HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-03-17, Page 3Which required me to spend
nights h the communities where
We happened to be Working,
have experienced some undesir-
able nights because of licensed
Premises, I have also worked
with men who have, in the past,
said that if night finds them
working anywhere near Clinton,
they will spend ,the night there if
it is a good night's rest they want.
In the third place I question
seine of the angles of the welfare
work in Clinton, I am in favour,
to a very great extent, with Clin-
ton's present and future citizens
having good safe places for re-
creation and physical training.
But if these are provided to a
great extent by money derived
from the sale of liquor, then we're
poisoning the hen that laid the
golden egg.
A recent report in a well
known newspaper reveals the fact
that during the last fiscal year;
ending October, 1959, Canadian
Breweries Ltd. showed a net in-
come of 26.9 percent of sales—a
net income—profit: Yet we sit
back and say bring it in closer
so we don't have to drive so far
to get it.
We say let's spend our money
on cocktails so service clubs can
make a profit, when for every
dollar that goes on through' to
building swimming pools or fin-
ancing minor hockey teams, there
are two or three or four or five
going to pad the pockets of men
who need it much less than you
or I.
If we are really as interested
in our young people as we want
folks to think we are, let us admit
that the total amount spent for
that alcohol at the bar, could
have gone five or six times as far
in Community projects directly.
If it has come to the time when
this is the only way left to bring
business to town and to help our
families• enjoy and train themselv-
es, then my Christian conviction
is that we ought to be ashamed
of it, instead of filling the papers
and patting ourselves on the back
with pride.
(Signed. /..
Clinton, Ontario.
March 15, 1960
e7O,V0.,in p4,,irVpipp0:*
A quiet atmosphere
in pleasant
And a trained
competent staff.
Phone HU 2-9441
Mlk Colgeboun. Retires
E,. W. will" Coiquhoun, 111
Huron. Street, was retired on
MOO 2, from his job in the C &
section, RCAF Station Clinton,;
because he had reached the age
at which retirement is required.
Prior to leaving members of the
section presented him with a
cigarette lighter, at a farewell oc-
casion, Mr, qpinohono„ had been.
in that section .Since early oao-pr in 1958, and prior to that had
been working at -the -4ation on
and off since 7.'952,
This Monday' he was called, back
:to. work At the Station on a temp-
o .rary
thanked Mrs, Fingland for her in,
terestIng travelogue.
After the Mizpah benediction,
refreshments were sreved by Mrs.
L, and Mrs. A. Bond's
Clinton NA
Springtime is "FREE
Watch rI11SjICCtl011 Time"!
You we it to yourself to
have •your watch carefully
inspected. With regular care;
your watch will, give years
of dependable service.
Bring your watch into OUR
STORE soon and let us check
it over, free of charge of
course, no. obligation.
CLINTON — HU 2-9525
Goderich PARK THEATRE Phone
JA 4-7811
Now Playing—March 17-18-19
(In Technicolor)
BIG—ALIVE—Smash Packed with Laughs—Songs & Dances
MON DAY,' TUESDAY & WED N ESDAY—Ma rch 21-22-23
(Adult Entertainment)
So'phia Loren -- Tab Hunter George Sanders and Keenan Wynn
Presenting a well-blended concoction of drama, romance
arid comic relief with a top-flight Hollywood cast.
Fred MacMurray -- Nina Shipman -- Gloria Talbott
and Henry Hull
With Joan Carradine and a'grand supporting cast in a
masterful- story of wagon trains and Indian skirmishes.
— Scope and Technicolor —
"Love Slaves th
anna s
e. Amazon"
The Ballots
Are you in favour of the establish-
ment of Government stores for the
sale of -liquor?
••••••••••••mci IR
Are you in favour of the sale of YES liquor under a dining lounge license X
for consumption With meals On
licensed -premises? NO amiimmiamminam
Are you in favour of the sale of YES
liquor under a lounge license for ii•oasmosmosso
consumption on the premises? NO
Polling Syb-Division No. 1
Polling Place:
23 Albert Street
For Transportation To
Dial 9561
t `O
Letters to the Editor VOTE TiOS
11-1.4. VOTE11$
• Last Saturday Afternoon my -
Wife and I drove down to Stra4..
ford to show the town to our
gnosis. While in the liquor stare
I noticed, several familiar faces.
from the vicinity of Clinton, It
WAN even more noticeable in the.
Loblaw Supermarket, and I es,
sume in the other stores.
