HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-18, Page 5AGENTS FOR JACKSON’S CLEANERS AND DYERS E. RANNIE HENSALL, ONTARIO Phonos: Day 25w; Night 25j Dry Goods, Gents’ Furnishing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery and Groceries. LET US SHOW YOU OUR NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS, READY­ MADE OR MADE-TO-MEASURE— THE BEST VALUE FOR THE MONEY. DASHWOOD Clothes For Men who Appreciate the Finest - - DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, arid Master of Science, .University of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians and SurgeonB of Ontario. Office (two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 west har- pros- HENSALL>■Mrs. Thos. Simpson is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay visited recently with relatives in Galt. M,rs. Thos. Drummond returned Monday from visiting in Wingham. Miss Nellie Boyle, of Loudon, vis­ ited over the week-end at her home here. Mr. Laird Joynt, of London, visit- s ed over the week-end at his home pere. Mrs. Nelson Blatchford has re­ turned from assisting friends in Sea­ forth. Mrs. A. McMurtrie, who has been visiting in Windsor has retunred home. Miss Hattie Sutherland visited for a few days with relatives in Wood- stock. Mrs. Geo. Hazel visited Saturday. Miss Irma visited over the week-end with her parents here. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, visited over the 'week-end tives in town. Mrs. Troyer, Mrs. M. Mrs. Geo. Hudson visited: on Friday. Miss Dolly Hagan was in London on Thursday last visiting her sister and Dr. Tillman. Mr. Wm. and .Mae Simpson, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with relatives in town. Mr. Alex McMurtrie, who has been visiting with his mother and other friends have returned to Toronto. Miss Flora Higgins is visiting this week in Woodstock, the guest of lier cousin, Miss Anna Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott, of To­ ronto, visited over the week-end with relatives and friends in town. (Mr. Milton Boyle, who has been in the west for the past two months returned home on Saturday evening. Miss Anna Pearson, of Woodstock, who has been visiting for the past week with relatives in town, re­ turned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, visited over the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr, and. Mrs. Gordon Davis, and little son, of Toronto, recently visit­ ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. (McDonald1. Miss Gladys Saundercoclc while playing around her home on Friday last had the/ misfortune to fall and break her collar bone. Mr. Richard Blatchford is confin­ ed to his home through illness. His many friends hope to soon see him around' in his usual health again. The public school was closed on Thursday and Friday and the con­ tinuation school on Friday owing to the teachers’ convention at Goderich. The Mollard Mission Circle will ■hold their meeting on Friday even­ ing in the United church. A splen­ did program is being prepared after which lunch is to be served. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fraser and son, of Galt; Mrs. Barlett, of Brampton; •and Mr. and' Mrs. Reg. Soutlian and daughter Nina, of Galt were week­ end visitors at the home of Mrs. M. Pope. An exciting soft-ball game was jpiayed in the Hensail park on Mon­ day afternoon last between Hensail public school iboys and the high school girls resulting in a score of 14_9 in favour of the girls. The Ladies of Carmel Presbyter­ ian chuxch are holding a fowl sup­ per in the basement of the church on Thursday evening1, November 1st A good program of local talent will be given, assisted of Mr. Jas, Ste­ wart, of Seaforth, and a large crowd w*u be looked for. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton arriv- Hudson and daughter, relatives in Exeter on Higgins, of Kitchener, with rela- Pope and in Zurich .....................