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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-15, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE CREDITON THrliSDAl', NOVKMISRK 13, 1028 - girljool of ©ommerre CLINTON, ONTARIO OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it possible for oar scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. THERE IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses; Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers. Courses and Special Courses arranged. You cannot attend a better school, Why not attend this? STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME Write to-day for information. Phone 198 M. A. STONE, B. F. WARD, B.A. Com. Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56_________ Residence 114 NOTICE—Owing to the high price of suitable cows and the cost of feed we are raising the price of milk to 12c a quart for the winter.—A. B. Rowcliffe. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook visited for a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Thos. Murdock has sold his 50-acre farm to Mr. Robt. Munn. A report of the Hensall Public school will be found on another page Miss Ethel (Murdock visited* for a few days with relatives in Toron to. Mr. Laird Joynt, of London, visit ed over the week-end at his home Jiere. Mr. Jas. Tapp, of Toronto, visit ed over the week-end at, b’r ’....... here. ’Mr. Jennings, of Clinton, visited •on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jinks visited over the holidays with friends at Chatham. Miss Irina Higgins,- of Kitchener, .visited over the holidays at her home here. a Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, of To ronto, visited over the holiday with relatives in town; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen and babe visited over the holiday with relatives at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Jr. of London, visited over the week-end with relatives in town. Miss Elsie Wintes, of Goderich, is visiting for a few days as the guest of Miss Beryl Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, of Wind sor, are visiting for a few days with Mr. an Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hudson, of Chicago, visited over the holiday with relatives in town. Mr, Alex McMurtrie, of Toronto, visited for a few days with his mother Mrs. A. McMurtrie. Mrs. John Murdock and Mrs. J. Dinisdale visited for a few days with Mrs. J. T. Critch, of Clinton. ' Miss Florence Welsh, of London, visited for a few days with her par- etns Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Welsh. Mr. Harry Joynt and Harry Cook, of Toronto University, visited over the holiday at their homes here. Mrs. J. P. Campbell and little son of Windsor are Visiting her par ents Mr. and Mns. Jas. A- Bell. Mrs. Samuel Stacey and daughter Lillian left this week for Detroit, where they will visit for a time. Mrs. Lou Simpson, who has been, visiting for the past week with rela tives in Detroit has returned home. Mr. G. Moir, of Quebec, is visit ing for a few weeks with liis brother Andrew Moir, east of the village. Mr. and Mns. Thos. McNeil, of Clinton, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. and IMrs. R. Cudmore and family, of Toronto, visited over the holiday with Mrs. Ronald Cudmore. The many friends of Miss Hannah Craig will be sorry to learn that she is confined to her room through ill ness. Mr. and Mrs. Allen McDonell and babe, visited over the week-end with Mrs. iMcDonell’s parents n Mt. Cle mens, Mich. * Mr. and Mrs. Oliver , Geiger, of Tarra, visited over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Mrs A. J. Switzer and little dau ghter,'of Detroit, are visiting for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins. Dr. and Mrs. Smith and babe, of .St. Marys, visited over the holiday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. . Mr. and, Mrs. Ed. McQueen and family and Mrs. Wm. Henry visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John G. iScott, of near Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mtfir and babe, of St. Marys, visited over the holiday with Mrs. Moir’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew* Love. Melssrs. Geo. Brock, Sam Dougall and Orville Twitchell returned home Saturday from their hunting trip in the north, each bringing a fine deer. Rev. M. P. Smith, a returned mis sionary from China, gave a very in teresting address in the United -church Tuesday evening, there being cj, large crowd present. The Oddfellows are holding their annual At-Home in the Town Hall on Friday evening, November the 29th and have secured Mr. Archie McCulloch and his Favorite Four from London for the entertainers. The marriage took place in T'*'- troit on. Saturday, November the 3rd of Miss Dorothy Hefferman, of Hen sall to Mr. Alvin Robt. Hoskins, of Detroit, son of Mrs. Hoskims and. the late 'Mr. Hoskins, of Mitchell. The young couple will reside in Detroit. The Ladies Aid of the United church are holding a bazaar and chicken supper in the Town Hall on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 24th. The booths will consist of fancy work, towels, aprons, candy, a country store and a fish pond. Special Thanksgiving services were held in the United church #on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Sinclair de livered splendid sermons along the line of Thanksgiving and Armistice Day and special music was render ed by the choir. Mr. W. O. Good win and (Mr. Sam Rennie sang very pleasing solos, appropriate for the occasion. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs, Robt. Patter son’s on Thursday evening last in honor of Miss Gladys Broadfoot, bride-elect of this month. About 40 relatives and friends were present. The house was nicely decorated in harmonizing colors for the occasion and during the evening Miss Broad foot received some very beautiful and useful gifts. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Elder over the week-end were Dr. Jennie Smillie and Miss Emma Smillie, of Toronto; Mr. Jack Elder Jr., of Oshawa; Miss Helen Elder, of London and Miss Jean Elder,. of Toronto. Mr. Jack Elder, of Oshawa, is leaving in a few days for Regina, where he is head engineer of the new General Motors Works. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen gave, at their beautiful hojne, a mis cellaneous1 shower in honor of Gladys Broadfoot. Mrs. McQueen was as sisted, by two girl friends of the bride Misses V. Bolton and E. Brint- nell. The evening- wais spent in a lively -program of amusements and contests and a mock wedding. The musical part being taken by Mary Kerslake pianist and Norma Bolton violinist. The bride received many costly gifts. The Mollard Mission Circle o£ the United church held their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Friday evening last with an attendance of 25 members pres ent, and the president presiding, af ter the -devotional part of the meet ing a chorus tvas given by Gladys Passmore, Mavis Spencer, Marion Sinclair, Lula Lindenfield, Florence McDonald, entitled “Down Where the Sun Goes Down,” after which Pear Elder rendered a solo entitled, “The Heart of Gold”; Miss Consitt then gave the topic from the study book “The Black Treasure”; con tests were then indulged in. The winners were Hazel Hudson and L. Drummond’s group. Council. Meeting The regular meeting of the vil lage council-was held on Monday ev ening and all the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by Petty and San-gster. A communi cation was received from County Engineer Patterson stating that he would not be able to make a sur vey on South Richmond St. west drain, aS he was very busy on Coun ty work, so it was moved by Petty seconded by Priest that Engineer Rogers, -of Mitchell be secured to make a survey of the drain as soon as possible. Reeve Higgins stated that he had attended a meeting of the Ontario Advisory Board of the Highway Department and the coun ty council to consider the additions to the county road 'system. The road east from the London Road to the Y was -discussed and the Reeve received good encouragement from the Board that the road would be again- taken over by the Department or a substantial grant be given to wards its maintenance, as there is a great amount of gravel being brought over that road for county and highway purposes. It was sug gested that main street.be cleaned from end to end and all the roads dragged which will be done at once. The Reeve brought up the matter of draining the street east of the Lon don Road along by Miss Margaret Bell’s but ns the London Road will jirobably be paved and drained -this coming spring it was thought best not to do any draining along there till the highway drains are in-. A number of accounts were presented and ordered paid on motion of Priest and Cameron-. The meeting then ad journed to meet again- on Monday evening} December the 3rd. (Too late -for last week.) The Young People Club, of Car mel Presbyterian- church held their meeting on Monday evening with a good attendance present, with the president presiding. The 'meeting was opened by singing a hymn fol lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in un ison. The scripture lesson was read by Ward Forest. The secretary then read the minutes. The roll call fol lowed by each answering by the first catechism after which tse offer ing was taken. A reading was then given by Grace Dick, instrumental by Blanche Mustard, reading by A. Walker. The meeting was then closed by the benediction. A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mark’s church, Detroit, on Wednesday, October 31st when^Rev. J. Thomas united in marriage Hazel Mae, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ingram, of Hensall, to Mr. Herbert Leroy O’Day, of De troit. The' bride looked charming in a gown of gold metalic Bodice with black chiffon with velvet flare with hat to match and velvet shoes .and black -suedine ctfat with black fox fur. , Mr. and Mrs. O’Day spent *a short honeymoon trip with relatives in Hensall, after which they will re side in Detroit. ' MT. CARMEL The play “Making Daddy Behave” presented by the Mt. Carmel Drama tic Society on Thursday and Friday evenings with the Cardinal Orches tra in attendance was well attend ed. Mrs. Mayer accompanied by her sister Miss Margaret Ryan, of To ronto, spent the week-end at the home of their cousin Michael Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins and fam ily spent Sunday with friends at Mitchell and Dublin. Mr, Joseph Regan, who under went an operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, about two weeks ago is expected home this week. Mr. Andrew Morrissey, of Wind- soi’ and sister Miss Kathleen, of London, spent the