HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-03-17, Page 5ST. PATRICK'S TEA SATURDAY, MARCH 19 3 to 6 p.m. WESLEY-WILLIS BASEMENT BOOTHS HOME BAKING — NOVELTY -- CANDY Good Used Children's Clothing Afternoon Tea Menu HAM, SALADS, RELISHES BREAD and BUTTER PIE and TEA .6-• 50c Everybody Welcome MRS. B. HEARN MRS. P. REID Treasurer PresS Secretary 11-b ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A. Minister,. MRS.' M. J. AGNEW, Organist, and Choir Leader Sunday, March 20 9.45 a.m.—Church School, for• all classes 10.45 a.m.—Morning Worship. We Welcome All Worshippers ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's •-•-c- Clinton REV. C. S. lNDER, Rector THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT Sunday, March 20 8.30 a.m.---Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Wednesdays In Lent '7.15 a.m.—Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 8.00 -p.m.—Study Period—Africa Thurs., March 21 Chancel Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Hudie, at' 8 p.m.. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH REV. I. BODENRAM Sunday, March 20 MOO a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Searching After Gospel Kpowledge" 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service "Three Fold Sayings" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Thu are cordially invited to these services, Maple Street - GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, March 20 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Mr. Samuel Martin, Wingham. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study. ALL WELCOME ,Chaton News-Record—Thuriday, March 17, 1960•—Page S inga9.1ment Announced Mr. and Mrs, ,Mangy Cook, 'RR I., Londesherri, announce the engagement of their only slaughter, Fr anees Louise Zlizaheth to William Kenneth Newman, son of Mrs. Lillian Zuld the late Frederick 32. NeWman, Clinton. The Wed.- ding will take place in Kin- burn United Church the first Part of April. MOTT .11ERS STUDY GROUP WILL MEET MARCH 22 The Mothers Study ,Group of 'Wesley-Willis United Chinch Will Ineet on Tnesday evening, March 22, at the home of Mrs, William 1Vibreh, Mrs. George Cantelon be in charge of the meeting, and Mrs. James Cox and Mes, Edwin 'Cooper will be hostesses. Remem- flier• to, bring quilt blocks. SCOUT AND CUB AUXII-IARY TO' MEET ON MARCH 17 The Mothers. Auxiliary to the Scputs and Cuts will. meet on Thursday, March 17 'in the town at' 8 p.m. Merry Maidens Are Clinton's 4,11. Homemaking Club- clinton Merry Maidens, local 4-SI Horne Makers met TuesdsYS March 15 at the home of Mrs. Ronald MacDonald. With la !pres- ent. Meetings are to the held every Tuesday at '0,30. Leeder$ We' Mrs. Ron MacDonald and Mrs. KartleY Meneghan, President is Marion Pepper; vice-president, Barbara Falkener; and ,Prefs. secretary, Joan, Rogers son,. The next Meeting will be held at the home. of KM Marlaghall on March '29. Roll call will be Ito make a list of -foods containing the highest proteins and to put pictures of them • in 'their book. Each reernber is to bring a record book, recipe box, and a .health chart. The prOject, underlined by. the Department . of Agrietilitie, for this term is "Meat on, the Menu." CARDS* OF THANKS Mrs. Rhoda Reid deeply apPreel- Wed the Many kindnesses shown her during her recent bereave- ment, the death of her sister, Mrs,..Ettie Torrington. I would like to (thank all my friends and neighbours for cards, visits, treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, $Pees, ial thanks 'to Dr. Newland, Dr, Brady, Dr.. Streets and Purging staff, ---RUSSM,14 Jwsrfp. The Kinette Club of Clinton wishes to thank the many mewls, ants who 'donated draw prizes to the Fashion Show, Match 9. We sincerely feel that their fine gen- erosity helped make it most suc- cessful, evening, 11b In appreciation to class mates, Sunday Scheel class, many friends: "Though these few words can't say it ' ,In the way we like them to We hope you'll know the many thoughts Behind our thanks to you," —DOUGLAS and JAY BALL, llp Mr. Frank J. Dixon wishes to thank the .ftiends, neighbours, and relatives who remembered him with cards, treats and gifts during his stay in Clinton Public Hospi- tal. Special thanks to Dr, New- 'and, Dr. Streets, and the nurses. 11p I •would like to thank everyone who so kindly remembered me with flowers, cards and - letters, during my stay in St. Thomas El- gin General Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. McKenzie for his' kind message to me. They were all deeply appreciated. -- MRS, MAY McKENZIE. 11-b The faMily of the., late Mrs. Evelyn Raithby wish to express their sincere appreciation for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereave- ment, for the beautiful floral trib- utes and cards of sympathy. Spec- ial thanks to SIRS. A. E.. Silver and J. Ag-uliaii„ the pallbearers and to all who helped in any way. llb ...Minn..m.maymaimmonommon..pmx••••=.6.simmomms, Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FiORIST 'Dial HU 2-7012—:Clinton Mr, And Mrs. Robert )3. Camp- bell 'vacationed in Nassau, the Bahamas, the first part of March.. David J. 