HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-03-17, Page 81Beautifu.1 PYRE
You'll love to give it-
You'll love to own it
with or without hiindles
$1.49 up to $2.98
divided dish
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12 cup Carafe '
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48 oz.
PYREX- Today's Look for Today's Cook
See our Window for other numerous available items
For The Camera Fan
PHOTO ALBUMS-in 7x1 0 size-
assorted colors, padded covers $2.00 ea.
PHOTO ALBUMS-in 10x15 size-
in assorted colors and decorated
covers, including white $1.50 to $5.00
PHOTO ALBUMS for colored snaps
or pictures up to 8x10 size $1.00 to $5.00
PHOTO CORNERS in clear or a
variety of colors 10c to 25c pkg.
In Colour and Black and White
In 8 M.M. and 135 M.M. films
Thursday, March
4.00 .• 5.00 pm,-Lions Free Skat-
big (Gradal 5-8)
Friday, March 18
8.0040.00 p.m.-Pablio ,Skating
Saturday, March 19
Lion; Town Hockey League
12.00 a.m.-Bears vs. Braves
2.00 4.00 pare---public Skating
'Sunday, March 20
1.00- 2.30 pra.-Tot Skating
3.00-5.00 Para--Peblie Skating 9.0041.00 paa.--Public Skatieg
Monday, March 21-
Lions Town Hockey League
6.00 pet-Bears vs, Braves
. Tuesday, March 22
4,00 - 5.00 lane-Lions Free Skat
ing (Grades 1-4),
Wednesday, March 23
2.00-4,00 pan.-Public Skating
8.00-10.00 p.m-Public: Skating,
Moccasin Dance
MARCH 26-at 9 P.M.
Arena •will Close for Season
Sunday Evening, March 27
Junior Debating Team
On Hog Marketing Plan
(Continued-from Page One)
you drive your car, Mr. Wheatley
read into the debate the interpre-
tation of Bill 86 quoted elsewhere
in this issue (page 9).
Bill Strong, second speaker for
the negative, noted twat if people
feel leaders are doing their ut-
most, there is no need to think
about personalities; there was no'
direction or compulsion for the
farmer before the agency was set
up; hogs travel many more miles
now than previous to the plan and
shrink must be more; feelings' be-
tween the processors and the
board are not as friendly an we
are led .to believe; office manage-
ment may look efficient but far-
mer should be' able to get price at
the assembly yards; little ability
to bargain for better price when
product is -perishable,
Jim Renwick in his rebuttal,
commented that relationships be-
tween boards , and buyers was
good, even though heads of plants
do not agree with heads of 'the
board. "But, -as a farmer in Turn-
berry said, 'It's while you take the
milk away, the calf will bawl"."
Most shrink is in the first six
hours. If in yard for any length
of time they are fed corn on the
cob, and the gain is probably more
thah if the hogs were in their
Mal barn,
Did You Know ?
Coming Evenis
'Tuesday NoOn -- Last Cheraw
to place advertisonaents in this column. Phone before 1P9,
liarh.onriltolno,-Ctoderielx--11ext Saturday. Melt donee, Mare.h 26,
Next 'teen-26 record dance, .April
22. Lions Bingo every Wednesday
night, 1.04tb .
There. March 11-Bingo in 4,4og,-
ion Memorial Kall, Kirk Street,
at '3,30 p.m. 15 regular . game% at
$25. Jackpot; $56 in •55. nairribesga
3 door prizes, $2.50 each, Adrnis-
;Soo 50a, 2040.
Seta March la- .Wesley-Wilde
WA ,Patriek's Bazaar and Tea.,
3 to 0 p.m,
Tuesday, March 2' BINGO ina
Unroll Fish and Game Club, span-, stirs, Ladies' „Conservation Club,_
at S.30 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Friday, March 23-DANCE in
Legion Hall. Slim Boucher and his
`Golden. Prairie Cowboys. Sponsor-
ay Murphy LOA: Building-
Fun, 1144
That money may be,. borrowed' FULLY'
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Even with a minimum down payment, these
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17 others to choose from. Come in NOW
and test drive the car of your choice.
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDS.
HUnter 2-9321 - CI-110014
.0 i0 0,,,,,c11.00n News40cars1 Thusid0Y4 Marsh' 17, 1960 Letters the Editor •
Ladles tlaYe
first Bonspiel
SatlirdaY, March 12, w a very
exciting and iatsy cloy for the
Ladies Curling Club at RCAF'
Seta, Clinton, - The ledieo as-
sembled at 10.00 a.m. at which
time Mala K. C. 0kiraaren threw
the Wet .reck to open 'the "Spiel",
Froirl then until 0Pan. Oanairetien
was. keen. Easaeh lady was lama-,
awed with a spoon with curling
Mrs. R. IVIacDoriald's -rink came
out on, ton to win the Cerrle Tro-
P hy, and -.first prize 'of pillow vas-
es. Her rink included; lead, Mrs,
C. Burbridge„ 2nd, Mrs. .0. F,.
Varialar, 3rd, Mrs, A. K Hirel;
skip, Mrs. R. ...MacDonald.
Second prize, skip, Mrs. J. M.
Marmenn.3rd, Mrs. L. R. Pierce;
2nd, Mrs. R. H, Voigalead, Mrs.
R. Buck.
Third, pie,slip, Mrs. J. Con-
stable; 3rd, /fro, K. C. Cifiniercaa;
2nd, Mrs, G, Dodds; lead, Mrs. S.
Lebedovich. -
A banquet followed 'the day's
activities, after which. Mrs, M. F:
Carrie presented the prizes to the
winning rinks,
The ladies would like to thank
the following merchants for their
Contributions to such a successful
event: Corrie's Red -& White
Store; Irwin:a .Ladies Wear; Mar-
tin's Dept, Stores W. N. Cotinter
Phone HU 2-7021 - Clinton
37 .Boys Feted At
Banquet By
Fish and Game Club
I4gt Thursday evening the :Hu,
non Fish and Game Cerieervetiori
Association feted 37 hays to
banquet, polo, and film enter-
tainment. The bore were members
of 'bantam-pee Mickey and base-
ball teams and Junior Conserva-
tion Club members, all of which
are '0one:wed, by the Fish and
Game Club, ,
The Ladies ConserVation Club
Catered for the affair :01 the Alma
Grove club house.
During the evening a trophy was
prey kited to Laurie Co, quhotin,
wbe, was voted the most valuable
player on tilts. year's bantam hoc-
key team. The trophy was donate
ed by Fred Hulls, of the Bayfield-
Clinton Golf Course,e and will be
presented annually to the most
Valuable hockey player. The win-
ner also receives , a small replica
of the cup to keep. • -
The sports committee of the
club have recently been selling
tickets on three 'prizes. The win-
ning tickets were drawn at this
banquet. Winners are; first, Fred
Tidesvvell, fry pan; second, Simon
Smith, Blyth, electric razor; third,
AC:1S ..O.111t9111 tea kettle
president Barrett Taylor was
master of ceremonies at the sports
banquet. Assisting were E. W.
Colquhoun of the sports committee
and, Eric Collins, chairman of the
Junior ConsetVation Club com-
Fora members of the 'Huron
Fish and, Game Conservation As-
sociation hold the Huron Dart League championship. The 'trophy
was won at competition with Cent
ralia and Clanton RCAF Stations,
Grand 'Bend, Blyth and Brussels.
The Clinton, team is made OP of
Clarence Freemam, Donald Switz,
or, lOnald Carter, Alec Riley,
Boyce Frernlin; Goldie Smith, Don-
ald celcloogh, Eldie Glidden and .
}Sower& Grealis,
Last year Clarence Freeman and
Ronald, Carter competed at dartS in Ottawa, where Ron won a silver
tea set- trophy.
Ail members of the 'Huron. Dart
League are this year entering teams in the Ontario Dart Associa-
tion tourney on March 26, at initial
games being held at Grand Bend.
The 'Huron League as affiliated
with the National Dart Assecia-
tido of Great. Britian,
Darts has gained in interest in
recent years _ in Clinton, and the
Fish 'and Game Club hopes to ins
terest more in the sport.