Why should the Clinton mer-
cbarits lose ail this 'trade?
I feel it is imperative that you
vote "YeS" in YOar corning oleo,
Lion, in order to encourage Clin-
ton to progresle
R7R, 4, clinten, .
Correction Please
The March meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary of St . James
Church, Middleton, was held at
the home of Mrs. Charles Cooper
and not in the church as reported
last week.
Pear Editor.;
oeTbe vote en liquor Outlets' in
eltaton seems, to be turling into
quite a centre at IMereq, Agroep
of business men Who elahn to re
,present a -:inieJoritY of Clinteri citt-
zens, has petitioned for A vote, to
Allow beverage alcohol to be leg-
ally Sold under three separate
Parts of a :Centre). set. A second
greup, in .Opposition to the first,.
has else been formed. This' group,
I believe, is fewer in number at
Present than the :first, and is'
beaded up by people i).0:10: 4,1^p not
all businessmen,
Another group who have been
feeling some concern, is "'the Clin-
ton Young Adult Fellowship, As
PreSent president of this grettP,
vvotild like here mid now -to en-'
swer some questions,. to .state
some facts as I see 'them, and.
believing that this is 0.: free conn-
to let the chips fail where
' may.,
The Clinton going Adilit,
lewShip is a group of .:prirnarily
single Ming people who .are ,Mak,
big their own living. The: girl:MP
was. formed by its members, fit
to provide a fellowship in which
to learn more about ,and take an'
PROVO part in, the task of the
Christian Church in its mAnY•de-'
nominations in, Clinton and be-
yond. Secondly, sto provide a place
for good Open recreation and pile
joyment, vviich we believe is are
impentent part - of, life. Thirdly,
to ,study problems and situations
Within ,the community, and be
prepared to do our part in tan-
nectiorz with their.
A committee of five was fernir
ed. within this group to study the
present hotly debated subject,
with an eye to all three of these
The information we have found
boils down to this: We are voting
on whether or vet to allow Gov-
ernment .controlled stores for the
To the •Vditor,
During .the last few centuries we have made slow but gtood ,
progress toward a :better under-
Instaanlcdoainttril-.Of IhtQei,crifrnTimineal watto
nd when
Men, women and oven children.
Were han,ged for various forms of
petty theft, For crimes of a
more heinous nature the criminal
hetrt31,.owth°le t 11l i l)was4t cbUI
out 'by the executor And thrown
into .a cauldron of boiling tar in
the belief that the heart was the
source and seat of .evil, and the
evil would` be destroyed Iby boil-
ing the heart,
We have come a long Way from
those barbarous times, and we.
TKO know that the seat of evil is
in the brain---a maladjusted brain..
But what do we know about the
maladjustment of those brain
cells? Judging by the manner in
'Which we treat criminals today
we know as little about the ac-
tion of brain cells and the re/at-ion
of one to the other, as our pagan
ancestors knew about 'the heart.
Man is not a free-will agent.
Free will is a myth long defunct.
Hypnotism struck its death blow,
Hereditary prornptings and tend-
encies over which the criminal
has no control are the dominant
factors in his life, We are spen-
ding huge sums of money to learn
what makes the systems in outer
space tick, and neglecting right at
home the most important and
complex system of all — 'the hum-
an brain.
Our present method of treating'
criminals is as ineffective in ac-
complishing the desired result as
boiling the criminal's heart was
back in the Dark Ages.
March 12, 1960;
12 Ellen Street EEast,
Kitchener, Ontario.
The Editor:
Dear Sir:
On behalf of the Huron County,
Tuberculosis Association, I would
appreciate your publication of this
letter in your newspaper by way
of extending thanks to all who,
have contributed to our Christmas
Seal Campaign.
We appreciate the generosity of
those, who, by their contributions,
are assisting in the control of this
dread disease in our county. Sueh
contributions' finance free chest
clinics monthly in five county cen-
tres, and an educational program
in promoting same.
The officers' of the association
would particularly like to thank
all volunteers who helped in pre-
paring the seals for mailing, the
postmasters and their assistants
in delivering the seals, the thea-
tres and. Station CKNX, Wingham,
for their contribution of adver-
The officers of the association
also want to thank you, Mr. Ed-
itor, for the publicity that you
have freely given this important
cause. •
Yours sincerely,
March 8, 1960.
Good Will Club
Regular Meeting
The president, Mrs. Man-
ning presided for the March meet-
ing of the Good Will club of Wes-
ley-Willis United Church. Mrs.
