HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-01-07, Page 12WAS YOUR CHRISTMAS
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(=TON 1`>M-013001P THilBSVAX,, JANUATilt 7, 196(r PAGE Iwo.%
Council In Actiorf Kinsmen Peewee
• Hockey League
Recent scores in the Clinton
Kinsmen Peewee Hockey League
are as follows:
Red Wings 1i--Maple.Leasfs
Monday, January 4
Brad Dutot scored four goals,
three on assists from Larry Fie,
kett and one unassished, while Pic-
kett got the other goal on a peSs
fram ,pi.tto't for the Red Wings.
Maple. Leaf goals were scored
by Harvey-Holland with two un-
assisted, and by Keith Holland,
also unassisted.
Two fields of thought exist,
one is that the town should de-
velop such streets, ip rennet for
the added assesment, and increas-
ed growth the two reaps from it.
The other train of thought is that
Clinton has too many homes now,
in comparison with Commercial tis-
sesstnent ,therefore it would be
better to insist (as some cities
now do) that subdividers do all •
work in the area they are develop-
ing, and add the cost to the lot
Juveniles Lose Out
To Wingham; To
Play Here Toiplight
In a game played at the Wing-
ham Arena last Monday evening,
the Clinton Juveniles were handed
a 134 defeat aiY Wingham in a Scheduled WOAA Juvenile "C"
Clinton's scoring was divided be-
tWeen three players, John Jacob,
Paul Pickett and, Harvey Schen
lenberger each had a goal.
Pete Carmichael .had eix goals
for Wingham.
Clinton's next home game will
be against the same Wingham
team this, evening (Thursday,
January 7) in the local arena.
Inaugural Meeting
Of Town Council
Held Last Night
(Conti-wed from Page One).
Cardiff, MP for Huron, on New
Year's day .concerning this matter.
Mr Cardiff had taken the petition
to Ottawa. Mayor Bridle had not
seen the petition ("for some reas-
on it was not brought to roe for
a signature," he said). Mr, Car-
diff .hade advised him he would
take no action now without a. vote
of the people.
Mayor Bridle said it •seems' too
bad that a petition signed by a
small minority Should stop a work
that the Post office Department
felt was necessary in Clinton, yet
the question could not be reopened
without a referendum. The inay.,
or said be intended to look into
the Matter of having the. question
about the post office put on the
ballot at the next municipal elec-
tion, but that was a year ..away..
He said the Shaw .property had
been considered for the new post
office site, but now this land ap-
pearS to be ho longer available.
Mayor Bridle said, "I feel there
has been a little political'interfer-
ence in this matter. To me, poli-
tical interference is a new weapon,
Now inns available to me for the
first time, and I may use it."
The mayot said he felt strongly
About the results which could be
accomplished in Clinton this year,
and hoped for every success in
Legion Sponsored
Public Speaking
Contests, Jan. 20
Black Hawks 4---Canaslierui 1
Wednesday, January 6
Black. Hawk goals: Darrell
Gilks (unassisted); Lee Ellis from
Paid McKenzie; Brian Marren;
Lee Ellis, from Gilife and Me..
Canadiens' lone goal came from
Phillips Burns,. assisted by Jim
(Continued from Page One) '
proceed with finding out what
could be done, and probably get
plans for the work needed.
"Wye Crick noted that there
must be a letter on. file some-
place showing what was necessary
to make the auditorium right for
a public hall. He said a steel
beam was needed to further eup,
port the floor.
Clerk J, LivermOre said that a
building inspector had limited the
upstairs to 300 persons for a
dance. '
Deputy4Seeve Agnew added up
figures provided by the clerk to
show that evensee amounting to
61 mills were definitely outlined,
and council had no control over
them. This included about 22
mills for the public school; 7 for
CDCX; 7 for debentures; 13 for
county, and the rest for salaries.
Badly 52
. Powell 46
McDonald 36
. Symons 34 Future Games
Jan. 8-Peewee All-Star Practice,
5.30 to 6.30.
Jan. 11-Black Hawks vs. Maple
Leafs; John Hartley, ref-
eree; time 7 p.m.
Jan, 14-Canacliens vs. Red Wings,
Harry MeEwan, referee.
Counter Cheek,
Books at
Clinton News-Record
Invitations Are Out
For Peewee Hockey
Tourney This Spring
Invitations have gone out from
Goderich Lions Club to Peewee
hockey teams to take part in the
annual hockey tournament, This
year the contests will be held
from April 15 to April 23. The
first 75 entries will : be accepted,
and last day will be February 27.
