HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-08, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1028 WANT COLUMN FOR SALE—-2 cows. Apply to Mrs. E. A. Marshall. 11-8-ltc. NOTICE—Cutwork done to special order. Phone 226 Exeter. 11-8-ltc. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc Get your sugar supply this week Dominion sugar per cwt. $5.85. SOUTHCOTT BROS. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 50c. Barley 65e. Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flou.M8.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 Creamery Butter 45c. Dairy Butter 38 and 41c. Eggs 50c Seconds 36c Hogs $8.50 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 10:45....“The Hand of God,” Thanksgiving service at 10.45 in order to observe two minutes sil­ ence. 7 p.m.—Builders of State and un­ derminers. ji I IIElllBig'lSemi-Annual Sale continues until Saturday Itt HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—Wo always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J- Dow. 6,7,tfe NOTICE—Dressmaking done very reasonably. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. Apply to Mrs. N. Hockey. 101-8-3tc. <£oaals O FOUND— Lady’s shopping bag containing baby’s clothing. Apply at. Times-Advocate. The Usborne group of the Ladies' Aid are having a sale of homemade cooking and candy on Saturday, No­ vember 10th, at the Central Hotel sample room. ■ POULTRY WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying the highest prices; also live rabbits. Trucks will call. Phone TO. Dashwood, C. Anderson TFC Dr. Atkinson wishes to announce that his office will be closed on Friday and1 Saturday, November 16 and 17 while attending a clinic on “Full Dentine Construction” in Lon­ don. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 10.55 a.m.—Rev. M. P. Smith, of China. The congregation are asked to be in their seats five minutes to eleven so that the two minutes of silence at 11 o’clock will have no interruption. 3 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The Pastor. An Armistice Message. Congregational meeting Friday evening to complete arrangements ■for the fowl supper. We are adding a number of Specials for this week. It will pay you to come in and look them over. 10 ONLY LADIES’^ COATS Values to $35.00 BIG SALE PRICE...............................$15.95 25 BOYS’ SUITS With bloomer pants, values to $10,00 BIG SALE PRICE ............................. $4.95 9 ONLY LADIES’ COATS With fur collars. These are wonderful value BIG SALE PRICE $4.98 8 ONLY MEN’S WINTER COATS Your chance to buiy a warm winter coat at about half pi'ice, BIG SALE PRICE................... $14.95 12-4 Large Size Ibex Blankets per pair $2.25 NOTICE— Contracts taken for gravel, ploughing, quantity of man­ ure for sale; also good frame build­ ing suitable for garage or chicken house. Apply to Clyde Heywood, Exeter. 9-6-tfc. LOST—Hub cap with Buffalo Wire Wheel Corporation, between Exeter and 1% miles south and I1/! miles west of Crediton. Reward. Apply at Exeter Garage. 11-1-ltc. WANTED— A capable young or middle aged woman several hours a flay for house work. Apply to Miss Elliot. 11-1-tfc Next Monday is Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. Miss Amy Shapton visited friends in Stratford on Sunday. Citizens of Exeter are still pick­ ing roses from their rose gardens. Dr. Margaret C. Calder, of Wing­ ham, visited with Mr. sei Hopper last week. Mr. Reg. Beavers position as junior at Bank of Commerce. Mr. Sidney West, and Mrs. Rus- has ■the who taken a Canadian It is not necessary to market your poultry thin as you can buy good corn, whole or ground, at Harvey Bros. FOUND—A. pair of electric curl­ ing irons. Apply at Times-Advocate PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—150 acres, Lot 6 and SJ, Lot 7, Conces­ sion 5, Stephen. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter. 9-27-8tc. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Pastor Organist, NIiss E. Huston 10.55 a.m.—Armistice and Thanks­ giving Day commeneration serive. p.m.—Sunday School. p.m.—Rev. M. P. Smith, mission­ ary on furlough from China and one of the very best to be heard. 7:30 p.m. Thursday we meet for prayer and praise. Welcome to all our home coming visitors for Thanksgiving. 3 7 Soap for 39e. of Toronto, is Mrs. William 5 DOZEN BULL DOG OVERALLS In heavy blue deminj, regular $2.25 BIG SALE PRICE ............................. $1.95 36 inch FLANNELETTES In good patterns aifd colors, regular 25c. BIG SALE PRICE, per yard................21c. BOY’S ALL WOOL SWEATERS Values as high as $2-00. BIG SALE PRICE . ...........................£Sc. 100 PAIR OF CHILDREN’S, MISSES’ AND LADIES’ SHOES BIG SALE PRICE 98c. $1.00 Silk & Wool Ladies Hose per pair 79c. MEN’S FLEECED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Omr regular $1.00 line, al] sizes BIG SALE PRICE . .