HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1960-01-07, Page 8BAYM.P.ARICULTURAL
To 'Be Held In The
Wednesday, January 13,1960
at 2:00 p.m.
Preiident . Secretary
Choose the right one from
6 Different Gasolines
Which blend do you use?
Only you can decide which
of Sunoco's Six will give
you knock-free perform-
' once — and save you
RAY'S Sunoco Station
Ray Hoggarth, Prop.
HU 24661 HU 2-9013
We would like to show you a sample of the
finest Calf Starter on the market.
Volkswagen Sales and Service
9 Ontario St., Clinton Phone KU 2-9088
Saturday, January 16, 1960
at 2.00 p.m.
All people interested in Agricultural Fair, please
accept this invitation
A. 1. McMURRAY,,,
. Secretary
SHAGS --- Wool, Orlon
Magicon and in
Cardigans and Pullovers
Save 25%
Regular 12.95 to 23.95
8.95 to 16.95
JA 4-9431
Dresses for everyone —
Many styles, fabrics and
colours to choose from.
Our entire stock —
Famous makes — at
substantial savings,
PAGE gpur aorroN =wawa=
11-4."454414 44NVARY 7,IOW
Miss! Shirley Brandon, BA., left
on. Sunday to resume her teaching-
duties at Essex after having been
with her father for the vacation.
,Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham,
Gordon Heard, Lendon, /VII". and
Ernerson Iieard, celebrated
NOW Year's with Mr. and Mrs,
George Heard.
The Reverend E. J. B. Harrison
Motored to -Sarnia on Tuesday to
visit his brother and wife, Mr, and
Mrs. :Charles Harrison. He went,
trainby to London on Thursday
t4a,Spend New Year's Eve with'his ,
*Ant, Mrs, H. A. BrOwn at The
'Deanery, returning to Sarnia for
New Year's with his brother, and
back to the rectory on SattirdaY•
•Mrs. Gordon Heard and baby
daughter Linda Suzanne, carne
from Scott Memorial Heepitel,
Seaforth, on. Monday to spend a
few slays at the home of her
father, H. N. Brandon.
•Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brandon
,,and three children, Stratford,
Were with his father, H. N. Bran-
don for New Year's.
GUardsman Robert Orr, Camp
Petawayva, spent a New Year's
leave with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William R. Orr. •
Miss Margaret Howard and
Lavvrence E, Stotesbury-Leeson
returned to Huron College on
Tuesday after spending the Christ-
mas vacation with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
HOWard. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon,
Lynn, Karen, Patrick and Blair,
motored to Buffalo on Thursday
to spend New Year's with Mrs.
Brandon's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J, W. Denby. Mrs. Denby ac-
companied them. on their return
on Saturday •for a visit..
Mr. .and Mrs. Bobby Brendon
and grog left on Saturday, for
Terrace Bay 'after having spent
part of 'the vacation here,
LiCp1, John Meek, Provost
Corp„ -London detachment, with
his wife and -two .elaildren, ..IVIieh-
and Carol, .Ddertorn visited.
1Vfr. and 'Mrs. EinerSon Heard on
Saturday and Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. MacMillan
returned home after spending
Christmas week with their daugh-
ter, Mrs, J. Mayrnan, Centralia.
• Sgt, and ••11/1rs. J. Mayman and.
Jeffrey; Centralia,. .came on New .
Years Eve to spend three weeks'
furlough with her parents,: Mr.,
and Mrs. L, MacMillen.
Mrs. A, A. Armstrong, Bronson
Line, Stanley Township, returned
hoMe on New Yeat'S night after
having spent a couple of days,
with.her sister; Mrs. C. W, Brown..
`Master 'Ricky • 'Westlake return,'
.to. Kitchener on Saturday with
his ,parents Who.-.1nOtored 'to the
village for. him. Iieepend the va-
cation with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. '.Toms.
"The Reverend .and Mrs. H. J.
Webb, Frances and George, Port
Dover, were the guests of Mrs. IL
H. F. Gairdner over Tuesday, even-
ing, December 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gemein-
hardt, 'Linda, Monica :and Karen,
were in Toronto 'front ThuradaY.
to Sunday.
-Mr. and. Mrs. T. •Colqtihoun and
baby Tommie, • Clinton, were with
her mother, 'Mrs. T. Castle and
Bluewater North
(Correspondent: Mrs. Fred Wallis
Dial H.V 2-9898)
Mr. and' Mrs, William 11441-
wain and Joyee•SPent New Year'S
Day .With the
and sister, Mr..arrd'a'ara, 'John Wat,
Stanley. 'Niel:4er Don, who had
spent a few days with hip aunt,
went .to spend; the remaining ,holi-
deass-,with his grandmother, Mrs.
