HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-02-18, Page 5Clinton Nows,Recpoi Thoindoyf Fekuory 1960-,4g50t S County Borne Auxiliary 411111 Soon Celebrate First Birthday Of Group The March meeting will be put forward to April 1, to coincide with the visit of Mrs. M. Smith, Department of 'Welfare, County Homes Branch, who organized the Auxiliary one year ago. Everyone is welcome to come to these meeting and a good turnout SCOUT AUXILIARY 'WILL MEET ON FEBRUARY 18 The Mothers Auxiliary to the Boy Scouts and Cubs will meet on Thursday evening, February 18, in the town, hall. • Don't forget the SPEED -WASH "on lqng ,Street for se with Our nd eg rY1. 0 211,11-.1.41. clothing in May. Mrs, Milton Wiltse,. the PPM, munity friendship secretary had charge of the program,. .the spoke briefly about 44ertendship,". and in-. ixecluced to the meeting several ladies from other -countries who each spoke briefly about some customs, Taking. part were:, MI5. D. Dale, Scotland; Mrs. Glenn Ikie, Norway; Mrs. Michaelson, Norway (Mrs. ikie's rnother)1 Mrs, Carl SkOV, 'DenMarkt Mrs. Centre in .lune, were discussed, It a' 4nsl was decided „send hale of Courtfee, M s an. All thesle lad- n, ,• Prpet:WM$ Met .00 .Fli4ruory- The Woman's Missionary Sac* ietY of -Ontario :Street United Church met Tuesday, Vebruary:9, 1.9601 with 4Q ladies Present; The PrOliAent Mr%. DrePk Olde was in .4',1.,tiarge„ Mrs. 0, R. Feir .coudue,, tea' the devotional Period,L.flAiSted. by 'Mrs. Roy .P11.11nSteel. Flans for: a trip to "Five Oaks," Training Modern Mpcit. - ,p Ma*et FREE DEVVERY ,--7,Pho4p, P.1.1), 2;9731 Save On Bacon .:101nefd0!.:$ We;'acon Only 49c lb. roduChops Only 55c.h. fork...Roa#-,loiniend Only 55c ib, SPECIALTY IN IMPORTED FOODS Had Fun At The "AT HOME"? That's granct---now here's a sug- gestion.; Take care of your even- ing, dress now. Don't have it pressed, just' cleaned, so stains won't have time to set. 'Then when you need it again—send the dress ' to us .and we'll press it. It will be "fresh and you'll look your loveliest. THIS WEEK THE LUCKY No. 1525 Check -Your Calendar. If the, PIR11119! Priat9h9P t4 he the cal- 4./IfiRe to Nor '9ffice and claim y91,ir f4,QQ 6redit„, MOUIERS STUDY OROVP TO WET The Mothers Study Group. of 'United ...Church will T4001; Tuesday evening, February 0, at fiao the borne of Mrs.. Jwnes Cox. WS, Williar0 Murch, and;. Krs. Bdwin Cooper will be An &V P, of the meeting. Mrs, iarold 'Wise and, Nrs. Glenn Wise will be hostesses, ,.Come prepared for sewing and luilting,* ..• les are now living in Clinton, Mrs, Bert Gray, Miss Elva tte, and Mrs. Donald Sym.ons-fav, oared the meeting with, two trios, "Blessed hour of Prayer," and "Have Thine own way," They were. aocrdoinaptaitnitleeclob4.0, M rs, Ernie f Members" and guests then en. jOYed a .Valeritine tea convened .447 Mrs, Ernie .Radford assisted by several waitrettes from the,COIT.. Henson Kinsmen:, To • • . Mind Rig 'Event (By our Benson correspondent) Attending the meeting ingRIA' iiton,:te honour the -founder of Kinsmen Clubs will he. from Hen- sail, Mr. and Mrs, Rpss 3..inks (president -of the HenSall Mr. and Mrs, Williath, `13111" Mick- le, past deputy governor and'Mr. and Mrs: 'Jack DrYSdale, Clinton Kin, Plan 40th Anniversary Day In. Hamilton Member's of the Kinsmen Club of Clinton will gather with Kin from across Canada at Hamilton; this Friday, February 19, to pay their respects and bring greetings to Harold A. Rogers, who 40 years ago founded the Association of Kinsmen Clubs. Father of the Kin founder was. A. F. Rogers, late of Hamilton, who summered at Hayfield,. and was•well