HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-20, Page 5DR. R, P. I. DOUGALL
Honor graduate of Faculty of
Medicine, and Master of Science,
University of Western Ontario.
Member of College of Physicians
>nd Surgeons of Ontario. Office
two doors east of Post Office.
Phone 56 Residence 114
heather,” and “Smiling Thro”; vio
lin selections, W, Murdock; instru
mental, Mrs. J. Mudock; solo, Mrs.
Butt, of Kippen, “Come Back to
Milton Ortwein, of London,
in town on Monday .
Lou Simpson is assisting in
the post office here for a week or ■so
during the Christmas rush.
The public school and continua
tion school is closing Friday till af
ter the Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker tare moving
this week out on the farm of Mr,
Win. Blackwell, where they will
The Council has placed a light
the post office corner which will
a great help, as this was a slippery
and dangerous corner.
Special Christmas services will be
held in our local churches on Sun
day next, and special music will be
given by the choirs.
The Chiselhurst United church are
holding a Christmas
Tree in their church
evening of this week,
gram will be given.
On Saturday evening last as three
young people were passing Case’s
store one of the them happened to
go through the window smashing
one of the big panes.
Keep in mind the Christmas en
tertainment of the United Church to
be held in the Town Hall on Friday
evening of this week. A splendid
program and concert will be given.
•Nominations will be held in the
Town Hall on Monday evening, De
cember 31st from 7 to 8 o’clock and
If an election is necessary it will be
held on Monday, January the 7th.
The services in the United Church
on Sunday last week very largely at
tended, and inspiring sermons were
delivered at both services. The sac
rament of the Lord’s Supper was ad
ministered at the evening service.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood, Richard
Blatchford, George Brown, of Hen
sail and Frank Blatchford, of Exe
ter, were in Lambeth on Saturday
attending the funeral of Richard
Blatcliford’s 'brother, Rev. Thos.
Rev. Mr. Foote, of Exeter, preach
ed inspiring sermons in Carmel
Presbyterian church on Sunday last,
Mrs. W. S. McLaren and Mrs. A.
Dougall sang a very pleasing duet.
The merchants of the village have
their windows beautifully decorated
for Christmas, in fact it would be
hard to tell which was the best as
they are all so attractive. The dec-
■oratious” in the hydro shop being
particularity fine.
The Firemen have erected their
Christmas Tree in front of the Town
Hall and is beautifully decorated
with colored lights, and has a very
handsome appearance. Santa Claus
will arrive in the village on Monday
afternoon and will have something
for every child in attendance.
Messrs. Lloyd Hudson, Charles
Jinks, W. O. Goodwin, G. C. Petty,
Earl Campbell, W. R. Dougall and
John McBeath were in Goderich on
Wednesday evening, attending the
district meeting of the I.O.O.F.
Prominent members of the Order
were present, including Past Grand
Master Manns, of Hamilton, who
gave a very interesting and instruc
tive address. At the conclusion of
the address, lunch was served.
The A.Y.P.A. of .St. Paul’s Angli
can church held their meeting on
Monday evening and was in charge of:
Ms. E. Drummond and Miss Grace
‘Stone. After the devotional exer
cises and the business part of the
meeting were over Christinas Carols
were sung by Miss Grace Stone, Mrs.
T. Simpson, Mr. Jones, Mr. T. Simp
son and Louise Drummond, after
which Louise Drummond gave a very
interesting reading. The meeting
was closed by the singing of the Na
tional Anthem, followed by prayer.
The Welfare Youth Club of Car
mel Presbyterian Church held a very
interesting meeting in the basement
of the 'cuhrch on Monday evening
and was in charge of 'Miss Ruby Mc
Laren. After the devotional exer
cises the following program was
given: solo, by Minnie- Sangster; in
strumental by Irene Daters; reading
■by Mrs. Farquhar entitled, “The
Paupers Christmas Eve”; reading by
Wm. Graig, entitled “Pat an the
Barber”; instrumental by Janet
White; solo by Ruby McLaren en
titled, “My Blue Ridge Mountain
Home.” The
closed with
concert and
on Thursday
A good pro
meeting was
enjoyable evening
Social Evening and Election of
The Bible class of the United
church held their annual social ev
ening recently, Following the open
ing exercises, a very enjoyable pro
gram was carried out with Mr-
Horton acting as
very pleasing
is as follows,
Drysdale and
quartette, E,
Lindenfield and G.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Phile.
chairman, in a
manner. The program
vocal duet, Mrs. AL
Mrs. A. Sinclair; male
Rennie, H. Phile, Ed.
