HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-18, Page 2THURSDAY, OCTOBER ISth, 102S THE EXETER ZSESBsE FREE TRIPS TO THE ROYAL WINTER FAJR When you buy a Westinghouse Batteryless Radio you own a beautiful instrument that embodies the latest improvements at a price that repre­ sents more radio value than has ever It gives you: Full 6-tube power, using tbe new Westinghouse A.C. Radiotrons. Selectivity, finely balanced, giving equal performance in the upper and lower wave bands. True-to-life tone quality—both high and low notes reproduced with equal fidelity. Economy of operation. All the cur­ rent used in the year costs only a fifth been offered before. of the expense of new batteries and battery charging. Oversize power supply unit provides maximum of power for amplifier tube. Distant stations brought in tvith ease and clarity. Pilot lamp illuminates dial—shows when set is on or off. New improved cone speaker, de­ veloped by Westinghouse, and many other features which, we will be glad to show. Hear a Westinghouse Demonstrated and Judge its Value for Yourself AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS For Batteryless, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models .JEWELLER, F. RABETHGE, Successor to Jas. Lawson: EXETER WHEN YOU BUY A WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED RADIO^) Field Day at Mitchell FIVE SCHOOLS COMPETE The annual field day meet was held in Keterson Park, Mitchell, re­ cently and the scholars of the fol­ lowing collegiates and high schools took part in the events; Clinton, Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter and Mit­ chell. On account of heavy rains the previous morning and between twelve and one o’clock in the after­ noon, the race track could not be used for the races and all of the sports had to be pulled off on the grass out in thq middle of the park. Girls' Events High jumj, jr.—V. Morrison, C.; E. O’Brien, G.; M. Kerslake, E.—3 ft, 10 inches. Bread jumj, sr.—Mona Sills, 6.; Greta Abray, M.; B. Aberhart, S.;— 11 feet 9 inches. Hop, step and jump, jr.—Dorothy Ruston, M.; Ina Gallop, M.; N. Hob­ kirk—27 feet, 3 inches. 75 yard dash, sr—Norma Bolton, S.; Lettie Love, E.; M. Cudmore, C. Fifty yard dash, jr.—Jean Abell, G.; D. McCreath, G., Ina Gallop, M. Hop, step and jump, sr.—Helen Halliday, M.; Mona Sills, S.; Mar­ garet Groves, G.—2 6 feet, 1 inch. Broad jump, jr.—Dorothy Rus­ ton, Marion Smith. C.; Kathleen Strang E.—12 feet, 10 1-2 inches. High jump, sr.—Greta Abray, B. Dorrance, S.; Norma Bolton, S.—3 feet, 10 inches. Boys’ Events 100 yard dash, jr.—P. Cluff, C.; J. Cardno, &; J. Gandier, C.—12 1-5 seconds. 100 yard dash, intermediate—I. McKay, G.; J. Black, G.; T. Cluff, S.—11 3-5 seconds. 100 yard dash, sr.—M. McKay. G; E. Taman, E.; E. Tieman, E.—11 seconds. Running high jump, jr.—J. Gand­ ier, R. Pryde. E.; I. McLean. S.—4 feet, 5 inches. Shot put, int.—J. Black, G.; G. Skinner. E.; R. Stoddart, G.—28 ft. 7 inches. Running hop, step and jump, sr.— E. Taman, M. Howey, E.; C. Trott, S.—36 feet, 6 1-2 inches. Running hop, step and jump, jr. —J. Gandier, J. Gardno, S.; J. Lark­ worthy, «M.—2'8 feet, 5 inches. Running high jump, intermediate G. Skinner. E.; C.—4 feet, 10 inches, put. sr.—K. Hunter, G.; D. G.; R, Porterfield, M.—31 inches. jr.—J. Gandier. N. .—2S 3-4 sec. the the Word has been received that “Five Hundred Boys’ Trip" to Royal Winter Fair which was inau­ gurated by the Ontario Government last is to be repeated this year. Ten each of a Pro- This boys will be selected from county through the medium, special Live Stock and Seed ducts judging competition, will be held in Clinton on Friday. October 26th, commencing at 9 a.m. Previous winner of this trip are not eligible but, all other young farmers' sons or residin; in Huron County tween the ages of ty-three (Oct. 1st) point to attend and win a trip to Fair. The judging competition and con­ sequently the selection of the ten winners will be in the hands of the local Representative of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. men .g on farms and who are be. sixteen and twen- should make it a this competition the Royal Winter —R. Stoddart C., Streets, Shot McKay. feet, 9 220 yards, Parks. M.-. J- Cardno.- Running hop, step and jump, i»— T. Cluff, C.: G. Skinner, E.; Middle­ ton, C. Running high jump, sr—G. Wright S.; E. Taman. E. and C. Colborne. G.—5 feet. 2 1-2 inches. Pole vault jr. G. Rennie. S.; R. Honey, C.; Cardno of Seaforth and ’ Pag, of Goderich, a tie for third place.—7 feet. 5 inches. 220 yard dash. int.—I. MeKay, C. Desjaraine, E. Streets, C. 220 yard sr.—M. McKay. G.; Taman, E.: D. McKay, G.—25 seconds. Running broad jump, jr.—J. Gan­ dier, H. Gibbs, C.; J. Cardno. S.— 13 feet, 9 1-2 inches. P.oie vault int.—R. Stoddart. Black and Holmes, C.—9 feet. Half mile race, sr Hunter, and 4-5 seconds. Running Stoddart. J. feet, 9 inches. ’ Pole vault, sr.—C. Trott, S.; A. Cilborne. G.; Rozell. C.—S feet. 4 • inches. Running broad jump, sr.—-E. Ta­ man, M. McKay. C. Trott.—16 feet. 7 1-2 inches. Halt’ mile, int.—I. McKay. T. Ross. C.; F. Walter, G.—2 min. 31 2-5 se- , conds. G; E. 2-5- J. ■M. McKay, Keys of C.*—2 min. C. 2 6 broad jump. int.—R. Black. G. Skinner,—15 Girls' relay race—Goderich. Sea­ forth, Exeter. Relay race—junior boys—Sea. forth. Goderich, Mitchell. