HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-02-18, Page 6Page ...Clinton...News.4ecord ?Thursday, February 18, 1960. MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS AT THE Goderich PARK THEATRE Phone 4A 4-7811 NOW PLAYING----February 17-18-19-20 Alfred Hitchcock's latest and greatest thrill mystery— '''NOIRTH BY NORTHWEST" In Color—Vistavision Starring Cary Grant -- Eva Marie Saint and 'James Mason MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY—Feb. 22-23-24 Sandra Dee—Teresa Wright.- John. S'axon and James Whitmore Telling the story of a email town where messy minds and evil gossip threatened the happiness of two decent young levers. "THE RESTLESS YEARS" — In Scope and Color — THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY,-Feb. 254447 Denny Miller and. Joanna ,Barnes A. brand new Tartan-Jane team in a reahly exciting tale from the Edgar Rice Burroughs all-time thriller!! "TARZAN THE APE MAN" In Technicolor — dmisramstowss• Accommodation Accommodation For Rent Wanted • Rates No Charge for Annoumcernerits of Births, Marriages and Deaths, Articles for Sale, bent, etc., Cards of Thanks, In 1VIernoriams, Engagereents, 3c a word, minimum 75c, Bex No, to this office 15e additional. Repeat insertions 2c a word, minimum 50c. CASH DISCOUNT: % if paid by Saturday fel- , lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 10c added, 'Latest Time for Insertions -- 1? noon Wednesday Dial HUnter 2-3443 Automobiles For Sale Help Wanted_— Female Miscellaneous Real -Estate NEWS0RECORD FOR QUICK RESULTS AH! THE PERFECT DESSERT! Don't slave for hours in the kitchen Here's the answer to your dessert problem! Our' Saturday Special FROM OUR STORE ONLY: LEMON PIES 4.„ Reg. 55c ',110 Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. Bakery and Restaurant CLINTON HU 24727 1.lowers, Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton Clinton. Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected, Scales Cattle Sold By Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk SPECIAL PRICES on MEN'S SUITS SEE THESE NEW SHIPMENTS OF FINE QUALITY SUITS. ALL WOOL IMPORTED SUITINGS SPECIALLY PRIdD TO SAVE .YOU DOLLARS Sizes 35 to 42—Regs. and Tails From $39.95 to $69.95 S 'A PRICE RACK MEN'S WINDBREAKER JACKETS, PULLOVER SWEATERS, SPORT SHIRTS — Reduced to Clear At HALF REGULAR PRICE. Pickett & Campbell Limited Phone HU 2-9732 Main Corner. Clinton MARRIAGES osoLgNIAN4vidzQD_„.T.,, Trinity Anglican Church, Eayfield, on Saturday, February 13, 1960, by the Rev, E J. B, Harrison, Helen Eloise, daughter of Mrs, T. W, Castle, Jr. and the late W, J,. McLeod, Bayfield, to Charles Ronald Coleman, London, son of Mr. and Mrs,• C. L, Coleman, London, • • Costs — Costs of Unemployment Insurance Way Down .„ During the year "1959, $140,- 000: less money was paid out by the unemployment awe commission office at Goderich than during 1958, In 1959 the amount paid out was $339,598, compared with $479,- 615 in the year before,. SELF - CONTAINED, furnished, one bedroom apartment. Phone HU 2-9928, 4-tfb 2 APARTMENTS, self-contained, furnished, one heated with gas. Phone HU 2-9682, 50-p-tfb 3 ROOM APARTMENT, with bath, furnished, gas heated, available now. Phone HU 2-9390. 6-7p TRAILER 41'x10', two bedrooms small trailer for rent, immediate possession. Becker's Trailer Park. 7p GROUND FLOOR, one bedroom aPartment, unfurnished, available immediately. Phone HU 2-7291. 7b UNFURNISHED DUPLEX House for rent, available now, Phone HU 2-3807. 6-tfb UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apart- ment, heated, with private bath. Phone HU 2-3329. Ralph Cantelon. • 5x-6-7p FURNISHED 3 ROOM apartment, heated. Private entrance and bath. Centrally located. Phone HU 2- 3459. 7-p 2 SMALL APARTMENTS, furn- ished and heated, one upper, one lower. Apply 93 Huron Street. Q-71) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, dup- lex house, partly furnished, on Albert Street. For particulars phone HU 2-9427. 7Lp SMALL FURNISHED APART- ment also one bedroom unfurnish- ed apartment. Commercial Apg'rt- ments, HU 2-6685. 7-tfb BEAUTY LOUNGE, - BARBER shop, double office, etc., available now; place: Ted Ryder's TV Shop. Apply Earl R. Doucette, phone HU 2-9741. " ltfb UNFURNISHED THREE BED- room duplex house for rent. Av- ailable March 1. Also two lots for sale, in good location. Phone HU 2-7440. 6-7-p 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, close to school, oil heated, recently redecor- ated, reasonable rent, telephone in- cluded. Apply Orville Workman, RR, 3, Kippen, phone Hensall 677r11. 