HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-03-03, Page 3S Opening Tues. March 8 Let's Get Acquainted Offer PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES B & W Films-120-620 per roll 35c Tri x Films-120-620 per roll 45c Colour Films-120-620 per roll 99c 8 M.M. Cans and reels.--200 ft. Cap. 99c Case. for Brownie Movie Camera $2.99 Super Ikonta III Range Finder Exposure Meter f'3.5 Tessar Lens Case ., $99.00 COLOUR " COLOUR COLOUR FINEST COLOUR. DEVELOPING and PRINTING Ektachrome, Anscochrome and Kodacolor Films FRAMES FRAMES. FRAMES A complete Line of Frames in both Period and Modern Design Madaren's Studios Jervis Apt. 68 Albert St., TUE. & THUR. Phone JA 4-7924 Clinton- 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Goderich collect) Sounds good! Logical, too! You see the normal job of the kidneys is to remove excess wastes and acids .-so often the cause of backache—from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys in this function and so may bring you that welcome relief fror<i backache they have many others. Try just 3-a-day. You can depend on Dodd's—in the blue box with the red band. 64 The Editor, Clinton News-Record, "What do you read? Words, 'Words, Words!" —Hamlet (one of the Classics) Yes, we got our ears pinned back, Indeed this is something which many have long considered an excellent idea. They have been said to resemble Drumbo's on more than one occasion. Without pursuing any further this description of our cranial ap- pendages, let us get a few things straightened out with regard to our lettor concerning the Clinton Public Library, We are second to none in our admiration for this institution and its custodian. In fact we have long been friends. We shall reply to Mrs. Thorn- dike's well-written answer to what we considered constructive sugges- tions, In the first place, with re- gard to mathematics books, we are well aware of the prescribed text books on the course at the schools, but in Grade 13 at 'least we contend that students should be given opportunity to go beyond theist. From our own experience there are some students who wish to; What we had in mind are books on elementary calculus, annuities and bonds, statistics, advanced ge- ometry and so on. Probably some of the townspeople other than stu- dents would be interested as well, especially in books on` annuities and bond values. As far as our personal ability to procure the classics are concern- ed, in our own library are repre- sented Shakespeare, Milton, Synge, Shaw, Robles, Kant, Mill, Frank- lin . but thii is beside the point. We are all for books on modern topics—we noticed one on Fidel Castro the laSt time we were in the library. If there is a conscien- tious attempt to replace the illeg- ible editions of the "classics" then A new monument at Solferino, Italy, commemorates the birth of the Red Cross idea and honours Henri Dunarrt, the founder of the Red Cross. 'PERMACO' COBALT BULLETS , For Cattle C• an* Worn tor,14 41...f Increase BEEF GAINS At Least 10% to 22%1 One Dose Gives Rath Animal A Year's Supply of Cobalt! In many areas, up to 9 out of 10 cattle are cobalt deficient. Even apparently "healthy" herds suffer from "Hidden Hunger", the unthriftiness caused by the slightest lack of cobalt, But now, one dose with Cobalt Bullets provides all the cobalt your beef animals need for a full year, Field trials show that even in areas where beef fattening` ios never been a problem, `1"JsamA,co' Cobalt Bullets can increase beef gains a minimum of 10% to 22% / Get 'PERMACO' COBALT BULLETS For Beef and Dairy Cattle ...TODAY! 1. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST I. D. A. .Specials LISTERINE GIANT Reg. $1.49 $1.29' MILK MAGNESIA TABLETS 300's T90 AROMATIC CASCARA Reg. 75c 59c• KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE 2 for 490 KOLYNOS TOOTH PASTE 2 for 89e VICKS RUBS with cough drops Free $1.09 SMA BABY FOOD 98o INFANTOL DROPS $1.50, $2.30 STORE HOURS OPEN 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS F. B. Pennehaker DRUGGIST Clinton — Ontario Institute Ladies "Chase the Blues" Begin Fund For Nurses Bursary On Tuesday evening, February include a similar trip. 23, the members of the Clinton A social hour in the lounge, fol- Unit of the Federated Women lowest Teachers Association of Ontario met