holiday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Morrissey. * I Mr. and Mrs. Mat Doyle, called on friends here last week. Miss Winnie Madden, of London, is visiting at -her parents here for a few days. ’Miss Margaret Ho alahan, of Lon-' don, spent the week-end, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Houla- •han. -Mr. and Mrs. Jermiah Campbell, and family spent Sunday with their friends at Dublin. Misses Greta Dederick, of London, Bernadette Carey, of Simcoe, spent the holiday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. K. McNeil, of Delhi, are spending a few days with the latter’s brother Mr. James Breen. GRAND BEND Miss Cora Oliver, of London, vis ited at her home here over Thanks giving, returning Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Batty, of Sar nia, visited J. W. Holt on Sunday. Rev. J. M. Colling gave an ad dress at the Memorial Service at Exeter on Sunday. Quite a number from our burg attended the services. ■Ml’, and Mrs. Bud Broderick spent the week-end at Mr. Wm. Elsie’s. The 'banquet on Tuesday night last was a great success. It was given in behalf of receiving the re ports from the delegates to Toronto Convention. The funeral of the late Mr. Pope was held at the Grand Bend Ceme tery conducted by Rev. J. M. Coll ing. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Walter England called on Rrs. Robert Dan, of Granton, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Baird and Mr. Dave Baird, ispent the holiday in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, of Chesley, visited Mrs. N. Ravelie over the week-end. Old Lake Huron was in a fren zied mood for a few days recently caused by the high wind. The water was rolling in the highest for many a. year. Mr. and Mrs. Nadiger, of Dash wood, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. O. Atkinson. Mrs. Joe Ravelle, Jr., has been at Stratford visiting her mother who has been sick but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Merner are spending a few weeks in iStratford and in Buf falo. Rev. G. A. Leicliliter. of Buffalo, called on friends in the burg on Tuesday last. Commencing next Sunday Rev. Mr. Colling will commence two se ries of sermons, preaching at the morning services on '“The Parables of Jesus’’ and at the evening ser vices “The Life and Letters of St. Paul.” .Next Sunday’s Parable will be “The New Wine and the Old Wine Skins” while in the evening the subject will be “The Life of St. Paul.” Mrs. Chas, Schroeder is visiting in. Pontiac, (Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heinmiller, of Chesley, spent the week-end at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent Thanksgiving Day in Exeter with Mr. Frank Taylor and family. Miss Alma Gower, of Woodham, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her sister Mrs. Joseph Bullock. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Scriven, of To ronto, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dauffender, of Lansing, Mich., spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. K. Bown, Mrs. Wm. Smith and daughter, Audrey, of Macworth, are visiting friends and relatives in this com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Motz spent Thanks giving with the former’s daughters in London. Mr. and Mrs. *W. B. Gaiser spent Thanksgiving pay at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Truemner, of Chesley. The latter being their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Domm, of Chesley, who spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brawn, returned home on Mon day. Mr. Irwin Finkbeiner’s Sunday School class was royally entertained for Thanksgiving Dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver on Sunday, November the 11th, it being the 12th birthday of their son Eugene. Mrs. John Haist, Mrs. John Mor- lock, Mr. Ezra Faist and Mr. Syl vester Wuerth motored to Union ville, Mich., on Sunday morning to attend the funeral of a relative Mrs. Helwig, who died Friday, November the 9 th. Miss Doris Baker, of Toronto, who with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Gar net Baker and brother Bruce, visit ed over the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Orme, very ably presided at the piano in the United church on Sunday evening in the absence of Mr. R, Bechtel, who spent a few days at his home in New Hamburg. Mr. Wm. Heinmiller, of Chesley gave a very interesting and helpful illustrated address on the “Evils of Liquor and the Cigarette.” We hope it may be the means of giving strength to many in days of temp tation and that all grown-ups will try to manifest the best of examples for the sakes of the boys and girls who walk .in our steps. The Ladies’ Aid of the United church held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday, November the Sth, the president, Mrs. Dr. Orme, presiding. It was decided to hold a sals of home cooking on Saturday, December the 8th. Mrs. Rev. His- cocks sang a very pleasing solo af ter which a social hour was spent. The hostesses were: Mrs. Geo. Clark Mrs. Geo. Hirtzel and Mrs. A. King, Thanksgiving and Armistice was observed at the morning services in the Evangelical church and prompt ly three minutes before eleven a few patriotic remarks by the pastor in behalf of our soldier boys who did not return home again from the battle grounds, a few moments of thoughtful silence and bowed heads followed, which