^.............................79c. 6 PIECES OF WOOL DRESS GOODS Great for children’s school dresses, values to $1.25 a yard BIG SALE PRICE, per yard 49c. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector ARMISTICE DAY Special Grocery Prices continue for this week only FOR SALE— The Fotheringham farm, Lot 3, Concession 9, Blanshard 100 acres.. Fine 2 storey brick dwelling, large barn, etc; Pric.e low for quick, sale. Easy terms. Ap­ ply to Jarvis, Vining & Dyer, Barris­ ters, &c., 101 Dundas St., London, Ont. ll-8-2tc Thomas on Sun- Rundle returned last after visiting with friend's Hy. Elworthy at re- for WANTED—Pressing, cleaning and repairing of all kinds. Phone 49, Huron St. Call for and delivered. D. G. Appleton LOST—A ring with three small chip diamonds mounted on a plain band, valued as a keepsake. Reward Please vocate, communicate with Times-Ad- Exeter. ll-8-2tc TANK FOR SALE—HeavyGAS iron, holds 2 barrels, perfectly air tight, with approved non-leak tap and top for filling; less than half price. Apply to Mr. C. H. Sanders, Exeter. i We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and, Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc WANTED NOW Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO. 10-4-8tp, Toronto 2. recently underwent an operation for append­ icitis, is now able to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker and Mr. Albert Carr, of Ailsa Craig, call­ ed on friend's in town Sunday. Mrs. Whiteford, of town has left for Forest to spend the winter with her daughter, iMrs. Wilbur King. 10 bars of P. & G. at Harvey’s Grocery. Mrs. Hy. Hillhouse, visiting with Mr. and May and other friends in town. Mr. Harold Penhale and Miss Etta Webber, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Crittenden in St. day. M'rs. Thomas home on Friday for three weeks Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. turned last Friday after visiting three months in the West, particu­ larly Alberta. Miss Evelyn Howard accompanied by her friend Miss Edna Sparling, of'Western, London, spent the week­ end at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, Mrs. I.,Beaver, Russell Caldwell and Clif­ ford1 Hutchison motored to Detroit on Thursday last visiting for a few days. Victor A. Rollins, of Vancouver, a native of Lucan, has been appoint­ ed purchasing agent for the govern­ ment of British Columbia succeeding the late James Patterson. t Mr. and Mrs. T. Robertson and daughter Gladys; Mrs. Copeland and son and Mrs. Foxton. and son, of Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Hopper on Friday last. Mrs. Win. Walker, of Exeter N., intends leaving for London Friday and before returning will attend the golden wedding anniversary of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown, of Strathnoy, on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Josephine Davis returned home Saturday evening after spend­ ing the past few months with her sister, Mrs. G. Cockwell, at Kennis- ton, Sask., and other places in the west, going as far as Banff. Mrs. C. A. Southcott and daugh­ ter Miss Stella and Mrs. M. Sheere, returned 'Monday after visiting for two week’s with the former’s son, 10.50—Special service of Remem­ brance, Preacher, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel. The Veterans will attend this ser­ vice. The two minute silence be observed at 11 o’clock. 3 7 will p.m.—Siunday School p.m.—Evensong Please note the time of morning service. It is not necessary to market your poultry thin as you can buy good" corn, whole or ground, at Harvey. Bros. Large size Flannelette Blankets. Big Sale price $1.9 8.—SOUTHCOTT BROS. Mr. Everett Quinn, of Usborne, is learning the barbering with Mr. E. Harness. Miss Nellie CarmicheaJ, of Hen­ sail, visited with Mrs. Gillard in town during the past week and in company with Mrs. Gillard spent Friday and Saturday in Stratford. Sugar $5.95 at Harvey’s Grocery. NOTICE SALE! SALE! SALE! This word sale means a lot to some people, and let me tell you it is not always a money saver to the buyer. But the people that put these sales on are the people thajt are making the money. So why not buy from T. H. Elliott, the store that is trying .to help the public to keep the cost 71 100 pounds of Recipath sugar ................... .1 10 bars of P. & G. Soap ............................ Real Good Brooms ..................................... Choice Ginger Snaps, 2 pounds for ......... 2 pounds of fresh crisp Sodas for ............. Special Mixed Tea, regular 75c. a lb for .... Special Black Tea, regular 75c. a lb for .... 3 boxes of Matches for ............................... Forest. City Baking Powder, 1 lb tin ....... 21c. Fresh ground Rex Coffee reg. 05e. a. lb for 58c. 5 tins good Sardines for ....... 29c. Best shaker salt, plain or iodizedl, 2-for .... 