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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-18, Page 4
'THURSDAY’, OCTOBER 18th, 1028 Messrs. Clarence Sims, of Windsor, end at their home Simmons and M. spent the week- here. O. K. CIDER MILL WILL RUN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Pressing cider 5c per gallon & steam cooking appl6 butter CUSTOM WORK 35c. ent paid for 2| in. paring apples THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE S. J. V. CANN, Proprietor PHONE 115, EXETER, ONT. Rev. C. J. Moor-A dumber from house’s former charge at Clinton motored down and attended the ev ening service in Main St. church and vi.ited at the parsonage following the service.. TRIVITT MEMORIAL A. Y. P. A. The A. Y. P. A. met in the Parish Hall on Monday. The President, j^iarry West, in the chair. After hymn and prayer, a few items of business were disposed of. Miss A. Winer was named the delegate to represent the branch at the coming Dominion Conference in Windsor. The program5 of the evening was -a debate “Resolved that the Press wellds a greater influence in the world than the Pulpit.” The af firmative was taken by Miss Alma Winer and Mr. H. Jennings Jr., while the negative was upheld by Miss Margaret Ellerington and Mr. Grafton Cochrane. The debaters massed a great number of points for their respective sides and: made a very fine showing. Indeed they were very highly complimented by the judges who at the same time offer ed valuable suggestions to the young ■debaters on the art of debate. The judges of the evening were: Rev. D. McTavish, Messrs. T. S. Woods and James Morley. Mr. McTavish de livered the finding of the judges, de claring the negative side as the winners, edded a few words. A vote thanks was tendered the judges their kindness in performing •onerous duty. At the request of Rector Rev. McTavish dismissed meeting. AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, — on — The Old Walper Farm, North of the Salt Block, EXETER — on — MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—4 yeaT old Clyde geld ing; 5 year old driving horse; 2 7- year old driving mares.; general purpose horse 8 years old; Jack Pat- chen 2.21. IMPLEMENTS—Cultivator, har rows, 2 discs, land roller, 1 mower, heavy wagon, hay rack, hay fork, slings, pulleys, hay fork rope, two sets double harness; set single^ har ness, bags, blankets, 10 tons of hay; new wagon, new disc, 4-section har rows, new; set sleighs, top buggy, set of brass mounted harness, forks, shovels, hoes, chains, whiffletrees, neckyokes and other articles. SALE cash; over that credit will be approved joint off jl|FRANK TAYLOR TERMS OF $10.00 and under, amount 7 months’ given on furnishing notes or a discount of 5 per cent for cash. RODERICK ELLIS, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Mr. Wood' and Mr. Morley of for the the the Mr. Frank Taylor, the popular autioneer, is a particularly busy man these days and has many sales booked ahead. 'Many of the sales he has booked appear in the Times- Advocate this week while others will appear later. In conducting sales Mr. Taylor covers a large ter ritory. Not only around Exeter is his ability appreciated but he! is frequently called upon, to go over to Parkhill and ’Conduct sales in that district. For the rest of this month he has only one or two dates avail able, practically every day being taken up. It is a busy and strenu ous life and an auctioneer must keep fit as much depends upon him. It is no little responsibility to have a person’s property and all their ef fects placed in his hands to dispose of in a few hours and an auctioneer has to be wide awake to secure the proper value and not allow the goods to be bought in by someone not in a position to pay for same. The other morning Mr, Taylor was into the office early having been out to Winclielsea to draw up a bill, was off again for Crediton up another sale apd was time to be off to conduct a same afternoon. AUCTION SALE of —• FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, HALF LOT 11, LOT 12, CON. 10, Stephen 2B miles west of Crediton and a quarter mile south — on — FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1928 at one o'clock sharp the following*: HORSES— Heavy mare, general purpose mare, bay horse. CATTLE—-Durham cow, supposed to be in calf, due May 10 • Holstein cow, supposed to be in calf, due on March the 1st; Holstein cow, sup posed to be in calf, due June 20; 5 spring calves. HOGS—Sow due to farrow Nov ember 7th; 5 young pigs, 60 hens, 1 dog. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. Binder, 1 drill, cultivator, hay rake, 1 disc, 1 walking plow, harrows, roller, root pulper, sleighs, wagon, gravel box, hay rack, toil buggy, wheel barrow, cider press, cutter, set horse clip pers, mail box, 4 rolls of roofing, 1 set of single harness, set of double harness, Daisy churn, 15 loads alfal fa hay, 30 shocks of sorghum, 200 bushels of oats, 80 bushels of buck wheat, 150 bushels New Bannex* oats, 250 bushels of Abundance oats, some peas, cream separator, new; 600 pound capacity; hay fork, rope and slings, forks, shovels, neckyokes whiffletrees, chop box and numer ous other articles. TERMS OF SALE All grain and poultry, cash. $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved 4 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBB The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF EXETER one block north of the Exeter cream ery on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: Living-room furniture, dining room furniture consisting of walnut buffet, 5 chairs, extension table, 6 oak chairs, 1 oak bed-room suite, waln.ut dresser, bed and comode, single bed, two toilet sets, several oak rockers, couch, oak roll-top desk and office chair, chest of drawers, walnut hall rack, 3 large rugs, 2 Axminister and 1 tapestry; and oven, stand and carpet sweeper; coal-oil stove oven; Quebec heater with nearly new; stretcher, flower pictures, mirrors, dinner set other dishes; 6 lamps; lawn mower garden tools, step ladder, carpenter tools, Ford touring car, 2 wash tubs 2 copper boilers, kitchen cupboard, wheel-barrow, small beam scales and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. ROBT. GILLIES, Proprietress F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer. CREDITON He to draw back in sale the notes or a- discount of off for cash. WAREING, Proprietor KLEINSTIVER, Clerk joint cent. WM. WM. ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer per Roulston read the The October meeting of James St. United church W.M.S. was held October the 11th at the home of Mrs. J. S. Grant, the President Mrs. T>. McTavish presiding- After the opening exercises the business fol lowed. It was decided to have Rev. Mr. Colling, of Grand Bend, give one of his lectures in aid of the W.M.S. in the church the first wee of No vember. Mrs. JBible lesson followed by prayer by Mrs. Wni. Snell after which iMiss Windsor gave a very interesting talk <rom the study book, selection of music was Mrs. T. Harvey, Mrs. Mrs. Miners. Mrs. M. ! S3. Grant and Mrs. N. Rev. J. D. Kestle then conducted a fife membership. Those taking part -were Mrs. Mantle. Mrs. Rowcliffe, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Roulston, Mrs. •Turnbull, Mrs. Pedlar and Miss B. ■Grant. This was in the form of a •missionary message from the differ ent missionaries in British Columbia and the work they are doing. A liymn: was sung and Mrs. Kestle clos ed with prayer. At the close of the ■meeting Mrs. Grant served a dainty lunch to the large number of ladies present. The November meeting ■will be held at the home of Mrs. T. Harvey. stove, stove lounges, oak table, two cupboard, 2 . A splendid then given by D. Rowcliffe, Snell, Mrs. J. •Baker. Mrs. AUCTION SALE — of -— REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, At the residence of the late Mrs. Christina- Fa finer, — on - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1928 at 1.30 o’clock sharp the following: REAL ESTATE—Pt. Lot 11, con cession 6, Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, 3.4 of an acre of land, more or les. Good frame house, kitchen and work shop on the premises with good well and or chard. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE— Pan dora cook stove; new Quebec heater, 3 springs, 3 mattresses, cradle two benches, 5 beds, 1 box pipes, 2 parlor tables, 2 dining-room extension rockers, 6 chairs, glass kitchen tables, woodbox, wardrobe. Singer sewing machine, bureau, 1 flour bin, sink, pictures, 2 clocks, dinner set, tea .set, odd dishes, lamps, copper boiler, tubs, kettles, pots and pans, hand sleighs, ladders, barrels, fruit jars and crocks, iron kettle, 2 sets of irons, garden tools, carpets, linoleum, bread mixer, grain bags, shovels whiffletrees, a number of screen, doors, window screens, Buffalo robe, 2 buggy spreads and other articles too num erous to mention. TERMS OF SALE On real estate, 10 per cent, cash on day of sale, balance in. thirty days; on household effects, cash. Miss Idella Fahner, Roy Fahner, Herbert K. Eilber, Executors. CLINTON MORLOCK, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE — on — FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE MENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned Has received in structions to sell by public auction, at LOT 10. CON. 4, STEPHEN, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1928 ..at 12 o’clock sharp the following,. REAL ESTATE—100 acre Lot. 10, Con. 4. Stephen, good barn, frame house, hard -and -soft water in house, large hen stable; hundred feet long, good garage, slaughter house, well fenced and drained, ploughing all done. This is a good farm and in good state of cultivation. 25 acre farm WB, SB Lot 20, Con. 6, Stephen, 20 acres of bush, beech and maple balance in grain. HORSES—Heavy mare 7 years old, in foal; gelding general pur pose; 2 aged mares 7 years old, in foal; good 'driving horse. CATTLE—Cow due in April; due in May; heifer due in May; spring calves, 5 stocker pigs; brood sows; collie dog. IMPLEMENTS!—M.H. Binder, years old. in fat 3 23 January; cow; two yearling yearling AUCTION SALE .— of --- IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, HALF MILE EAST OF CREDITON, — on — MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, .1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: Aged driver. IMPLEMENTS—Top buggy, ^Port land cutter, new; light sleigh; wa gon, set of harrows, 2 scufflers, 1 'fanning mill, 3 ladders, 2 step-lad ders, 2 onion screens, 30 gal. vine gar barrel, 46 single cords of wood, quantity of lumber. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— 4400 pounds of coal, kitchen range, base burner, 2 bedroom suites, complete; 2 couches, 2 stands, pictures, table, drop-leaf table, 7 rockers, 8 chairs, carpets, linoieums, 3 lamps, hang ing lamps, clock, looking glasses, sewing machine, high chair, 3-burn- er coal oil stove with oven, side board, axes, shovels, hoes, wlxiffle- trees, pots, pans, and dishes of kinds. TERMS—CASH JOHN ENGLISH, Proprietor FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE —- of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ANO’ HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Th© undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, LOT21, CONCESSION 15, STEPHEN 144 miles west af Dashwood and 1 mile south ( — on — j TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: HORSES—Black Percheron team, well matched 4 and 5 years old, weighing 1400 pounds. CATTLE—Red cow due at tiin»‘ of sale; roan cow due in November; roan cow, Shorthorn- due at time of sale; pair of choice heifers rising. 2 years old; pair choice junior year lings. The cows are a choice lot. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. Binder, 6^ ft. cut, nearly new; McCormick mow er 5 ft., new; M. H. seed drill, culti vator, riding plow, Fle,ury walking plow, 3-section harrows, one horse scuffler, wagon, nearly new; gravel box, new; 16 ft. hay rack; set bob. sleighs, buggy, Clinton fanning mill, good grindstone, sling ropes, root pulper, set of double harness, two* horse collars, new; scalding barrel,, quantity of other barrels, log-boat, blacksmith, 50 pound vise, anvil, a quantity of carpenter’s and tinner’s, tools, quantity of sap buckets, con crete pounder, hay fork, barley fork, quantity of grain bags, neckyokes, 2.