7-8-9-b FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms, self contained, in modern home, washing facilities, heated by oil furnace, garden if desired, av- ailable March 1, suitable for one person or couple. Phone HU 2-9634 or HU 2-9479. 7b MODERN OFFICE, well lighted and heated in Credit Union Build- ing, approximately 700 square feet. available on short notice. Separate entrance and parking lot. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in Clinton, unfurnished. Phone HU 2-7285. 7b QUANTITY of %" MAPLE Floor- ing. Phone HU 2-3289. 5-6-7p TIMEX WATCHES, can be ser- viced through ANSTETT Jewellers, Clinton. 48-tfb SPECIAL: Sunbeam Philishave Razors, $19.95. ANSTETT Jewel- lers, Clinton, 47-tfb ALUMINUM DOORS and Win- dows. Don C. COlquhoun, RR 5, Clinton. Dial HU 2-3297. ltfb BABY-CARRIAGE, LIKE NEW, bathinette and crib, best- offer. Phone HU 2-7271, 29 Regina Rd., PMQ's RCAF Station. 7-b KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR, 8 cu. ft., price $50. Phone HU 2- 9372. 7b 2-STOREY BARN for sale, 25' long by 18' wide, approx. 20' high, loc- ated on 113 Rattenbury Street, Ph- one HU 2-9816. 7b DRAIN TILE-4", $55 per M de- livered; 5", $85 delivered; 6", $110 delivered; 8", $175 delivered. Pric- es, 10", 12", 14" on request. Rydall Brick and Tile Ltd., Elginfield, ph- one BAldwin 7-4721, Lucan. 1-52p ATTENTION DAIRYMEN and Beef Producers. See Badger Silo Unloader and Auger Feeders in operation. Lowest prices on stable cleaners. Bill Armstrong, RR 3, Bayfield, phone 58r14. 49tfb SUCH AN IMPORTANT GIFT as a diamond should be chosen with special care. Phone for an even- ing appointment. HU 2-9525 or HU 2-7054. Anstett Jewellers. 53tfb SEVERAL new patterns in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely ,"Cornflower". See it'"und others in our window and get ow' low prices for fine china. Counter's Jewellery. 7p TELEVISION TRADE N0'. Taring your old TV, take your new one away. Choose from RCA, Victor, Admiral, Electrohome T. A. DUTTON APPLIANCES, Bruce- field, phone HU 2-3232. Open evenings till 9 p.m. 1-tfb DRYERS BEFORE YOU BUY, get 'our pric- es on our RCA Whirlpool electric dryer, including one year's free service. T. A. Dutton . 'Appliances BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-3232 Open Evenings 'Till 9 p.m. 1947 DODGE 1/2 TON TRUCK. Apply Jake Reder, HU 2-9166. 7-13 1956 METEOR VS, in good con- dition. Phone HU 2-72e2. 7-8-b 1956 METEOR, 8 Cylinder, one owner, 27,000 miles; one rug 942; one mantel radio; 2-burner rang- ette; high chair; baby crib; hose and sprinkler; 3-piece chesterfield seite. Address: 54 Winnipeg Rd., RCAF Station, phone HU 2-7213. 7-8-b Board and Room ACCOMMODATION for room and boarders, men preferrable, Phone HU 2-6662. 7-p WINTER GREY COAT, SPRING all weather coat, 2 dresses, all size 14, practically like new; step end table, walnut. Phone HU 2- 9673. 7-b LADIES 'flannel pyjamas, reg. $2.98 for $2.25; 'teens flannel py- jamas, reg. $2,25 for $1.79; men's reg. $3.98 for $2.98; boys', reg. $2.98 for $2.25. Tea towels, 10 cents each. ' Hayfield Woollen Shoppe. 7-b Custom Work FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING needs, call HU-2-9433. Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb WELDING AND REPAIRS, met- al fabrication. John Hamilton, 293 Albert Street. 6p-tfb DIAMONDS CLEANED and checked free of charge. Anstett Jewellers, Clinton. 46-tfb TED RYDER'S TV Sales and Ser- vice. Your Dumont-Zenith Dealer. We service all makes of TV and radios, 54 Mill Street, HU 2-9320. - 4 to 15-p MOTORS and PORTABLE Power Tools Rewound and Repaired. Parts for all popular 'makes, New motors available on short notice. Art Levett, 139 Erie Street. Phone HU 2-6640. 49tfb Septic Tanks Cleaned MODERN EQUIPMENT USED. All work guaranteed. Quick ser- vice. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, phone 42 r 6, Brus- sels. 7-26-p Employment Wanted MOTHER WOULD LIKE TO mind children, by day or baby sit evenings. Phone HU 2-7230. 7-13 WILL CARE FOR BAIY in my home while mother works. Phone HU 2-7129. lb Fruit For Sale SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE: Spy, King, Russet, Talman Sweet, Greening, Snow, Delicious, etc. Ph- one HU 2-3214. Free delivery • in town or RCAF houses. Fred Mc- Clymont and Sons, one mile south of Varna. 4-tfb For Lease MODERN 2 BAY 'SERVICE STA- TION in the town of Seaforth. Ap- ply to J. S. Scruton, Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., phone HU 2-9653 or Box 252, Clinton, Ontario. 7-8b Help Wanted—Male TANK TRUCK DRIVER-SALES- MAN. Must be honest, reliable and good worker. Steady employment. Write to Box 71, Clinton News- Record. 7b WANTED: Man for steady -travel among consumers in several large Townships in Huron County. Per- manent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. B-169-131, 4000 Richelieu, Montreal. 