HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-02-18, Page 11FeOri A,SET, 'I MAT'S, BE V. .*.`Eogerz COVE TO OE's,4 A KM ILV „TiRfA treK f fr ll OOR f f4PAil IL ;-; ',MERRILL TV SERVICE 'Phone HU 2:7021 •-- Clinton Farming Is Serious Business .1 Sober. attention was given speakers in the Clinton Legion Hall last week, as Huron County Hog Producers considered , their market situation and pondered the problems the ,an-corning• vote will raise, Though no decision haS been made by the Forth ,Produats `Marketing Board,about the wording on the ballots, producers have been •tad they trust vote about their marketing scheme. At the' annual meeting pictured above,:. Huron ' ',County 'asked for a postponement of the Vote until their province-wide selling *home and the deficiency payment plan of the federal government had a chance''kirk ta= 'gather • , • • (Newi-R68rd.Photo) WE'RE ALL SET TO PRINT - CLEARY and ATTRACTIVELY • YOUR ANNUAL CHURCH REPORTS • ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF YOUR ORGANIZATION OR FIRM • NEW LETTERHEADS AND STATEMENT FORMS .FOR YOUR BUSINESS •BUSINESS FORMS • PROGRAMS • WEDDING INVITATIONS :FOR INALITY PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES, COME TO THE Clinton News-Record 6"Piinting Publishing 6 Office Supplies News of Lohdesboiti Correspondent -- MRS. BERT. ..ALLAN Phone Blyth 37 r 5:: - TWO GOOD USED YOLKS 1958 BLUE DELUXE • —LOW MILEAGE 1959 BLUE DELUXE • —LIKE NEW . —LOW MILEAGE ON SMITH MOTORS VOlkswagen Sales and Service '9 Oritaiio St., Clinton • Phone HU 2-9088 . THAT'S NOT NECESSARY , You can overcame sluggishness, even in a car! Our professional "une-up puts your car bock on the road . . . roaring, ready to go! ring it in! :RAY S Sunoco. Station 192 HURON STREET * OP CLINTON . Ray Hoggarth, Prop, HU 2-6661 1:=3= BELAFONTE AT CARNEGIE HALL THE COMPLETE CONCERT . • • - • •• • The astounding realisna of this recording triumph puts you right in the COneert hall, You hear Belaforite's fabulous darnegie Hail eons sea complete in this de luxe 2-record album. All the Belafonte faVorites-hits like ittatit4a, Day 6, Jamaica Farewell, Sheittortioli --take On new excitement in these "liVe," "on-stage" performances. $n regular L.P, and TAVing Stereo-LOC)LS04000 C 4 VICTOR Galbraith TV St Radio Call HU 2.384.1 YOUR TV SERVICE -CENTRE tin NEL OIL YOUSEED --AT ITS JUST GIVE' US-A CALL, W 'L .170 THE RES oloc.kip SERVICE IS OUR MIDDLE NAME SCRUTON HU.2-9653 CLINTON an opPertnnity to perform in cent, petition before an audience, lights of this program he a Junf. or - Farmer Drama Festival, Fashion Show, Middlesex Junior Farmer Choir presentation, Junior Fawner and PUblic School Square Dance Competitions, Old Time Fid-dler Contest, Pie Eating Contest, and a Jitnior Amateur Contest, "Tomorrow's Agrieiture — To- day"; the theme of this year's fair, will be exemplified hi every way possible—in the newest crops; ma-chinery -and equipment; in the foods we eat; in the ideas for a continued prosperous agricultitre, and hi the abilities of the youth of today—our citizens of tomorrow. GOSHEN LINE Mrs. Edwin Wood left on Tues- day for a week's visit with her daughter and family in Toronto. . George Moon had the misfortune to fall Sunday night and break his arm, He is at present in. Clinton Public Hospital. • Four ladies from the Women's Institute attended the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Huron. County Home on Monday after- noon. Mrs. John Armstrong returned home on Saturday after two weeks with her son and. family Stratford. A new baby daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Armstrong of that city. - WMS Meeting ` The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety met at the home of Mrs. Lily Webster, with 19 present, Mrs. Parents and children participa- ted in the various games under the direction. oft the Rev. Henry Funge. Mr. Funge had the hall ti tastefully decorated with hearts and ballons. Prizes were given to the numerous , contestants. The people of the United Church thank Mr. 