Hearn was pianist.
.1Vim, Wilfred Jervis read Psalm
10Q and Psalm 23 was read in un-
ison. Mrs. Paisley offered the
prayer. Mary McKim sang two
lovely solos.
The minutes and treasurer's
statement were read and a report,
given of the travel basket. Mrs.
L, Jervis received articles dorm-
ted for the layette, which is to be
sent to Korea,
Before showing color slides ,r
taken on a Spring Horticultural
tour of France, Belgium, Holland
and Southern England, Mrs, F.
Fingland •gave an entertaining de-
scription of places visited, many
of which were of historical inter-
est, and of beautiful gardens in
Paris, Holland, and rural England,
climaxed by the Covent Garden
Flower Show. Mrs. L. Bar
Sugar and Spice
(Continued from Pia-ge Two)
guess it's the Irish in me!' * * *
One more national trait is their
glee in throwing cold water. They
don't really mean it. But show an
Irishman a silver lining and he'll
show you a black cloud. * *
However, it takes all kinds to
make a world, and 'some of my
best friends are Irish, but how
would you like your sister to
marry one? Well, my sister's
brother married one, 'and I tell
-you, boys, you never know wheth-
er- it's a kiss or a kick you'll be
Clinton News-Record—ThorsdcY, March 17, 11900---Page
sale of.Several forma of :alcoholic
beverages, We are voting to al-
low them to he sold' with meals
in a hotel or Perhaps restaurant,
but with food, and with a mini-
mum .ch4arge 'Set. We are' also
voting on a previsiOn under Which
liCenees .could issued 'to alloW
certain service elite to sell bev-
erage-alcohol, and 'turn over part
of the profit to community ser-
vice projects.
A majority of businessmen. app
parently feel that much business
Would_ bypass 'their doers and our
town, if outlets were in neigh,.
teeming towns and not in Clinton,
A. number feel that tourists arid
commercial travelling men would
bypass Clinton, if our meal or
overnight .acoomniodation did not
include ready access to liqttor, We
are.. also aware of the contribu-
tion -to Clinton's welfare work
Which has been made by Clinton's
service .clubs.
The above are findings 'and Pur-
poses of the Young Adult Fellow-
ship, The following are my per-
sonal views:
First: Up until a short time
ago, I did not 'realize that busi-
nessmen felt so strongly about
this issue of bringing business to
Clinton businessmen number
something in excess of one hung=
red, and the sign boards advertise.
Clinton as having a population of
about three thousand. Even if all
businessmen were in agreement,
which they aren't, would it be
fair to work in their interests at
the expense, of the safety • and in-
tegrity of the rest of the town
population, or even at the ex-
pense of those who will doubtless
become victims, of strained and
broken family relationships and
character, to say the least. Bus-
inessmen have told me this week
that we have to bring more busi-
ness to Clinton, no matter how
we do it. Speaking as a man in
business for a relatively shcirt
time, our business has not been,
and will not start now, to be. built
along those lines of thought.
For -two periods of time I have
been employed In a field position
Why You Should
Vote "Yes"
IF the voters
necessary 60% majority on Ques-
of Clinton provide the
tion 1 only—the Canadian Legion
Branch and the Huron Fish and Game
Conservation Association will not be
permitted to apply for' private club
Since the Liquor Licence Board required
the authorization by vote of two addi-
tional types of outlets before the Legion
and Fish and Game Club could apply
for licences, your Local Option Revision
Committee chose what they felt the
least objectionable and therefore the
most acceptable types of business.
With the interests of the two clubs of
prime importance we hope voters feel
they are casting +heir ballots on Ques-
tions 2 and 3, in favour of the two clubs
instead of the outlets indicated on the
actual ballot.
We therefore earnestly solicit your afw
firmative vote on ALL THREE BALLOTS
on Weanesday, March 23.
Polling Places and Phones
For Transportation
Polling Sub-Division No. 4
Polling Place:
Huron Co-op Medical
Services Office
82 Albert Street
For Transportation To
Dial 9612
Polling Sub-Division No. 3
Polling Place:
66 King Street
For Transportation To
Dial 9461
Competent Baby Sifters Available at All Above Numbers
Polling Sub-Division No. 2
(Includes Little England)
• Polling Place:
95 Kirk Street
• For Transportation To rT)
Dial 9488
J. W. COUNTER, Chairman CAMERON PROCTOR, Secretary
W C, 'NEWCOMEE, Treasurer