Follick; duet,
Short ad
dresses were also given by Mr. Ort-
wein and G. Follick, after which the
election of officers took place.
Following are the list of officers:
president, Edgar McQueen; secre
tary-treasurer, George Brock; first
vice-president, Owen Geiger; flower
committee, Mrs. A. Joynt and Mrs.
George Brock; teachers, John Row-
cliffe and W. J. Jones; assistant
teachers, Harry Horton, J. W. Ort-
wein and G. Follick.
Council Meeting
The council met on Saturday ev
ening last at the residence of Clerk
Murdock with all the members pres
ent. The minutes of the last meet
ing were read and adopted on mo
tion of Petty and Cameron. Coun
cillor Priest reported that the drain
through the Wilson property to
drain part of Oxford street was com
pleted iand councillor Petty reported
the stage of the Town Hall had been
repaired. The Reeve addressed the
council for sometime on the last ses
sion of the County Council as it af
fected Hensail. It was suggested
there, in considering the motion of
Higgins and Kennedy asking for a
grant toward keeping up the road
east of Hensall, that the Reeves of
the two municipalities get in touch
with the provincial highway author
ities, and get a grant from them as
it was mostly provincial highway
trucks that went over the road. A
motion was also passed to petition
the government to pay 30 per cent,
of the cost of maintaining the back
streets of the villages and towns the
same as they pay for township roads
and also that the government and
the county had agreed to the mo
tion that at least 75 per cent, of the
money collected from each municip
ality be spent on the roads of that
municipality. The Reeve explained
that for a number of years, very
little of the money that was sent to
Goderich for highway purposes was
spent on Hensall roads. He stated
he was in Goderich on Tuesday last
and took the matter up with the
.county Engineer, and some $413.00
is 'being returned to Hensall tills
year. Some questions were asked
about the auditors’ report of 1927
and as to why the county rebate of
the cement road was not mentioned
in the audit. The Reeve explained
that to get the county grant each
year we had to send up t.o the coun
ty treasurer some $1527 and we re
ceived back $3055. The county
gave us ia rebate last year on the
amount we had to send up, so the
town treasurer did not issue a check
for that amount but received his
ual amount of $3,055.00 from
county treasurer. Other years
treasurer in his report of his
ceipts and expenditures would have
in his receipts the sum of $3,055 re
ceived from the county treasurer,
and in his expenditures he would
have an item of $15 27 sent to the
county treasurer. In 1927 he had
no expenditure, of that amount ol'
money, but the receipts were the
same as usual. The reeve also gave
a statement of the town’s finances.
A number of accounts were present
ed and order paid on motion of Priest
and Sangster. By-law No. 1.1 was
given its final reading appointing
the officials for the election. A
number of the windows in the com
munity shed having been broken, it
was ordered that they.are to be im
mediately repaired, and $5.00 was
granted to the firemen for the
Christmas Tree. Before the meet
ing closed Re'eve Higgins thanked
the council for their courtesy and
co-operation during the year which
enabled the council to get through
with a lot of work at a very reason
able cost. He stated that he ex
pected every department, the .school,
the hydro board, the public library,
and the council to show a surplus of
receipts over expenditures for the
year and hoped that the ratepayers
of the. village would see their way
clear to return the 1928 council by
acclamation. The council then ad
journed to meet again if necessary
at the call of the Reeve.
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash
wood, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in
Zurich, last three days of week.
The Dashwood Hunt Club made a
raid on the jack rabbits last Wed
nesday and succeeded in getting 5’3.
Mr. Gordon Calfas, of Sarnia, vis
ited his father on Friday.
Mr. L. Birk, of the O.A.C., at
Guelph, has returned bomb for the
Mr, and Mrs,
ed a number of
day evening.
School closed
the influenza epidemic.
TflTRSmY, PJ5CEJWEB 20, 1928
Outstanding Quality for Your
Reynolds entertain-
friends on Wednes-
this week owing to
Death of Mr. Hairy Rhode
The many friends and acquaint
ances of Harry Rhode were grieved
to hear of his death on Thursday
November 22nd which occurred at
the 'home of his daughter Mrs. D. M.
