Matt Nediger, Mr. and Mrs. John W. .Necliger and :Mrs, Nor- man Holland,, all of Clinton; Mr, and Mrs, Gordon gatinvell, say- field; MM., Ervin Zinn, Dungan- non; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Turner, Goderiehl :and MrS. Ray C. Holland, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. W. Jelin Holland, Stratford; Mr. and -.Mrs, George D. Holland, Dun- nville; Mr. and' Mrs. Murray J. Holland, Woodstock, Piesentation of a picture was . , , . . made to the couple along with a bouquet of flowers to the 'Wide of 40 years, After dinner a recep- tion was held. at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, W.' John Holland. the themes like "Never give a sucker an even break," and "Nice guys finish . last," and "Don't trust nobody," and "Always look out for No. 1," which are instill- ed in them by well-meaning pa- ents. * * Girls would be, taught that it takes more than a bust and a be- hind to make a well-rounded wo- man. Boys would learn that good manners are more important in a man than good looks. Girls would be told that their primary role in life is not improving the characters of -men, but having healthy children and a good mar- riage. Boys would get a ground- ing in the fundamentals of their lifelong career—trying to handle women and children without re- sort to violence. W. * * Aside from these few points, I can't find much wrong with our educational system. Except that the arithmetic, science and gram- mar are too difficult. I can't,even do it myself, I've.discovered when helping with homework, so how can the teachers expect the poor kids to do it? Five years and four months. ago, Charles Preetor, then 19 years old opened Charles House of Beauty at 10 Rig Street. He had a brand new diploma from Grey Beauty School, London, a brand new set of furniture and hair-dressing equipment—an om- inous overhead and. a great deal of optimism. Now he is married, to the for- mer Leola Taylor. They have ,a son, Billy, and a daughter Patric- ia, and live in their own. home on HR 5, Clinton, between town and RCAF Station Clinton, Ten .days ago Charles left 'the first House of Beauty and moved into remo- deled quarters at 74 Victoria Street. He owns this - building which includes rented apartments. Charles • and his family belong to T3rueorield United Church. He has been a member of the Kins- men Club of Clinton for three years. . Employed at Charles House of Beauty for the past seven months is Miss Libby Habkirk of Sea- forth a graduate of Bruno's School of Hair Design, London. Transformine74 Victoria into a beauty salon was a major oper- ation. Clintonians know t h e building best as the Scribbins Bee Store. Since Gordon Scrib- bins stopped storing honey and keeping supplies there, the place has been a second-hand furniture store, under different owners. Lately it has been Chuter Elec- tric, owned by Tom Chuter. A new entrance was installed, Inside the waiting room is at the left, furnished with comfortable grey upholstered chairs with black trim: A low planter with ivy .and other greenery is there, a radio and reading material. Slim wooden doweling reaching up from twin waist-high room dividers create an illusion of oriv- eey for the two-chair hair-setting Station. Beyond this is the shorn- poo area, et the rear of the Shop. Wide mirrors reflect the far side of the room, adding to the spacious feeling. There mirrored display shelves line, one corner of the salon, --presenting the lady customers with a wide variety of cosmetic's, An 'appointment desk custom built of Japanese mahogany, to match the room dividers, graces the section opposite the entrance To the right of the entrance are three driers under which custom- ers den relax with reading mater- ial, and a good view of Victoria Street. Both wide front windows, are modernized by the use of bamboo drapes in .natural tones. Soft tones of melody green on the walls, natural wood appoint- ments and some 'black wrought iron display units combine well with the grey tile floor which is brightened by spaced green tiles. Fluorescent lighting makes the working areas "bright as day." 0 Guide and Brownie Mothers Will Meet The regular meeting of the Local Association of the Guides and Brownie Mothers, will meet in the Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street on Thursday, April 14, at 8 p.m. sharp. The baking sale of the Guides and Brownies will be held in the town hall on Saturday afternoon, April 9, beginning at 2 o'clock sharp. Proceeds are for Guide and Brownie work. SUGAR and SPICE 11111=111111•1111111110111111=111111111•1111111111MMINIMI NIMENIIMMIL UTY Now Carry Full Line of Popular Cosmetic Needs Recenlly we inscalled a full line of the better cosmetics a n d beauty aids, so that you could choose at your leisure the items you wished to own. In stock at all times are Revlon and Hazel Bishop products, includ- ing: nail polish hair nets hair sparkle hair sprays creams deodorants lotions perfumes and colognes, powders and make-up. We'll be happy to help you make a selection, in our new pleasant salon. Larger Premises Necessary. To Help Customers Since opening our salon on December 15, 1954, on' King St., it has been a privilege and a pleasure to supply our customers With competent hair styl- ing and cold waving. Many of you have be- come friends of long standing. W e apprec- iate the trust .and con-: fidence which the public has placed in our service. Our move to 74 Vic- toria Street (the former Scribbins store) was ne- cessary so we could con- tinue to serve you-well. We shall [oak forward to seeing all our friends in our new location. CHARLES HO SE