HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-20, Page 8THE EXETER TIME?.ADVOCATE Miss Verda returned her after a six weeks’ of horses driven by Mr. Mrs. K. J. Sims, of town, return­ ed home after a week’s visit with riitives and friends in Detroit, Walkerville. London, and spent a few days with her son Melvin, of Windsor, home with visit. A team Arthur Sanders started to run away Saturday oil Main Steet, when a bolt holding one end of the tongue of the wagon broke. The horses ran up over the curb in front of Ct ntral Hotel and were stopped fore much damage was done. the he- WANT COLUMN Now is the »time to buy your d- rwear. sweater coats, toques, mitts and footwear while the prices are down.—H. Bierling, Hay. nn- Exeter Markets Wheat $1.28 Oats 5t)c. Barley 70c. Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.85 Shorts $1.90 Creamery Butter 46c. Dairy Butter 4Q-43e. Eggs, fresh first 46c. Eggs, pullet extras 38c. Held Eggs 30c. Ilogs $8.75 Live Hens. 13 to 19e. Live Chicken 16 to 25c. Ducks, colored, 16c Ducks, white, 18c Dressed poultry, 5c per lb. live. Dressed milk fml chicken 2S-31C ♦ over It will not pay you to stint vour cattle for feed as one man has al­ ready sold his for twelve cents a lb. lor delivery next spring. We still have plenty of low gra ie flour at a reduced rate for m-di. We have a Calf Meal, a Laying M; sh and a Hoc Mineral, that are hard to beat ami all cheap. We are headonurterY for Meat •‘ ••.in. Oil (Yk-. Wi: kayo. Bom- 'A .tl i'er t'attle, Oy-ier Shell, eurina ”-:-ds. Bran. S./orts, etc., etc. W( have made some improve i in ov.r mill and we believe wt- have F’-nir t':ai will >iand U.-- .my of them. Come in an-’ ’•a..; of our Ml’.litidui’s L -st. ’f vt u want fine chopmhg f r.> w chopper. Hu:'y a OS. ■y our par ; (" ■•: c Dairy Butter to he had ‘rfei/hcet: i'.mx ' Mr. Andy Euston i- confined ! hi> home vviih influenza. ! Santa Clans is the most talked im u in die world these days, Ur. m ; Mrs A. R. McKinnon ■ ail/ -h.: • a’e holidaying at Tillson- ,.ur.J ; m i m- : nr to i 0> W. Burke and family have >o L-rndcn to reside in fu- I FOR SALE-—One Iatermuionul Sugar Beet Lifter (nearly newt Ap-i ply to Hugh Dalrymple. R. R. No. 1. Cromarty. Phon-' 8r3 Kirkton. i 12-2<t-4ip ; Mr. Li om-rd Pfaff is assisting at .. pe<t oiiice during the Christ­ is rt>h. Mr. Sid Davis, who has been con- >.Pd to hit homi through illness, improving. •5 Jelly Powders for 25c. at Har- Grocery. Mr. Aitor. Niil, d • vt i ! i-e;l with Mr. a on Sunday. Uhri-.mas trees and entertain- ___ A T TT TA • . 1 . , I IH C U t S Will HC Uli’ 01’001’ dUl’lllg tllPFOR SALE—Pair ot skate., and I (),1VbS bv.Aits. size 7. Olympia tubes in good i } t.’ Morgan has been in condition, eheap. Apply at Tunes- j Hospital. London, for sev- Advoeate, { (-ays re,.ejvjng x-ray treatment. LOST—A valuable watch dog, ! Howe spending the Clirist- part police and part bull dog, color i UK!f’ kii.n.ay-, visi ing brown, has on a collar, answers w pind Owen SGUH(1’ the name of Buster. Harold Jeff-i rey, R. R. No, 3. Exeitr, u£ Stratford, vis- Mr.s. J. H. Jones Toronto valuable one that Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1028 outhcot Estimates gladly furnished advan- ERN. DAVIS H. R. HOPPER W R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. PHONE 81w «< to the A. IIo- 3c 4c of the farmers took the mild weather last week some ploughing. Consider- MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. JAS. FOOTE, Minister Special Christmas Services 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“The Coming of Christ” The Minister 7 p.m.—-“The Timely Divine Gift” The Minister JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavisJi, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES Special Music by the Choir 11 a.m.—“Be-.elding His Glory”. A message dealing with the wonder­ ful personality of Jesus. p.m.-—Special Christmas program, meet in school room at 2.45 p.m. Open session. White gift service. Baptism and reception of members of school into membership in the church. Don’t miss hearing the h>ys and girls in their special Christmas numbers. p.m. -The Story of Bmi Hur. That: great “tale of the Christ” will hcU recited by the Pastor. Special an-1 thems and Halleluiah (’horns. You 1 are invited to be with us. j Note—Will the parents wishing to present their children for baptism ~~ please notify the pastor during the J EE- week or come early to Sunday school i Es not later than 2.45 o’clock. •> L> < MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA " Rev- C. J. Moorhouse. Pastor Organist, Miss E. Huston 11 a.m.-—“The Little Town of Beth­ lehem" p.m.