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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-11-08, Page 4
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Stif, 1©28 ................................................................ .....................................................................iii.| H...— THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE EXETER SCHOOL REPORT ROOM VI Honons—Dorene Caldwell Rims 78. Pass—Eileen Jack Stanbury 72, 72, Orval Lawson Myrtle Lee 70, Eva. Clifford Heywood 68, Bruce Cann 85, Thelma 82, Kathleen Kestle 8V, V.. 7$. Pass—Donald Graham Lloyd Hewitt 72, Neil Mc- 67, Doreen Sims 64, John Viola 71, A Pearce Doris aid 87i Hockey Pollen 72 and Donald Collingwood 62 and Norman Sam. ders 62. Number on roll 35; average at tendance 33,5. N. Medd, teacher CHRISTMAS CARDS Sr. IV, 79, May Snell 73. Hodgson Sims 71, 69 Simpson 68, Irene Mooney 68, Fred Elleringt-on 67, Ray Hutchinson 65, Vera Kestle 64, Madeline Brintnell 62. Below pass—Eddie Ward 59, John McTavish 58, Dorothy Sims S3. Helen Walper 58*. Jr. IV, Pass—Jeannette Taman 72, Phyllis Blerling 71, Jean Stan- buy 71, Elizabeth Foote 69, Gordon May 68. Hazel Clark 68. Below pass—Norval Jone® 57, Gordon Ap pleton 56, Aimer Huukin 51, Jim Brintnell 50, Eldon Kading 40*. Number on roll 32; average tendance 31.3, * missed tests. G. S. Howard, principal ROOM I ROOM V at- McFalls Stanley Pass— Sanders . Class I—Robert Southcott, drew Blerling, Billie Jones* Pilon, Moore. > Class II—Murray Moore, Richard Stanbury, Leonard Harvey, Jean Appleton, Margaret Clark, Labelle Sims, Ernest McTavish, Tommy Wal ter, Sidney Stire, Lila Elliott, Carl Stire, Betty Baynham, Hazel Jones, Irene Kydd, Kenneth Simpson, Ca- theine Armstrong, Anita Brintnell, Gerald Lawson, Stewart Cann. Class III—Doris Moore, Jack Har ness, Dorothy Jennings, Douglas Harness, Kline Lee, Billy Walper, Coquoline Simmons, Jean McDonald, Freida Stire, “ 4 Snell. Number on tendance 3'3.7. The Times-Advocate have this year placed in stock the largest and finest assortment of Christmas cards ever offered before. Cards from $1.00-40 $2.25 a do zen. No higher price. These prices include the printing of your name and address. Samples will be sent to parties out of on request. ORDER EARLY town Phillippa Harness, Jean i Snell, Freida roll 36; average at- LOCAL NEWS Misses Margaret Johns and Jr. IV, Honors—Ardys fi6, Charlie Complin 81, Ward 77, Billy Walters 76. Ruby Penhale .69, Warren 66*. Norman Hunter 66, Jack Pryde • >— c-Wli *• Sr. Ill, Honors—Bernice Delbridge 88. Borden Sanders 87, Patsy Mar gin S6, Bobby Dinney 84, Mary Van Camp 83, Billy Wilson 82, Lorne Howey 81, Betty Complin 80, Gladys Stone 80, Gordon Hewlett 79, Mar jorie Kernick 77, Marjorie Allen 76, Charlie Cox 7 6, Verdun Wells 7|5, Eilleen Sims 75, Gladys Ryqknfan 75, Jessie Jennings 75. Pass—Rae Uerig 73, Janette Dearing 72, Harry Beavers 70, Fred Simmons 70, Eil- leen Cornish 69, Vyrne Smith 69, Harry Penlhale 68, Doreen Camp bell 67, Donald Goodspeed 64*, G. Bagshaw 62, Raymond Freckleton 62. Below pass—Clifton Hunter 57*, John. Payne 48*. Number on roll 38; average at tendance 36.5. iM. Gladys Harvey, teacher ROOM IV JunTof III, Honors—Doris Har vey 8'3, Almira Brintnell 80, Jack Doerr 79, Ruth Pearce 75. Pass— Barbara Atkinson 73, Ray Genttner 72, Warren May 72, Irene Van Camp 72, Eldon Caldwell 71, Ethel Smith 68, Gertrude Complin 67, Marion Powell 66, Charlie Snell 64, Reggie McDonald 63, Robena Hunkin 62 Jack Jennings 61. Banders 59, Bobbie Lloyd Genttner 55. Lloyd Stanlake 32. Senior III, Honors—Vivian liott 85, Florence McDonald 84, nie Cox 81, Dean Allen 80, Reid 77. Pass—Tom Campbell Billy Penhale 64. Raymond Smith 62. Below pass—Harry Kestle 58. Missed tests, Marion "Walper, Ho ward Laverty, Florence Snell. Number on roll 36; average at tendance 32.8. Below pass- Eilerington Cecil Smith » -G. 58, 39, EI- An- Ola 66, R. Creech, teadher Local News is Kitchener, A. Stewart London, a Mrs. attended the Caven Church daughter Miss Amy motored to and visited with relatives week-end. Lillian Ballantyne, R.N., spent the summer with her M. E. Goodspeed, teacher Brooklyn, N. Y. ROOM III Sr. II, A Honors—Victor Lutman 85. Murray Madge S3. Pass—Gor don Pethick 73, Billy Kydd 71, Tom Willard 69, David Kestle 68, Mah- lon Ryckman 67. Walter Davis 65, Jack Kernick 64. II, B Honors—Elaine Stan- 92. Lloyd Jones 88. Leonard 88, Stewant Fuke 87, Orville 85, Ray Jones 83, Margery Sr. bury Jones Snell Heywood 83, Margaret Campbell 80, Barbara Dinney 79, Gerald Fitzger ald 78, Hazel Snell 78, Jack Brint- -«iell 77. Pass—Roy Campbell 74, Eileen Andrew 73, Lillian McDon ald 73, Hilton Sanders 67. Jr. II, Honors—Vernon Heywood 86, Lorraine Amstrong 79, Isabelle Appleton 77. Pass—Donald Winer 74. Fred Lee 73. Irene Kernick 71. •Clifford Quance 71, Gail Browning 69. Helen Bawden 67, Lloyd Hunter 57. Maxwell Harness 52 (missed tests). Number on roll 36; average at tendance 34.6, M. (M. Rowe, teacher Mr. John Ford, of Exeter North, under the doctor’s care. Mrs. Archie Morgan is improving from a recent attack of appendicitis. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Toron to on Saturday and Monday on legal business. , Inspector Beacom is making his official visit to Exeter public school this week. Mrs. R. H.' Collins; of was the (guest of ‘Mrs. J. last week. Mrs. John Cooper, of former resident of Exeter, is ill in Victoria Hospital. Dr. M. E. Johnston, of Hamilton, spent Saturday with Her parents Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Johnston. Miss Ella Dearing, Mr, Ernie Wil lard and Mr. Percy Harris visited in Toronto over the week-end. Mr. Rd. Hunter returned home last Friday after spending several weeks witih his son at Salvador, Sask, . i Mr. Murray Sauvage, of the Cana dian Bank of Commerce staff, .is re lieving for a few weeks at the Credi ton branch. Mrs. F. W. Gla-dman and Brown, of London, Hallowe’en party at last Friday evening, Mrs. P. Coates and Verna and Mrs. Drayton over the Miss who has mother has returned to her duties in I Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm and ■family -and Mr. Richard Camm, of Woodham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taman were in Sarnia on Monday attending the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Goodison. Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto Gen eral Hospital, training staff visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood, a few days last week. Miss Margaret Trothan, of Lon don, who has been visiting her uncl© Rev. J. W. Down, and Mrs. Down for a month, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Christie received word Friday of the death of he-r youngest sister, Mrs, Lovina, Adams, beloved wife of Judge Ezra Adams, of Hazel, South Dakota. Mr. Harold Fisher, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Deit and Miss Wool- noug’h, of Simcoe, visited former’s parents Mr. and Fisher on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Francis Reta. Rowe gave two splendid re ports of the recent laymen’s conven tion held in Toronto at the James St. Sunday School on Sunday after noon. z Mrs, Emilj’' Swinerton, of Kings ville, and Mrs. Emily Kline, of Wis consin, the latter being a neice of Mrs. Hogarth, spent a few days dur ing the past week with )Mr. and Mrs. S. J, Hogarth, Mr. M. F. Gladman and wife, of London, spent <tHie week-end with the latter’® parents Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickard and Mr. Gladman took charge of the Exeter office in Mr. Stanbury’s absence in Toronto. with the Mrs. Jeff and Miss ROOM II Jr. II—Mary Taylor 68, Gerald Cornish 5.1, Jr. I, Al, honors—Josie Kerslake 89, Fred'a Moore 88. Jack Anderson 88. Dorothy Smith 87, Grace Snell •87 and Betty Hogarth 87, Margery Marge 85, Ralph Delbridge 84 and Gerald McFall® 84. T“cldy Wilson 82, Ethel Kydd 79. Jr. I, A2. horrors—Clarence Mc Donald 84, Margaret Melville 83, Mildred Beaver 80, Alva Elliott 79 ■and Eleanor Abbott 79, Olive Cald well 78, Patsy Russell 77. Wesley Ryckman 76, Doris Payne 75. a O. K. CIDER MILL WILL RON EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Pressing cider 5c per gallon & steam cooking apple butter CUSTOM WORK 35c. cut paid for 2| in. paring apples ■.. ...... ... ■ S. J. V. CANN, Proprietor ■ PHONE I IS, EXETER, ONT. Misses Margaret Johns and Kath leen Seaman, of Victoria Hospital, London, spent Sunday with parents in town. Miss Ina Jaques, of Victoria piital, London, spent Sunday her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jaques. Mrs, Jaques left for London Tues day to visit her aunt and will attend the Women’s Institute returning Sunday. Several members of Chamber of Commerce don to-day (Wednesday) attending the Aviation Convention. Luncheon will be held at noon at the Hotel London, follwed by a visit to the airport. Mr. Amiel Willard accompanied by his mother Mrs. Mary Willard and Miss Alice Willard, left Tuesday for Traverse City, Northern Mich., where they will visit with Mrs. A. indefinite time, with her sister their Hos- wlth Convention, the ’Exeter are in Lon- of William and E. Wickert for an Miss Alice will visit for several weeks. Mrs. John Taylor Ann streets, very pleasantly enter tained to a Hallowe’en party in honor of her birthday on Wednes day evening of last week. The rooms and tables were decorated in harmony with the occasion and a dainty lunch was served. Mr. F. M. Boyle, of town and Mr. T. C. McLeod, of Waterloo, last week opened up a new barber shop on Dundas Sit., east, and we under stand that they are doing ifairly well. Mr. Boyle and Mr. McLeod worked together at one time in the Carling block here, Mr. McLeod leaving for Waterloo several years ago. Some time ago Mr. Boyle sold out to Mr. E. Harness, Mr. Harold Taylor, of Detroit, and; his aunt, Mrs. Cha®. Holtzman, of Pontiac, motored over and spent, the week-end a.t the former’s home* here. They returned to Detroit the beginning of the week accompanied by Mr. Frank Taylor and his neice, Miss Hazel Hay, returning again to Exeter on Wednesday. Harold ha®( taken a position as carpenter with Mr. Clarence Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hand'ford and ; daughter, of Palmyra, Was., motored over and visited tlhe former’s motfceg Mrs. Silas Handford. In company With the latter and with Miss Alice Hand'ford they motored to Brook lyn, Ont., to visit Mrs. Handford’s brother, Mr. John Lewis, who is 92 years old. Mrs. Handford is her self 88 years of age and no doubt the reunion of t/lie aged brother and1 sis ter will be a happy one. A number from this community are attending, the Women’s Institute Convention held in London this week among those present are: Mrs. Down, Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, from Exeter; Miss Nettie Keddy, Mrs. Alvin Moir, Mrs. Arthur Rundle of Hurondale Institute; Mrs. C. Zwicker, 'Mrs. H, K. Either, Mrs. H. T. Young, Mrs. M. Chris. Haist, from tute. The congregation held a very enjoyable Hallowe’en social on Friay evening last under the auspices of the ladies’ a.id. The decorations were splendidly arrang ed. The duty of welcoming the many revellers was performed by a ghost and tihere were many conjectures as to whom Mr, Ghost looked like. Mr. J. A. Stewart was the chairman and he performed his duty in an efficient and jovial manner. A splendid pro gram was rendered after which very enjoyable lunch was served. USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne met at Elim- vRlft on Saturday, November the 3, pursuant to adjournment. All the members of Council were present with Reeve James Ballan- tyne in the cihair. The minutes of the meeting held on October the 6 were read and approved on motion of Skinner-Williams. Communications—Notice of Rail way Board re hearing as to the cost of Alberta coal haul. Offer of D. C. Baird, of St. Marys to supply the Township with slat and wire snow fences if required. Councillor Berry to secure Mr, D.C. Baird’s prices per rod. Requisition from -the War Mem orial Children’s Hospital, London for financial aid. Filed until tlhe Jan uary meeting for consideration. Requisition from Jno. Roger O. L.S. for owner’s names, acreage and lots to be assessed on the Stewart Drain Repair.—Infomaition supplied. The Treasurer notified the coun cil of a refund from the Stephen council on the Centralia Drain As sessment of $20.79, Sinner-Berry: That the same to be refunded to assessed parties. Car. The Court of Revision of Brock Creek Drain By-Law was held with members of the council taking the necessary declaration. One appeal that of Frank Cornish, assessment on Lot 3 and south half of lot 4, con. 9, being too high. Since the Court considered -that the appellant has ground for complaint it was re solved to refer the Report back to Jno. Roger for reconsideration on motion of Skinner-Berry. Court adjourned. NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the construction of the Ryan, Municipal ’drain up to 'Tuesday, November 20th at 7 p.m. Tenders may be for all or in two separate sections the earth to be re moved is estimated at 6130 cu. yd®. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the un dersigned, Crediton. A certified check or other approved security or 5% of tlhe specified price shall ac company tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Henry Eilber, Clerk, Township Stephen, Creditop, Ont. AUCTION SALE —T? Of W FARM STOCK AND IMPIASMENapSr- The undersigned has received in structions -to self by public auction,, -— at — LOT 16, CONCESSION 5, USBORNE 24th; cqw July 10th; cow, 2 2- of The November’ meetinigi of James St. Mission Circle was the held at th© home of Mrs. Thos. Coates on Monday evening witih a good attend ance. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, followed by the Lord’s prayei’ in unison. The scrip ture lesson was taken by Mrs. Amy, and the topic by Miss A. McKenzie which was quite interesting. A Thank-offering of $22.25” was re ceived. The meeting was closed with prayer led by tlhe president, Miss Stella Southcott, after which lunch was served by the committee charge, and a social time spent. — on — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 1928, at one o’clock the following;; CATTLE—'Cow due January 18tli, cow due March 1st; cow due March 20th; cow due March due April 3rd; cow due cow d'ue July 23rd; fat year-old steers; 2 two-year-old hei fers, 3 one-year-old heifers, 1 yepr old steer, 4 spring calves, 4 baby beef calves, polled Angus bull four years old. HORSES—Mare 9 years old; suck ing -colt after Bonnie Glengyre;' yearling colt after Bonnie Glengyri® yearling colt after Belgian. PIGS—10 pigs weighing 80 lba.; sows. IMPLEMENTS—M, H. 2-furrow riding plow; cutting box, cutter. TERMS OF SALE $10.00 and under, cash; over thafc amount 11 months’ credit will be- given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper with a discount of 5 per cent, straight off fol’ cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk WM. JOHNS, Proprietor 2 MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION in W. Telfer, Mrs. Crediton Insti- of Caven church a Late Friday night or early Satur day morning burglars entered Quer- engesser’s general store in Mitchell and stole goods to the amount of between $250 and $300 and some fifteen dollars .in cash, The goods consisted of cigarettes, tobaccos, ci gars, chocolates, neckties, clothing, etc. About four weeks ago John L. Benneweis’ store was burglarized and over $50 wortlh of cigarettes, to baccos, chocolates and other articles were taken. AIN’T IT THE TRUTH s Rags make Paper, Paper Money Banks Loans Poverty makes Rags— • then you start all over again! make® Money, makes Banks, make® Loans, make Poverty, And JOHN CARROLL DIES Jahn Carroll, a highly esteemed and well-known farmer on the 6th concession of Biddulph Township, died on Monday morning after an illness extending over two years. Mr. Carroll was born in Biddulph and lived there all his life. His wife died eight years ago, He is survived by five children, Marie, Lo retta, Margaret, Joseph and James, all at home. The fuheral was held to St, Patrick's Churdlx on Wednes day morning. The Notices to assessed parties- being given on the Sawyer Drain of the Townghip of Fullarton, the Report on same read, considered and discussed, it was pointed out that no farm bridge had been allowed on Lot 14, Con. 15. Berry-Dew: That the- Clerk notify S. W. Archibald of omission, and that the Report be provisionally adopted, .that a by-law be prepared, printed and served and that a Court of Re vision on> tlhe assessment be held at 2 pan. on December the 1st. Carried Berry-Williams: That the Reeve and Treasurer be empowered to bor row from the Bank of Monteal on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $3000 for expenses on the highways and $600 for the Gardner Drain Contract. Carried. Williams-Dew: That tlhe follow ing bills be passed viz:- Times-Advocate, on account print ing for 1928, including Black Creek and Brock Creek drain By-Laws $146.67; ‘Dr. Graham, M.O. Board of health re vaccination $15.75; The Reeve, selecting the jurors $9.00; Chas. W. Kistner, advance on Gar diner Drain contract $5.40; Stephen Bros, crushing & gravelling $187 8.