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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-27, Page 4
* <IHURS»AY, DECEMBER 27s 1928 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE LOCAL NEWS Mr. his Mr. Rome Nominations will be held next JMonday. Miss Tillie White is visiting in ^Po-ronto. Mr. R. E. Davis, of Windsor, was tiome for the holiday. Alex Elliott spent the holiday home in Blytli. Melvin Sims, of Windsor, was over the holiday. Mr. M. R, Complin is confined to liis home through illness. Mr. Garnet McFalls spent a couple of days in Sarnia last week. Mr. J. H. Grieve spent Christmas with his son L. H. in Strathroy. Mr. Ellis Tapp, of Parkhill, visit- od his parents for Christmas. Miss Ida Cottel and Mts. McCra- oken spent Thursday in Stratford. Mr. C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, jspent Christmas at his home here. Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of Detroit, fs visiting his mother for the holi days. Mr. Bert Doyle attended Overland convention in Toronto ^week. Col. and Mrs. W. J. Heaman jM. Clyde Heaman spent Christmas Ku London. Mr. and don, spent Mrs. J. H. Mr. Jos. 'Christmas visiting in Dr. and fStrathroy, spent o,nd Mrs. W. E. The Coates Ohristmas at the home of -Mr. and Mrs, Paul Coates of town. Mr. and Mrs. Orby Kestle, of De troit, spent the Christmas holidays with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald and child, of Denfield with her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Arale. Mr. Mack Nightingale, of AA’allace- fiurg, visited with Dr. and <eher for Christmas. Mrs. Harvey Hill and London, spent Christinas father, Mr. Thos, Bissett. Mr. Reg. Bissett, of Chatham, •jited with his sister, jsett, for Christmas. Mrs. Bishop, of -Christmas with her and Mrs. Norman Hockey. Mr. W. G. Turnbull, of Toronto, spent the holidays with his mother. Mrs. Alex. Turnbull. Miss A^era Ramsay, of Toronto, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Agnes Campbell. Mr. and Christinas Coxworth, Messrs. Simmons, mas under the parental roof. Miss Edith Davis, of Hamilton, !■' spending this week with her par ents Air. and Airs. Dan Davis. Mr. Ed. French and Airs. E Ina Hearts, or Toronto, spent Christmas with Air. and Airs. E. A. Follick Air. and Airs. Frank Irwin and Ltmily, of Putnam, spent Chri-tmi.s with Air. and Airs. Dan Davis. Aliss Rosa Dearing, spent the Christmas her parents Air. ins. Air. and Airs. Clifford spent Lt ine of Air. and Airs. Wil of Hensail. Messrs. Leonard Greh . id Thompson, of Detr«>it. ■re and visited at their- : ■ncs for Christina*. Miss Nora Follick, of H ’ iend Mr. McDougall call? .d Mrs. Wm. A’ale on Sun st. 4 the last and Mrs. F. H. Neil, of Lon- Christmas with Mr, and Jones. Davis, of with his town. Mrs. Chatham, spent family who are O.G. Tremner, of Christmas with Mr. ■Winer. family celebrated Mrs. Flet- child. of with her Miss Ethel vis- Bis- London, spent daughter. Mr. Mrs. Ed. Heidemau spent with Mr. and Mrs. Al. of London. Clarence and Melville of Windsor, spent Christ- of T holiday.- and Mrs. W. AL Quanc? Christmas a H’O. "■Ml > -ir- 1*1 S' 7 for a Of To- Sarnia The James St. Choir have arrang-roc ed for a play ‘The Dust of the Earth* on January 25th. Watch for fur ther particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Follick and daughter Pauline, of Rockwood, visited with relatives for Christmas. Mrs. Follick is remaining few days. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson, ronto, Mr. Frank Sweet, of and. Mrs. Jas, Sweet, of Lucan, visit ed with their father, Mr. Jas. Sweet for Christmas. Mr. Edgar Lowry, of Toronto, and Mr. Fred Lowry, of Kitcener, spent the Christmastide with their par ents Mr. E. G. and Mrs. Lowry, and sister Arelma, at the Central hotel. Mr. AVm. Lawson, of Purves, Man. arrived Saturday and will spend, a couple of months with his mother, Mrs, John Lawson, of Crediton, and other relatives in this community, Mr. D. Stewart, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stewart and little daughter, of Detroit, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr. J. C. Hogarth, of Purvis, Man. is visiting with his brothers and sisters in this community having been called home owing to the ser ious illness of his