7-b Hay For Sale CHOICE MIXED HAY. EARLY cut, crimped and baled. Phone Walter Forbes, HU 2-9267, or Don- ald Forbes, HU 2-7480. 6-7-p WAITRESS full time for day work at Pinger's Restmont. Apply in perSon. Duties to commence. after February 7-b WOMAN WANTED for general housework, 3 adults, no laundry, sleep in or out, Apply Box 70, Clinton News-Record. 7b RESPONSIBLE WOMAN, 21 years or over, experienced with children, general housework, st- eady employment, living in, prefer- red. Phone HU 2-7054, 55 Mill St. 5-tfb ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES: Avon Cosmetics are in demand now more than ever before. You can earn money selling Avon dur- ing hours to suit your convenience. No experience necessary. Write Miss Mosher, Manager, Box 86, Owen Sound, stating telephone number. 7-8-13 THE Bell Telephone COMPANY OF- CANADA Requires A Business Office Representative at IMM EDIATELY business TE Lel; ice, 53 West St., Goderich. A young lady with high school education with typing skill. Tact, poise and good general ability an asset. Good starting salary. 'Steady employment. Pleasant surround- ings. Chance for advancement. Telephone HU 2-3401 for appointment, or write P.O. Box 310, Goderich. 7-b OLD HORSES WANTED at 31/2 c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once, GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col lect, Goderich JA 4-7092 or JA 4- 7022. 'tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! $5.00 paid for sick, down and disabled cows and horses, according to size and condition. All dead stock picked up free of charge. Call col- lect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co of Canada Ltd.. 39p-tfb ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK Ser- vice. Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick, or disabled horses and cattle. Old horses at Sc a lb. For the fastest and prop- er removal of all animals, day or night, use our automatic exchange, at no cost to you. Call long dist- ance and ask for Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge), or Norman Knapp, Blyth 21r12, 44tfb Dead Stock Services HIGHEST CASH PRItES -PAID FOR SICK, DOWN or- DISABLED COWS and HORSES. also Dead Cows and Horses At Cash Value Old Horses -= 4c per pound Phone . Collect 133 — BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT' 24 HOUR SERVICE Money To Loan UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS To City and Farm Folks. Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investments Ltd. 99 Avenue Road, Suite 310, Toronto 5, Ontario—WA2-2442. Miscellaneous FOR PIANO TUNING, musical instruments, accessories and re- pairs, contact Ross Mann, Wing- ham, phone '735J4. 5-6-7-8-p RENT A McCULLOUCH CHAIN Saw by the day or week. Apply at WELLS Auto,Eleetric, Clinton, phone HU 2-3851, 49-tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Serv- ice. Repairs to all makes of va- mum. cleaners. Reconditioned cl- eaners for sale, Bob Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 696r2. 3-13p WATCH-REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts, Our 'work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new'. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured --;.don't take chan- deS. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Wet& re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N Counter. 7p - WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SERVICE FOR ALL BREEDS OF CATTLE Farmer Owned and Controlled Call us between: 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. Week Days and 6.00 and 8.00 p.m. Saturday Evenings — at Clinton HU 2-3441 46-tfb Notice To Creditors In The Estate of MARY TALBOT late of the Village of Brucefield in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased: All persons claiming against the above estate are required to for- ward full particulars •to the under- signed by the 29th day of Feb- ruary, 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY, DONNELLY and MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich Ontario.' Solicitors for the Estate. 6-7-8-b Poultry Wanted LIVE TURKEYS, ducks, geese, and hens. Top prices guaranteed. In Varna and Zurich district con- tact Mervyn Hayter. East Huron Produce, Brussels. 46-tfb TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Chief Administration Offic- er, RCAF Station Clinton for the operation of a Beauty Salon locat- ed at RCAF Station Clinton, Ont- ario. Details available, upon request in writing. Lowest, or any, tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close at 12 noon, February 26, 1960. 