HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-03-03, Page 121Pogo Clinton Nows,Ripcod ,‘Thuriday‘ March 4, 1960
None Here for 12 Years • Leap Year BAmes Celebrate
High Singles for. Feb. 27—
Don Gravett, Exeter 418
Bert Harris, Clinton A 368
Bert White, Clinton B 326
Howie Grealis, Clinton 43. .., 316
Bill Dean, Goderieh A ...... 301
Team • Pts,
Stars 101
85 Dobbers
Hearts 84-
Clubs 70
Imps 65
Drivers 64
Budgies 63
Cleaners 50
Pigtail Pioneers
Pan Pickers
Their Best Gamell
First Period
1- Lllit~ton, Murney 1,19 2.—.Cliptost, Cooper (M urn, ey) • 10,19
3--Clinton, BUMS (tourney) 11,35
4—Clinton, Burns (Radford,
- Allen.) • 16.40
5—Clinton, Murney (Boyes) 19.13
5—Palmerston, McDougall
(1VicArthur)- - 19.43
Penalty: Cummings (tripping)'
Second Period
7—Clinton, Boyes (Cum-
mings, Yea)
8—Clinton, es :(Cum-
mings) 3.23
9—Clinton, Murney 7.36
10—Clinton, Boyes (Cum-
mings) 8.26
11—Clinton,'Cumrnings (Bay-
es) 10.32
12—Clinton, Bdyes (cum- mings) 12,15
Pebalties: Cox and Jim Hender-
son (roughing) 9.35,
Third Period
13—Clinton, Murney
14--Clinton, Boyes
15—Palmerston, Don Gray ,
16—Clinton, Burns (Allen).-
17--Clinton, Cummings
Fish and Game Has
Annual Dinner;
Club House Social
About 190 members and wives
of the Huron County Fish and
Game Conservation Association,
enjoyed their yearly banquet in
the hall at Ontario Street United
Church .on Tuesday night. Donald
Switzer was master of ceremonies
for the event,
Seated at the head table Were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Switzer, Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Livermore, Reeve'
and Mrs. Melvin Crich, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Dale, the Rev. and
Mrs. Grant Mills, Mn and Mrs.
Eric Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. L. Matthews,
Mr. and Mrs. L. Freeman, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Forrest, •arid Andy
Calder, Seaforth.
A social at tne Anna 'Grove Club
House completed the evening, with
Stu and his Collegians providing
music. Included on the prograin
were instrumental duets by- Scott
Pawsun and Miss Mary Elliott on
the violin and guitar.
J. W. Counter, chairman of the
Clinton Local Option Revision.
Committee, spOke briefly, outlin-
ing the content of the three bal-
lots on which Clinton will vote on
March 23, and indicating what a
"yes" vote on each one of them
would achieve.
Home Makers
Bowling League
Mrs. lgarieo Truell)
The stormy weather of last
Week did not deter the interest
of the ladies of the Home Mak-
ers Bowling 1.4e.a.gue, and weekly
prizes were awarded to Mre, Brown forhigh triple of 620, end
Mrs, 1,4 Hire' for high single of
Other scares over 200 were:
Mre, M. .LeCierc 274; Mrs. 1.
White 254, 221; Mrs, M. Brown
232; Mrs, M. Tebby 231; mre-, M.
Rogers, Mrs. M. Constable and
Mrs. M. Benin, each 225; Me, P,
Cameron and Mrs. J. Young, each
222; Mrs, A. Bourque and Mrs, C.
Gray, each 216; Mrs. P. E1iis 214;
O'Dell and Mrs. R. Mat-
tinson, each 209; Mrs. N, Frees.
105; Mrs. T. Brazeau 202.,
Team Standings
"A" Division-
1—Rolling Pins „..„ 66 points
2—Trilites - 63
1—Toasters 74 points
2—Carpet Sweepers
& Double Boilers 71
3—Dish Pans 66
Five-Pin Bowling News
1st 2nd 3rd
Clinton A 1078 1108 1181
Exeter 1248 1140 1173
Goderich B 1118 1194 944
Clinton B 1099 1141 1227
Goderich A .„,.. 1209 1331 1192 1145 1092 5969 10
Wingham 1041 1060 1160 915 871 5047 0
4th 5th Total Points
1170 1445 5982 6
1085 1337 5983 4
982 1086 5324 6
1140 1036 5634 4
Jtalluk_ a.
many times this Credit Union 'has helped'a member
over a financial hump which would have been
many emergency Loans have been pard with Credit
Union Funds?
many live richer, fuller and more secure lives be-
cause of the extra purchasing power their
Credit Union Membership has given them and'
the people in this community:.