sister, 'Miss E. Hogarth. The students of Toronto Univer sity are home for the Christmas hol idays. Among them are Geo. Hind, Grant Sanders, Howard Dignan, G. Beavers, Eugene Howey, Miss Elea nor Medd and Miss Marion Woods. Mrs. Louise Westlake, of Wyom ing; Mr. and Mrs. AAr. J. Westlake, and family, of Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons, of Sarnia, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Murphy. Mrs. Westlake is remain ing for a time. Christmas Day services were held at Trivitt Memorial Church at 8.00 and 10:00 a.in. At 8:00 there was a celebration of the Communion and a very good ber were present. At 10:00 shortened matins and choral munion. Christmas Carols sung by the choir and congregation and the choir rendered the anthem, “’Twas tlie Birthday of The King.” Mrs. N. J. Dore taking the solo parts o’clock Holy rium- a.m. com- were days - -I". i he t d w* Ida for secy., Mw, Pcnwardeniasst. rec. secy., Mrs. Powe; cor. secy., Mrs. A, Isaac; treasurer, Miss R. Christian (©wardship secy., Mrs. T. Neil; Supply secy?, Mrs. B. Hicks; Associate Helpers* secy., Mrs, T. AVil- lis; Mission Band supt,, (Miss D. Dav ison. i ---------- -—----- Wilson; with Mr. and and fam- Mrs. with the One day last week Mr. Chas. Fair hall received a letter by air mail. The letter taking only three to come from Los Angeles, Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto University, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hod gson for the holidays. Miss Kathleen Hicks, R.N., of New’ York City, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and ‘Mrs. An drew Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Powe and son spent Christmas at the home of the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Baynham and son. of St. Thomas, spent Christ mas at the home of tlie former’s par ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kerslake and Genevieve spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Fletcher in Exeter. Mr. W. J. Parsons is able to be out after his illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gretta and Mr. S. Christmas at the home Mrs. W. J, Smith. Mr. Albert Parsons, spent Christmas at the brother. Mr. W. J. Parsons. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Lightfoot, mother of Mrs. AV. Baker. Greenway Next Sunday will be Missionary (Sun day in the United church also in the regular church service the pastor will preach on “The door that no man can open/' Christmas visitors in our com munity: Mir. and Mrs. C. V. Langleton, of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs. E. Luther. Miss IMyrtle Luther, of London, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Luther. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling, of Detroit, with his parents. Dawson Woodburn, of Glencoe at home. Byron Brown, of Toronto, is visit ing at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wareharn, of Toron to; Mr. and Mrs. R. Eagleson and family, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Toll and family, of London with their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason. (Mr. E. English, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. R. English. W. Curts, of London, and Mrs. C. Curts. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pollock ily, of Kerwood, with Mr. MacPherson. Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia Mrs. Lloyd Grophey. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheppard, of Lon don, with her parents. Mr. Henry Belling is visiting in Detroit. Successful Christmas concerts were held in the public schools. Last Wednesday evening members of Mr. A. Wilson’s "Sunday School class gathered at his home and spent a pleasant social evening together. During the evening Mr. Colling called them to attention and Mrs. J. H. McGregor read a very ap propriate address to Mr. Wilson and Mr. S. Webb on behalf of the class presented him with a generous purse While others spoke on his long years of faithful service in the S.S. and church here. Mr. Wilson was .taken so completely by surprise he didn’t express all the gratitude he felt for the kindness shown him but is very thankful to each and every one. La dies served lunch and the Rev. Coll ing closed