In the past, teams have come
from. Metro Toronto, Quebec,
Manitoba, Michigan and New-
foundland. Chairman of the 1960
tourney is Bruce Erskine and sec-
retary is Bill Schaefer.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball,
David and Douglas, Xing street,
had as guests on Christmas Day:
Jack Herd, Chatham; Mr. and
Mrs. William Cooke, London;
Margaret Cooke, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Doug al. Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Campbell,
Norman and Sandra, Mitchell; Mr.
and Mrs. Clarke Ball,, Barbara,
Patsy, and Gregory, RR 1, Clinton;
Mr, and Mrs. Norman' Ball, Mr.
and Mrs. Reg. Ball, Mrs. Margaret
Herd and Miss Wirmie Bishop, all
of Clinton. During Christmas
week, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tim-
dell, Janet and Gordon, Clinton,
also visited at the new Ball home,
on King Street.
The date of the public speaking
the Clinton Branch .140 "Canadian
Legion for stuclentssof elementary
and secondary schools in this. area,
has been changed to Wednesday,
january 20.
Several circumstances beyond
the control of those planning .the
event have made the change nec-
Subjects for these contests were
published in the December 24 is-
sue of the News-Record. Anyone
wishing further information
should contact J. D, Thorndike,
dial HU 2-7090.
Dairy Cows Drink
12 Gallons Daily?
Make sure water is readily av-
ailable and above 35 degrees Fah-
renheit in the winter, say live-
stock experts with the Ontario
Department of Agriculture. A
cow will take air average of ten
drinks a day if she has free ac-
cess to water.
The average dairy cow drinks
about 12 gallons of water a day
and a heavy milker might need as
much as 30 gallons-proof enough
that to get top milk production
(milk contains 87 percent water)
your cows need plenty of water.
prefer to have 'these advantages
removed but if this is impossible
then Ontario growers should be
giVen the same benefits that are
now going -to the west.
Bob IVIcMillan, chairman of the
County Farm 'Forum ,reported
that Farm Forum in the County
has decreased but that a very
large number, both rural and ur-
ban, value the TV program over
CKNX. He hoped that this could
be continued at a more favourable
hour and extended to other stat-
ions next year.
The government members ex-
pressed their appreciation for the
meeting and promised serious. con-
milk from another processor at a
higher price than it is willing to
pay the producer.
Ed. Bell of the fluid milk pro-
ducers reported that his organiz-
ation felt that there was danger
that milk pooling would lower the
price on high quality milk with-
out giVing sufficient reductions in
cost of production.
The cream producers through
their chairman, Simon Hallahan,
requested the continuation of the
present support price policy and
asked that the provincial govern-
ment continue to prevent the col-
ouring of margarine.
Andrew Simpson, of the cheese
producers, suggested that the gov-
ernm ent keep iii mind the cost of
production and do all in its pow-
er to assist the producer to obtain
this return for his labour.
Carl Hemingway, (in the ab-
sence, of the chairman), request-
ed on behalf of the poultry pro-
ducers that imports of eggs be
banned until the price rises to a
reasonable level, Unless this can
he done there is no object in pro-
ducing to domestic need.S.
Harvey Tayor, of the white bean
board, told of some of their dif-
ficulties and expressed the hope
that the government would lend
support if the board Ands. it nec-
essary to make greater use of the
present Farm Products Market-
ing legislation.
Government Members Meet to Near Brief
Prepared by Federation of Agriculture
Huron County Federation of
Agriculture's political action com-
mittee met with local members of
parliament in Hotel Clinton, on
January 4. Present were Marvin
Howe and Charles MeNaughton.
Warren Zurbrigg, president of the
County Federation was .chairman
and presented the
Since it is recognized in Cana-
dian law that the land owner must
not be enriched by the expropia-
tion of land for public use the
Federation also feels that the law
should also see to it that the own-
er is no worse off.
Tariffs prove detrimental to
agriculture and it was felt that
some adjustment needs to be
made. Either agriculture should
be protected to the extent that
other industry is protected or tar-
iffs on the smiplies fanners, need
should be removed. Also since
premium on Canadian money acts
as a tariff on exports of farm
products it was recommended that
the value of the Canadian dollar
be lowered,
Since deficiency payments have
become the method of support by
the government it was recommen-
ed that, in order to give some as-
sistance to the small fanner, the
support price be raised on the
volume eligible. -
Ross Love reported for the hog
producers but since a vote has
been ordered there is little to be
said. Mr. Love did point out that
the government should be willing
to support past legislation which
gives producers the right to mark-
et their produce by whatever
method those producers find best.