known there and ht this area. The Kin have placed three il- luminated fountains -in Gore Park in 'Hamilton as a tribute to the esteem in which . they, hold their founder. Since 1920 membership had grown to over 12,000 with 366 clubs from coast to coast," The 'Clinton club was begun in 1952, With 24 members, and now has $$ on the roll, • Known locally for the work they have done in support of the swim- ming pool fund, the' house-num- bering project for Clinton and a number of other things, Kinsmen Clubs are known throughout Can- ada for their help in major dis- asters such •as those recalled by the names Hurricane Hazel, the Winnipeg Flood and Springhill, . . Top Public School Speakers Senior ;Public Sp,h9Pr Winners in the Legion-sponsored pOblic` speaking contests here, were -Kathie Cameron, first, Gracie student at AN/M Huh Campbell Public School, RCAF Station Clinton and Mal Jones, second, also, of the RCAF school and Alan Lowe (centre), third, of Clinton Public School.. , Kathie will compete at 'Kin-, cardine Saturday in the zone finals, Yoingest, Best Speakers Junior public •school winners at the recent public speaking contests conducted by the Clinton Legion, were: above, Ernie Fafard, first; Carolyn • Langille, second, and Doreen Forrest, third, All three are from A/V/M Hugh- Campbell Public School. Ernie will compete Sat- urday Kincardine in zone finals. Home Economist Miss Bette Till- man, Clinton, throughhout the winter months. Displays will be in place by 1,15 p.m., of sample lamps made by members of the 13 groups in Huron County which took part in the program. Chairman of the afternoon will he Mrs. Harold Burrell, Wingham. Question and a discussion session, with program of skits, will be fol- lowed by comments by Miss Jean- ne Armour, Home Economies Ser- vice, Toronto, on the lampshades, displayed ,and there will be spec- ial entertainment. The Folitor, CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, Mrs, Thorplike having properly disposed', of DC's criticism of our I would, like 'to put in word `about the personal or phys-ical side, of this same 4b_rary. It is a bright friendly place, where we feel very much at home and welcome to select our books, The presiding genii, our librarian, Miss Evelyn Hall, is a kind, as well as competent young lady. Navigating icy streets a n d Mounting stairs has tired some of the: older readers. She will pull out a chair and say, "Now you sit there and,rest" while she' will go back herself and choose the kind of book she knows we like to read. Such kind srevice is fully appreciated, No, there is nothing wrong with our little Clinton Library. Thank you, M. ANDERSON Clinton, Ontario, February 15, 1960. Lamps Project To End in Summary Day In Clinton A Summary Day for the Wom- en's Institute project of "New Lamps for Old" will be held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, on Wed- nesday afternon, March 2. This was the adult project car- ried out under the direction of The HttrOno.0:911ty Home Aux- is hoped for,. The Grand Bend Mary met Monday afternoon at stitute entertained for the monith•I the Horne with ,Mrs, „Fred birthday party' on Wednesday Thompson in the .chair, Reports of this week. froM Mrs. M. McAdam end Mrs. Vi HahgQod were reads.nd .aceep- ted. Mrs. Harvey Johnston had siime. 