-.......IT',™ ed home on Friday evening from the west where they have been visit­ ing rlatives. Mr. Horton states that the weather conditions ^n the are very satisfactory both for vesting and threshing, and pects are looking very bright. The services in the United church on Sunday last were largely attend­ ed, the pastor delivering excellent sermons both services. Next Sun­ day evening Rev. Mr. Sinclair will preach a special sermon on "Music” and it’s place in the church.” The choir will supply special music for the occasion, is urged to be The shower ed church on last was largely attended splendid assortment of gifts were given and .were on display in the basement. It was decided to hold the bazaar on Saturday, November the 24th in the town hall. Chicken Supper will be served in connection under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. The young peoples’ league held a Missionary evening on Monday with a large attendance. ‘Miss Irene Douglass presiding, following the devotional part of the meeting a very pleasing quartette by four young; girls was rendered, composed of the following: Marion Sinclair, Mavis Spencer, Gladys Passmore and Florence McDonald. One of the chapters from “Drums of Darkness’’ was taken by Miss Douglas and the following subjects: “Dr. Saunder’s to Bie” by Mildred McDonell; “Lodi- tion after Chissambra” by Miss El­ lis; "A Sabbath well spent’ by Alma Scruton. Pearl Elder rendered a pleasing solo after which Mr. Scott Welsh gave a well rendered violin solo accompanied by Miss on the piano. The closing tion was then given. All the congregation present. was held in the Unit- Wednesday evening and a Douglas benedic- KHIVA Mrs. G. Hutchison and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason on Sunday. Miss M. Stewart attended the Teachers’ Convention in Goderich on Thursday, and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Regan and ily, of Ailsa Craig visited Mr. Mrs. R. Schroeder on Sunday. The new inspector Mr. com visited the school Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ziler day in London. family E. C. here spent CENTRALIA and Mrs. L. B. Hodgins fam- and Bea- last Fri- andMr. Reg. spent Sunday at Highgate. Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and Mrs. Ed. Cal fas were in London on Thursday last. Mr. and (Mrs. Albert Mitchell, Miss Mildred and Mr. Clifton Mitchell, yisited in Lucan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hayes and. daugh­ ter Violet, of Parkhill, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs G. G. Essery spent the week-end in London. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Dobbs visited in Woodstock on Sunday. Quite a number from the village and’ vicinity took in the Provincial Plowing Match last week. Mr. B. E. Hicks was in Toronto last week on business. The road's through the village are getting their customary coat of gra­ vel, uuder the supervision of our igienial superintendent Mr. N. Baker. The South Huron Plowing Match is being held on the farm of Mr. Ed. Walker next week. (Many contest­ ants have entered and a good turn­ out is expected. Several carloads of feed grain are being unloaded at the elevator here and many of the farmers from the surrounding district are availing themselves and Tutting in a supply in anticipation of a, shortage of feed for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and babe, of Wyoming spent last week in the village With the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mills. Mr. Trueman Mills was acting re­ lief agent at Wyoming for the past week. THE EXETERTIMES-ADVOCATE .............................................................................. mu .mi Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three ((days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, of Wind­ sor, were visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartlejib and Lavada on Wednes­ day. iMr. Addison Tieman is all smiles —a son, Mr. Moffatt, Miss Nola Gaiser and Miss Alice Hoffman attended the teachers convention in Goderich last week. Mrs. F. Watson, of Detroit, is visiting/ her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilfong and Mrs, Wm. Schroeder, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Flossy Kleinstiver, of Strat­ ford, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. Melvin Guenther and son, of Windsor, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mr, and Mrs. John Hoffman, (Miss Lily Hoffman and Mrs. D. Betchen. of London, called on friends on Sat­ urday. Mrs. J. Schroeder’s sale urday Weber mer, Mr. spent Sunday with his father. Mr. Milford Mclsaac, of Detroit, spent Sunday in town little Betty re­ turned with him. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morenz, of De­ troit spent a. few days with friends in town. Messrs. Harry Bender and W,m. Bender who spent the harvest in the West have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oestricher spent the past week on a motor trip Toronto and Niagara Falls. was largely attended knows how to wield Gordon Calfas, of GREENWAY CREDITON FOWL SUPPER—At the United Church, Crediton, on Thursday, Oc­ tober 25th, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. Supper served 5.30 to 9. Splendid program consisting of instrumentals, quartettes, read­ ings, duetts, etc., by the Woodham Orchestra and local talent. Program will commence at 8 o’clock and will be repeated. Admission, children 35 c. adults 75c dock MacKinnon, D.D., of Toronto, and Rev. W. T. Gunn, D.D., the new­ ly elected Moderator of the United Church of Canada Greenlaw, baritone, of Detroit, will be the special singer these Mass Meetings will be held in Dundas Centre United Church, Lon­ don, on Wednesday evening October 24th. Any persons interested will please inquire of the pastor Rev. E. S. Hiscocks regarding particulars, etc. Mr. A. E THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1928 4th when Rev. Morley, will preach and in the will give his recital on don’t miss it, come early Another of on Sat- Mr. A. a ham- Sarnia, to Mr. spent Falls. Mr. and Mfrs. J. Hotson and family last week-end at Niagara Services begin at 7 Sunday evening at the church for the fall months. The services of Rev. preservative of the British and For­ eign Bible Society were greatly ap­ preciated at the Evangelical church last Sunday evening. Dr. Orme was again appointed president of the Bible Society interest andl Mr. H. K. Ellber, secretary for Crediton and surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Woodall, of Woodstock visited Thursday at the home of Jos. Woodall. Mr. Thos. Woodall, who has been visiting for some time returned home them. Mr. Clayton Sims spent Sunday ley rendering special music anniversary services. The regular meeting of men’s Institute was held in the In- situte hall on Tuesday afternoon, October 8th. Our president Mrs. C. Zwicker, presided. The. meeting was opened by singing the Institute ode and repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison, sponded to slips, bulbs of the last adopted after which the regular bus­ iness was transacted and decided* on send a delegate to the convention to be held- in London. The program was as follows: a vocal duett by Miss Clara Morlock and Mrs. Wenzel. Mr. a very educative talk on On- Laws. Jeckell, of Exeter, who gave a on great events of California, p.m. next Evangelical and wiuter Bowen, re- here with Mr.Charles Hoffman and at Brins- for their the Wo- The roll call was re- by members exchanging and seeds. The minutes meeting were read and G. Morley of Exeter, This was followed by and Mrs. P. Murray were re­ cent visitors in Thedford. Mrs. Wareham has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason. (Mrs. English was in London on Sunday. Large congregations greeted Rev. Drier, of Zurich, on Sunday on occasion of the anniversary, beautiful weather, the splendid mons, special music by the choir handsome flowers combined to make up one of the most successful days in the history of the United church here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Shetter and family, of Buffalo, and Miss Emma MacPherson, R.N., of London; visit­ ed their parents Mr. and Mrs. Mac­ Pherson last week. gave tario Miss talk Following a nut contest, Mr. Bech­ tel gave a splendid piano instrumen­ tal. This was followed by our us­ ual happy social hour. The host­ esses in charge were Mrs. Zwicker, Mrs. Telfer, Mrs. Sippell, Mrs. whinney and Mrs. Young. Ma- the The s er­ and Crediton United Church Notes E. Bechtel, A.T.C.M.Mr. R. WHALEN The regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Squire on Thursday, afternoon, October the 11th. There was a good' attendance, Mrs. John Hazlewood, 2nd Vice-President had charge of the meeting which took the usual form. A splendid bale has been forwarded and a box of canned fruit it to be sent away. The De­ votional leaflet, ‘God’s Possessions,’ was read by Mrs. George Squire. Leaflets on; the study of Africa, "Drums in the Darkness’’ were read by Mrs. Hazlewood, Mrs. Will Mor­ ley, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Frank Squire and Mrs. Edgar Squire. A piano solo by Miss Verna Hazle­ wood was much enjoyed. A very in­ teresting by Mrs. Hodgson prayer, tants then served tea and all enjoy­ ed the of the local bank staff has been en­ gaged as organist of the Crediton United church. Now that the anniversaries are over the United church will rteurn to