HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-12-20, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1873 FIFTY-FIRTH YEAR, NO, 2864; Dome Th eatre u CHRISTMAS December 2Hh, 2.5th and 20th SISTER DIES Fight ILL IN HOSPITAL an <5 FELL FROM BARN ROOF JINJUREDIN AUTO ACCIDENT D. Sanders lias been con- JEWELLER Christmas GiftsSANTA CLAUS FUND CUTLERY SILVERWARE STOP AND LOOK DANCE AT ALL REPAIRING GUARANTEED♦ Lon-Lottie Windsor was in JEWELLER im- the and better stock to come in and PYREXWARE Ts always appreciated Reed1 had a narrow es- serious accident on Fri- week when he slid off a barn on the farm of Sweet, of Usborne. Mr. Miss $1.00; A friend $1.00; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY December 21st and 22n<l prices moderate to 12 a.m. Miss don Tuesday attending the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols. Come In and look over our stock you will see many attractive gift articles not listed. Fortun- Reed landed on some escaped with a bad shak- B. TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. AJUHllMUIlMiDH Also a good assortment of Signet and Stone Rings for Ladies and Gents. We have a large assortment of Ladies’ and Gent’s Wrist Watches from $4.50 to $40.00 Guaranteed Blue White Diamond Rings from $10 to $200. We also have a large range of Silveware, Mantel Clocks, China Clocks, Grandfather Clock, Four Hundred Day Clock. Every clock fully guaranteed. Chariot Race and Sea Sensational in “Ben-Hur’’ Mr. Sanders’ car and the car was so badly damaged had to be towed into the gar- New Stock of otherwise would • festive season.! last week was ! the following been received. EXETER, ONT. nrannHnMHMMnamni •>THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20th, 1928 STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK GREETING (Hhw anii All me extenb mtr leru Wst Wisljrs fur a i^appy ffilyisintaa We extend to all, our Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas Extra Special I.ADIES' Fl R COATS—2 only ladies fur coats left in stock. 1 French Seal coat regular price. $140.00 for $100.Ou and a splendid quality Persian Lamb Coat, with Sable collar and cuffs was $265.00 for $225.00. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS—Large size. Gigantic brand, white and grey with pink and blue borders on sale at $2.19 a pair. BED COAIFORTERS-—Pure down filling only seven left to clear at greatly reduced prices. DRESSES—All Ladies’ and Misses’ fine dresses at 15% discount. LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOTH COATS—With fur collars and cuffs at bargain prices. SILK BED SPREADS—On sale at reduced prices for $3.95 to $6.95 colors gold, rose mauve and blue. POULTRY—PHONE US WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS POULTRY READY. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Buy Christmas Gifts that are useful 365 days of the year Stainless Steel Knives & Forks $5.75 per set Stainless Carving Sets $5.00 Stainless Child Sets $1.00 per set Stainless Knives $2.70 for 6 4Stainless Paring Knives 25c. and Sod. Pickle Forks, Jam Spoons, etc. Pearl Handled Butter Knives, Silverware is always desired ADAMS, ROGERS, OLD COLONY, TUDOR Balance of stock at half-price. BRASSWARE Some nice pieces from $1. up Automobile Skates from $1.00 up. Tube skates from $2.00 up Hockey Pucks j.Oc. up Hockey Sticks 20c. up Hardware & Stove Store Wo allow 4% In coupons for cash tells of one .singing For Ladies & Girls SILK HOSIERY AND > UNDERWEAR, KIMONAS HANDKERCHIEFS, PARASOLS, NECK SCARFS, LINENS, WOOL BED COVERS AND BLANKETS* SWEATERS, DRESSES, COATS, RUBBER APRfONS, ETC. For Men & Boys FANCY SOCKS GARTERS, ARMBANDS BRACES, TIES, SHIRTS CAPS, OVERCOATS AND SUITS, MUFFLERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SHOES, CLUB-BAGS AND SUITCASES, HOCKEY SHOES,. ETC. COMMENCEMENT The High School Commencement will be held this year on Thursday evening, December the 20tli, medals and Scholarships, as well as sports award's will be presented. It is hoped that by having the Commencement in Christmas vacation more of the Old Boys and Old Girls can attend. Opera House, EXETER THURS., DEC. 27 You are assured of a good time Dancing to commence at 9 p.m. Lunch intermission at 12 p.m Dancing to continue until 2:30 a.m. English Granite Tea Pots $1.25 Roasters ................... $1.00 up Meat & Food Choppers $1.50 and up Pocket Knives wonderful val­ ues from 25 c. up to $2.00 SHORTY AND HIS GANG A Peppy (LPiecc Orchestra Presenting Unusual Modern Novelties .... ADMISSION: GENTS $100 Ladies will please provide lunch cExeter Dance Committee Christmas and New Years Day “■ning on Tuesday the Times- ocate will pot be printed until ’day during those weeks. Christmas, the finest of all family festivals! What would the year be without this merry season? Tin* night befoK* Christmas, how full of < ager . xpectation on the p:|rt of the children! Then Christmas morning, has there ever been an occasion oi so much j<«v, s0 full nt realized expectations. Then the time of homecoming ■nd of family reunion -were ever dear ones J.mg absent, •o eagerly