—Rally service of the school Service of song by Primary piirtmcnt. A brief message for School on “The Sacrament of Lord’s Supper" followed by the ministration of the Sacrament. o o 7 4 Shopping Days to Christmas You will find the Gift Problem solved right here. Just think of the many attractive and practical Gifts to be found at this store. Something for every member of the family. Here are a few suggestions LEATHER GOODS Club Bags, Suit Cases, Flat Boxes and Overnight Boxes. All new merchandise. Are gifts that would be appreciated. FANCY TURKISH TOWELS In many new designs and colorings. All neatly boxed. Priced at 40c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25 SILK, SUEDE AND KID GLOVES In a big variety of colors and leather. Priced at 59c. to $2.75 BEDROOM SLIPPERS For every member of the. family many new shades. Priced at 98c. FANCY SILKALO BED SPREADS In pink, yellow, blue and mauve. Neatly boxed. Priced at $4.00 SILK AND SILK & WOOL HOSIERY In all the newest shades. What would be nicer for a Christams Gift. Priced at 98c., $1.25, $1.50, $1.95 SILK UNDERWEAR FOR GIRL’S AND WOMEN Beautiful range of shades. Vests $1.00 Bloomers $1.50 FANCY SILK AND CREPE SCARFS In the newest bright shades and patterns. $1.50 to $2.75 FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS Always welcome at Christmas. Hand­ kerchiefs galore. Priced at 5c., 10c., 25c., 50c., to $1.00 FANCY BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Hundreds to choose from at any price, care to pav, Our Tables are Filled with New China and Brassware that really must be seen to be appreciated. Visit this department often. GIFT GLOVES FOR MEN In Wool, Deerskin, Peccary Hoff Cope, lined and uulined. Priced at $1.00 to $4.50 FANCY SILK AND WOOL HOSE av earThe kind that range of patterns. 50c., p.m.—“Parable of the Hidden Treasure.’’ We extend a hearty welcome to all our lmme-eoming friends and visitors to our Christmas services. Our weekly prayer service at 7:30 Thursday evening, will take up the Sunday School lesson. 75c.,$1.00 FORSYTHE PYJAMAS In beautiful materials well made good fitting $2.50 to $3.00 MEN'S GIFT SHIRTSMr. Arnie-l Willard lost a horse on Monday. It was was used on the mail route. We have a fresh supply each day of Shortbread. Puff Pastry and spec­ ial Fruit Loaves.—Grant’s Bakery. Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders returned home Monday after visit­ ing with relatives in Wingham and Kincardine. Messrs. Harold Taylor, Fred Bow­ den and Elgin Hodgins, motored to , Detroit and visited a few days this week. On another page will be found a poem “The End of the Road” writ­ ten by our townsman, Mr. Esli Hey­ wood. ! Mr. J. S. Hughes, of Teeswater, Apply to js relieving at the Bank of Montreal 11-29-tfc j while Mr. A. R. McKinnon in on his holidays. Mr. David Russell, of Exeter, har 12-20-lf FOR SALE—A few loads of choice alfalfa hay. Apply to Wm. Hatter. 12-20-ltc. FOR SALE A car of western stock cows, young and in good condition, weigh­ ing from 900 to 1.000 pounds. These are well bred young cows and would make good feeders. Wm. Kerni^k, Exeter Phone 1761'22. NOTICE—Dressmaking done very reasonably; also fur work done. Sa- ■ tisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. N. Hockey. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num- 1al^n a~position”in Mr. Frink Klein’s her of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J.1 Dow. 6,7,tfc I Al,l neatly boxed jmd good washing terials. 11 3 7 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 4th Sunday in Advent a.m.—Morning Prayer p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong December the 21st at six Sunday School supper and Christmas Tree. Please help as in former years. Christmas Day 8 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a. m.—Matins and Holy munion. Com- $2.60; $2.50; $2.75 SWEATER COATS 2 dozen men’s all wool Sweater Coats without collars. All sizes. Special at $2.48 CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR In. all color combinations, 53c., 75c.. $1.00 ros blacksmith shop.—St. Marys Jour- nal-Argus. Mr. James Shapton, who has been {ill during the past week, is making satisfactory progress and is able to be up a little. Miss L. M. Jeckell is spending the Christmas holidays visiting at Ann Arbor, Mich., and with at Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. Jos. Davis and Chatham, are spending mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. Try us this year for your Christ­ mas fruits and candies. The choic­ est quality. Southcott Bros/ Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Hunter leaving to-day (Thursday) to with their daughter, vine, of Trenton, N. J. Miss Ella Link, who past season with the Co., of Alliston, is spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Miss Marion Woods, of St. Marys College, Toronto, has returned home for the Christmas holidays. She and her sister Katherine are both confined to the house with the flu. Redpath sugar, $5.95 a bag get your supply now at Harvey’s Grocery. Mr. and Mrs., Will Amy and fam­ ily, of Burford, motored up and ‘vis­ ited with Mrs. Amy’s mother, Mrs. E. Jory on