Lorne .Rodges reported for the
Lloyd Lovell, of the sugar beet
growers, was well satisfied with
the deficiency payment plan in
this crop since it is in short supply
in Canada but did point out that
labour is hard to obtaine and any
assistance along this line,'Would be
concentrated milk producers and appreciated.
asked government support for the Russel Bolton, ofthe wheat pro-
"milk pooling" plan being promo- ducers, pointed out that the
ted through Mr, Biggs of the De- freight assistance on western
partrnent of Agriculture. He men- grain and the "Crewe's Nest" ag-
tionecl that one milk manuufactur- reement worked real hardship on
ing plant is reported to be buying the Ontario grower. They 'would
• girAtaerd o eakil' 4ie 9,9teetekifAvcietaim
Holster Sets . ALL Vs OFF
3 Stooges
Bop Bag ..... 5.98 - 3.98
Desk or
Hanging „.„ ....... ALL IA OFF
1,600 Hogs Through
Clinton Yards In
Tuesday Marketing
The assembly yard for hogs, at
the Clinton Community Sales
Barn saw the second busiest day
in its two years of existence on
'Monday, according to Joe Corey,
yard manager.
There were 1,611 hogs shipped,
Average shipment through the
Clinton• yard is 1,000.
Increase marketings were pre-
dicted to take place prior to Jan-
uary 11, when the change in gov-
ernment plan from "offer to pur-
chase" to the new "deficiency pay-
ment scheme" goes into effect.
Farmers were asked not to dis-
pose of their hogs in huge numb-
ers, and in this area at least they
took •the warning. Mr. Corey said
that a very few "light" hogs were
shipped. Most of them were up to
The largest day for hogs in
the Clinton yard was in Septem-
ber when the support price was
about to be dropped from $25.00
to $23.65 per hundred.
"Last year," said Mr. Agnew,
"taxes were -76 mills. That leaves
about 14 mills to do all the grand
things you've been talking about
doing this year-about $28,000,"
He commented on $16,865 in
tax arrears and said every cent.of
that should be paid. "The people
of this town are capable of it,"
said the deputy reeve He urged
council to be careful with their
Deptity-Reeve Agnew ended with
a quotation from Proverbs, and
said, "Wisdom and understanding
are great things, and the offspring
of those are discretion and toler-
Motions were passed calling for
anyone wanting trees trimmed to
make their requests to the cleric
by January 31; anyone wishing
Work done under local improve-
ment, to have requests in to the
clerk no later than February 29.
An interesting discussion arose
over 'the developments in the
"Winter Subdivision." Mr. Win-
ter; now a councillor, has sold sev-
eral lots, and construction of
homes is underway. Sewerage is
in. Now the road is in process of
being built. The road allowance
is town property, but it has never
been designed a town street. A
legal problem has arisen over how
to get it included among the town
streets for maintenance and care
after it is completed.
6.95 & 9.95-6.98 & 4.98
6.98 & 2.69-4.98 & 1.79
1,49 - 1,19
Popeye Guitars
2.49 & 2.69--98c & 1.69
Dolly Bath
5.98 & 7.50-3.98 & 4.98
Doll House
5,95 & 6.98-3.98 & 4.98
Pull Toy animated
1.98 & 2,4)-1,29 & 1.79
Dolls ALL 1/3 OPE
Twin Travel Case
In Metal „,.....„„..„.... 9,98 -- 6.98
Doll Trunk •5.98 3.98
Curly Top -
Stuffed Bear 198 -- 2.69
For Ride ..... ... ... „..., 5.98 • 3,9B
Mc Ewalt* s
Clinton Ontario
Five•Pin Bowling
Stars ,.... ......... ..„„ SS
DohIsera 23
Hearts 22
clube 18.
. Divers 18
Budgies . 16
Cleaners .„...., . 15
Imps 15
3 D'e • 29
G's 27
Jacks 17
Aces 17
.pts, •
10 68
16 54
17 53
21 43 •
21 41
23 38
24 34
24 32
jr, Pts,
16 69
18 64
28 39
28 38
Coming Events
Tuesday Noon Last Chaxice«
to place advertisements in this
column. Phone before 12.30 AM.