'Funge for a very enjoyable evening. A bountiful lunch was served to all. - The Explorers and Tyro groups of the church are sponsoring a minstrel show from Bervie YPU this Friday night the hall: Come and enjOy a few laughs. , The social vening planned by the Women's Auxiliary of Middle- ton Church for Friday, February 19, has been called off on-account of the 'prevalence of mumps, etc. The cominunity is invited to a social evening in. SS (Tipperary) Schoolhouse, on Friday evening, February 19: Ev,eryone welcome. This party under the auspices theoW„A: of 'St. James Chtirch. MIDDLETON ' "It is a .cowardly thing to do things as' a, group Which you would not do by YoUrselves," Magistrate Glenn Hays told two Clinton boys in Tuesday's court here, The youths nileaded guilty to charges of causing a disturlSanee in a pub- lie place, "You have no right to spoil things for other people," went on Mr. Hays. have a <low opinion of pefsoris who make nusiances of themselves in public places. Fam- ilies with children could 'have their whole evening ruined by having to listen to you shout and having to see you fight in a ,restaurant," William Frederick Joyce, 21, pleaded guilty to fighting and us- ing obscene itnetmeet in, addition to the disturbance elanse. May, nard Hymers; 16, pleaded guilty to shouting and using obscene ling- Liege, as well as' causing a distur- bance. The offences took place early Sunday moriiing, January 31, in the Meay-Mee Restaurant, 65 Albert Street, CIintnn, With no crnwn attorney yet ap- Pointed to the place vacated by Mr. Hays, court proceeded with the 'contables presenting their own cases. Chief-H. R. /Thompson told a these two boys being with others in a booth at the lileay-Mee, when some one of ,,the group knocked a plate to -the-floor,, The owner, Mr. H. Nipoiked the group to quiet down,„ and to pay for the plate. They • refused. Then words were exchanged be; tween this group and tsr couples of airmen and airwomen in the next booth. A fight began be- tween Joyce and one of the air- men. • - Constable A. Shaddick removed Hymers from the restaurant on the request of Mr, Nip, and they were outside when the fight be- gan. The constable returned, and Hymers went back; challenging the airmen to come. outside. Then the airforee people left for camp, and were followed to the main gate by the two accused with other boys in another car. Joyce told the court there were four or five carloads of RCAF and about the Same number of town fellows. Magistrate Hays told them this sort of thing was not going to be tolerated'. He advised Hymers and Joyce that -they could pass on, to their friends—"and you would do them a favour," if you pass on to them my views on this, subject. "Tell then-1,y" went on the ma.gis- . • , Magistrate Hays Gives Stiff Fines And. Ster:a Warnings 'To Youthful Disturbers trate, "that if this.' type of -thing comes before. me again, the fine will maybe -be .iarger, but . tran.e likely there will be a fail senten- ce." He levied fines of $40 and cost of $2.80. each, With thressweeks al- lowed to pay. Questioning Hanners and finding the boy's mother operated A lunch Place in town, Magistrate Hays said, "I hope this fine does not come out of your mother's pocket, She did not create the .disturbance, It is surprising ,to me that you, knowing what your mother thinks of this type of person coming into her restaurant, that you would cause this kind of disturbance in another public pSace," Magistrate Hays noted, "I find that young men will cause trouble in. a restaurant operated by Chin- ese men, not because of race pre-. jndice at all, but because the Chinese are of a smaller build. They' would net 'act the same in a place run by a larger .man." Clinton hews-Record,Thursdayrfphrunry18, I960—Pa 11 • 'Tomorrow's Agriculturei—Today Is Theme of- 1960 Middlesex Seed fair. Correspondent: . MRS. W. BRADNOCIC and Mrs. Carl. Mills and family, Exeter, spent last week- end With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- strong. Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor returned last week from a visit with her grandson, Paul Raithby, Mrs. Raithby and family at Scaxboro. MIS. Ernest Doerr, Brian and Harold,. Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rcibert Charm-ley. Federation Meets - Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderion entertained the directors of the Federation of Agriculture of East Wawanosh and their wives. A short business periodwas, held with the president, Ebner Ireland in charge. Reports were given by the secretary-treasurer, Simon Hallahan. A short buSinesS period followed. Cards 'and crokinole were enjoy- ed, the winners being; high lady, Mrs. Orval McGowan; low" lady Wilfred Walker (playing as lady); high man, William Gow, and low man, William Taylor. Lunch Was served by the, hostess. Congratulations and many cards were received by Abbarn's retired )r. B. C. Weir, when he observed his 83rd birthday at his horde on Friday, February 14. A family dinner was given in his honour by his daughter, Mit. Duncan MacKay and Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Joan and Bob, London, were also • present with Mr. MacKay,' Barbara and John, -t Dr. Weir is enjoying fairly good health sand often tells of •his interesting -.life as a country doctor, ' St. Mark's Anglican church Service Was conducted by 0, Sle- tnin, Goderich, who choose as his. message "Why I am a Christian", Friends will be pleased to learn that Rev. Robert IVIeally is recup- erating at his home in Blyth. Township of Huileit TENDERS The Council of the Township of Ifullett will receive Tenders fOr the Cnty811ENG and 11AELING Of APPROXIMATELY 12,000 Cti." Yds. of Gravel for Roads in the Township. Gravel to be crushed and put through a a/4 inch screen. All Gravel to be einsbed and. Spread to the satiaketiOn of the Road Superintendent and the BIS- triet Engineer. Tender's must, be aceompanied by a Certified Chentia tor $200. Tmetbrs to be submitted tek the Clerk not later than 12 o'cloek Noon, March 5, 1000, Lowest or any Tender not ned- cssarily aecepted, BARRY Ttti1310tT, Clerk 1111 1, Londosborb, Ont. Mrs. R. H. Dick ' (By our Homan correspondent) Mrs. Robinson H. Dick, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Monday, February 15. Formerly Lucy Mohring, Benmil- ler, she was in her 78th year. Mr. Dick predeceased her Dec- ember 5, 1959. SurViving are two sons, Stuart, Clinton; Earl, Ingersoll; t w o daughters, Mrs. (Marie) Gordon Cudmore, Exeter; Mrs. (Edith) Ben Dawson, London. ' Services from the Bonthron fun- eral chapel, Helga, Wednesday, February 17, by the Rev. Currie Winluw, to Exeter cemetery, James Andrew Johnston James Andrew Johnston, White- -head Street, Clinton, died sudden- ly at noon Monday, February 15, at his home. He was born in Clinton 74 years ago, a son of the late John John- ston and Elizabeth White, He was employed for more than 30 years as a carpenter with the CNR, retiring ten years ago. - • A member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, he was also, an active member of the Masonic Lodge at. Londesboro. Surviving are his widow, the for- mer Sadie. Steep; one son David, Kitchener; two sisters, Mrs. Jos- eph • Freeman, Hullett Township, and Mrs. Rebecca Provot, Port Huron, Mich. Rev. C. S. Inder officiated at the service in the Beattie funeral hothe Wednesday afternoon, and burial was in Clinton Cemetery. John Bowes Service for John. Bowes, Mitch- ell, was held Sunday, February 14, at the Heath-Leslie funeral home. A. N: Norman of the Jehovah • Witnesses from Elmira officiated and Mrs. Norman played the or- gan. -Pallbearers were-Bruce Mc- Ken, Glen Fraser, Henry Feick, Stratford; Russell Hershey, Mount Forest; Hari McNally, and Wils Liam McPhers6n, of Clinton. Temporary entombment was in Woodland mausoleum with burial to be made later in the Blyth cem- etery. Friends and relatives at- HOLMESVILLE 'Mn and Mrs, Sharsel Skinner and Mr. Frank -Harris, all froth Mitchell, visited, with Mr, and Mrs.' Bert .1..4kb on Saturday. Plans for the 22nd annual Mid- dleSeX Seed Fair, Food Show and Estrin Equipment Display being held lYitirch. 