HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-22, Page 8THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1028 WANT COLUMN even- Verities” o School .'penty r on 11 School3 p.m. ParabioHnr- IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR BIG STOCK WE WILL Sweaters, Mufflers, Shirts, Mitts, Gloves, F ’it eon- days -Sunday School. ■Intercession 7 p.m.—“The Vision of Dry Bones"' church. Ripley-,will morning and CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tide lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc NOTICE— Dressmaking done very reansonuhly. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Apply to Mrs. N. Hockey. 101-S-3tc. p.m.— Sabbath Erie and million for the WE ARE SHOWING- THIS YEAR A VERY SMART RANGE OF MEN’S AND BOY’S WEAR. WE HAVE THE LATEST STYLES IN REV. JAS. FOOTE, Minister 10 a.m.- 11 a.m.- Choice Daily Batter to be had at Southcott Bros. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE-—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the fanners.— -G. J. Dow. 6,7.tfc Don’t miss these inspiring servic. Wi tch church nuti'-os for the no serif-.; of ■■.•r. ><m s ,,y the pastor b>- ginning with Deemher. p.m.—"Mor'> Christianity’’ Traffic thrnr.gi’ F.’.e Welland Can­ al, which roiin.-v* • Lake Lake Ontario, « c.b’d a tons in June r- ym.r first time in hi w PHONE 81w POULTRY WANTED—We are in ’he market f>>r all kinds of poultry lu.yiim' the higlv^t prices; ;’1<» live rabbit < Trucks will -all. Phone ho. ’ la-hwood. C. Amb. rson TFC PASTURE FARM FOR S.’.’.W.-• LW acres. Lot 6 and Si, Lot 7, Conces­ sion 5. SR phen. Apply to GLADMAN e. ST ANBURY. Exeter. 'J-27-Vi- shipping , modern , of about Canadian which went for- a.in. —“Our Groat Task" THE EXETER T1MES-ADV0CATE BIO s. < i I annua B Rd.J.A. SALE! SALE! SALE! Martin’s Music Store WANTED NOAV of T. H. Elliott W R. GOULDING one of of lhe or to Xlex Bank of 12. (toil. L nd hil­ i’. Austin. 11-22-tfc. FOR SALE—Cheap honey for ra­ diators of ears. Apply to Wm. Ab­ bott, Exeter. ll-23-2tc. FOR SALE—-Pasture farm at bar­ gain if taken this year. Apply 10 Times-Advoeate 11-2 2-2tc MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL STRAYED—Ohio Lot 7, Con. 5, Hay Tp. a two-year-old heifer. Own­ er may have same by proving.pro­ perty and paying expenses. Ibnhale, R.R. No. 1, Exeter, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 2.1th Su’- ’ay niter Trinity Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 50e. Barley 65e. Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flour $3.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 Creamery Butter 46c. Dairy Butter 40-43c. Eggs, fresh firsts, 55 c. Pulht, extras, 42c Fresh seconds, Hogs, $8.75. Redpath Sugar. a bag get y-.-ur supply now at Harvey’s Grocery. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. „ Organist and Choir-Leader RE-OPEXING SV N I) A Y Rev. M. C, Tait, ALA., B.l>., Glencoe will preach morning and evening. Mr. Orah Crawford, baritone soloist, of St. Andrews assist the choir, ing. FURS .1 MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organ M, Miss E, Fusion series for our i»n th” Parable-. WANTED—Farm to rent with good buildings and good water; 75 to 125 acres preferably north of th? Thames Road. Apply to Ed. Cud- nifn’o. Hensail R.R. No. 1. or phone 15 on 9 2, Hencall. PP On November 23rd a representative of the Canada Fur Manufacturing Co. will Display in this Store a Complete Range of Furs consisting of FUR COATS and NECK give you an of securing anything in Furs at Big Red uctions as we do not have to carry a stock There are some wonderful values in this assortment as some of these coats-sold as high as $35.00 We are clearing them at $15.95. In sises 35 to 40. Some of these are leather lined, all are exception­ al values as they are reg. $25 values Special price $14.95'each Woollen Dregs Goods 5 only pieces of Woollen Dress Goods. ‘ Just the thing for Children’s School Dresses. Meas Woollen Shirts, Drawers Penman’s make, A good warm under­ wear for men. It has a percentage of cot­ ton which gives extra long wear. Reg $1.<50 SALE PRICE 81.29 I sp< 11’ j Elliott, of < Commerce i The ni' [; ii-iducted ■ London. I for the winter months. I Mr.-'. M-Cr.?a,h and two | .,f Kincardine, are vi-iting ’he ; e.r’s parents Mr. and Mrs. I. ' strong. I Mr. Murray Suuvage of the ' Ran Bank A’ Commerce staff taken ill with influenra Tuesday left for his home in Se aforth. Mrs. Louis Rad'1!’, of the Lake Stephen Tp., who recently underwent Ian operation at St. Joseph's Hospit­ al, London, is getting along nicely. Redpath Sugar, $5.95 a hag get your supply naw at Harvey's Grocery. Messrs. Charlie Ford and Alvin Winer. of 5Iurlf.t1.te. Mich., visited with the h.iter's mr-le Mr. William Winer and family over lhe week-end. Mr. Thou. Ilaivey, Mr. Wesley Harvey and Air. and Mrs. E. C. Har­ vey motored to Lucknow Monday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mr. C. E. Tuckey is spending a few days in London this week. Airs. Tuckey, who recently underwent an operation at St. Joseph's Ho.spi.tal, is expected homo in a few days. Mrs. E. J. Pym, who recently un­ derwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, continues to im­ prove and is expected home in the course of a few days. Mrs. Wm. Drew.