* sets of whiffletrees, quantity of al falfa and other articles too humex*- ous to mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— 6 oc tave organ, sink, Daisy churn, quan tity of kitchen chairs, quantity of' jars and jugs, 5-gal. jug, small, table, bureau. TERMS OF $10.00 and under, amount 6 months’ given on furnishing notes, or a. discount straight off for amounts. MRS. ELLA FRENCH, ADDIE TIEMAN, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer SALE cash; over that, credit will bo- approved joint, of cash 4 per cent, on credit Proprietress all cow two two AUCTION SALE — ot --- FARM STOCK AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, LOT D, CON. 9, USBORNE TP. -— on — FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1928 at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES—General purpose mare, 6 years old; gelding, 9 CATTLE—Cow due Cow due in February; two-year-old steers; steers; 2 steer calves; and two-year-old heifers, good feed ers. HOGS—6 store hogs, Turkey and Tom; a number of hens, set single harness, top buggy. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—2 Alad din lamps, 2 other lamps, sideboard, 6 dining-room chairs, coal heater; 2 wood heaters, carpet sweeper, bed stead, Coleman iron and other ar ticles. Positively no reserve. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. TERMS OF SALE 9 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint with interest at -5 per cent. H. N. TAYLOR, Proprietor McNNEIL & NAIRN, Auctioneers notes, AUCTION SALE & in NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against estate of SAMUEL GEORGE LAW- SON, late of the Township of Ste phen, County of Huron, Farmer^ who died on the 12th day of Decem ber 1927, are required to forward their claims, duly proven to H. Eil- ber & Son, Crediton, on or before- the 27th d'ay of October, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the exe cutors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only, to the- claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Crediton this tenth day of October, 1928. Sidney Sanders, Exeter; Joseph W,. Lawson, Crediton, Executors. Mrs. B. W. B'. Beavers returned from Toronto on Friday last after a week's visit with her sister, Miss Eaerett at the Allan Garden’s Apart ments, also with Dr. and Mrs. Gib- isoih The Provincial W. C. T. U. Convention held in Carlton Street, church, was one of the largest ever field and the reports of the different -Supt’s through the province, -cd that the women are indeed jug, and steadily advancing •methods of work, especially .educational lines among the people and children. Mrs. (nee Edna Follick) rendered a very beautiful solo, at the tea hour at , Willard Hall on Thursday afternoon Jalso Billy Joe Johnson, of Goderich, favored the convention with selec tions at the church also at Willard Hall, and at the big Pageant •fit Massey Hall on Thursday night before a very large gathering, was given a very hearty applause i iron sugar kettle, jrinfl had to repeat. The Pageant, was given by the young people, of Toronto, under the supervision of a iady from New York and was very fine indeed. Mrs. Colvin, President of New York State with a member ship of 50,000 W.C.T.U. workers was the speaker at Massey Hall and -delivered a very inspiring address AUCTION SALE — of — REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, IB miles south of Crediton SOUTH SIDE OF LOT 5, CON. 7, STEPHEN, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: REAL ESTATE—Consists of 16 acres of good land with a never fail ing well. A frame barn with pig pen and.hen house 30x40 and a good frame house with kitchen and wood shed; also 44 mile from school. HORSES—Gelding horse, 9 years old. CATTLE— 1 Pure-bred Durham cow due to calve December the 7th. IMPLEMENTS—1 Buggy, cutter, He | single set of harness, grind stone, 1 ditching Outfit, De Laval cream separator in good condition. HOUSEHOLD ‘ EFFECTS— 2 kit chen tables, cupboard, sewing ma chine, churn, range, Quebec heater, nearly new; incubator, couch, clock, flower stand, hanging lamps, piano- cased- oi^gan, six kitchen chairs, rug, and some linoleums, scythe, ladder, «ntre table, saw, wire, 25 year.old ms, '50 white leghorn pulletts, 35 I show- . work- ■ their along young Heart, F & W. mower, sulky rake, hay loader, 1 stiff tooth cultivator, manure spreader, disc, roller, walking plow, riding plow, seed 'drill, two furrow plow, stone boat, bean scuffler with puller, row scuffler, single scuffler. 4-section harrows, sawing outfit, fanning mill, scales, bag truck, grind stone, turning lathes, emery stone, International engine 25 h.p. cider press, belts, root pulper, cut ting box, iron force pump, wagon. 