1 to 5 at Western Fair Grounds, London, are now almost complete, Prize lists have been distributed across the 11 counties of South Western Ontario, Dead- line for entries in the regular com- petitive Classes is Tuesday, Feb-ruary- 23.' The entire space in the Mann- factnrers Building will be used for. this year's fair. Over 100 corm-nets (Sal and educational displays will occupy _the .40,000 sq. feet or -dis- play, space. An educational program will be held each afternoon in the theatre at 2 pan. This will feature out- standing speakers, panel discus- sions on current agricultural top- ic; and interesting demonstrations. 'An enjoyable entertainment pro- gram will be presented each even- ing at 8 p.m,in the Theatre. These programs give capable young peo- ple and others in Western Ontario tended from Tavistock, Stratford; Blyth, Seaforth, Elmira, Clinton, Mount Forest, Mitchell and the surrounding district. Fergus D. COlquhoun Fergus Duncan Colquhoun, 66, Mitchell, died Wednesday, Feb- ruary 10, in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he -had been a pat- ient for two weeks. He had been in poor health for several years. Mr. Colquhoun was' born in Hib- bert township, March 27, 1893; a son of Arthur and: Sarah Heart Colquhoun, who Survive. He far- Med for a number of years and op- erated a feed store. He' came to Mitchell 30„ years ago. Besides bia, parents Mr. Coign- 'hounsis survived •by, his wife, the farmer Jennie McGill; one son, Arthur, Echnon-toti, Altass, 'o daughter, Mrs. Helen Pernell, Mit- chell; one brother, Eliner Clinton; one_sister, Mrs.., Ernest (Marion) Allen; Mitchell; and two grandchildren. He was an adherent of Knox Presbyterian Church, Mit- chell. Service *as from the Heath, Leslie funeral home, Mitchell;!Sat- urday, by the Rev. George M. La- mont, of Knox Church. Tempor- ary entombment was M. Woodland mausoleum, with burial •to be made in Knox- Presbyterian Ceme- tery, Mitchell. Correspondent The annual meeting of Goshen United Church was held in the church following a pot-luck sup- per on Friday, February 5„ Rev, T. J. • Pitt presided and Mrs. Arnold •Keys was appointed secretary for the evening. Roy McBride gave the report of the session; five baptisms, three bur- ials, five received on profession. of faith, one by certificate. Sacra-, meat had been held four times. Four members of the church had ing a membership of 3.1.9. beenTh erreemwo vaesd 4 bymcoermtiefhi et: es, silence for those who, had passed „ away during the past year. Mrs. Elmer Hayter gave the report for the Women's Missionary Society which had raised $317.50. She also re- ported the Baby Band had raised $20.52 through mite boxes and the Mission 'Band $71.21. Mrs. Elgin McKinley repOrted fog the births day fund. Mrs. Piny McBride gave the WA report, showing a balance of $187.04. — ss Roy Laminit reported for the parsonage committee. Elmer Hays ter •gave the treasurer's report, which showed a. balance of $1,63.62 on, hand. Missionary,and„ maints enance giving' were $468.41. Keith McBride and Bernard Keys were appointed to fill the vacancies on the board of stew- ards. Trustees were re-appointed with Harold Peck's . name being added. Wilt Clarke resigned! as a mem- ber of the parsonage committee; Melvin Elliott was appointed to, take his place. Elmer Hayter was again appointed treasurer. Audit- ors, for 0.96o are. -Elgin McKinley and Roy McBride. Joe Shaddiek, 'President, opened they •meeting: 'Mittens Were dona- ted for the 144y allbcation of,cloth- ing,, in answer to •the roll call. Guest speaker, Mrs. Neville For- bes, presented • the .chapter ors the study •book on Africa, which was of unusual interest. Current news items on Africa were read „by the members. A ten cent' tea"!Xas ser- ved by Group 2, and proceeds go to the expense fund. Valentine Party - The Valentine Party in the com- munity hall last Friday evening was a •huge success, with over 140 attending in spite of, the stormy weather. • 7 Clinton and Dis trice Obituaries Mrs. Clare McBride