the evening. All joined in singing the doxology. Election of officers was held in the AV. M. S. and Ladies’ Aid (which from henceforth will conform to the ruling of the United Church and will be known as the Women’s Assoca- tion) in the church last Wednesday with the Pastor Rev. J. M. Colling presiding. There was so little change in the personnel of each Executive that we will save printer’s ink in ficers. stances for the each society and we hope the next year will continue to show ^progress. printing all the list of of- Considering all circum- there is reason for .gratitude success of the year’s work in CHISELHURST Webber and Smith spent of Mr. and of London home of his J Hial Mrs. AV. T. Howitt ami Mi Cottei were in LiiiSit; Mrs. Hewitt left tin- -mim • Detroit to spend tin* winter, Messrs. Garvey Acht-.-ou. Thomas and Chari©-. of ©pent Christmas with rli-drZvtr. and Mrs. AV. T. Ar-h^s. Rev*. T. AV. Jone*. Rector . M..11, was the guest of R-^v. and Mrs. Jones at Trivitt y^ Reetory Christmas Day. Miss Ruth Andrew resum-l her duties at the Bell central on Satur day after being off several days through illness. Mrs. Jos. Harvey, Mis.- Luodys Harvey spent Christmas w e former’s son Rev. L. (’. H.uw ♦Mvs. Harvey, of Courtland. Messrs. .Samson Yelia ml Perry and Gibbs Yelland, k visited over the imlid, *, ti’.eir sisters, the Miss Yell*. Miss iMary Horney, of Lond.-n and Miss Ella Horney, of Detroi’. spent Christinas with relatives in Hotmail end visited in Exeter on Wedixiiay. Ml*. A. AV. Johnston, of Toionto, ;.:.d I)’*. M. E. Johnston, of Harnil- i.'-n, spent Christmas with their par- x/Ms, Mr. and Mrs, AV. H. Juhr.ston. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Robert..on, and ‘w.n Peter, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Senders. Miss Janie Hogerth and M;. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of Toronto, epent Christmas with the former's jufents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Ho- .dys the and i Mr. and Mrs. J. Essery spent the holiday at the liomp of their dau ghter. Mrs, R. E. Hicks. Mr. and Airs. G. G. Essery and Mr. and Mrs. AV. J. Dobbs spent Christmas in London .with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. McFalls and fam ily of Exeter, spent Christmas at ■ he home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- alls in the village. Rev. A. A. Holims, of Clinton, was visitor at the parsonage this week. People are speaking with great ppreciation of the very fine service in the United churh here last Sun day evening. The choir has been requested to repeat the music on the first Sunday evening in January. The election of the Bunday School Board place week. a I Misses Bernice and Gladys Wren, of Toronto, are spending Christmas with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wren. The Chiselhurst United church S. S. Christmas Entertainment was a wonderful success. The program consisting of drills, readings, dialo gues. solos and a play entitled “Christmas Eve’’ was the best in years. The Christmas Tree was dec orated with a fine assortment .of Christmas presents. The members of the Sunday School attending most Sundays in the year were presented also with presents. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $2 6.00. Mr. Lome Oke, of Whitby, Out., who is an operator of a Par-Tex ditching machine, visited over Sun day with his cousins Cecil and Percy Harris. t MT. CARMEL of ‘Management, will take on Thursday evening of this Centralia AV. Al. S. The AV. Al. S. of Centralia United church held their regular meeting in the church Dec. 14th. The president was in the chair. The programme throughout was Christmas in chara cter. A reading by Miss Flossie Da^ vey^ entitled “The First Church’s Christmas” was most interesting. A pleasing feature of the meeting was the presentation of four Life Mem bership certificates, were the recipients: Mrs. F. Penwarden, Miss Flossie Da- ey and Miss Mildred. The presenta tions were made on behalf of the Circles of which the ladies were captains by Mrs. A. Isaac, Mrs. Her man Powe, Mrs. A. Mitchell and Mrs Brooks respectively. The society has just completed the most successful year in its history as shown by the reports which are most gratifying The following are the officers for the ensuing year: President, Mrs, R. F, Irwin; vice-pres., Mrs, Brooks, The following Mrs. R. Smith, Writ© to-day for particulars. ONT.STRATFORD, ZION Law- Hicks Elliott 53, *<M Your future success or fail ure will depend very largely on to-day’s preparation. NEW YEAR TERM opens Wednesday, JANUARY 2. 