Campbell, of Glasston.
Although it was known that Air.
Rhode was in precarious health and
that he was soon to pass, the news
of his death come as a distinct
shock to his many friends and neigh
bors among whom he had lived for
over thirty years. There probably is
not a single person in Cavalier who
upon hearing of 'his death, but voiced
deep regret and had nothing but good
things to say about 'him. He was
a patient sufferer, never complain
ing, during all his trying, and at
times painful sickness, and it is
stated that lie was always trusting
in Jesus, and received faith and com
fort from that trust to bear his bur
den. He was a kind and loving
father, home-loving and his family
and their comfort always came first
with him. His neighbors bear testi
mony to his character as a righteous,
and straight-forward m(an.
Harry Rhode was born May 23rd
at Dashwood Ont., in the year 1865
fand died November 22nd, 1928 and ’came to North Dakota in 1888. On
January 13th, 1891 lie was united in
marriage to Aliss Sarah iSdhluchter,
and they settled on a farm in the
Hamilton district land four years
later* came to Cavalier where he en
tered the employ oL’ the Cavalier Mill
ing Co., and was a faithful employee
for over thirty years, and until his
health failed in 192 6 when he re
moved to the home of his daughter
during the summer months. Mr.
Rhode leaves his wife and five chil
dren, Mrs. D. Al. Campbell, of Glass
ton; Mrs.. J. Jacksoil, of Cavalier;
'Airs. E. Brown, of Concrete; Air. V.
Rhode, of Chicago, Ill. land Rosville
Rhode, of Flint, Mich; two sisters,
Airs. Chas. Willert, of Tredford and
Airs. Chas. Hintz, of Romeo, Mich
and one brother, Will, of Vancouver.
The funeral service were held
from the Evangelical church, Cava
lier, of which Air. Rhode wias a mem
ber on Saturday, November 24th.
Rev. Breaw the pastor conducting
assisted by Rev. White, of Osnabrock
and Rev. AIcNeil, of St. Thomas. In
terment was made in the
Having purchased the Kirk
ton Butcher Business from Al
fred Paul, I hereby solicit the
I^atronage of the People of the
Surrounding District.
I will carry a full line of first
class meats always and will by
arrangement kill and dress
Beef and Pork for the individ
ual farmer or others.
In the spring I will carry
out the usual weekly trips as
Phone 40 KIRKTON
daughter, Jean Ad-
Monday morning,
A private funeral
at the house.
Charlie Dark and
Don’t forget that the United
Church Sunday School Christmas en
tertainment will be held on Thurs
day evening, December 20th, All
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Gaiser have
the sympathy of the community in
the loss of their
ileen, who died
aged 4 months,
service was held
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, Marion, of London, spent
Sunday with Mrs, Chris. Hoffman
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Hayes on the London Road.
Miss Myrtle Sweitzer, of Kitchen
er, spent the week-end ,with 'her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sweitzer.
You are invited to attend the
Christmas service in the Crediton
United Church next Sunday Decem
ber 23rd. The pastor’s subject will
be ‘The Star That Leads To Christ.’
There will also be good Christmas
singing by the choir. All invited.
The entertainment platform and
all the Christmas decorations will be
in place this week and will help to
make next Sunday’s services at
tractive at the Evangelical church.
The advent-sermon will be support
ed by efficent Christmas inusic and
song. Mrs. Herb Fahner again
heads the decorating committee to
represent the Dorcas class and will
no doubt present careful efforts.
. Don’t forget the Christinas Fes
tivity Tuesday evening, December
25th at the Evangelical Church. The
orchestra, opens the program with
two excellent '.selections. Miscellan
eous program by the primaries and
juniors; Christinas Cantata “The
Hope of the Christmas City” (Bing
ham') for the young folks. Every
thing will be in keeping with our us
ual reputation of a splendid enter-,
tainment. Distribution of presents.
Doors open 7:30. Festivity begins
at 8:00. Everybody cordially
ed .to enjoy the evening.
The Dorcas Sunday School
held their annual Christmas
at the home of Mrs. Clifford Hill on
Wednesday evening last. There
were forty-five members present and
after a brief program consisting of
a song service, vocal solo by Mrs. G.