Did You Know
We've tried out the "all new" CORVAIR.
We like them so well we've decided to offer
the two now in stock at a big reduction for
Advertising purposes.
For a limited time, and only on the two now in
stock, you .can really save. All we ask is that
you help us introduce CORVA1R.
Gleaming Black Finish.
Whitewall Tires.
Wheel Trim Rings,
Arm Rests.
Cigar Lighter.
Right Sun Visor.
Automatic Transmission.
Folding Rear Seat.'
Regular Price $2940.00
Advertising Special 2600.00
SAVE $ 340.00
Smart Blue with White Top.
Arm Rests.
Cigar Lighter
Right Visor,
Folding Rear Seat,
Regular Price $2785.00
Advertising Special 2475.00
• SAVE $ 310.00
Full Factory Warranty, Licence, and Gas Included
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Your Friendly CHEW'.-OLDS.
Hunter 2-9321
Budd Boyes Stars With Five Goals:
Murney Fires Four, Burns Three
Scooters and Dads Banquet with Lads
The banquet hall at Ontario Street United Church was a pleasant spot last week,
when Scouts and Cubs and their fathers dined together. Above tit far left, Scoutmaster
Percy brown presents second Class Scout badges to a number of Scouts
(News-Record Photo) I
Lions Town Hockey
W T pts.
Barons 6 1 1 13
Bruins $ 3 0 10
Bears 2 4 1 5
Braves Q 2 2
Scores In Past Week
'"Thurs., Feb. 25--
Barons 11—Braves 1
Bears 9—Brides 5
Sat, Feb, 27—
Barons 4—Bruins 1
Mon., Feb. 29--
Barons 4—Bears 2
Bruins 6—Braves 4
Future Games
Saturday, March 5-
10.00 a.m.—Braves vs. Barons
11.00 .a.m.—Bruins vs, Bears
The playoffs will start sometime
next week with definite dates to
be announced after the final league
games, Saturday. Players are ask-
ed to check the L,T.H.L. board at
the arena. The first'and third place
teams and the second and fourth
will play a best of three semi-final
series with the finals to be an-
nounced later.
The Clinton Legion Midgets el-
iminated Exeter from the Western
Ontario Athletic. Association Mid-
get "B" hockey play downs last
Saturday evening in Exeter when
they scored a convincing 7-2 vic-
The series designated as a best-
of-three series originally had to be
changed to a two game, total goal
series by convener Doug Thorn-
dike, when the teams could not de-
cide where to play the third game.
Clinton won the first game of •the
new series 10-3 and with Satur-
day's victory won' the set 17-5.
The •teams were tied 1-1 at the
end of the first period• with Bruce
Cooper scoring from Thin Colqu-
houn. The second period saw Clin-
ton go two goals up on goals by
Budd Boyes, Bill Murney and Bob
Livermore, while "Exeter counted
one goal.
In the third period Keith Allen
scored with the help of Mike
Burns and Bill Murney. Bruce
Cooper scored his second of the
night. Bob Livermore finished the
scoring for Clinton with an assist
High Fives for Feb. 27—
Don Gravett, Exeter 1352
Howie Grealis, Clinton A 1253
Bert Harris, Clinton A 1314
Gene Baker, Goderich B 1213
M. Montgomery, Goderich A 1213
Dr. A. Newton-Brady
Commital service for Dr. Ar-
thur Newton-Brady who died in
Hamilton after a long illness took
place at Maitland Cemetery,. God-
erich, Februery 25.
Dr. Newton-Brady practiced
medicine in Bayfield before going
to Hamilton. Among the surviv-
ors is his wife, the former Evelyn
Playing their beet game of the
season, in Lions Arena Monday
night, Clinton Legion-sponsored
Midget hockey team trounced
,Palmerston Midgets. 1$-3. This
was the first game of the West-
ern Ontario Athletic Association
Midget "13" finals, The series
winner will go on into Ontario
Hockey Association playdowne.
The Cummings-i3oyes-Yeo line
racked up a total of 15 scoring
Budd Bons was the individual
star with four goals in the second
period and another in the third.
He scored a goal every three min-
utes early in the second. He' was
also credited with two assists.
Roger Cummings assisted on all
of Boyes' goals in the second; and
got two geels himself.