1929 * means ab- Teacher, Mary Stewart Hern; Hern; Junior assist., IV—Evelyn McCann 77.3; Jean .Ter- ’^ATilton Kinney, *Ray Khiva School Report IV—'Monica Deitrich 73.1 per Mildred Neeb 73; Earl Ratz Lay the foundation now, by taking a practical business training here. C, B. C. grad uates are business leaders. KHIVA was sue- well. $35. Khiva school concert which held Dec. 19th was a decided cess, everyone doing their part The proceeds amounted to over Mrs. Win, Mason is spending the Christmas holidays with friends in London. Miss Grace Nixon is visiting at her home in Granton . Mr. and Mrs. R. Davie spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley. Miss Ester Neeb, of Detroit, is spending Christmas holidays with her parents, (Mr. and Mrs., Alex. Neeb Mrs. J. Hqnover and Miss Flor ence Hanover are visiting in, Buffalo at present. Mrs. Dolph Disjardine and son, of Edmonton, are visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Mason and other friends at the present time, Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Willert and family spent Christmas with friends near Zurich. Sr. cent; 61.6. Jr. Willert 63.3; Irene Flynn 62.4. Sr. III—Gladys Ratz 80.3; Aud rey Yearley 72; Irvin Ratz 67.8;Hil da Neeb 67; Dorothy Schroeder 63.6 Jr. Ill—Reta Ratz 79.8; Laura Regier 76.3; Gladys Kinney 61.7; *Micheal McGee 60.2. II—Abigail Flynn 75; Pearl Kin ney 70.1; Ila Schroeder 69; Eddie Yearley 69; Sidney Neeb 64.3; Marie Regier 61.8; Jean Kinnej^ 61.1 I—Leona McCann 86; Lucille Dei trich 82.6; Grace Willert 75,8; Marie Ziler 72.5; Harvey Neeb 45. Sr. Pr.—Gerald iShenk, Jack son, George Mathers. Jr. Pr.—.Norma Schroeder, ome Regier Kinney. Honors 75; Pass 60; * sent. Mr. Clifford Brown is homo from Saskatchewan and is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown. We are glad to Know that Mrs. R. Humphreys who has been ill is re covering. Mr. Robt. Doupe has been in poor health the past week. We hope to see him around again .soon. We understand that Wm. Atkin son is gradually getting weaker. Among those who are spending the holidays here are Harold Tuft, Grace Switzer, Agnes Greason and Rachel Kirk. Mr, J. Vitch and family are spend ing a week at Corinth. Rev. T. A. Bell preached a very fine Christmas ‘Sermon on Sunday evening. The choir rendering spec ial Christmas music. A special Christmas program was also given at the Sunday School in the morn ing. The annual Christmas tree and concert was given in the Hall on Thursday night. Although the night was cold and stormy a good crowd gathered and listened to a good pro gram of dialogues, drill and a fan tasy which was a credit to all taking part. Rev. Bell very ably acted as chairman and Santa Claus was there and delivered' the presents from th© tree. To-Morrow CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE The C. W. L. 'will hold a social in the hall on Thursday evening. A lunch will be served by the ladies. Mr. Joseph Houlahan is all smiles, is a son. Miss Margaret Carey spent a few days last week with friends in Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman and babe, of Detroit, is visiting the latter’s parents Miss don, is home. Miss it Mr. and Mrs. Desjardine. Kathleen Morrissey, of Lon- spending Christmas at her and par- Geraldine McKeever friend spent Christmas with her ents here. Miss B. Carey, of Simcoe, arrived home on Sunday to spend Christmas holidays. Misses Ellie and Elizabeth Houla- han, of Detroit, and Margaret, of London, are spending holidays at their home. Hub—This article says that man’s feet are growing bigger, you believe it? Wife—Well, at rate, women are proving more more shoes. their ability wo- Do any and to fill men's ♦ & * was the only sufferings made him eloquent Job whose instead of grouchy. One What man on record Where pends on * ♦ * * » * goes hereafter de one goes here after. An Appealing Stanza If you have a bit of news Send it in. Or a joke that will amuse, Send it in. , A story that is true, Or something that is new, We want to Send it If it’s only Never mind We’ll fix it Send it hear from you: 'in. worth the while, about the style, on the fyle, in. —Wheatley Journal REPORT OF S. 8. Nf>. 