Morlock; a reading by‘Mrs. A. Amy;
duet by Mrs. Clayton Sims and Mrs.
Win. Smith, address by the pastor
Rev. W. Al. Sippell and a quartette
by four ladies, Mrs. H. Either, Mrs.
Morlock and
A number of
A sumptuous
A motion of
Mrs. C. Haist
Doesn’t freshly made Christmas Cake and
Shortbread sound well for your Christmas
feast ? These are two of the speejatics we
make at this season besides Bread, Pies,
Cakes and Fancy Baking. *
Our Bread contains nothing but the finest
ingredients, retaining all the vitamins and
health-giving qualities.
Phone your orders, or have our truck call.
CENTRALIA plied by the ladies and bought by
tlie men, then a bazaar was held.
Many useful articles were donated
and purchased by the members,
realizing about $20.00 altogether
from the evening’s activities.
Miss Minnie Tabb, of Nile, spent
week-end at the home of Rev.
Mrs. White.
to the
quite a
of Mr.
busy in
a radioorder
Divisional Su-
Canadian Na-
ahead, Air.
The annual meeting and
of officers of the Young-
Society of the United church took
place in the Church hall on Friday
evening with a good attendance.
The meeting opened with the Lord’s
prayer in unison, after which the
election of officers for the coining
year resulted at follows: Pres., Miss
Norma Wilson; Devotional, Miss V.
Leary; Missionary, Miss Vera Hum
bly; Citizenship, Mr. Cameron Viv
ian; Social and Literary, Miss Ada
Speare; Secretary, Miss Sylvia Tuf
fin; Treasurer, Mr. Clarence Norris.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coupling mov
ed into the house recently vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. II. Leslie,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luxton, of
Cromarty are moving into Miss Ag
nes Huron's house this week. We
welcome Mr. and Airs. Luxton to the
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter Jennie spent the week-end
in Fordwich.
Air. and Mrs.
Bobby spent Sunday in Mitchell.
Chas. Pierce and
J. A. Sadler
A most
spent at the town hall, Hensall, on
Wednesday evening last on which oc
casion Mr. and Mrs. James McDon
ald of the Township of Stanley near
Kippen. entertained as their guests,
neighbors and friends, in the neigh
borhood of 200. The first part of
Hie evening was devoted to dancing
until 12 o’clock, followed by a deli
cious lunch, after which a very ex
cellent program was given, very nice
ly presided over by Mr. Jarrott of
The program was as follows: in
strumental, Miss Dorothy Grassick,
of Exeter; mixed quartette, R. Y.
McLaren, W. A. McLaren, Mrs. W. A.
McLaren. Miss White; solo, Miss A.
Murdock; solo, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron,
A concert will bo held
school on the afternoon of
day, December the 20th,
Everybody welcome.
Next Sunday Christmas
will be observed in the
Church, Rev. Hiscocks in charge,
Mrs. iM. Finkbeilier who was ill
at the home of A. Finkbeiner is
slowly improving,
Mr. E. Gaiser, who has been con
fined to his bed is recovering.
Mr., E. Keyes and Mr. I. Tetreau
spent last Tuesday in Godeich.
Mrs. John Gower spent the week*
end in London.
Mr. Joe Carruthers and Miss Olive
Gardener, of Alisa Craig called on
“A wee house ‘mang the friends last Sunday,
Air. and Mrs. Casidy, of Montana,
are visiting with Air. and Mrs. Joe
Ravelie Jr., Airs. Casidy is a sister
of Airs. Ravelle.
Mi’s. Walter England, who was
operated on at Dr, Taylor’s Hospit
al, was able to be removed home
and is doing fine.
Air. Cyrus Green is quite ill at
present but we hope for improve
ment soon,
Air. and Mrs.
will be
for the
children of London.
Word has been received1 from Air.
John Eagleson, who is in a hospit
al in New
report lie
Quite a :
bad colds.
Rev. J.
on Sunday
Babe in the Manger
Special music by the choir
Major Baker, of
visited Walter England’s on
Sunday White Christmas
observed. Bring your gifts
White Box to help the poor
York, and we are glad to
is doing nicely.
number are laid up with
M. Colling will preach
sermons at the services
; morning subject, “The
evening sub-
'Ring of Christmas Bells.”