Local Midgets Lose
Playoff 'Series
To St. Marys Team
Clinton Legion Midgets played
the St. Maxys Midgets to a 3-3 tie
in the second game of the best of
three OHA quarter-finals in St.
Marys last Thursday evening, forc-
ing a third game in Clinton Sat-
urday night. St. Marys had won
the first game of series 9-1.
St. Marys got off to a fast start
scoring three goals in the first ten
minutes. Keith Allen scored his
first of two in the first period and
added another in the second. Budd
Boyes scored what proved to be
the tieing goal in the final period.
Lose Third Game
St. Marys took the third game
in Clinton Lions. Arena Saturday
night by a 7-2 score, before the
best crowd of the 'season.
Budd Boyes and Bud Yeo got
Clinton off to a shortlived 2-0 lead
but St: Marys tied the score by
the end of the first period and
were never headed .after that.
Lions Town Hockey
The Bears and Braves begin a
best two out of three series for
the championship of the Lions
Tdwn Hockey League, and the
News-Record trophy, on Saturday
at 12 o'clock noon. Second game
Monday evening and a third, if
necessary next Wednesday even-
ing, at six o',cloek.
Last night in the semi-finals, the
Bears defeated the Barons, -3-2 in
overtime to gain the finals. Braves
had previously beaten the Bruins
two games straight.
Arena Manager Don Fulton and
Don Strong, who have coached and
guided these boys in this new lea-
gue for boys not affiliated with
organized teams, would like to see
more parents out to the playoff
14. and Mrs. Walter Moffat
returned on Tuesday from Down-
ey, Calif., where they visited two
months with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
Streiffler and Carol Aerie.
Morley Taylor and Jeck Gra-
ham, Toronto, spent the weekend
at their homes.
(The following twe letter to
the editor were received took late
to include with other letters to
the editor found on. Page three co tills Issue),
Just -a, few lines in regard to
capital punishment, Yes, Z em
very much. In .favour of it, Clailoo
ada and her law has been the
very . best, .Pretty .clears from
crime. Let As Soap at that way
and follow the laW of the mother
country, Mother England, and we
will come out olt the right side of
the road,
322 South Main Street
Romeo, Michigan, -
To; The Editor,' •
Clinton. Novv,s4teciord,
Clinton, Ontario,
Dear Editor:
I have just :received a letter
from the Clinton Vote ''No" On,
g anization,
They say that they believe that
the opening of legal liquor outlets
in Clinton is neither necessary nor
advisable. This is their belief -and
opinion and I highly respect the
right of each individual citizen to
have his own beliefs and opinions,
and as to ,whether they are right
or wrong the majority vote will
decide this issue at the polls on.
March 23,
They say " that this vote has
been forced upon our town- by
interests primarily concerned in
the financial gains from such out-
lets. By the use of the word force
it might lead one to believe that
we have, dieterial powers inflict-
ing some horrible action on Us,-
Rather I think the vote -has been
brought about in a, very Demo-
Iteceivee Degree
The University of Toronto has
conferred the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy on Professor David
Pitt of the English Department
of Memorial University, St. Johns,
Newfoundland. Dr. Pitt is the
eldest son of the Rev. and Mrs.
T. J. Pitt, Varna, He graduated
from- Mt. Allison University, re-
ceiving the degree of Bachelor of
Arts (Magna cum laude), and re-
ceived the degree of Master of
Arts from the University of To-
Wlitat Meets
Mrs. Lee McConnell was host-
ess to the United Church Women's
Missionary Society 'of Varna for
their monthly Meetirig on Thurs-
day, March 10,a -`he president,
Mrs. Watson. 'Webster presided.
The meeting Was Opened by
Mrs. Robert Taylela Who conduct-
ed the worship peliad. Scripture
was read by Mrs. Robert Stirling,
a meditation air the subject of
stewardship by Mrs. Taylor, a
poem-by Mrs. Stirling and prayer
by Mrs. J. Postill.