19c. Salada1 Tea, regular 75c. a Jh for ...............O7c. 2 packages of Corn Starch for ................. 18c. 8 bars TOilet soap for ............................... ^5c. Libby’s Pork & Beans, 2 tins for ............. 21c. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Martin’s Music Store Enter November 5th I Join the class entering here a on November the 5th. mOur business training fits & you for business success. g Central Business College | STRATFORD ONTARIO I Sbb ST Furniture Bargains 1 s, Ifi= n IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR BIG STOCK WE WILL GIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 30 DAYS. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET GOOD FURNITURE AT A LOW PRICE. WE HAVE A GOOD CHOICE. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 j While we sell al! the Banks & Insurance Com­ panies throughout the Do­ minion, we are just as de­ sirous of serving the small investors who has $100 or upwards for safe investment We handle only securities enjoying an immediate market. H. R. Bain & Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bldg. Toronto Rev. R. E. Southcott at Morpeth, high profits down. The latter brought them home by auto. The Lennox Overalls, Limited, a re-organization of the Lennox Over­ all & Shirt Co., of Walkerville, have decided to locate in St. Thomas. Re­ presentatives of this company -were in Exeter recently looking over the plant of the S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. Mr. E. French and Miss B. Shep­ pard, motored up from Toronto and spent the week-end with Mrs. E. A. Follick. They companied Ihome Monday Edna Hearts who assisted St. Choir with music, Workmen are 'rushing the work of rebuilding the Exeter skating rink which collapsed last winter under a heavy weight of snow. The rink is a circular shape sheathed with iron. The beams are now all in. place ready for the isheating. Mr. Clarence Heywood has the contract for the re­ building. 5 Jelly Powders for 25c. at Har­ vey’s Grocery. The two minute silence on Armis­ tice Day, Sunday, Nov. 11th, will be observed Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. In order to do this congre­ gations in. the various churches will start their services- a few minutes earlier than usual. Churchgoers should make It a point next Sunday .to be in their places early. Mr. and were ac- by Mrs. the Main their anniversary of HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ ialty. Estimates gladly furnished free. ERN. DAVIS FOR 1 DAY ONLY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 th I am not running for Reeve Councillor; but'"’ I am going ask for your support in helping me to keep down the high cost of living by patronizing* my store or to T. H. Elliott Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. Our Windows Show wonderful opportunities to careful shoppers daily. This week, Candy^Specials and Bulbs for win­ ter flowering. Bulb Vases- and Flower Pots, Remember this one “WE MEET COMPETITION” If you can buy of us at like prices why deal dlsewhere. THANKSGIVING BOUQUETS Mums and Carnations at special prices. Phone or call. . Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE” Phono 55 THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 t3. R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE >"■"1 J! ' -------------------1------- W R. GOULDING A. T. O. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. BOY 57, Phdnd 192 EXETER, ONT, „ Mr, A. Z. Garner the special Head Office representative of Tip Top Tailors, bringing an advance display of THE NEW FALL FABRICS AND ACOTAL FINISHED MODELS OF TIP TOP SUITS AND OVERCOATS We sincerely believe that the new Tip Top Fall fabrics are bet­ ter than we have ever before received. At the 'standard Tip Ton price of $24.00 these fabrics represent the most amazing values ever offered in made-to-measure clothes. There are hundreds of beautiful fabrics to choose from. Any of them will be tailored to your measure in'suits or overcoats for only $ 2 4. 0 0« For one flay only Saturday, November the 17th this special dis­ play will be directed by Mr. A. Z. Garner the special Head Office representative of TIP TOP TAILORS. Mr. Garner will personally tit all men purchasing garments during this special showing This eloniesmarkable opport,tt”ily for men wh0 are Particular about their See them on Saturday, November the 17th play^positively will ' ‘, ----- -..... This special dis­not be continued beyond the advertised dates. i 5 PHONE 81w w TAMAN EXETER, ONT. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hear Office, Waterloo,3 Ontario CLINTON G. MORLOCK Agent, Crediton, Out. Telephone 21 r 5 9-13-tfc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE .............................. DOUBLE EDGE ..........ZZZ Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST 5a