'Johnston,. Kitchener, spent Monday. last with his moth- er,' Mrs. James. Johnston,. White- head Street. Mr. and mils. Keith :Veagan and .Ooderic.h.„ visited on ,stess Say with Mr. and Mrs. 'David Aa.(t.ra, Frederick Street. and Mrs, Cale Doucette and daughter Lorain returned. home on Sattlrday from a three weeks vacation in Florida, Mr, and Mrs. D. John Cochrane, Clinton, are among the 'guests at the. Park Plaza Hotel, while vie- Sling Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and three children, Sandra, Beth and Donald, Sarnia, visited Mrs, May McElroy, 170 Mary Street,: on. Saturday. William Chowen, formerly with -Lorne Brown Motors Ltd; is now an insurance counsellor with the Prudential Insurance Company of America.' He Will continue to live in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Galbraith vacationed early this month in the southern United States, visiting with Dr, and Mrs. Frank New- BIRTHS BUNTING — In Clinton Public Hospital on Friday, March 11, 1960, to Corporal and Mrs, Brian E. Bunting, Clinton, a son. CAMPBELL — In Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, March 12, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Campbell, Blyth, a daughter, COX—In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, March 9, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Cox, ,R11, 2, Bayfield, a son. ELLIOTT—In Middleton, Nova Scotia on March 11,1960, to F/L and Mrs. Gerald Elliott, RCAF Station Greenwood, N.S., a son, (brother for Clinton, tenth gr- andchild for Mr. and MrssCharl- es Elliott, Whitehead •• Street, "Clinton). GUETTER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, March 10, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. John Guetter, Kippen,, a daughter. JACKSON—In St, Joseph's Hos- pitals London, on Thursday, March 10, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, 226 Piccadilly Street, London, a son (grandson for-Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Jack- son, RR. 5, Clinton). POTTER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, March 9, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pot- ter, RR 3, Clinton, a son. THOMAS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Friday, March 11, 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. George H. Thomas, RR 5, Clinton, a son (Steven Benton). WIDRICK — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, March 9, 1960, to MT. 'and Mrs, Harold Widrick, RR :2, Zurich, a son. lands, who 41$17, Were vacationing there. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bissett, Guelph, spent the weekend with Mrs, Viola Lamprnan; also Mr, and Mrs. Ralph 'Sales, St. were- Sunday visitors. at Mrs,. LaMpatall'a 1Korflai Maple .Street, Mrs.. DoWson sand two children, .Johnny and Kathy, of Reaurepaire, Que., visited with her mother, Mrs, W. S. p„, Holmes, 132 High Street, for two Weeks. Her .husband arrived on Thursday and-they left Sunday for home. At home for SUndflYS'in honor of their mother's birthday, were Mrs. Gordon' ''Cuningliarne'S son, John E, Cuningharne SYraelise, recently returned • Troia a mission to' the -Caribbean includ- ing a respite on the island of Tobaggo; her daughter and. -Am- in-law, mr. and Mrs. Arthur E, Saunders, Sarnia, and their four little sons, accompanied by Mr.. Saunder's • mother, Mrs.. 'Eugene Saunders, ;Yarmouth, N.S, . o Wesley-Willis WMS Regular Meeting The Women's Missionary Society 'of Wesley-Willis United Church met at the home of Mrs. George Beattie on Thursday, March 10 at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Frank Fingland presided, There were nine' hospi- tal and 16' home calls. Mrs. L. Jerids and Mrs. Fred Reid were appointed as delegates to the presbyterial which will be held in Seaforth on March 24. The next meeting Will be held in the church. Mrs. N. Shepherd took charge of the meeting. Mrs. I sidlaw read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. J. Mc- Laren gave the meditation and Mrs J. A. McKim led in prayer. Mrs. Shepherd took charge of the study book. Mrs. Jervis gave a reading on Africa. LOBA Card Party Again a Success Huron Lodge No. 377 of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Assoc- iation held their regular card Party on Tuesday, March 15 with a large crowd. Prize, winners were ladies high, Mrs. Plaetzer; lone hand, Mrs. Alex 1V1cMichael; ladies consolation, Mrs. Howard Snell; men's high, Ceriel Van Damme; lone hand, Jack Hender- 'son; consolation, Mervin Hanley. A free door prize was wen by Mrs, Scott. • A mystery prize was won by Mrs. Frank Cummings. Lunch was served. Another card party is, being planned for Tuesday,• March 29 and possibly another for Tuesday, 'April 5. 