in 'the Clinton Public School. Mrs. Ruth Shaddiek, president, Bakelaar—Huckins read a selection entitled, "To Tea- chers." Teachers Enjoy Best Speeches From Two Youngsters at RCAF Public School A' CHEQUING ACCOUNT FOR PAYI NG BILLS Ladies of the Clinton •Women's Institute chased the bluest away entirely aI their meeting last -Thursday in the agricultural of- fice board room, as each answer- ed roll call with their recipe for "chasing the blues". Summary Day for the "New Lamps for -Q14" project was an- nounced for Wednesday afternoon, lAareh 2, in the Legien Hall. The WI authorized the treasurer to, send the ten cents per member to the Adelaide 'foodless Home at St, George, Also the institute will start a bursary fund to as, sist student nurses in training, After a ,g4pgscgig, tieltots were Sold 011 IMO palls of honey don- ated by 'Virg. Alex .Cudnapre and won by Mr$, Mervyn ,1$atkin and Mrs, 'William Rose. Mrs. Gibson gave the portent' events, and Mrs. W. Ross gave the topic on hiStO4cal. research, An old fashioned apelling math took place with Mrs, C. Elliott and Mrs. E. Radford As eeptalne. The ladies showed that they had- HANG ON TO YOUR SAVINGS with the Royal Bank[21Account Plan 111111110.001111010.1.11111•101.11111.1 'Beattie Funeral JHome . KINDLY, COMPETENT SERVICE. lb MEANS SO MUCH IN TIME OF NEED. AMBUI-ANCE ANYTIME. GOOD WILD Ok•ua MEET ON MARcli The Good Will Club of Wesley- Unilted Church will Meet in the lecture room on Tuesday, March 8 at 8. p.m. Mrs. F, ring- land will show slides taken abroad on her tour sPonSored by the On- tarle Horticultural Society.. Art- toles for the layette wlf he grate- fully received. forgotten all they had ever learned se many years age. Mrs. N. Shepherd on Mrs. Radford's side won the prize. Hostess Mrs, R. Tyndall and .her committee served lunch, we are Satisfied. We would also be very interest- ed to hear whet the town council's per capita grant is this year. If it is being raised we would be highly gratified, Mrs. 'Thorndike goes on to say that •a comparison With libraiies in towns of equal size would show the Clinton Public Library in a favourable light. She is probably quite correct, but if you will par- don the expression, "So What?". To our mind it is more important to do the best possible for the citizens of Clinton, not just to keep pace with other towns. Slow movers always seem to stick to- gether. One phrase we will argue ag- ainst is Mrs. Thorndike's advoca- ton of what she terms "pleasant and profitable" reading. We are labouring under the delusion (or is it) 'that there is more emphasis on "pleasant" than "profitable" reading materials.. Without ap- pearing to be a "literary snob" we would humbly suggest that a library that has more of the works (in an easily legible form) of Earl Stanley Gardner, than it has of William Shakespeare, has neglect- ed the profitable aspect of the av- ailable reading material. Although once more we have al- lowed ourselves to indulge some- what in overstatement, we hope we have made our position clear. Catering to taste is one thing, Helping to cultivate taste is quite another. D.C. Toronto, Ontario, February 25, 1960. International assistance of the Women's Work Committee of the Canadian Red Cross totalled $147,- 582 last year. This represents only the cost of materials and does not include the time of the- volunteer workers; warehousing, shipPing and other expenses. The Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, was the setting for the marriage of Joan Ruth, daughter of 'Kr. 'and Mrs. A. B. Huckins, RR 2, Goderich, and Car. Bake- laar, son of Mr. and Mm, 3, C. Bakelaar, RR 1, Auburn. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a street-length dress of pale blue brocaded taf- feta , with cap sleeves, gathered bodice, and empire waistline, with matching jacket. She wore a white Slowered -headband and a yellow rose corsage, A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents, after which Mr. and Mrs. Bakelaar left on a wedding trip for Buffalo, N.Y., and Niagara Falls, They will reside at RR 1, AUburn. a Dietrich-Spellman (By our Henson correspondent) In a setting of red and white spring flowers at St. Anne's Ro- man Catholic Church, Kitchener, on Saturday, February 20, Helen Spellman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Spellman, Kitch- ener, and Louis Joseph Dietrich, son of Mrs. Eileen Dietrich, Wat- erleo, and the late Mr. Louis F. Dietrich, exchanged marriage vows before the Rev. E. R. Malley of Basil's Seminary, Toronto, Traditional wedding music was provided by the church organist who accompanied the soloist, T. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, uncle of the bride. The bride wore a formal gown of gardenia peau de faille with an appliqued ,scoop neckline and three-quarter length crushed sieves. Bands of appliqued guipure lace accented the skirt which swept to a chapel train. She carried a semi-crescent of white feathered carnations, hyacinth florets and camellias, Mrs. Donald Fedy, Waterloo, as matron of honor for her sister and Misses Nancy &Ailey and Helen Stoesser, Kitchener, were gowned alike in valentine red silk organza. Douglas Dietrich was his broth- er's groomsman. A reception was held art Berkley Square. After a wedding trip to Kentucky, they will live in Wind- sor. The bride was a graduate of St, Joseph's Hospital, London, and was an industrial nurse with B. F. Goodrich, at Kitchener. She is a niece of Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Dashwooci, and Mrs, John Soldan, Zurich. The groom plays on the Windsor Bulldogs hockey team, Roll call was answered by giv- ing a favourite quotation. Miss Edythe Beacom introduced two young speakers who had re- cently competed in the Canadian Legion Public Speaking contest. Miss Kathie Cameron ably spoke on "School as a Preparation for Citizenship", and Master Ernie Fa- fard gave an interesting address on "The Eskimo People". Both are pupils of the A/V/M Hugh Camp- bell Public School. Further plans were made for the dinner meeting in Hotel Clin- ton, on March 22, An outstanding speaker will address the gathering. • Following the routine business Mrs. 3. D. Thorndike introduced Mrs, Harry Ball who delighted her audience with a. travel talk on her trip to Europe. In her own inimi- table manner, she portrayed the beauty and charm of many far-off cities that hitherto had been just place-names on a map. Mrs. Reg. Ball thanked the speaker and ech- oed the sentiments of all present by saying that future plans should --NOTICE-- Commencing February 29th The Undersigned Stores Will Close At 6.15 P.M. EACH EVENING EXCEPT FRIDAY EVENING McEWAN'S BOOK STORE NEWCOMBE'S REXALL DRUG STORE PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE 7-8-9-b • Letter to the Editor Clinton News.itecor4 Thursday, March 3,1960 Pagt 3 Clinton Public Hospital Board Officials HAROLD C. LAW. SON Chairman of Clinton Public Hospital, G. MORLEY COUNTER Vice-chairman of Clinton Public Hospital. THOMAS STEEP Newly-appointed Secretary Treasurer of the Hospital Board. Here's one good way to keep a firm grip on your savings ... adopt the Royal Bank's "2-Account Plan". It works this way. You open a. Personal Chet wing Account for paying personal and house- hold bills; keep your Savings Account strictly for sailing. Having two accounts helps you avoid dipping into your savings ... gives them a chance to grow with regular deposits and the interest they earn, It's sensible, businesslike and you'll find it works. Try it. THE ROYAL BANK OP CANADA Clinton Branch: 0. L. Engelstad, Manager Goderich Branch: H. G. Spring, Manager . . . though we can't make your clothes new we CAN make them fresh and sparkling like newl Our cleaning method is de- signed to get fabrics extra clean and to restore the body they had when new. Our pressing is perfect ... creaseless in sleeves if you desire. Home delivery. A SAVINGS . ACCOUNT STRICTLY FOR SAVING THIS WEEK THE LUCKY No. is 1660 Check Your Calendar. If the number matches take the Cal- endar to our office and claim year $3,00 credit. CLINTON MU-2-7064 41- tap Make Sure that the addresses on your letters and parcels IntIndp these 5 pointst « Full name of person to whom your mail is addressed, . Correct street address, rural route number or post office box number. • City, town or village, • Province, state (or equivalent) and country. • Your name and return 'address in upper left corner. Remember, Postal Zoning operates In Vancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and. Clucks. When writing to the* cities, be sure to Include the Postal Zone Number. CANADA POST OFFICE