Sunday and Monday. A Christmas celebration was held at th© home of Mrs. Jory on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie, Mrs. C. Luker and Messrs. Samuel and flavors 3 5c. Yule log rolls, garnish- John Preszcator motored to Strat-ed with Walnuts at $1 each. ludi- ford Monday to visit Mrs. Prang, vidual servings shaped as Santa who is ill in thfe Stratford hospital. Claus, etc., over 60 different shapes, Mrs. Prang is a sister of the latter all pure Ice Cream 15c. each, de- three. Many inquiring friends will learn ner. with regret that the condition of Miss Emma A. Hogarth, Waterloo St., is not making the improvement so earnestly desired. She appre­ ciates very gratefully the widespread interest and sympathy so kindly manifested, Relatives from a dis­ tance have been called home. On Wednesday evening December 12th, two car loads from Dashwood, friends of Mr. and Mrs. H, Rey­ nolds; at Sarepta, motored out and spent a very enjoyable evening. A dainty lunch was served after which card announcements for | a vote of thanks was given Mr. and the Exeter Times-Advocate. Mrs. Reynolds for their kindness* POULTRY WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultrj’ paying the highest prices; also live rabbits. Trucks will call. 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson Phone TFC her brother Now is the season to have grinder, engine, pump jack crusher repaired. Cochrane Machine Works. your and children, of the Chi'ist- If you wish to buy, sell or rent a farm see R. E. Pickard, Exeter. LOOK—Anyone wishing fruit trees, hedges, flowers, berry bushes and etc. from Toronto, Pelham Nursery, Agent for Huron County, D. G. Appleton, phone 49, Exeter We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc HOGS WANTED We are shipping hogs from Kirk­ ton, Mondays and Thursday for prices and particulars, phone Her­ man Doupe, 28r2, Kirkton, Slater Bros, 12-18-2tp. WANTED NOW Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc, Good pay. Exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO. ll-29-4tp. Toronto 2. Birth. said at Mrs. C. ■ are visit Di- has spent the F. T. Hill & Mrs. Fred Mitchell, of Toronto, and Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Wind­ sor, are visiting their parents hav­ ing been called home owing illness of their aunt Miss E. garth. Some tage of and did able rain liajs fallen and the ground is soaked. The rivers and creeks were quite high on Monday with lots of water in the fields. It turn­ ed colder Monday night accompanied by a snowstorm. ANNUAL MEETING Annual meeting of the members of the Chamber of Commerce will take- the form of a banquet to be served at the Central Hotel, Friday evening, December the 28th at 7:00 p.m. Members wishing to attend are asked to secure their tickets not later than Wednesday December the 26th from the Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. M. R. Complin or the President, Mr. B. W. F. Beavers. Tickets 75c. A Real Treat this Christinas ICE CREAM in Fancy Bricks, Christmas Tree, Rubyette and other livered in town for Christmas Din- . Leave your orders early to avoid disappointment. Cones and Frostbites 5c. WALKERSIDE IS CREAMY ICE (REAM. .Business is good, our large stock of Toys, China, etc., is moving out. Our Fancy hand-dipped Chocolates, at 28c. a pound; Creams at 23c.“pet* pound; Mixed Nuts 23c. a pound; Oranges 50 to 90c.. Powell’s Variety Store “WilfiSB you SAVE." Phono 55, HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ ialty. Estimates gladly furnished free. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FERE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. Organist and Choirmaster Janier? St. United Church instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19J! EXETER. ONT. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE » a if« * » Vi DOUBLE EDGE .......................... rerfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST A- Merry Christmas to all is our sincere wish Christmas is almost here. Now is the time to buy your gifts. See our display of goods: Chairs and Chesterfields which make good Christmas gifts. Dining Room Suites, Df- vanettes, or a Kitchen Cabinet. In the smaller articles we have a nice assortment of Floor Lamps Fernerys, Smokers, Work Baskets, Walnut Chests, Ce­ dar chests, Fibre Rockers. FOR THE CHILDREN Fancy Fibie Rockers, Ivory and Blue Highchairs and Rockets, I vol y Childs Sets and lots of other nice things. R- N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. PHONE 20 w. RESIDENCE 20 f Christmas Suggestions FOR DAD and HIS LAD WE ARE SHOWING THIS YEAR A VERY SMART RANGE OF MEN’S AND BOY’S WEAR. WE HAVE THE LATEST STYLES IN Sweaters, Mufflers, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, Suits and Overcoats, Dressing Gowns, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Socks, Ties, Braces, Cuff Buttons. Low Prices TAMAN EXETER, ONT.