welcomed as on Christmas Day? How rosy he children’s faces- ,Ilo\v those grandchildren have crown since hist year! How manly tho<e I'oys are be­ coming! Were there ever such girls since girls were girls! And the greeting's from far and near! That son away west or in the States! That married daughter who sent her box <<f nice things, though she herself can­ not. join the circle! And the deljeacies of Hie table! Surely dainties never were cooked did tiny tuMe so nice, and never did every law of digestion! The vacant chair? Surely, but it _ _____ m Paradise, and, no doubt, not as far away as some­ times supposed. Then the quiet hour of Christmas ev- * ning! The children are to bed and tile old folks sit together thinking of other days and enjoying the sweet memories of the festival passing into the quiet eterni­ ties and pledging again their troth to Him who mek^s all days full of good will to those who trust. Him and love one another. BAGGED ABOUT 50 JACKS \hout thirty from this commun­ ity staged the first jack-rabbit, hunt of the season on Wednesday of last week when they bagged about 50 jacks. ,V Air. Chas. Kerslake, of the Lon­ don Road south, went to Victoria Hospital, London on Thursday of last week for the purpose of under­ going an operation. Unfortunately he. was taken ill with influenza and ttie operation had to be postponed. He lias been quite sick but is proving and expects to undergo operation soon. Air.. Silas cape from a day of last the roof of Mr. Clinton Reed was about half way up the roof which was steep and slippery when lie slipped and fell to the ground a distance of about 30 feet, ately Air. straw aiyl ing up. -Mr. W. fined to his bed for the past week owing to injury to one of his knees result of an auto accident. Mr. Mrs. Sanders were in London on their return in the evening car ran out of gasoline between Mooresville and Centralia. Mr. Sanders phoned to Centralia for gasoline and it was taken down by -Mr. Geo. Essery. Mr. Essery pull­ ed up alongside of the road' leaving; room between the two cars for an­ other oar to pass. Another car came along but owing to the dazz­ ling lights of Mr. Essery’s car the driver did not see Mr. Sanders’ car until he was almost upon them. Mr. Essery and' Mr. Sanders were put­ ting gasoline into the tank at the time. Both were struck by the other car and Mr. Essery was con­ fined' to his home for a few days but is again able to be around. The car struck former that it age. The Santa Claus Fund has met with a liberal response during the past week and* no doubt there will be additional subscriptions before the week is over. The committee appointed to disperse the funds is comprised of five ladies one each j from the four churches and one from ‘ the Salvation Army. The fund no doubt will make glad the hearts of a number who come short at this The amount raised $17.00 and to date contributions have Mrs. Hyndman $1.00; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Appleton $1.00; W. G. Medd $1.00; J. R, Hind $1.00; Charles Anderson $1.00; Misses Yelland $1; S. J. Elliott $1.00; C. L. Wilson $1; H. O. Southcott $1.00; W. Cut­ bush $1.00; F. Wood $1.00; Hora­ tio Reynolds $1.00; H. E. Huston $1.00; H. C. Rivers $1.00; Wm. Gillespie $1.00; Miss E. Carling $1; Miss Idh Curling $1.00 Dohell $36.00 so W(41 and m ver they so bid defiance Mrs. N. S. Eaton, wife of the C. N. R. express agent, was called to her home at Burke's Falls owing to the illness of her sister Miss Vio­ let Edwards, who passed away on Sunday, aged 17 years. The de­ ceased had been ill for several weeks with typhoid fever. Mr. and Airs. Eaton have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement. We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is inw complete and our Office hours 9.30 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment S. FITTON Phone 75 w OPTOMETRIST Jewellery, Cut Glass, Regina, Elgin, Waltham and Mars Watches, Men’s Pocket Watches from $1.00 up to $65.00, We have enlarged our store and have a larger of jewellery for your inspection and we invite you see that we have a large assortment of WRIST WATCHES FOR LADIES AND GENTS Fom $4.50 to $50.00 WALTHAM, ELGIN AND OMEGA SWISS POCKET WATCHES From $1.50 to $65.00 Everyone fully guaranteed. PRINCESS BLUE WHITE DIAMOND RINGS at $18.00 to $150.00 AND OTHER FANCY STONE AND SIGNET RINGS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN We have also a good range of SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHIME CLOCKS, MANTLE CLOCKS, LADIES.’ HAND BAGS, FOUNTAIN PENS, WALL CLOCKS, CHINA AND CHRISTMAS CARDS. Many other novelties that make real Christmas Gifts. The Chariot Race and Sea Fight in “Ben-Hur” are the outstanding­ sensations of the cinema world. Ra­ mon Novarro as the galley-slave and charioteer, May McAvoy as the sweet Esther, and Francis X Bushman as the cruel centurion, exert a potent magnetism on every spectator. This magnificent attraction, which cost $4,000,000 to produce, will be seen at the Dome Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ADMISSION—40c. and 25c. 1