Bill Murney, who probably has
the hardest shot in Midget-age
hockey in this part of the country,
used his shot for three big'eleele_.
one in each period. All were scor-
Will4m Craig Has
Retired From
Civil Service Job
(By our Auburn Correspondent)
On Friday, February 26, 1960,
the C. and E. section of RCAF
Station Clinton was the scene of
a presentation on the retirement
of William J. Craig, better known
as "Baseball Bill" when he was
given a set of luggage and an
onyx desk set consisting of clock
and pens.
Sergeant Pat Dumayne, in well-
chosen words expressed regret at
having to say farewell to this
popular fellow worker after ten
years of faithful service as a car-
penter. With mixed feelings, Mr.
Craig thanked his pals for their
good wishes and lovely gifts.
Mr. Craig has always taken an
active interest in community sport
having managed the Auburn Ju-
venile baseball team that won
three consecutive Ontario champ-
ionships. Mr. Craig is also a vil-
lage trustee at Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Craig are blessed
with a family of six: (Dorothy),
Mrs, Stanley Strasser, Sault Ste.
Marie; Robert, Ilderton; (Ila),
Mrs. Harry Worseli, Goderich;
(Betty), Mrs. George Wilkin, Au-
burn; William S. on the staff of
CDCI, Clinton, aLl, Private Allen,
Gagetown, New Brunswick; also
ten grandchildren.
The term "Leap Year Babies",
has come 'to mean those who have
been unfortunate enough to have
been born on that extra day in
February which comes only once
every four years. They are con-
sidered unfortunate because peo-
ple born February 29 can celebrate
a legitimate birthday only one
quarter as often as other folk.
This year, there were no Leap
Year Babies born in Clinton Public
Hospital. There were no babies
born in the leesl hospital on Feb-
ruary 29 in 1952 or' 1956 either.
Mrs. J. E. MacDonald, operator
of Clinton Nursing Home, had her
12th real birthday on Monday.
Marking .his 12th birthday also on
ed from outside the- blue line', He
got .another goal in the first per-
iod one play with .Boyes. 141.4r-
ney's defensive work was also out-
"Little" Mike Burns Was the
other '"big" scorer, with, two in the first and one in the third. -
Although only five boys got the
goals, every played turned in their
best showing of the season.
The crowd was again disaIPPOint-
ing,. specially .for a championship
Palmerston: goal, B, Morrison;
defence, Bud Gray, Pon Gray;
centre, ,Gerry McDougall; wings,
Jim Henderson, Peter McArthur;
alternates, Don Stanley, Bryan
Wilson, Ken Patterson, J. Hender-
son, Bill Hunt, Larry HudS'on.
Clinton: goal, John Harris; de-
fence, Bill Murney, Don Freeman,
Don Lockwood, Craig Cox;for-
wards, Roger ,Cummings, Bleed
Boyes, Bud Yeo, 'Keith. Allen, Don
Colquhoun, Mike Burns, Bob Liv-
ermore, Bruce Cooper, John Bad-
Thursday, March 3
4.00 - 5.00 p,m.—Lions Free Skat-
ing (Grades 5-8)
Friday, March 4
8,00-10.00 p.m—Public Skating
Saturday, March 5
10.00-12.00 a.m.—L. T. H. L.
10 a.m.Braves vs. Barons
11 a.m.—Bruins vs. Bears
2.00 - 4,00 p.m.—Public Skating
8.00 -10.00 p.m—Public Skating
Admissions: Adults 25c
Students 15c
Sunday, March 6
1.00 -2.30 p.m.—Tot Skating
3.00- 5.00 p.m.—Public Skating
9.00-11.00 p.m.—Public Skating
Monday, March 7
Hockey Practices
Tuesday, March 8
4.00 - 5.00 p.m.—Lions Free, Skat-
ing (Grades 1-4).
8.30 p.m.—Midget .Hockey (Team
to. he announced).
Wednesday, March 9
2.00-4,00 p.m.—Public Skating
8.00-10.00 p.m.—Public Skating
Counter Check
Books on- Sale at
the News-Record
that day was Gordon Elliott, Bruce-
Mrs. Bruce McClinchey, Bruce-
field, had her 11th "real" birth-
day on Monday. Kenneth Arm-
Return Game Friday
In Palmerston.
Could. Wind Up Series
Clinton Legion Midgets .could
Win the WQAA • Midget "Be
hockey championship Friday
evening. The second grune of
the best two out of three final
series is scheduled for 8 o'clock
that evening in Palmerston
arena. Should a third gaiiie be
necessary it will also be played
in Palmerston on Tuesday even-
(Yeo) 11.27 18—Palmerston, Hudson
(Wilson) 16.05
,penalty; Bayes (charging) 19.42.
Refrees: John Patterson and
Charles Geddes, both of Seaforth.
Squirts Competing
In Tournament.
At Hensall Arena
Clinton Squirts handled by
Harry J. "Cooney" McEwan, will
Coming Events
column,. )?hone
advertisementsp honeb‘foml in this
12.30 p.m,
Tuesday Noon..-, Last Chance : to place
cbillyel-glrebvwoirlailtesradtl Itirann,clal,tolfigrcolhctlifi—egiarv4mDusanlee
Bingo, very 75eMrpeetinCdrry 'TeenBre record day dance with 3011=8-9,4
Them, Mitie 3e-13ingo, .Lege ion Memorial Hall, Kzrk Street,
at 8,3025;:P
Jackpot,, 1 1v5 gainer umboaat
s3i0d4000roop.riges, $2.50- each, Adrnis-
Welt, Mar, WishinggWQ-°e11;
Fashion Show sponsored. by Clin;..
ton. Kinattee, he Clinton 'Legion:
Hall,. at 8'. 7-9-1e
Friday, • Sierelell,!-- DANCE in,
Legnion Hall. Slim ovvBtoysUcher.
sored by Murphy. LOL Build
Fund: r 9-10-b
take part in. a Squints Hooker
:Tournament in Hensel). Arena on
.Saturdarafternace, Mhreh 5. Reg,-
Astered in the "D" series (under
1,000 poputation), are ,Monktart
and .Zurich to play at 9 a.m. and
Mitchell vs: Hermit to, play at
10 a.m.
Clinton Kinsmen team is in the
series. First game is at 11:
a.m., Goderich vs. Exeter and' the
local' lads play .-SPaforth at /2 noon..
playoffS for the "D" series is at
2 p.m. and for "B" at 3a5
Trophies will be PreSented tar ear-te
of the winning teams.
Sponsored' by the Hensall and'
District Milner Hacker group, gen-
eral admission will' be 35 cents
Give minor hockey a boost — see
them play in Hensall arena.
Midgets Trim Palmerston 15-3
In. First Gathe'ol -WOAA Finals
strong, of the OPP detachment,
Stratford,, formerly of Londesboro
and once a player with the Clinton
Colts hockey club (son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Armstrong) has had 7
Leap Year birthdays.
Two 12-year-olds, Carol Anne
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Duff Thompson, Raglan St.,
and Douglas Wayne Leibold, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leibold,
RR 2, Clinton, had their third
birthdays on February 29.
There are no doubt other Leap
Year Babies in the district. To
those missed, and to those noted
here, we wish them the best
throughout the next four years un-
til their next birthday.
Clinton Legion Midgets Eliminate Exeter
With Two Game Total Score of 11-5
from Bruce Cooper.
There were •four penalties called
in the game with Clinton collect-
ing three of them..
Clinton: goal, John Harris; de-
fence, Bill Murney, Don Free-
man; centre, Roger Cummings;
wings, Bud Yea, Budd Boyes; al-
ternates, Don -Lockwood, Craig
Cox, Keith Allen, Mike Burns,
John Redford, Bruce Cooper, Don
Colquhotm, Bob Livermore.
First Period
1—Clinton, Cooper
(Colqueoun) .............. 14.00
2—Exeter, Cann 19.53
Penalties: none. •
Second Period
3—Clinton, Boyes 4,35
4—Exeter, Lamb 16.10
5—Clinton, Murney 17.00
6—Cluiton, Livermore 18.43
Penalties: Turvey, Boyes, Allen.
Third Period
7—Clinton, Allen (Bums,
Murney) 10.03
8—Clinton, Cooper 15.40
9—Clinton, Livermore
(Cooper) 17.23
Penalties: Allen.
Beautiful Oil Paintings anyone can paint.
Make a beautiful picture every time.
40., WM • 40.
Two Beautiful Pictures -- size 12x 16'"
with 24 oil colors and brushes ..., $3.95
Two Beautiful Pictures — size 16x20'
with 10 colors, brushes, etc. $5.95
Other Pictures $3.98 to $9.50 ca.
Children's Oil Painting. Sett 79c
Junior Paint A Picture Set $1.49
Figurines To Paint and Glaze $1.98
McEwan 's
Clinton Ontarie