'of the .crafts, such AS. .aArP,PS, cuddly felt toys, etc., on dis- play and for sale. Mrs, Gordon. .Cuninghain reported entertain- ment arrainged r for February and' March. Used greeting cards, print patches and used 'nylons are still acce$41e.,. Arrangements were 'made to have a first anniversary tea On April 20, with Mrs, C. S. Mae", Naughton, Exeter, and Mrs. H, Gordon Manning, Clinton, as con-veners. Letter to the Editor NO TI NO WBONG. WITH LIBIL Y' —NOTICE— Commencing February 29th The Undersigned Stores Will Close At 6.15 P.M. EACH EVENING EXCEPT FRIDAY EVENING McEWAN'S BOOK STORE NEWCOMBE'S REXALL DRUG STORE PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE 7-8-9-b 1111111111111111111111. UB CHARTERED APRIL 1952 0-F cLINT0N COMMUNITY'S ingIT:REATEST NEED CELEBRATING National Kin Week Feb. 14 20 1960 Clinton Kin, now in their eighth year will attend the 40th anniversary of Kin Clubs of Can- ado in Hamilton on February 19. Service work in Clinton by the Kin and Kinet- tes includes sponsorship of Peewee Baseball and Hockey, the house-numbering project completed in 1959; the toy repair campaign and children's treat each Christmas; "Keep Clinton Clean" waste cans re-pointed each year and placid on downtown side- wsziks each summer; assistance with the swim pOol construction with volunteer tabour and cash total- ling $1,500; signs at the five highway -entrances to Clinton; ICinettes were responsible for initial organization of Clinton Retarded Children's As- sociation, and the Kin , donated $200 to this effort. 1959-60 Kinsmen Officers Don Epps,„ President Malt Edgar, Past Pres, * Ken Scott, First Vice-Pres. Clarence Denomme, Second Vice-Pres. * Percy Rrown, Bulletin Ed. Other Present Members lack Clegg Den Celquiroim (P). * K. W. CONtithOlitt (P) Ross Colquhraill * Frank Cook Terry Carter Koh Clynick Jack Evans Pat Hardy * Charter Members Steering the affairs of the Kinsmen Club of Clinton during the Club year, 1959-60 are the executive members pictured above: front row, from the left, Clarence Den- / ornme, second vice-president; Kenneth Scott, first vice- president; George Thomas, treasurer; Donald Young, secretary; back row, Donald Kay, director; Andy Peter- soh, director; Maitland Edgar, past president; Percy Brown, bulletin editor and Bill German, director. Major projedt for the Kin Club of Clinton in 1959 was the planning of a numbering system for the town. MoFe than 1000 sets' of numbers were put up one rainy day in May. At left are shown three of the work crew: George Thomas With the hammer; Andy Peterson M left mid Jack McKnight. Total paid for the job by the Kinsmen Club was $452.20 Town cbuncll has Since arranged for st- reet names to be placed ht the inter-.. sections of Streets throughout Clinton. Presidents of the Kinsmen Club and of the Kinette Club this year are Mr. 'and Mrs. Donald Epps, shown 'receiving the gavel and Kin symbol of office, from Robert Hetherington, Chesley, who is Deputy Governor. This is the first time that t& two presidents have been held by man• anti wife. 'The Kinette Club it made up of wives of Kinsmen and at present has g3 members. New Member (Feb. 16, 1960) Ken Stafford Thomas Feeney William Fleming Bruce Abbott Charter Officers (1952) Trev. Ionson, President Max.111cCarter, Bulletin Ed. 'Bob Pletcher, Secretary Roy ;;oriel, Director' Pete McCauley, Treasurer Sterv.. SehoenhalS, Director Frank Cook, Registrar Ken Scott, Director Other Charter Members John Henry Frank McEvratt Gordon Herman George Irwin Gordon Grigg Thomas J. Bangs Frank Speaight George liptekiley Douglas Itartliff Cam Whittington Gritdale Bill Chowen, ,Secretary George Thomas, Treas. Bill German, Registrar Andy Peterson, Director Don Kay (11), Director John Sangster, Director Earl Livermore Harry McEwan (P) altar Merner Hill Paltrier Charles Proctor Fred R-adley HONORARY MEIVIBER * George Murtha') (P) (P) Past Presidents