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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-29, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE gtrljoM of ©mitmerre CLINTON, ONTARIO 0 FF RS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible for our scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses: Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers, Courses and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better school.Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for information. 'Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A. Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians, and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 HENSALL has taken a & Drysdale’s left recently a good Mr. W. L. McLaren is visiting this week in Toronto. Little Jackie Dietz, of Kippen, is visiting his aunt, Miss A. Kyle. Reeve Snell and Mrs. Snell of Ex eter, visited friends in town on Fri day. Miss Hattie Sutherland visited for a few days with relatives in Wood- stock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty, visit ed last week with relatives in To ronto. Mr. Roy McLaren position in Bonthron store. Miss Stella Ingram for Detroit where she lias position. Coal dealers have been with orders owing to the setting in of winter. Mrs. Bertha Bell visited on Tues day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flem ing, at Lucan. Mi-. Wm. Stone, Jr„ < visited on Sunday with and sisters here. Miss Anna Tiernan, of visited over the week-end Mildred McDonell. A number of our citizens are fering from severe colds and confined to their homes. Keep Dec. 7th open for the •dance in the town hall here. Ly the Seaforth orchestra. Grain buyers and millers report a large quantity of grain of all kinds being brought into market. The many friends of Mr. Alex Murdock will be sorry to learn that lie has been confined to his room through illness. Mr. and Mrs. daughter. Miss past week with ter, Mrs. Walters in London. Mr. >and Mrs. John Coulter, who have spent the past month visiting their son Dr. Samuel Coulter, of To ledo, Ohio, have returned home. The many friends of Miss (Minnie Reid will be pleased to learn that she is improving nicely after her re cent operation in Clinton (hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elder intend leaving shortly to spend the win ter in California, ed their house who will move The services on Sunday last tended. Rev. A. Sinclair delivered very instructive sermons at both ser vices. At the evening service Mrs. A. Clark and Miss M. Johnson sang a very pleasing duet. rushed of .London, his father Dashwood, with Miss suf- are big Music C. A. McDonell and Dorothy, spent the Mrs. McDonell’s sis- They have rent- to Mr. J. W. White, in ini mediately. in the United church were very largely at- of Ridgetown, were with Mr. and Mrs. at their home here. A. Spencer has been recent Laird quite and Illis Fa- tlie program, supper in. A danc- good t I The engagement is announced of Miss Grace Hobkirk, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairburn, of Kippen, to Mr. William Ross Love, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, of Hillsgreen, the marriage to take place quietly in December. Miss Violet Campbell, Mr. Keith Hillier, of Sarnia, Miss Marie Yundt of Milverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mickle, guests Mickle Mrs. poorly for several weeks, but we are pleased to learn is now feeling much better, and in the enjoyniet of her usual health. Her sister, Miss Horn better, and in the enjoyment of her and assisting in the household duties. The Oddfellows are holding their annual “At Home” in the Town Hall on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. Archie McCulloch vorite Four will put on After the program and ing will be indulged time is being looked for. A very pleasant evening was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton, on the Boundary near Chis elhurst, when their many friendls and neighbors gathered to their new home and extended to them their best wishes for their future happi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Horton were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. The Ladies’ Aid of the United church held -a Bazaar and Fowl Snip per in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon last. The ed of aprons, fancy candy, fish pond, a and other numerous per was served from The Mollaret Mission Circle their regular meeting on Friday ev ening last. The following program was in charge of Miss Gladys Pass- more and Mavis Spencer, instrumen tal by Florence McDonald and Mil dred Smillie, reading by EIv.a Shad dock. , A very interesting, topic was given by Miss Consitt, after which a number of contests were indulged in, followed by lunch. The Young Peoples' League of tihe United church entertained the North Side United Church League of Sea forth, on Monday evening last, ' A large attendance from both leagues were present. The visiting league gave a very interesting program of readings, instrumentals, solos, duets! and a very interesting topic on “Friendship” was given. After tihe program a dainty lunch was served by the Hensall League. The A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul’s Angli can church held a. very interesting meeting in the basement of the church. The President being absent Miss Emma Johnson presided over the meeting. After the devotional exercises Mrs. Peppier gave a read ing which was greatly enjoyed. Lan tern Slides were then shown on “In dia”. The story being read by Rev. Mr. Jones. The meeting was then closed with the benediction. spent bootlhs consist work, country articles. 5 to 8. towels, store Sup- The held The W.M.S. of Camel Presbyter- (G, ian Church held a very enjoyable meeting in the church on Thursday evening, with a large attendace. Rev, Mr, McIlroy had charge of the meet ing, the special speaker for the oc casion was Mrs. McDonald of Ailsa Craig, who is president of London Presbyterial, Mrs, McDonald de lighted those present, with her very interesting, inspiring and thoughful address, which was much appreciat ed, A very pleasing number on the program was solo by Mrs. W. A. Mc Laren. NEW COMMERCIAL hotel sold Mr, John Elligsen sold liis on Saturday last to Mr. Wm. Lem on, of Mitchell, who takes posses sion on December the first. This hotel known as tihe New Commercial is one of the best in Western Ontar io and does a big business. Mr. and Mrs. Elligsen who, we are sorry to hear, are leaving Hensall. will re side in Mitchell. hotel TRUCK SMASHES INTO CAR A rather serious accident occurr ed on Wednesday afternoon, but for tunately resulted in no loss of life nor any one getting hurt, when in some manner Mrs. Donald McKinnon in coming out of the laneway of her father’s farm, on the London Road failed to s©e a large gravel truck driven by Albert Harris and which was obstructed from view by a wag on, resulting in a collison. The truck hit the coupe on the side, caus ing considerable damage. Mr. John Rogers C.E., of Mitchell was here Saturday to survey the drain coming in from the McEwen property and draining the south western corner of the town. Some time ago a petition was presented to the council, and County Engineer Patterson, of Goderich was instruct ed to make the survey. After wait ing .about a month he notified the council that he would be unable to come, so Mr. Rogers, of Mitchell was secured. If the drain is not done this fall, it will be started as soon as possible in the spring. The Trail Rangers with an at tendance of 22 boys, ranging from the ages of 10 to 14. held a meet- ig in the basement of the church on Wednesday evening, Claude Blowes, as Metor, had charge of the meeting, which proved very interesting. A number of interesting business items were discussed and the following officers were elected: Howard Hemp hill, Chief Ranger; John Drummond, sub-Chief; Roy Brock, Tally; Aldon Appleton, cash. They intend to hold their meetings every night. Wednesday SwanDeath of Miss Christina There passed away in Thursday last Miss Cristina Swan in her 5 0 th year. Her death was caused from pneumonia. She was a daughter of the late Thos. Swan and was born in Usborne Township but moved to Hensall some twenty-five years ago with her mother and sister Miss Helen Swan. One brother, John Swan, of Usborne, and Miss Helen Swan: of Hensall survive her. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from her late home on South Richmond St., Hensall to the Hensall cemetery. Rev. Arthur Sin clair, pastor of tihe United church had charge of the services. London on The Mission Band of the United church held their meeting on Sun day afternoon with a large attend ance present. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn after which Vera Saundercock led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mavis Spen cer, followed by the roll call by Miss Passmore, Joyce Scruton then regd the Scripture Lesson, after which Ruth Coles took up the col lection. The following program was then given consisting of a read ing by Marion McKay, chorus by all the boys present, instrumental by Miss Greta Lammie, quartette by Mildred Follick, Irene Smale, Ruth Coles and Olive Brock. Miss Mor rison then read the study which was very interesting, then closed with The meeting was prayer, $ D.D.G.M, VISITS HENSALL LODGE On Monday evening last 'Mr. E. W. White, of St. Marys, as D.D.G.M., of South Huron paid his first of ficial visit to Zurich lodge No. 224, at Hensail. There was quite a large attendance of the members together with a. number of visiting brethren. After the routine business connected with the opening of the Lodge was attended to the 'first degree in masonry was exemplified by the of ficers of Zurich Lodge and called forth much praise, for the able man ner in which Dr. A. J. McKinnon, of Zurich as Worshipful Master of the lodge did their parts. The D.D.G.M, gave a very interesting talk on Ma sonry which was very much enjoyed by all present. After the closing of the Lodge all repaired to Carmel Presbyterian church where a fowl supper prepared by the ladies of Car mel church, was very much en joyed. At the close of the refresh ments the members all repaired to the lodge room where a number of short addresses were delivered by members of the Order, the Worship ful master occupying the chair. The meeting was then closed by singing Auld Lang Syne. Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mrs. J. Smith and daughters, of Windsor, visited with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada this week. Mrs. Hy. Harris and mother Mrs. Rinker are visiting with friends. Mrs. Burns, of Port Huron and Mrs. White, of Detroit, spent the week-end with their mother Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Wm. Nadiger returned home on Friday after a pleasant visit with friends in Michigan. Mrs. Cook, who lias been attend ing her mother, Mrs. Stire returned to Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz, who spent the past week visiting in Detroit, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Graybeil, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with Mr. and* Mrs. J. W, Graybeil. Mr. Czar Steinhagen, of Wood- stosk, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Pope, of Hensall, is visiting her sister sister IMiss Graybeil. CENTRALIA vil-Mr. and Mrs. Harmon of this lage, moved to Hensail last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neil, who have been visiting in Detroit for the past two weeks, returned home on Friday last. Miss Dorothy A. Davison visited at her home in end. Mrs. John visiting with lias returned home. Mrs. W. J. Bowden, who has been quite ill, is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean and child in the Guelph over the week- Essery, who has been her sister in London, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1028 v-iraMiMaMWaiMMMMMtMaaMMMHW POULTRY or FOR CANNING PURPOSES. THE SIZE OR AGE DOES NOT MATTER BUT IT MUST BE PICKED CLEAN OF ALL FEATHERS AND THE HEAD CUT OFF. We will pay 20c. a pound in trade or 19c. a pound in cash. We will receive this poultry any day of the week. This offer may be withdrawn at any time. This price does not effect in any way our price list for- the heavier fowl or chicken which we regularly ship. JONES & MAY ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. James Willis Jr., visited te latter’s mother Mrs. John Johns this week. Next Sunday evening Mrs. Weir, an official of the W.M.S. Presby tery will speak in this church in the interests of tihe W.M.S. of the church A thank-offering will be received. Preparations are under way for a Cristinas entertainment to be given in the church. Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker are both in a serious condition at time of writing. Last Tuesday afternoon the mem bers of the W.M.S. entertained the members of the Baby Band and their mothers in the church. Some busi ness was put through and lunch was served . Mr. Russel Skinner left Tuesday for Toronto to attend the Royal Win ter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. James Willis were given a cliairivari here on Monday ev ening. A gloPiouiS‘ noise was made. Tom and Hubert Heywood arriv ed hqme from Matheson Saturday evening. The boys are very jubi lant about their very successful hunting expedition, in the best hunt ing district of the north. Leaving camp early Tuesday morning, they both had a moose shot before nine o’clock. They were shot close to the border of Quebec near Lake Abitibi. This hunting ground is the very best, and surely is the Sportsmans’ Paradise. The courtesy of the Mathe son people insists on making comfortable and happy. MT. CARMEL / Mr. Pat Flanagan received the news of the death of Mr. Edward Colter, at week. Mr. Colter was formerly a resident of this neighborhood. (M'r. Joseph Glavin made a busi ness trip to London last week, Mrs. Joseph McKeever is spending ’ a few days with friends at Detroit. Miss Ila Glavin left last week for her home in Weston. Miss Annie McPhee is on the sick list. Mr. Joseph Mahoney is visiting friends-at Detroit this week. Mr, Martin O’Rourke underwent an operation at St. Joseph hospital, London last week for the removal of his tonsils. ■Mrs. John Rowland returned to her home after a pleasant visit with friend? at Woodstock. The pupils of Ursuline School of Music will hold a concert in the hall on Friday, November 30th at 8 p.in. Mrs. Catherine O’Rourke and Jer ome were in London on Sunday. I Edmonton, AJta., last GREENWAY hunters GRAND BEND Next Colling of “The Wise and Foolish Builders” and “Children at Play in the Mar ket Place.” On Friday evening, November the 30th the Y.P.S. of Thedford will visit the Y.P.S. of the United church here and put on a three act play en titled “And Home Came Ted.” Come and enjoy the fun with everyone else. Adniisson 40 and 20c. We extend congratulatons to M!r. Ed. Stewardson and his bride (Miss Tillie Ridley) who are returning from their honeymoon this week. Mr. -and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock are receiving the congratulations of their many friends on the arrival of a little son in their home. Sunday afternoon Rev. J. M. will preach on the parables Mrs. Reed Pliale, who was ed on in St. Joseph’s hospital urday for appendicites, is improving as well as can be expected. M'r. John Eagleson has gone to New York for consultation with some doctors in regard to a sore on his face. About ten volunteered to take in the training school in Exeter this week from the United Sunday school here. Mrs. R. Broderick accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. Phale to St. Joseph’s hospital, London, Saturday. Winter made its appearance Sun day with a good snowstorm. Be sure to be among the number to hear the sermons next Sunday in the United church when Rev. J. M. Colling will continue liis series of sermons on the parables. The practice for the Xmas, enter tainment got away to a good start on Saturday. The entertainment will be held Dec. 201111. SHIPKA Miss Martha Lamport has gone to London to remain for the winter. Miss Eileen Baynliam and friend spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. H. Carruthers held a very successful auction sale on Friday last and this week intends moving to their home in Ailsa Craig. The Ladies’ Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Albert Smith on Wed nesday, December the 5tli. operat on Sat- Belling—Rock Nuptials On Saturday afternoon, November 24th at 2:30 p.m. at the Manse, Grand Bend, Rev. J. M. Colling unit ed in marriage Miss Viola Rock, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Rock and Mr. Robert Belling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belling, all of McGillivray Township. The bride, who was unattended, wore a dainty gown of beige georgette and lace. After the ceremony there was a reception at the bride’s home with only the immediate relatives pres ent, was a handsome hand bag. happy couple left on the train to spend Sarnia, Detroit bride travelling dress and coat hat and accessories to match, their return they will reside on the goom’s farm at Willis West. The groom’s gift to the bride The evening their honeymoon in and Trenton. The in a handsome black with silver metallic On Special For Men who Appreciate Cambridge Clothes the Finest 3 Announcement We are having A Special Showing of Men’s Suits and Overcoats, 2 days only Friday, Nov. 30th and Saturday, Dec. 1st Agents for Jackson’ Dyers an«3 Cleaners, London E. RANWE, Hensall, Ontario ron, of Sit. Thomas, visited village on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thois. Willis Toronto on Tuesday of this week and will remain for a few days. Dr. .and Mrs. Heigliway, of Lon don, visited at the home of Mr. John Essery on Sunday. Mr. T. Mills was home over week-end. Chiselhurst were in left for the WHALEN Miss Dorotlhy Stevenson, of Thorn dale, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends around here. Mr, D. A. Johnson, Sr., is suffer ing from a very bad cold. We hope to see him out again soon. Miss Hannah Raycraft is visiting Baird—Mason Xuptials One of those happy events occurr ed on Wednesday of last week when Mr. Thomas Baird motored to the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mason her neice, Mrs. Harvey Squires, and took their only daughter, Miss Adella and visited the Rev. J. M. Colling at the Manse. At three o’clock Mr. Colling completed the ceremony that made them man and wife. After a motor trip to Mr. Ser... ( tor’s at Exeter they returned to the home of the bride’s parents, where a hot goose supper awaited the wedding party. After the well-fill ed tables had been relieved they all wended their way to Mr. John Mous- seau’s house where about two hun dred friends and neighbors gather ed to wish the happy couple a long and prosperous wedded life. Gaines and dancing were indulged in until the wee sma’ hours of the morning. Many itnd costly were the gifts that were received showing the very high esteem in which the couple are held in the community. They will re side in the village. The bride, and groom were supported by Miss Shel ly... .... 1 +1... hvAllinT1 T.nwrnnnft Mr. Richard Kinsman, of Saskat chewan, is visiting with his brother Earl during the winter months. Mrs. John Tremeer is at present confined to her bed with an attack of pleurisy. We hope for her speedy recovery. The executive of the Chiselhurst Sunday school held a meeting last Sunday afternoon and decided to hold a Christmas entertainment in the church on Thursday, December 20th which is to consist of readings, dialogues, drills and songs, After which presents will be distributed from the Christmas Tree. A real good time is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Wren return last week from a motor trip to To ronto where they visited with rela tives and friends and two danglers Bernice and Gladys Wren. A number from tfliis community attended the James St. United Fowl Supper last. week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cole were in Stratford last Monday calling on 'by and the bride’s brother Lawrence friends. t ^'OJlMascn. Several of the pupils from the school here have been home for a few days suffering from the flu. IMiss Elva Morley is visiting her aunt Mrs. Porter in London. Mrs. Gorvett and son Nelson visit ed on Sunday at the home of and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson ited on Wednesday with Mr. Mrs. Fred Foster. THAMES ROAD Mr. vis- and Mr. Ben Williams and son Roland returned on Saturday after visiting the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. Mb. Alex Hackney is quite ill and is under the call of Dr. Campbell. Wo regret to hear Mr.. Henry An derson of Exeter is suffering from a stroke. The Progress Club is planning for a banquet is the basement of the church St. Andrew’s nighty 1