Miss Doreen MacKenzie spent
the holidays with her parents, Mr,
and MrS. -Dian MacKenzie, mr, and. Mrs, Robert
had as their .guests on New. Yearla
Day, Mr, and Mrs. Pete Harrison
and Jim and Miss Clara Harrison.
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Welsh spent
the holiday with Mr.. and Mrs, Fred
Gil Hazelwood returned from
Florida on. Saturday, heating been
there the past six months. Mrs;
Hazelwood who joined him before
Christines, remained in the south
for a longer period.
Ken Hulls of the Bank of Cent,
reeree, in Port Elgin, spent the
halidaY .with ,his :parents,: Mr. and!
Mrs. Fred 'Mills - at the -Bayfield-
Clinton Golf Course.
family over New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert, Parker,
Pam and John, Mr. and rs. Wil-
liam. Parker arid Charlie were
with their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
William E, Parker for New Year's,
;Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mackie.
and small son returned to their
borne in London on Sunday after
having spent New ,Year's with her.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mak-
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon
and little son Kenneth, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Sturgeon and daugh-
ter Nancy, Weston; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Anderson and two sons,
Francis and Paul, „Science Hill;.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis •Bisbeek,
Clinton, spent the New Year holi-
day with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. .1. Sturgeon.
Cathy MacLeod returned to
London on Sunday after having
visited her grandmother, Mrs.
II. D. MacLeod.
The evening edition of the Lon-
don Free Press on January 1, car-
ried a picture of Captain James
Macdonald, Port Dover, and John
R. MacLeod, taking perch out of
nets at Port Stanley. Fishing out
of that port on. December 28 in
his steel tug Vamps D.", Captain
Macdonald brought in a catch of
three tons of fine perch. It was
the last haul of the season, and
welcome after a poor year for
Lake Erie fishermen.
Mrs. J. H. Cobb returned home
on Monday after having spent the
Christmas season with Mr. and
Mrs. John Wallace, Oakville.
Brian Grime has resumed his
studies at the U.W.O., London, af-
ter spending the Christmas vaca-
tion with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. Belichamber.
Mrs. C. Schaab, Elmwood, spent
Christmas with her daughter, Mrs.
Wilbert Fralick and family. They
motored to London with her on
Rev. and Mrs. Lorne A. Sparks,
Catherine, Beverley, Barbara, Pat-
ricia and Linda returned home on
Wednesday of last week after hav-
ing spent Christmas with his aunt
and uncle, Mrs. V. Wurm and Nes-
bitt Woods, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart
were with her niece, Miss Helene
Brownlee, London, for New Year's.
Mrs. J. W. Patrick, Ruth and
Frank left on Monday to spend
some time in Galt owing to the
illness of her parents.
Mrs. George Connell, Seaforth,
is with Miss Lucy R. Woods.
Miss Charlene Scotchmer re-
turned to Stratford on Sunday
evening to resume her studies at
Teachers College after having
been with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Scotchmer for the
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Francis and
family visited her parents, Mr.
and•Mrs. James McMillan, Tham-
esford, on Sunday.
Jim McLeod, Guelph, was with
Mr. and Mrs. All. Scotchmer, Jr.,
and family, over Christmas. They
celebrated Christrilas with Mr.
Scotchmer's sister, Mrs. J. Cluff
and family, and they in turn were
at Scotchmers for New Year's.
SS 4 Farm Forum
Holds First Meeting
Of Winter Season
(By Mrs. Ira Merrill)
The SS 4 Goaerich Township
Farm Forum Met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb on Janu-
ary 4, for the first meeting of the
season. Due to various circum-
stances, the members have been
unable to meet as a forum for
the fail season.
Ten members discussed the: top-
ic, "Adjustment in the number Of
farms in Canada".
The first question was: Do far-
mers produce too much or too 'lit-
tle? and comment on same. It was
decided that as a rule they do not
produce too much, but the produce
is not distributed in the right pla-
ces in the world.
In answer to the question: Does
part 'time off-farm employment
benefit agriculture? the forum de-
cided: No, the 'primary effect is
over-production, using off-farm hi-
coracle to subsidize their farm pro-
Question three: ao you favour
increasing direction and control of
your business by Farm Organiza-
tions or Governmeht in order to
help plan agriculture of the fut-
ure? Direction, yes (which means
advice). Control, no (meaning or-
ders). The members would favour
direction by either farm organize-
tion or by government.