gave an appropriate opening to the Sunday School ses sion and made a splendid impression on the boys and girls. DASHWOOD Dr. H» H. Cowen, L.D.S. D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the post Office, ip. Zurich, last three days of week, Mr. Mark Brokenshlre attended the funeral of his brother in St. Thomas on Friday. . Miss Cunningham, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. L. Morenz. Mr. Leonard Birk, who is attend ing the 0. A. c. at Guelph, spent Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr, and Mrs, Aaron Oestriclier en tertained a number of their friends on Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of Windsor, visited with friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther spent Thanksgiving in Windsor. Miss Alice Hoffman underwent an operation on Saturday for the re moval of her tonsils and adenoids. Mr, Ira Tieman, of Walkerton and Miss Cornell, of New Hamburg, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, E. Tieman. Mr. and Mrs, L, Holtzmann and family and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff and family visited friends in Clinton and Blyth on Suday. Mr. Lome Tieman, of London, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. Earl Neeb and son, Teddy, of Pontiac, Mich., spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Neeb. Mrs. Wm. Snell returned with him. Miss Gladys Guenther and friend, Miss Sittier, of Kitchener, Mr. Hom er Guenther, of Toronto and * Mrs. Guenther, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. Messrs. Addison Tieman and Mer- vyn Tieman spent a few days on. a shooting expedition at Turkey Point last week. Special armistice services were conducted in both churches on Sun-, day, observing the two minutes sil ence for the commemoration of the signing of the document that ended the Great War.. Dr. and Mils. Tayior spent Thanks giving with friends in London. IMr. John Hoffman and Mr. R. Eckstein, of London, spent Satur day in town. Mr. Milford. Koch and Raymond Calfas, of Detroit, visited with friends on Sunday. A number of the young girls of Dashwood, have organized a sewing circle, choosing Cyclone Sally as its name. The girls expect in this man ner to while away a few of the long winter evenings. WHALEN WHALEN W. >L S. The beautiful sunshine of an autumn day brought out a record at- tendnce pf members and visitors to the November meeting pf the W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs. Will Mor ley on Thursday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Albert Gunning, 2nd Vice-President was in the chair and conducted the meeting i'1 the usual way, The devotional part was tak en by Mrs, D. A. Johnson, Mrs. F. Gunning, (Mrs. A. Gunning and Mrs, John. Hodgson read the leaflet “The Christians’ song of Thanksgiving.” Everyone enjoyed the vocal duet by Misses Olive and Violet Elliott, “My Mother's Bible” with Mrs. William Brooks accompanist. The Treasur er’s report showed the society doing splendidly in trying to meet the al location. After the items of busi ness were attended to Mrs. Thos. Gunning gave a touching reading, “The Ruined Merchant” in the usual entertaining manner. A very timely Missionary story, entitled, ‘Not omitting the 4th Stanza’’ was read by Mrs. Will Brooks, The beautiful boIo “Lead Thou Oh Kind- ly Light” was- well given by Misses Verna Hazlewood with Miss Bessie Morley accompanist and was very much appreciated. Splendid collec tions were received., It is hoped to complete the financial part of the society successfully next month. The pastor of the church will devote a service to the W.M.S. the last Sun day of this month. Mrs. Sam Gun ning pronounced the benediction which closed the meeting. The hos tess and her assistants then served tea to the large number present and. the hospitality of the home was cer tainly much enjoyed. KIRKTON Miss Vera Roadhouse, of Toronto, visited with friends over the week end. Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Foster, of In gersoll, were visitors here on Sun day. Mr. Harold Tuft spent Thanksgiv ing, with their mother Mrs. S'. Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. David Kemp, of St, Marys visited this week with Mrs. G. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Switzer, of Prospect Hill, spent’Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kemp. Mr. Ira 'Shier, of Newbury, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Vickers, of Chesley, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Si. N.-Shier. Messers. Ira Marshall, Hiram Copeland and Hugh Berry are away north on a deer -hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Doupe and family of Port Credit, ispent a few days this week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCurdy, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mi’s. Archie McCurdy. Mr. Wm. Bibby has moved onto the Copeland farm and Mr. Archie McCurdy has moved .into the house vacated by Mr. Bibby. Miss Annie Urquhart returned home on Saturday after visiting with her uncle Dr. Roger in New Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Balfour, of London, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. David Hazlewood. The anniversary services -of the United church was held on Sunday, when Rev. J. J. Brown. B.A., of Lu can, preached morning and. evening The church • was filled on both oc casions. The choir