its regular order of services next Sunday. The pastor will preach at S’lipka at 11 a.ni.; Brinsley at 2.45 p.m. and' at Crediton at 7 o’clock- His subject will be "Can A Man Help God?" Everybody invited and good singing. A series of Mass Meetings under the direction of the Missionary and Maintenance Fund Committee of the Lond'on. Conference will be held at different points next week. The first one will be held at Mitchell on Monday evening October 22, The special speakers will be—Rev. Mur- Missionary talk was (Rev.) Irwin. Mrs. closed the meeting The hostess and her usual social hour. given John with assis- EL1MVILLE Henry Cioultis, jof Exeter, recently at tlie home of Mr. Coultis, who is able to go who with has been bronchitis the choir held Mrs. visited Nelson for short walks and car rides. Misses Margaret and' Gladys Johns visited their aunt Mrs. Will Pybus at Chiselhurst for a few days the end of last week. Mrs. Chas. Johns confined to her bed is improving nicely. The members of their weekly practice at the parson­ age last Fridlay evening and had a very enjoyable time with Rev. and Mrs. White in their home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Edwards, of Mit­ chell, were callers at the home of their neice Mr.s. Ed. Johns last Thursday. A very large proportion of the men in this community attended the Provincial Plowing Match last week. Judging from the number of cars on the road one would think there were few men in Huron County that didl not go. Mr. Milton Young, thresher for Johns 'Syndicate, lmd the misfortune to break a bone in his wrist on Monday morning while threshing at Mr. George Bailey’s. It lias been decided that no Fowl Supper will be held this fall in this church but a free will offering will be asked for at the Anniversary ser­ vices on Thanksgiving Sunday, No­ vember the 11th. veniber the of Toronto, evening he Ben Hur, so Hot goose and1 duck supper on No veniber Mrs. ed Mrs. week. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Ravelle, Jr, are spending a few holidays visiting their son and daughter in Detroit. Mr. ’ ~ ‘ spent Mr, J. W. along tended Presbytery in Blyth Tuesday. Quite a number tuned in and heard the questions answered by Rev the 5th. Nadiger, of Dashwood, visit- 0. Atkinson, a few 'days last and (Mrs, Frank Geromett Sunday in Goderich. John Love, Mr. John Gill, Mr. Holt, Mr. Garnet Passmore with Rev. J. M. Colling at- last A Splendid Record Mr. W. C. F, Oestreicher, owner of Cloverdale Stock Farm, has re­ cently purchased another herd sire of very high merit and breeding, First Sort, a grandson of the great Browhdale and a grandson of Right ______ Sort, imp. Cloverdale Stock Farm j. Colling onthe radio from Lon- made the following show record of don on Friday evening last. the former herd sire’s calves this j The death occurred on Tuesday, October the 2nd, 1928, at the home Exeter fair—three calves exhibited of Mrs. Wilfred La Fond, of Miss 1st for bull calf, 1st for heifer calf,' 3rd for heifer calf. j Seaforth fair—three calves exhi­ bited, 1st for bull calf, 1st for heifer calf, 1st on yearling heitG~. Zurich fair—four calves exhibited 1st on yearling bull, 1st on bull calf, 1st on heifer caLf, 1st on yearling heifer. Mitchell fair—four calves exhibi­ ted, 1st on yearling bull, 2nd on bull calf, 1st on heifer calf, 1st on year- I ling heifer. Sweepstakes over all | breeds and ages on heifer calf. Kirkton fair—tour calves exhibi­ ted, 1st on bull calf, 2nd on yearling bull, 1st on heifer calf, 1st on hei­ fer calf, and Julie Tetreau, The deaceased was 93 years, 6 months and 13 days. In­ terment in the Grand Bend ceme­ tery. Sweepstakes over all breeds on heifer calf. ages GRAND BEND Quite a number trom here attend­ ed the services at Greenway on Sun­ day.- Miss Berdie Hamilton, of St. Marys, called on Mr. W. B. Oliver on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turnbull have moved into the house they bought from ..Mr. Morris Brenner. We welcome them to our burg. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pollock, of Chicago, are visiting friends and re­ latives for a few weeks. Mrs. Jim Hanan, of the West, was called home on account of the illness of her father Mr. Joe Bren­ ner, who is quite ill at present. Mr. Richard Broderick, who had the contract for dredging the river has completed: the contract and has got the new contract to go three miles farther up the river which be­ speaks well for the job just finished. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard visit­ ed with Mr. Roy Holt on Sunday. Mr. J. Mousseau is improving his property with a covering of as­ phalt shingles. Mr. Wilfred La Fond is at present visiting friends in Michigan. A very large bunch of campers spent the w’eek-end at their cottages and some enjoyed a dip in old Lake Huron and reported the water as warm as any time in summer. Mr. Chas. Zwicker, of has the excavating done, his new cottage. As the day is on hand versary services, keep in One of Goderich’s oldest residents in the person of Isabell Jane South- by, widow of the late Henry Barker, passed away at the home of her son Mr. Henry Barker. The deteased was eighty-four years of age, and is survived by two sons. : The death of John Newcombe, Sr., in his seventy-second year removed a well-known and respected citizen of Goderich. Mr. Newcombe had been in failing health for several years and a stroke hastened the end. He is survived by his wife, two sons, and two daughters, all of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Sr. and Mr, and Mrs. Freckleton, of Exeter, attended the funeral. Mr. Alex Sanders, president and manager of the Goderich Organ Co., and one of the most prominent citi­ zens of Goderich, passed away on Wednesday, October 10th. He was a man of many activities being con­ nected with several firms and also occupied a prominent position in the church. His wife predeceased daughters; one sister and one bro- liim about five years ago. He is I survived by three sons and three th er. Zurich and Mrs. F. L. Hansel, whoMr. have just returned from their hon­ eymoon trip, spent a few days at the home of the bride’s parents Rev and Mrs. W. Y. Drier, before leaving for their new home in Buffalo. Mr. Clayton A. Hoffman, of Galt, visited recently with his parents. Miss Margaret Stelck, R.N., whe spent a few weeks visiting her mother, has left for California where She will follow up her pro­ fession. Cred'iton, ready for TOURISTS HOMES AND CAMPS WANTED—-Parties wishing to rent rooming accommodations to the tourists for the season of 1929, on or near provincial and' county high­ ways, can earn good money in their, own homes, meals optional. For particulars write now to the Assoc­ iation Tourist Service Limited,for auni- mind No- Bank of Toronto Chambers, London. ---------:----------'■............""".......--— .......................................... HOWEY’S DRUGSTORE Today our manufacturers are flooding the market with merchandising schemes vieing with each other to win your trade. See below the great offers we have NO. 1— A box of Coty’s Fate Powder L’Origan or Paris odor and a. 6$c. bottle of COTY’S PERFUME ALL FOR $1.00 Some Other Exceptional Values NO. 6— A 50c. Aluminum Shaker Tin with each 75c. or $1.25 TIN OF OVALTINE NO. 7— A new million dollar type Auto-Strop Safety Razor $1.00 worth of blades and a 50c. strop ALL FOR $1.00 NO. 2— A GOLD-PLATED GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR and al 35c. tube of Palmolive' Shaving’ Cream ALL FOR 35c. Clinical Thermometers English and Government as well as Factory tested-’ one minute special $1.00 Babies Rubber Panties Medium and large SPECIAL 25c.. A PAIR CASTILE SOAP Genuine Shell Bra nd 3 LARGE CAKES 25c. NO. 8— A 50c. box of Ftruitatives an a 50c. box of Sootlia Salva Ointment ALL FOR 50c. Jergen’s CLEAR GLYCERINE SOAP while they last 4 for 25c. NO. 3— A large 50c. tube of CI MI TOOTH PASTE and » 35c, tooth brush ALL FOR 50c. AQETYLSAL TABLETS Special 1 box of 24 ................. 25c. 1 bottle of 50 ............ 40c. 1 bottle of 100 ............ 75c. LIFEBUOY SOAP SPECIAL 4 CAKES FOR 25c. NO. 9— With each $1.00 or $1.50 Shaving Brush—one brush holder free—keeps bristles from bending on flatening out. NO. 4— A dainty nickel-plated Loose Powder Sifter and a large box of Three Flower’s Fate Powder ALL FOR $1.00 VINOLA BORACIE AND COLD CREAM SOAP 3 CAKES FOR 50c. Is Cod Liver Oil hard for you to take? Then try SQUIBB’S MINT FLAVOR $1.00 a bottle NO. 10— A box of Dyer-Kiss Face Powder and 50c. bottle of Dyer-Kiss Perfume ALL FOB 60c. NO. 5— cake of COLEO TOILET SOAP and a 35c. tube of Colgate’s Shaving Cream ALL FOR 35c. New Reduced Prices on OVALTINE GO c. size now ........... 50c. 00c. size now ............. 75c. $1.50 size how .........., $1.25 Kotex Sanitary Towels 49c. a pkg. 2 for 85c. Use Pinol for Coughs HOWEY'S DRUGSTORE Phone 50, EXETER, Ontario Try Nyals Huskeys *or Throats ...........