0 Stanley Club Has Regular Meeting Twelve members of the Stanley Community Club, two visitors and five children met at the home of Mrs. John McGregor on March 9. Mrs. Frank McGregor opened the meeting. , Thank-you note was read from the Huron 'Children's Aid Society, Goderich. A_party was planned for sometime near Easter. The date is left up to the committee. Mrs, •John McGregor conducted a contest and, a delicious lunch was served by the hostess and her group. The April meeting is to be held in the north group ()LINTON'WI yigymakro THURSDAY, MARCH 24 The Clinton Women's. Institute will meet March 24 'at 2,39 P.m, in • the agricultstral office board room, Roll will: Sing, say or pay tale?, Church REV. J. 4. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. EL RENNIE, Organist M. R, RENN}E. Choir Director Sunday, March 20 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Nurling Service for babiewand young children. 12.15 p.m.e-Sunday School and Bible •Class 7.30 p.m.—Study Service 110LIVIESVILLE 1.30 p.ms--Worship Service 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School Let, us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian Reformed Church' Everyone Welcome Sunday, March 20 10,00 arms-Service in English Communion Service; GueSt Speaker: Rev. Van Eek, Exeter. • 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Joseph Street GOSPEL 'HALL . CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord • Jesus Christ, (Matt. 1.8: 20) *meeting in the above hill invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's day as follows: SERVICE 11.00 a.m. -Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Stttiday School 7.00 p.m.—Prea:ching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Wednesday— Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH • P.A.O.C. Victoria Street. Clinton H. KENDRICK, Pastor Friday, March 18-- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: .f 'Sunday, March 20- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Woiship .7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Wednesday, March 23- 8.00 p.m Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You five cents; election of officers; programme, Mrs, J. Gibson, Mrs. R. TYndall; hostesses, Mrs, OICIMOrer WS, Webster, Mrs, Russ Holmes, Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. 'Wheatley, • P RSONALS 11-121b fi ka,r1.4v1A,Oes TENDERS -FOR GRAVEL Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned until April 2, 1960, for the crushing and hauling of approximately 10,000 cu. yds. of gravel, crushed to inch material, delivered on town- ship roads, where deSignated by the road superintendent, Contractor •'to 'strip silts. Contract to be dine by the first of October, 1960. Certified cheque for $300 to accompany tender. Lowest "or :aey tender not necessarily accepted. :ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. 71. E. THOMPSON, Clerk. S 60DERICH TOWNSHIP. TENDER FOR GRAVEL TOWNSHIP OF 'STANLEY The Council of the Township, of Stanley will receive tenders for the Crushing and Hauling of approximately 9,00:0 cu. 'yds. of gravel, 2,000 cu. yds. from Holmes- kdhle„ 2,000 cu. yds. from Venner's pit, and 5,000 cu. yds. from Keillor's pit, Gravel to be crushed and put through 5/8 in. screen and spread on the township 'roads to the satisfaction of "the !Road Superintendent, not later than October 1, 1960. - Tenders m"Ust be accompanied by a certified cheque for U00. !Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders, deadly marked, to be in the hands of clerk ' by 12 o'elock moon, April 2, 1960.. JEAN ELLIOTT, Clerk, Varna, Ontario. llb 41. -IONE HU 2.9511 REXALL 3 tubes TOOTH PASTE 1.09 TUSSY DEODORANT--Stick 'or Cream—reg. 1.25 for 85c. HOUSEHOLD SPONGES Bundle of 9 -- Only 49c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 1.09, WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO 2 for 99C MOTH BALLS .29bC CLINTON R.R.2,(lINTON•dlogi MIS! Is'S 111110-.- HARRY WILLIAMS Prompt Efficient' Delivery FUEL OIL HU 2-6633 -a ' Will Be Located In The, Former Scribbins Store VICTORIA STREET (Opposite Dr. Oakes Office) PHONE HU 2-7065 We're MOVING Effective Thursday, March 31 CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY 0 a a 4 Weekend Special T-BONE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK WING STEAK HEADCHEESE 3 lb. Tin for hurch. Directory CLINTON BAPTIST 'CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGIULLiN, MTh. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "THE CROSS TODAY" A Cordial Welcome to All ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH e "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor—REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 7.30 p.m.—Evening Chapel Service. • Turner's Church 2.00 p.m.—Church Service 3.00 p.m,—Sunday School Boneless VEAL ROAST 63c lb. VEAL STEAKETTES— I lb. ........ 69c lb. SAUSAGES Farmers Style .. . 5 lbs. $1.00 GROUND. BEEF—Lean .,„,„ ....... 3 lbs. $1.00 Fresh LEG OF PORK—whole or half 39c lb. FISH FRESH FILLETS OF PERCH WEINERS—I lb. StanleyS Modern Meat] Market Phone HU 2-3834 • 16 KING STREET Select Your Weekend Roast from Our Refrigerated Meat Counters Fresh!, Tender and Juicy Only 69c lb. 39c 99c