During a short recreational per-
iod, games of "600" and Lost Heir
were played and lunch served,
The meeting next week will be at
the helm of Mr. and Mrs Ira
The congregational meeting of
the United Church will be 'held
the evening of January 11 at eight
o'clock in the Sunday BehOol.
room, All treasurers are request-
ed tO have three copies of their
repOrts ready to. hand in,
The community extends sym-
pathy to Mr, and. Mrs, Bert Bruns-
don and daughter, at this. time of
their bereavement. Bert is at pres-
ent in hospital Suffering from
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Allen, Linda,
Kathy, Anne . Marie and David,
Fullerton; W/C Glenn Allen,
Royal Roads College, Victoria,
B.C., and Miss .Ruth Allen, Strat,
ford, spent New Year's with Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Allen and family.
Miss Margaret Taitiblyn, Learn,
ington, spent the weekend with
her parents and Ai*.
Mrs. Margaret Manning spent
New Year's Day with her daugif,
ter, Mr. and Mrs.„ Bert Hunking.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lear spent
the weekend in Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson .- Lear returned• home
with them.
Mrs. Thomas. Fairservice and
David Ewan spent New Year's
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Shaddick.
God. Twp. South
Correspondent: James R. Stirling
Phone HO 2-9537
New Year's Day -guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Betties •and family
Were Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snell,
Richard Snell, Miss Glenyce Bain-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snell and Charles
and Marguerite; MrS: 'Lillian Mc-
Kinnein; Mr. and Mrs. T. Gordon
Scribbins and Gordon Frank Scrib-
Miss - Mary Snell, Hamilton,
spent several days during,, the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Insurance Cards
Needed To Buy.
New Car Licences
The Honourable John Yaremko,
QC, Minister of Transport today
reminded motorists and the insur-
ance industry of the necessity of
having a liability insurance-certi-
ficate when obtaining 1960 licen-
ce plates to avoid paying an addit-
ional $5.00 unsatitfied judgement
fund fee. Mr, 'Veronika requeSt-
ed the Co-operation Of 'the' insur-
ance companies and their agents in
having these certificates sent their
policy holders before the end of
the month, if they have not al-
ready been sent.
"It is very gratifying to find
that the figures for the 'current
year show 90 percent of the mo-
tor vehicle owners in Ontario now
carry liability insurance," said Mr.
Yaremko. "This is an increase of
15 percent in the .number of insur-
:ed motorists in the two years that
the $5.00 fee has been collected
from the uninsured, and shows
that a further 300,000 have joined
the large group of wise motorists
who carry liability insurance pro-
To the small minority who still
do not have protection the Min-
ister offered this word of caution.
"If you are unable-to pay a claim
against you for damages arising
out of an acciednt, you risk losing
everything you own—including
your home, your car, your savings
and your future earnings. The $5
additional fee does not give those
who are required to pay any pro-
tection. It is credited to a special
government fund used to pay
judgements against uninsured mo-
torists. The uninsured motorist
must repay the fund the amount
paid out for him and is prohibited
from owning or operating a mo-
tor vehicle until he can do so."
At the same time Mr. Yaremko
pointed out to all motorists the
many advantages of the fund. It
provides protection against dam-
ages caused by uninsured motorists
stolen vehicles, vehicles from oth-
er provinces and States, hit-and-
run accidents. All'this protection
is given the insured motorist for
the small sum of $1,00 "I am con-
vinced that the Ontario motorist
gets more value for his dollar
through the Ontario fund than he
could get for a like amount under
any other scheme," said the Min-
ister. Over $17 million in bene-
fits has been paid out of the fund
to innocent victims, of traffic ac-
cidents. These victims would not
have received any " compensation
had not this plan been in effect,"
Mr. Yaremko concluded.
The new licences went on sale
Monday, January 4. throughout
the province. All motorists should
be encouraged at this time to pur-
chase their licences early. The
closing date has been set at 4 p.m,
Wednesday, March 16, but for all
issuers to provide good service,
the co-operation of the motorists
in not putting this off until the
last minute is required. Last year
long line-ups were avoided by mo-
torists purchasing their plates in
Yatititify and February,
Everyon,e Reads
The Classifieds
Miss Dorothy Little, Teronto,
spent the Christmas vacation at
her home here.
Miss Jennie Cowan who is a
patient at the nursing home, Sea-
forth, spent New Year's with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Townsend and.
Dorothy Little,
Mr. and Mrs, Willows Mountain
and Mrs. Robert Yrningbitit spent
Sunda y with Mr, and Mrs: Elgin
closling •and family, We are sorry
to hear that Mr. Mountain had a
blood vessel burst in his eye which
necessitated an appointment with
an eye specialist at Stratford on
A few friends of Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas Allen met for a surprise
party 'at their home on Saturday
evening. The occasion was their
20th wedding anniversary,
Mr. and Mrs. William Wells and
Douglas, also Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Allen, spent New Year's Day with
Mrs. Robert Youngbiat.