E. Wenzel, Airs. H.
Airs. W. Al. Sippell.
contests followed,
lunch was served,
thanks presented by
and Mrs. H. Young to Airs. Hill for
opening her home to this annual af
fair was heartily endorsed by every
one present. Presents were ex
changed. Mrs. Santa Claus was in
the best of trim. The spirit of peace
and good-will throughout.
The death of Airs. Chas. Treitz oc
curred o.n Monday, December 10th,
after an illness of one month’s dura
tion. She was not considered ser
iously ill until a few days before her
death when pneumonia set in. She
leaves to mourn her loss her hus
band1, a daughter Airs. Dan Fink
beiner, of Crediton, two sons, Ern
est, of Sarnia; Wellington, of Strat
ford; also a step-son, Edwin, of List-
owel, and two step-daughters, Airs.
Ida Adams, of Detroit and Airs. C.
Lytton, of Stillwater, Okla; also five
sisters and two brothers. The fun
eral took place on Thursday, Decem
ber 13th from her late home. The
friends present from a distance be
sides the immediate family were:
Air. and Airs. Dan Durst, Air. and
and Mrs. Geo. Litt, Air. and Airs. Ir
win Graff, Mr. and Mrs. Addison
Litt, Air. and Mrs, Ed. Durst, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Litt, Mrs. Dan Litt,
and Airs. Sam Litt, of Stratford and
vicinity; Airs. Alatilda, Dix, of Alild-
may; Air. Lfcs. Gaff, of Toronto; Air.
Oscar Dippel, Air. Clinton Dippel,
Airs, John Quantz, Air. Henry Schade
Afr. Chris. Horn and Mr, Jack
Schaefer, of near Listowel; Air. and*
Airs. Lloyd Lewis and' Miss Ismae
Miller, of 'Kitchener.
Seaforth visitors were at the Par
sonage this week.
Next Sunday morning the service
in the United Church will be of a
Christmas character.
Revs. C. J. Moorhouse, of Exeter
and Rev. R. Fulton Irwin exchanged
pulpits last Sunday morning. Rev.
Moorhouse preaching a Christmas
Sunday School sermon here.
ItJ’s quite a convenience
people around here to have
radio expert in the person
Geo. Thompson, who is kept
his spare hours installing
Among the latest to
through him was the
perintendent of the
tional Railway. Go
Thompson, a radio may become a
good evangelistic medium in a home.
Several in the village and vicinity
are slightly indisposed suffering
from the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. 9. Davis and AIrf and
Mrs. B. Thompson and babe, of Lon
don visited at the home of Mr. W.
J. Parsons on Sunday.
Miss Alay Skinner visited at tlie
home of her brother, Mir. Cecil Skin
ner on Sunday.
The annual meeting of the Wom
en’s association was held Thursday
afternoon in the schoolroom of the
church. The annual reports from
the various departments showed the
society to be in a flourishing condi
tion. The officers elected for the
coming year are: President, Mrs. N.
Mitchell; 1st vice President, Mrs. T.
Neil; 2nd vice President, Airs. A.
Isaac; Secretary, Aliss Flossie Davey
assistant Secretary, Mrs. W. J. Par
sons; Treasurer, Airs. B. E. Hicks;
Pianist, Mrs. A. Essery.
Among those from a distance who
attended the funeral of the late Gus.
Hennessy were: Mr. and Airs. W. E.
Lundy and family, of Detroit; Airs.
L. Ahearn, of Detroit; Airs. C. Har
rigan and Aliss Magaret Harrigan, of
London and Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle
and family of St. Marys. The pall
bearers were W. T. Colwill, Samson
AIcFalls, Wm. Isaac, Frank CoMlin,
Chas. Cronyn, Frank Glavin and A.
What might have been a very ser
ious accident occurred Tuesday even
ing on the Londan road south ol’
Centralia, when Air. Geo. Essery,
who had taken gas to a stalled car,
was struck by a car coming from
tlie south, Air. Essery was walling
across the road to the stalled car
at the time and was thrown several
feet by the impact. Fortunately
serious injury was sustained.
The Club met in the basement
with an attendance of 78. The
president Mr. C. Monteith was in the
chair after community 'singing
short address was given. Rev.