- 95; Fred' Ford gravelling $27.50; Jno. Cann, bidge work con. 6, $2.40; Freeman Horn, gravelling $46.75; Chas. Stephen, gravelling $142.20; Wellington Batten, gravelling $146.- '40; Verne Pincombe, gravelling is $60.50; Whitney Coates, gravelling $41.25; George Ferguson, gravelling $5 2.10; Clarence Fletcher, cleaning, pit $4.40; W-m. Routly, cleaning pit $8.25; Mack Cornish, cleaning pit, ditching $5.70; F. Wright, spread ing gravel $37.50; John Johns, scraping $1.50; George Williams, ditching, con. 6, $9.87; Geo. Jaques tile and hauling $2.50; Harry Ford team labour $43, superintendence $77.55, total $120.55; Mrs. H. Ford clerical work $3.00. Carried. The council adjouried to meet at the Township Hall on Saturday, De cember the 1st, at one o’clock. Henry Strang, Clerk - The Ministerial Association met on Monday in the Main St. United church parlor. The president, Rev. Jas. Anthony was in the chair and read the scripture lesson. Rev. C. W. Down led in prayer. The minu tes were read1 and adopted. The fol lowing members were present: Rev. Jas. Anthony, Rev. J. W. Down, Rev. F. B. Myers, Rev. J. C. Moorhouse, Re. LeRoy White, Rev. D. McTavish Rev. Walter Jones. Mr. McTavish reported that the minute book of the Association bad not as yet been located. Rev. J. W. Down gave interim report of the committee on rules and -order. For the benefit of the committee certain phases of the report were thorough ly discussed, Rev. D. McTavish gava a paper on “Ministerial Ethics.” It was an excellent paper and most carefully prepared. In the discus sion wrhich followed all took part and all were agreed that the writer had taken the -trouble to present something worth while to the ses sion-. The next meeting will be held December 3rd. The closing prayer was offered by Rev. LeRoy White. AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK G. H. Elliott -has received instruc tions to sell by public auction at WALKER’S HOTEL BARNS c? BRUCEFIELD, ONT. —on — WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14th at 2 o’clock the following - CATTLE—9 Polled Angus cowsf with calves at foot; 7 Polled Angus- cowls supposed to be with calf; 20 Polled Anigus cattle coming one and. two years old; Polled Angus bull 18 months old; 4 bull calves legal for registration. PIGS—1 sow, 11 small pigs. < HORSES—1 driving mare. SHEEP— 8 Shropshire ewes; X Shropshire ram, 2 year® old1. TERMS OF SALE ■Six months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes- or a discount of 3 per cen-t. allowed for cash. WM. A. ROSSi Proprietor GEORGE H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer i * ADDRESSES OF APPRECIATION Mr. and Mrs. Hector N. Taylor last week moved from their farm in U'sborne Township to the property south of Exetemjecently purchased from Dr. A. B. Gibson. We wel come Mr. and Mrs. Taylor to our midst. Shortly before coming to Exeter Mrs. Taylor was presented with an address of appreciation by the W.M.fi. of Zion church and. Mr. Taylor was made tlhe recipient of an address and purse of money from the Bible Class of Zion Sunday School of which he was teacher. The addresses were as follows: AUCTION SALE — Of — hav® pub— TP.,. WINCHELSEA SCHOOL REPORT Report of the Senior room of Win- chelsea School for the months of September and Octber. Pupils were examined in all subjects. > Sr. V—Leola Johns 89, Audrey Prance 80. Jr. V—Margaret Johns 85, Dor othy Bacon 77, Dorot’liy Delbridge 73, Lome McNaughton 72. Sir. IV—Maizie O’Reilly 83, Olive Johns 79, Vinetta Routly 7 6, Lome Elf ord 73, Greta Fletcher 72, Rus sell Mills 69, Bernice Mur ch 67, R. Cornish 62, Philip Hem 57, Laverne Skinner 53, Jr. IV—Clarence Prance 73, L. Bell 69, Alvin Cooper 60. L. McCulloch (teacher) To Mrs. H. N. Taylor: We, your fbllow-members otf Zion W. M. S. take -this opportunity to convey to you our sincere apprecia tion of your co-operation and stabil ity a® a member and worker of this auxiliary. In your leaving