Miss Ella. Pearson, Brussels,
spent the past week at her home
in' Brussels; she returned on Sun-
day to care •for Mrs. Beacom, Sr.
Spending Christmas at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Youngblut
were Mr. and MrsaStanley Young-
blut and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Knox Williams and family; Mrs.
Fern Kennedy and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Scanlon and family.
Christmas guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McGregor and family,
Londesboro, were the ladies' aunts,
Mrs. Jennie Hebden, Clinton and
Miss M. E. Mar, Lakeside.
Joint Installation
At Hensall
Legion Meeting
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
James Clark and Mrs. Gordon
Munn were installed jointly as
presidents • of the Hensall Brandi
468 of the Canadian Legion and
it's Ladies Auxiliary, in the Leg-
.iuoaryn Ha 51:1 Tuesday evening,. Jan-
Installed along with the execu-
tive heads were: first vice-presi-
dent of the Legidit Branch, Wil-
mer Dah-ympleasecend vice-presi-
dent, John Skew; E. R. Davis,
Sergeant at Arms; Branch Padre,
Rev. Currie Winlaw; executive,
Wes Venner, W. 0. Goodwin, Sam
Dougall, Fred Beer. -
Mrs, William Smale, first vice-
president of the Auxiliary; second
vice-president, • Mrs. Hower 'd
secretary, Mrs. W. J. Cam-
eron; treasurer; Mrs. D. B. Hav-
er* Sergeant at Arms, Mrs. H.
Horton; executive, Mrs. Mary
Taylor, Mrs. Harold Campbell,
Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. Cecil
Kiefer; pianists, Mrs. _E. Munn
and Mrs, William Brown.
The installation was in charge
of the installing team of the Ex-
eter LegiernBranch. Special guest
was Mrs. McCann, Howick, com-
mander of Zone C,1,
Gifts were preSented to retir-
ing presidetit; Mrs. William
Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Bryan
Kyle; secretary, Mrs. Lawrence
Baynham. Mrs. Harry Horton,
who has held the office of Serg-
eant at Arms for ten years since
the formation of the Auxiliary,
was also presented with a gift in
appreciation Of her valuable ser-
vice. Zone commander Mrs. Mc-
Cann was also presented with a
Phone HU 24418
Miss Iva Glazier pf London
Vent the New Year's weekend at
the home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. 'Wilfred Glazier,
lYir, and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Warren, Mich., and Mr, and Mrs.
Frank. Lawson, Oakridge. Acres,
London, were 'holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon,
Jack Norman spent a few days.
in Toronto and was the guest at a house party on New Year's Eve.
Mr. and Mrs, McGee, Woodstock,; were-recent guests of Mr. and Mrs;.-
O. Steepe. .
Dewar and Bruce Norman spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hinz and Mrs. F. Norman in New
Mies Eleanor Yeo, who has been.
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Yea, has returned to
Montreal, where she is in training
at the Royal Victoria Hospital.
Friends of James .0crra,n will be.
pleased to know that - he is .prog-
ressing favourably after his .per-
ious operation at Westminster
Hospital, London,
Miss Frances McCullough has
returned to her studies at the
Atkinson Scheel of Nursing, To-.
ronto Western Hospital after
spending a week with her parents,
Mr, .and Mrs. Frank McCullough.
(By our Illensair CorreapeNleakt).
The first meeting of the 1,960,
council was held on Monday even-
ing, with all members present. _
Councillor Lome E, Hay Was:
appointed representative to the
Ansable Myer Conservation Auth-
ority. A motion. was passed to re-
new membership in the Mid-West--
ern Ontario- Development Aaaoiae-
tion with councillor Mrs. Noakes
to be a representative for 'the
The following- committees were
appointed: property, Mrs. Minnie-
Noakes, Jack Lavender; roads and
streets, Lorne Hay, John Bakers.
library board; Mrs. E, Norminton,
three years; parks committee,
Wilmer 'Ferguson, Bill Mic41e,.
Don Spearman, Bob Baker Jr.,
George Parker, John Baker, Lome
Hay; recreation, the Rev. Currie
Winlaw, G. C. Vaise, Mrs. Harry
Horton, James „Taylor, George
Beer, Mrs. Noakes and Mr. Lav-
News of Ilayfield
pTONE: BAnl Or 3
News of on esboro
correspondent -- MRS, BERT ALLAN
Phone Wit 37 r 5
Hensall Council
Names dais
At First Meeting