*who resides with her daughter Mrs. John Hunter, on William St., recently celebrated her 97th birthday. She is able to sit up a little each day and is a remarkable woman for one of her years. For some time the Tinies-Advo- cate has not been featuring an edi­ torial column but the editor hopes from now on to make this the moat attractive parts paper. Air. David Perrie, of Knox son of Rev. Dr. Perrie, of Wingham, conducted the services in Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday in a manlier very acceptable to the con­ gregation. At the meeting of the .Middlesex Beekeepers’ Association held recent- Mr. Wm. F. Abbott was elect- President. Twenty-five mem GAS TANK FOR SALE—Heavy iron, holds 2 barrels, perfectly air tight, with approved non-leak tap and top for filling; less than half price. Apply to Mr. C. H. Sanders, Exeter. We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive territory. "Whole •or part time arrangement. A COO-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 years, PELHAM NURSERY CO. 10-4-8tp. Toronto 2. While we sell all the Banks & Insurance Com­ panies throughout the Do­ minion, we are just as de­ sirous of serving the small investors who has $100 or upwards for safe investment. We handle only secitrities enjoying an immediate market. H. R. Bain & Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bldg. Toronto CLEARING AT PER YD. 49c. children, i'orm- A r in­ Can a- was and Tlie Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet Council Chamber. Goderich, afternoon of of December, against, ’he hands of the Monday pre­ the 2 o’clock in the Tuesday, the 4111 day 192S. All accounts County must be in the Clerk not later than ceding the meeting of Council. GEO. W. HOLMAN. County Clerk Goderich. November the 17, 19 2 8 Phone 16 Phone 16’ i arsams The old adage about <.,als to Newcastle has a counterpart in 'he s-hipment $5,000,000 worth of < wheat to Russia, ward from Montreal recently. GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD FURNITURE AT A LOW PRICE. WE HAVE A GOOD CHOICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w- RESIDENCE 20 j This word sale means a lot to some people, and let me tell you it is not always a money saver to the buyer. But the people that put these sales on are the people that are making the money. So why not buy. from T. H. Elliott, the store that is trying to help the public to keep the cost high profits down. I am not running for Reeve Councillor; but I am going ask for jtour support in helping me to keep down the high cost of living by patronizing my store iy. ed ___ _ bers were present and special speak­ ers gave very interesting and in­ structive addresses. Mr. Oran Winer, who had the mis­ fortune to break liis left arm at the wrist at Glencoe, over two weeks ago and who has since been in Victoria Hospital, returned home Tuesday, This is the second time Mr. Winer has had this arm broken. I Messrs. W. J. Beer and Earl Rus- nerware, all through Christinas sea- sel returned home last Thursday son, as long as stock last, Austrian after visiting in Detroit and Chicago. They took one of the large motor busses .from Detroit about eight o’clock in he morning and were in Chicago about five o’clock in tlic afternoon, a distance of <300 miles. Messrs. Henry and Isaac Statham, of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clip- son, of Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin and two children, of Tngersoll visited with Mr. and Mrs. I). Davis, ! on Sunday. Mrs. L Statham and two children, who have been visit­ ing here for a week returned to their home in Parkhill. The people who buy early have best choice. Our stock of toys, fancy china, Xmas cards, etc. are all. here. The assortment is the best in years and the prices are low, You will pay less here, than you ex­ pect to pay for like goods. (Special prices on open-stock din- i Bridal Rose, Old Blue Willow. White and Gold and New Bud Ivory dim nerWare. Special discount, off every dollars worth. It will be worth while, as our stocks are too large, consistant with everyday sales. See Tulips prices. our Cyclamen 40c. and 75c. and Daffodils at reduced i Powell’s Variety Store '■WHERE YOU SAVEi" Phone 55.* Join the class entering here on November the 5th. Our business training fits you for business success. Central Business College STRATFORD ONTARIO Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster Janies St. United Church instruction In Plano Vocal Organ Theorj Supervisor of Music tn Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, PboDd 19S EXETER. ONT. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hear Office, Waterloo, Ontario CLINTON G. MORLOCK Agent, Crcditon, Ont. Telephone 21 r 5 0-13>t£c, Suits and Overcoats, Dressing Gowns, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Socks, Ties, Braces, Cuff Buttons W. TAMAN EXETER, THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No, 99 H. R. HOPPP.R MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE Hydro electric Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ialty. p-"—- * -- - ■ - free. Estimates gladly furnished! EllN. DAVIS SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................. DOUBLE E'lu.E ......................... Perfeet Edge Guaranteed W, Sa COLE, DRUGGIST, fa . 1 J