2 light wagon, hay rack, wagon box, gravel box, 2 sets of sleighs, cart, 2 top buggies,, open buggy, 2 sets of harness, 2 sets single harness, lad ders, 10 cords of wood, quantity of wire, 2 colony houses and stoves, hay fork, rope, slings and pulley, wire stretchers, sausage grinder and press scalding trough, chopping block and bench; 15 tons of hay, sap pans and heater, 800 bushel of oats, quantity of lumber. HOUSEHOLD lamp, 4 wash suites complete; desk, 3 couches, 2 parlor tables, 2 drop leaf tables, arm chair, four tables, knitting machine, Good Cheer stove, 2 heaters, 2 glass cupboards, rugs, linoleums, carpets, bath tub, 2 lawn chairs, counter scales, 240 pounds; coal stove, oil heater, pots, pans, dishes of all kinds, pictures, forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, and chains, cream separator, quantity of mangolds and turnips, churn, cutter and other articles too numerous to mention. EFFECTS—1 Gas tubs, 5 bed-room brass bed, writing 4 rockers, 12 chairs dining-room suite, TERMS .Grain—Cash. $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months credit will be giv en on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 % off for cash. MRS. EZRA HAIST, Proprietress FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk. Mimiverea a very inspiring aauress ana some iinoieums, acyuie, laauer, <ui conditions in hex’ state at thlsl^ntre table, saw, wire, 25 year.old -critical time, and the Temperance; liens, '50 white leghorn pulletts, 35 forces are linked together to fight' turkeys old and young, dog and •this amendmert of the Volstead Act, | other articles too numerous to men- injured WHILE THRESHING -which is one of the main plank« ’n tion. ^Governor Smiths platform and- ask-' TERMS OF SALE 4ng the prayers of the Canadian cit-1 Household Effects—Cash. izens on bouaj? of ou’* Sister Nat- > ttion to the south at this time, when on day of sale, their country is in the throes of a I WILLIAM SIMS, Proprietor* fxj’ogJdential elecion. | following: Purpose freshened November AUCTION SALE — of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction, LOT 5, CON. 3, TUCKERSMITH TP. IB miles east of Hensail, on WEDNESDAY, (’OCTOBER- 24, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the HORSES—One General mare. - CATTLE— Cow just with calf at foot, cow due 2 6th; 2 young cows freshened two months and bred again; young cow freshened one month and bred again 3 dry cows, 6 good steers from 1000 to 1200 pounds, in good shape; two yearling heifers, 2 calves 2 months’ old, calf one month old. IMPLEMENTS— Adams wagon, almost new, buggy, M. H. binder, M. H. «ultivator, new; M. H. rake, new; Deering mower, scuffler, set of 4- section harrows, DeLaval cream sep arator, good as new; hay rack, fan ning mill, double furrow walking plow, single plow, seed drill, double set of harness, single set of harness; I set of harness, cutter, colony house 8x12, new complete with brooder stove, 100 S.C. white Leg horns, Barrow strain pullets, laying; about 50 pullets 4 months old. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Solid oak kitchen cabinet, nearly new; New Perfection 3 burner oil stove with oven, nearly new; hanging Aladdin lamp with sion fixture, stand Aladdin with shade, buffalo Robe, forks, spades, shovels and articles. TERMS OF SALE 6 steers, poultry and all sums of $20.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months’ credit will be given- on furnishing approved joint bankable paper, with a discount 3 per cent, straight off for cash credit amounts. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer ALBERT TRAQUAIR, Proprietor sideboard, exten- lamp new; other During threshing operations Geo,, Parkinson, farmer, near Woodham,.' Mother.' Terms of Real Estate made known had the misfortune to have his eye | struck with the butt end of a sheaf I FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer of on “My dear boy, never put off till tomorrow What can be done today.” of grain, necessitating his removal Young Hopeful; “Let’s eat the jam to the hospital for medical attention, tart tonight." . . , _ o — of — FARM, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction, at LOT 7, CON. 17, TP. OF HAY 2B miles west of