us, we feel that we are losing from our community an esteemed friend and valued neighbor, whom we know will be missed by many. Your leaving also will, in a mea sure, sever fond friendships and -ties of many years standing. We, sincerely wish you health happiness and prosperity in your new surroundings. Trusting you will always remem ber old associations here, and return to visit us as often as possible. .Signed in behalf of the Auxil iary, Mrs. Wm. F. Hern, president, To Mr. H. N. Taylor: We take this opportunity of try ing to express to you our apprecia tion of your services as teacher of this class. We realize that in losing you, we shall miss* one held in high esteem by all. We wish you to know that you take with you. to your home, our kindest thoughts good wishes. May God prosper and give you health for many more years of service in His work. Please accept this purse of money and pro cure for yourself something which may always be a 'momento of fond associations 'here. Signed on behalf of the Adult Bible Class. HIGHLY BRED HOLSTEIN CATTLE AND HOGS McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers received instructions to sell by lie auction, at LOT 4, CON, -3, BLANSHARD — on — FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 15128 at one o’clock sharp tpe following; CATTLE—1 registered cow due? January the 1st; foot; 9 cows due due in December; 6 heifers due in ruary. HOGS—9 hogs each; 6 hogs about 100 pounds each. 1 hog year and a half old (York shire.) These are ,a -choice lot of cows and. lieifers; :so don’t fail to attend this- sale. Positively no reserve as the pro prietor is giving up dairying. TERMS—8 months’ credit will be- given, on furnishing approved joins, notes with 6 per, cent. NELSON WATSON, Proprietor McNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers < cow with calf at in November; cow 3 cows due March; January and Feb- about 150 pounds- N. W. ROUTLEDGE ’ OSTEOPATH Office in tlhe Snell Block Wednesday afternoon and evening. I new and ”"IU REPORT OF S. S. NO. 12, USBORNE The following is the school report of S.S. No. 12, Usborne, for the months of September and October. Form V—Ruth Morley. Jr. IV—Mary Morley 71, Willie Dobbs 55. St. Ill—Gladys Squire 60, Lloyd Dobbs 58, .Roy Harness 46. s . Jr. Ill—Dorothy Ha.zlewood 83, Eric Brown 64, Mabel Elliott 62, R. Hodgson 51. ,Sr. II—Margaret Hern 72, Rus sell iMorley 71, Velma Squire 67, H. Dobbs 66, Merle Squite 59, Granton Joneis 56, First'class—Jean Morley, Taylor Mossip, Andrew Arksey, Ravid Hod gson, Joffreine Jones. Primer—Gerald Hem, Betty Jones Bobby Jones. , M, Sadler, teacher A. Y. P, A. VISITS GODERICH Members of the Trivitt Memorial A. Y. P. A. to the number of forty- one motored to Goderich Monday ev ening and enjoyed a social evening witih, the yung people of St, George’s Church, together with members from the A. Y. P. A. of St, Paul’s church, Clinton. Each Society gave a report of certain sessions at the recent con vention (held in Windsor, Miss Alma Winer giving t'he report for Trivitt church in a very creditable manner. Some Interesting group games were put on in charge of the Goderich members and refreshments were served. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE pur suant to The Trustee Act R.&O. 1927" Chap. 150, Sec. 51, that all person? having claims against the Estate of LOUIS BRINKER, late of the Vil lage of Exeter, in the County of Hu ron, gentleman, deceased, Who died on or about the 29th day of Septem ber, 1928, are required to send fuif particulars of such claims duly veri fied to the undersigned1 Solicitors for the Excutors of said Estate on. or before the tenth of November,,. 1928. after which date the said Exe cutors will proceed to distribute the assets of said Estate having regard only to t'he claims of which notice has then been given. All persons owing monies to the said LOUIS BRINKER, deceased, on. accounts or notes are required to pay the same to the' said Solicitor® on or before the 10th day of No vember; 1928, after- which date ac tion will be taken to collet monies remaining unpaid’- without further notice. Dated, at Exeter,. Ont., this 24th.dixy of October.; 1’9 228* CARLING & MORLEY Solicitors for the Excutors ExAteiy. Ontario