Harbourlite. Inn-Sorry no danc-
ing On Saturday., Jan, 9, clivx:-
Barn Dance on Saturday, Jan. 16.
Lion's I3ingo every Wednesday
night, 52-1-13-
Saturday, Jan, 9 - Share-the-
Wealth Sing°, Hensall Legion
3-Tall, 9 P.m. jackpot $90 In 55,
calls. $5 door prize, Sponsor:
Hensall Legion Branch 468,
Thurs., Jan. 7 Bingo in Leg-
ion Memorial Han, Kirk Street,
at 8.30 pan. 15 regular games at
25; Jackpot, $57 in 57 numbers; '
3 dear prizes, $2.50 each, choose-
a turkey or money. Admission
50c. gettb,
A T.V. SET 1111/4
Phone HU 2-7021 - Clinton
Our Mechanics attend G.M. Training Schools regularly.
They receive instruction from Factory Trained Experts to
keep abreast of the latest and best methods to keep your car
in peak condition.
Why settle for less than the best? Please let us prove
our point, This week we're featuring:
Tighten steering gear to frame; Check front wheel
bearings; Check front wheel and tire assemblies;
Check shock absorber action; Adjust steering gear;
Check all pivot points; Check tie rod ends; Check
and adjust steering.
More miles from tires; Easier steering; No
Shimmy; Smoother riding; Safer driving; Easier
parking; ,Prolonged car life.
Why not make your appointment NOW?
Lorne Brown Motors Ltd.
Matt Dillon-Gun Smoke 2.98 -1.98,
Have Gun, Will Travel 2.98 ----1.98
Farm Set 4.98 - 3.49
Electric Football and Baseball ........... 9.98 - 6.98
Pro Hockey
Game 7.98 6.98
Game 11.95 - 6,29
Captain Kangaroo's Kiddie Kegs 6.98 - 3.49
Thursday, January 7
4.00 - 5.00 p.m.-Lions Free Skat-
ing, Grades 5-8.
8.15 p.m.-Minor Hockey Nite
Clinton Juveniles vs..
Friday, January 8
5.30 7.30 p.m.-Minor Hockey
8.00-10.00 p.m.-Public Skating
Saturday, January 9
9.00-1,1.00 a.rn.-Minor Hockey
2.00- 4.00 p.m.-Public Skating
8.30-•9.30 p.m.-Public Skating
10.00-12.00 pen.Moccasin Dance
Admission of 35;
cents includes
both skating and'
dance. Spot dance-
$4 prize from An--
stett Jewellers
Sunday, January 10
1.00-2.30 p.m.Tot 'Skating Only,
Tots must be ac-
companied by air
adult. No admis-
sion charged.
3.00 5.00 p.m.-Public Skating
Community Skat-
ers Club. All
9.00-11.00 p.m.-Public Skating,
Monday, January 11
6.00 - 8.00 p.m.-Minor Hockey
Tuesday, January 12
4.00 - 5.00/p.m.-Lions Free Skat-
7.00 p.m.-Bantams vs. Goderichr
8.30 p.m.-Midgets ve. Goderide
Wednesday, January 13
2.00 - 4.00 p.m.-Public Skating
5.30 - 6.30 p.m.-Peewee Hockey,
Canacliene • vs..
Red Wings'
8.00-10,00 p.m.-Public Skating
RECORDS-Any records supplied'
by you will be played on any-
Friday rite, Saturday or Sun-
day afternoon, and returned
to you. Thank you,
Arena Manager!,
Don Fulton_
Archery Sets
Fibre Glass Bow .........
Genuine Hickory Bow
Robin Hood Sets
Old kishioned Kitchen
2.98 --1.98
China Tea Sets ,
Hi-Fi-Lophone ..... „....,„
1,49 to 2,69=-98c to 1.69
....... ...... .„- .... 5.95 -3.95
Let us assist you with your
plans for that all important
wedding day.
*ammo OF
• hvrinnalys
Yaw otakit of swim papa: 14;4s, typo
Wes sod iris.
OA far It
&int rivisweadhet Invitations, entiountentepts
sad 110:40014411 with templets confidence as to
easy sad sorra:us* of fans.
AND Oka BOXES s'.ti
Clinton News-Record
Phone HU 2a3443
Your Friendly CHEV.,OLDS.
HIM ter 2.9321 CLINTON