Dashwood and -144 miles north, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1928 at 1 p.m. sharp the following: REAL ESTATE—67 acres of land more or less mostly all seeded down bank barn 37x57; garage; frame house with kitchen attached, hen house all cement floored, stable. HORSES—Bay mare 9 years old, weighing 1700 pounds; Bay horse 10 years old, weighing 1500 pounds; grey general purpose, Percheron, 6 years old. CATTLE—3 year* old heifei’ due in February, 4 year old roan cow due in February 1st; 3 year old Dur ham cow due April 1st; Holstein cow due May 1st; red cow 6 years old with calf at foot; 2 steers ris ing two; heifei' rising two- spring calf. IMPLEMENTS—Dearing Binder 6ft; McCormick mower 5ft; hoe drill, 3-section harrow, wagon, gra vel box, 16 ft. hay rack, top buggy, open buggy, walking Fleury plow, new; fanning mill, cutting box, disc, spring tooth cultivator, sulky rake, root pulper, one horse scuffler, cut ter, bob sleighs and bunks, grind stone, two double barrel shot guns, rifle and traps. Ford touring car, car tools, set of chains, windlass and ropes complete, track, fork and car riage, set of double harness, set of single harness, doubletrees, neck- yokes, logging chains, forks, shov els, ditching spades, post , hole dig ger, steel wheel barrow, iron kettle, a quantity of carpenter tools. HOGS—3 stocker pigs, 170 lbs. each. POULTRY— 50 hens, 40 Rock pullets, ters. GRAIN & HAY—25 hay; 100 bushels of shels of mixed grain, turnips, a quantity of potatoes. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Side board, extension table, cook stove,! heater, De Laval cream separator, 6 dining room chairs, kitchen table & zinc, quantity of sealers, quantity of crocks, cider barrel, churn, 3 burn er new Perfection coal-oil stove, 8 day clock, pure bred Beogle hound, yearling, collie dog, 2 years; 2 kit chen chairs, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS IREAL ESTATE—-10 per cent, to I . ------------. eu w lorB,ar[, be paid down on day of sale and bal- their claims, duly proven, to H Eil- ance to be paid in 30 days. |‘k-'~ 1 CHATTELS—All sums of $10.00 . the 27th 7ay ^October “1928 ........ and under, cash; 6ver that amount | AND NOTICE is further aivoi 11 months credit will be given on after this said date the executom fnrnishmir nnnrnvArt notes,! will proceed to distribute the eg- per cent, tate, having regard only to then on credit Claims of which they then shall have ■ notice, 111,3 *«*■J NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that- all ^persons having claims against the estate of JAMES COCKWILL, late of the village of Crediton, in: the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on the 28tli day of July, 192 8, are required to forward their‘ claims, duly proven to H. Eilber & Son. Crediton, on or before the 27tte: day of October, 1928. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV EN that after the said date the exe cutors will proceed to distribute the- estate, having regard only __ claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated at Crediton this tenth day of. October, 1928. Thomas Trevethick, Alonzo Hod,, gins, Executors, Crediton. to the- yearling Rock 40 Rock roos- tons of mixed oats, 100 bu- lj acres of Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Emmanuel Wilds, late- of the township of Hay, county of Huron, farmer, who .died on the 8th. ay of July 1928, intestate, are re quired to forward their claims, duly- proven to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 27th day of Octo ber, 1928. AND notice is hereby given that, after this said date the Executors wi 1 proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of' which they then shall have notice. Mrs. Martha Wilds, administra trix, Dashwood. ■ Dated at Crediton, this 8th day of October 1928. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that all' persons having claims against the- estate of Henry Carruthers, late of the Township of Stephen, county of Huron, farmer, who died on August fu?. are required to forward I her & Son, Crediton, on or before: furnishing approved joint with a discount of 4 straight off for cash amounts. Hay, grain and poultry—cash. MRS. j" ‘ ress to Estate of Emmanuel Wilds , cutors. ^ur^er given that, executor#