Anthony gave a very delightful
on Bethlehem at the time of
Birth of Christ, it’s commercial
political life; (Mrs. Albert Ethering-
ton gave a reading “Mother’s Fool”.
A discussion was entered into as to
the taking up of a travelling lib-
ary, which is composed of about 40
books, consisting of fiction, bio
graphy, science and agriculture.
There is no fee attached for the use
of the books except they be returned
in good condition and cost of shill
ing to be paid one way, it belongs to
the government. A committee was
suggested to look into the matter.
After the business a good pro
gram of games were heartily enjoy
ed. Lunch was then served and it
was decided to hold the next meet
ing on the 9th of January on account
of so many Christmas festivities.
The members of the U.F.O. enter
tained their wives in the Opera-
House, Exeter, numbering about 250
A sumptuous oyster supper was
served at 3 long tables which were
more or less filled till quite late.
After supper tables were set for pro
gressive euchre and othex- games to
be played. 1st prize Mrs. Buchan
an J.r.; 2nd prize Mrs. Alex Duncan;
3rd prize Miss Ella Robinson. Then
followed the light step of the Cir
cassian Circle* to open the dancing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. AIcNicol
the music .and all passed
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fanson
quite ill with the flu.
Wedding bells rang- very quiet
ly at the Manse recently when Miss
Flossie Neil, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Neil became the
bride of Mr. Chas. Waghorn, of Mt.
Pleasant. We extend good wishes.
Mrs. Hamilton and- son Andrew,
of Cromarty, called on friends here
■ Mrs. Kestle, of Seaforth, was home
for a few days this week.
The Huron and Hibbert Insurance
meeting was held on Monday even
Miss Agnes Creery is in Victoria
Hospital, London suffering, from an
trum touble, for which she has un
dergone an operation.
Air. and Mrs. Smale are staying
with Mr. and Airs. Ed. Coward.
Mrs. Seth Simpson has returned
home after spending some time with
her daughter Mrs. Ken, McNicol.
Air. and Mrs. A. Gardiner are en
joying a radio set these days.
off quite
have been.
atsure to plan to be present
Christmas concert in the Unit
ed Church on Christmas Eve., AI011-
day, December the 24tli. A good
program is being prepared. Special
Christmas service will be observed
in the United church next Sunday,
also as in other years. Th? White
Christmas when parcels wrapped in
white will be received for London's
•Grace Church Christmas
is on Wednesday evening of
Some worried young man writes
the heart editor imploring her to
send him a formula for proposing
marriage, but we imagine a young
man of that kind might just as well
save his breath.
Misses Bessie Bell and Ruth
ner have gone to London
they secured positions.
A song service was held at
Sunday evening’s meeting and
led by a men’s choir.
Mr. and Mrsi Bruce Cooper
family visited at Mr. Thos. Hod-
gert near Seaforth last Sunday,
Two very interesting Pageants
are being prepared for the Christ
mas entertainment next Friday ev
ening as well as many other num
bers to make a very enjoyable pro
Last Wednesday a very pleasant
evening was spent by the members
of the W.M.S. and their husbands
(quite a few of whom are members
also) at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hunter. A meeting was
held first. Splendid readings were
given by Mrs. Wes. Horne, Mrs. C.
Johns and Mrs. White, in keeping
with the Christmas season. Some
business was dealt with, Afterward
lunch was partaken from boxes sup
The sympathy of this community
is extended to Mr. and Mrs. James
Killer and family in the loss of their
infant daughter Veronica C,, who
passed away on Thursday evening
December 6th, aged 4 months and
28 days.
God has taken home our darling,
Placed our bud among his flowers,
Taken back the one he lent us,
To a better home than ours.
Don’t forget the school concert to
be held at Black Bush school on Fri
day evening, December the 21st, a
good program is being prepared by
the young people of the section. If
you can’t laugh, don't come.
Air. and Mrs. Chris. Dietrich were
In London
Mrs. J.
number of
quilting bee one day last week.
on Wednesday on busi-
Hanover entertained a
her lady friends to a
Misses Marion and Margaret
Miners spent Sunday with their
aunt, Mrs. W. Batton.
Miss Ensinger, of Granton, spent
Sunday with her aunt Mra. William