The business period was con-
ducted by the president. Twenty
ladies answered roll call. Forty-
seven hospital calls were reported
and ten home ' calls made. An
invitation from the ladies of Eg-
mondville to attend their Easter
thankoffering meeting was ac-
cepted. Several ''thank-you" cards
were read, amongst them one
from Rainy River• where some par-
cels of clothing had been sent by
the Varna WMS.
Mrs. J. Postill was appointed
delegate to the Presbyterial meet-
ing at Seaforth, with another
delegate to be appointed at a lat-
er date.
Mrs. T. J. Pitt then gave a pap-
er on the study book, and supple,
mentary readings were given by
Mrs. John McAsh and Mrs. W. T.
MeAsh. Mrs. R. Taylor closed with
prayer. Lunch wasaserved by -the
west group.
MA* way by popular roqueot of
the majority of eligihle. voters,.
Their reference to interests eon, cerned in financial gains Seeln
be somewhat ambiguous, tont f can only assume that 'they Mean more trade and commerce for Canton;
This being the case I can see no
objection in furthering the pros-
perity and wealth of our can.-„
• They sa.Y. by o, Yes vote it will lead 'to increased ptien of alcoholic beverages, Mere I can
only speak, for MYself.• and say
that the result of the 'veteawill in
no way effeat xny aeanaaaaaaaaaea
I do- not believe "Shall consume'
any more or any less alcoholic
.beverages than I do at the 'present
time, If this is a bad thing then
surely such places_ as Kincardine,
Walkerton, etc., have made a hor-
rible mlotake. I. fail to see that
life,in these communities is any
different from that in Clinton.
Their. -problems seem to be quite
normal for any prosperous arefW-
ing community..
They say 'that aYeo vote wig
put temptation in. the paths of our
youth. To this We now have a law
with teeth in it to Our.a.11 such
temptation, if our parents are un-
able to properly guide our child-
And finally they say it will.
prosper those who sell liquor and'
them only, •If they are referring
to the -Ontario Liquor , Control
Board 'and the manufacturer; I
can only say yes. The Ontario
Government and the distilleries
and breweries make the profit:
just the same aa, the oil compan-
ies, dealers and government make
the profit on very gallon of gas.
aline you bey. - However, should
the interpretation here mean boot-
leggers-this operation, is strictly
illegal and I shall be the first to
back the law and see that it is
enforced as myaraight as a priyate
citizen. - And I shall on my own
initiative do everything I possibly
can to keep Clinton a good com-
munity in which to live, grow, and
Sincerely yours, -
March 15, 1960
pint* Ontario.
-o •
Friendship Club
To Help Provide
New Fixtures
At the last meeting of St. Paul's
FriendshipClub a discussion was
held on ways' and means 'of rais-
ing money to provide fixtures in
the new basement room, now un-
der construction. It was deckled
that each member could, in the
course of. the next three weeks
have a small social "do" in her
home, and earn one dollar towards
the objective.
In order to assist the social
hostess, was planned that the
members called as -hostesses for a,
meetiag will act or provide their
own substitute.
The next meeting will be held
Wednesday, March 23. after the
pit++ ark cavvieir.
Hearthside Club
Hear Boys Sing
Quartet Numbers
The Hearthside Club of Ontario
Street United Church met last
Thursday veening with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. Farley and Muss.
Black were in charge. Mrs. Jean
Radford gave a reading "Our 'nue
Life". A poem, "Life's Lesson" was
read by Mrs. Fern Kennedy.
Four young boys of Murray
Crich's Sunday School class sang
two members, "Cielito Lindo" and
"Green Grow the Rushes, Ho."
Gary Black played two piano ira
strumentals, "Vidlet Waltz" and
"Fairyland Waltz."
Plans- were made for the annual,
daffodil tea on April 30 in the
church hall.
Mrs. Willis VanEgmond had on
display several of her colourful
hand-made rugs. She showed the
members how to -join: the "nood-
les"' together and then' into balls.
With a large wooden crochet hook
each one had a turn 'at crochet-
ing. Members of group 3 served
a delicious Ittneh.
Part Champions
Bring Trophy Home
To Fish and Game
Dial HU 2-7023
In M2 and MS Sizes
pwr s