3-5-7-b Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS—Manure wanted by the ton. Will pick up and load at your farm. Phone HU 2-9926. • 7p AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles west of Brucefield on Tuesday, February 23 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: 45 head of Registered and ,Grade Holstein cows and heifers, fresh and due to freshen ' February and March. Several Durham and Hereford heifers, due sale time, also a num- ber of Jerseys and young calves. Cattle vaccinated and of goi3d quality. Terms: Cash D'Arcy Rathwell & Sons Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 7-b Have You Renewed Your Subscription? STOREY and a 'HALF FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, lerecefield, Please contact Ernest Talbot, RR 3, .Kippen or Mrs, Chester Neil, RR 3, ...Seaforth. 6-b FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 Down, you can own a home of your own on a choice lot. For further in- formation see Larry Gemi_is, 184 Huron Street, your Colonial Home agent. HU 2-9600. 26tfb BUSINESS PROPERTIES, farms and homes. Build a home to suit your pocketbook on the Nu-Way house plan. Leonard G. Winter, Real Estate, Agent for Kernehan. Phone HU 2-6692 for appointment, High Street, Clinton. 49tfb COMFORTABLE FOUR ROOM cottage on Maple Street. For fur- ther particulars contact T. M. Fal- coner, HU 2-3843 or Mrs. Verna Glazier, HU 2-9279, Executor and Executrix of the estate of the• late Mrs, Elizabeth Glazier. 6-7-b 1 Storey Solid Brick Dwelling with 2 apartments; 1 apt. con- sists of living room, dining kitchen, 2 bed rooms, 3 pc bath. 2nd apt., living, kitchen, with dining space, 2 bed_rooms, 3 pc. bath, oil heating throughout. Ex- cellent condition. Well located in good residential section. DeVen . payment $4,000.00, balance on mortgage. 11/2 storey 3 bedroom dwelling, 3 piece bath. Good' location. Down payment $4,200.00, balance on C. M & H Corporation mortgage. H. C. LAWSON INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Hotel Clinton Building Dial HU 2-9644--business HU 2-9787—residence 7b 100-acre level clay loam land loc- ated in a prosperous farming dis- trict with good brick houSe and barn. Price $13,000; down pay- ment, $3,000, Machinery includ- ed. 200-acres 'of choice clay doam land located close to Clinton. Lovely 8-room home with modern con- veniences, large barn, henhouse, double garage. Here is one of the best farms in-Huron County, priced to sell. 9-acres of choice garden soil, four miles from Lake Huron, very good house, barn, garage, hen- house, full price only $4,000. Down payment $2,500. 100-acre farm close to Clinton. Buildings in a good state of re- pair. Modern conveniences. Lots of water. Mortgage available. JOHN BOSVELD REALTOR 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich PHONE JA 4-8762 Salesmen— C. Buruma, Clinton, HU 2-3287 Joseph McConnell, Seaforth, 266 7-b Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News-Record CARDS OF THANKS-. Sincere thanks to all my neigh- bours and friends for their cards, gifts and flowers while I was in Clinton Hospital, Thanks also to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff, —WILBERT JOHNSON. 7b My sincere "thank you" to all my friends, relatives and neigh- bours for cards, gifts, •flowers and visits during my stay in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Newland and the nurses. —MRS. ROY ELLIOTT. 7b The family of the late Robert Cooper wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to their friends, neighbors and rela- tives for the many acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy, food sent in and beautiful floral trib- utes in their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. A. Mac- Millan, the organist and choir of Kippen United Church, Harold Bonthron funeral service and all who helped in any way.. — THE COOPER FAMILY. 7-b Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler and family, wish to sincerely thank their many relatives, friends and neighbours, for the beautiful floral tributes, cards of sympathy and for the many acts of kindness shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, pall-bearers and the Ball and Mutch funeral hom - e.. 7 smeemilmelmilloommosismeissememilim SPECIAL In Clinton Sale FEBRUARY 19, 1960- Will Be: 20 HEREFORD COWS, some with calves at side, balance due to freshen soon. Also 2 Good SHORTHORN COWS, due in ten days, hand milked. f. Some of these cows are Pure- bred but will be sold as grade. JOE COREY, Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer Articles For Sale Clothing for Sale Livestock Wanted Tenders. Wanted