1, STEPHEN The following is the report for November and December for Fair- field S. S. No. 1, Stephen. Those marked, with an asterisk were ab sent for one examination. Number on roll 21. Sr. IV, honors—Pauline Hodgins 77. Jr. IV, honors—Dorothy 87, Gerald Schroeder 7 6, (Sr. Ill, honors—‘William 75. Failed—Aaron Hodgins White 45. Jr. Ill, honors—Mildred Hicks 94, Leroy Schroeder 83, Harry Hodgins 79, Mildred Elliott 78, Reg. Hodgson 75. Sr. II, honors—Allan Richards 77 Pass—’’'Walter Mitchell 71, Ilene Walker 64. © Sr. Pt. I, honors—Earl Schroeder 81, Orpha Hodgins 78, Alden Walk er 7 6. Pass-—-Stanley Hicks 72. Primer—Clifford Hicks, Donald Penhale, Orville Mitchell. Beryl A. Hill, teacher Zion Sunday School held their an nual meeting on December the 13t& when the following officers were- elected; ,Supt., Ephriam Hern; as sistant supt., Wellington Brock; se cretary-treasurer, Nelson Towle; as sistant sec’y-treas., Angus Earle; organist, Hazel Earle; assistant or- ganist, Mrs. Wilbert Batten; librar-/”* ian, Ward Hern; assistant librariaan Mrs. Well. Brock; assistant Mission ary supt., Miss N. Godkin; Temper ance supt., Ross Hern; Little Light Bearers, Mrs. Earl Johnson; Adult Bible class, R. Harold William Brock; Pooley, Primary class, assit., Mrs. Harold Hern. The trustees of the church met on December 13th and finished up, the year's business with $70.00 in treasury. Mr. Earl Johns was ap pointed choir leader and has accept ed it in the vacancy of Mr, H. No Taylor. E. Pooley; assist.!, Intermediate class, assist., Mrs. Warren class, Mrs. R. E<> Mrs. John T. Hern; Mrs. Melville Hern, Ancient Mummies Found in Far North With finds which they believe rank with those of King Tut’s tomb in antiquity if not in splendor, nine members of the Stoll-McCracken Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History reached Montreal over the lines of the Canadian National Railways from Prince Rupert, B.C., where they left the Schooner Efiie M.t Morrisey which had carried them through the Arctic waters. The party consist ing of Charles Stoll of New York, backer and Direc tor of the Expedition and his wife, a noted big game huntress; Harold McCracken, Associate Editor of Field and Stream and leader of the expedition; Dr H. E. Anthony, Curator of Mammals of the American Museum and other Museum experts, left the port of Prince Rupert on May 1st for "northern waters, and were at one time 225 miles north of Point Barrow. Their search was for ancient mummies believed to he of Stone Age men, whose presence on the barren islands of the Aleutians group had been reported, c On a barren island,, far from the present haunts of men, a> burial was discovered in which were four bodies in a rude sarcophagus, constructed of drift wood, cleverly mortised together and held by nails made of walrus bone. The mummies were those of a chieftain; his hunter who was sent' on the long journey with him to provide, game for his food; a seamstress Avho had her sewing equipment for re pairing the chief’s garments, and a child believed to show the Chief’s love of children. Beside the body of the hunter, were the stone hatchets and harpoons of ?he raUP*™es were splendidly preserved > and showed every indication that the people of the ’ Asiatic races, from which these “Stone Age” men were believed to have come used methods of preser- ; nation similar to those of the Ancient Egyptians in J preserving the bodies of their Pharaohs. The four / Wbbb Ts’ udl?s th-e tankless head of the hunter ’f Sn L heIe J,n the hands of Harold Mo ! Cracken. leader of the Expedition, travelled to » Jr 1 the Continental Limited < of the Canadian National Railways and will be Placed in the American Museum together with the impor- ‘ tant groups of mammals and birds of the Arctic tionGrfcW^1C 1 *lC party secured during their expedi- ^he members of the partv or them arrival at Bonaventure Station, Montreal* the wUm^lfir<d h,ead of the h^ter brought btckW McCracken, and “Tough” a member of the party and the only English bulldog wMeh is knmvn tc