rendered special music. At the morning service the congregation remained standing in silent prayer two minutes at eleven o’clock, it being Armistice Day after which they sang the National An them. HARPLEY Weddin’g -bells' are ringing. Mr. and Wrs. McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Warner, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. Man- sel Hodgins and family. IMrs. Miller and Mrs. Wright, of Detroit, spent the week-end wiitli their paents, Mr. and Mns. William Hayter. Miss Olive Eagleson, of London, spent Thanksgiving under the par ental roof. Mr. Byron Brown, of Toronto, visited at his home over the- holi day. Miss Helen Hayter spent the holi day with hei- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Haddock and Mrs. Bestard spent Friday in London. Miss Greta Baker spent Friday at Mr. I. Bestard’s. Mr. Keith Taylor, MiSs Edith Tay lor and Miss Marjorie Jennison spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Love. Miss G. Scliilbe spent Monday ev ening with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Love and attended the Fowl Supper at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Paxman, 'Mr. and Mrs."Nichol and Martha spent Mon day with Mr. and Mrs. Langford Ridley. (Mr. Wm. Love, who works at Lu can, spent the week-end at his home. Miss Bolton spent Thanksgiving at her home in London. KHIVA Little Gertrude Ratz youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ratz was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon don, last week suffering from a se vere attack of Infantile Paralysis. She is getting along as well as can be expected. School was closed here for the past ten, days owing to the outbreak of Infantile Paralysis. Master Roy Willert, who has been laid up for the past four months suffering from a sore leg left on Sunday for Detroit where lie will take electric treatment for a couple of weeks. •Miss G. Nixon spent the week-end at her home in Granton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schroeder spent Sunday with the latters parents Mr, and Mrs. Bowden near Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Kip pen spent Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb. Mr. and Mns. A. Tillery and babe, of Sharon, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Witzel. CENTRALIA Mr. Cecil Hodgson, of Toronto University, was home over the holi day. Mr. W. J. Dobbs returned from New Ontario on Friday last. He r-e ports a good trip and was- fortunate in bagging a deer, which he expects will arrive here this week. Miss Vern Pollock, of Ripley, vis ited at the home of Mr. Andrew Hicks over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neil are visit ing in Detroit with their son Mr. Maurice Neil and daughter Mrs. M. Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shapton visit ed Mr/ and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden Sunday evening. Mrs. T. W. Neil spent the holiday visiting friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mason and family were in Harrietsv-ille over Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden were in London on Saturday on business. Miss Dorothy Davison visited at her home in Guelph over the week end. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Willis and Miss Wanda, visited in London -on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pollard and Greta were in Port Huron on Monday. Death came with startling sud denness on Thursday evening -of laet week, when Mrs. George Fisher a young Indian woman passed away. Her illness was of short duration and was not thought to be serious. The remains were taken to the Muncey Reserve on Sunday last -for interment. The funeral of the late Mr. An drew Anderson who passed away on Wednesday evening of last week, was largely attended. His death came as a great shock to the com munity in general, -he having been sick only a few days. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. R. F. Irwin, interment being at Ebenezer cemetery. The pall bear- es were: Messrs. Wm. Ford, C. H. Baskerville, Thos. Willis, W. B. Willert, Wm. J. Smith and M. C. Sleamon. On Friday evening of last week, the members of the Sunday School of Centralia, United church drove to the County Home at Clinton where they entertained the inmates with a fine program, and also took them a treat of home made candy. There wa$ a splendid turnout, and if one may judge by the applause, the pro gram, of songs, instrumental num bers, readings and snare drum se lections was thoroughly enjoyed by the old people. Deserving of special mention were the songs of Mr. Ern Hicks sung in his inimitable man-J ner, and the skillful performance of Mr. Roger Campbell on the snare drum. Mr. Campbell, whose home is in iSt. Thomas, was a visitor a.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Coates, and, at the request of Mr. Cecil Skinner, kindly consented to assist with the program. It was the efforts of Mr. Cecil Skinner, that the evening was an unqualified suc cess and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Mr. Skinner lias the in terests of the community at heart all the time, and wfien he undertakes anything, it is well and thoroughly done. Farming First—The Family Her ald and Weekly Star, (Montreal, Can ada’s National Farm Journal, and a home magazine included. A year for one dollar or three years for $3, Wonderful! t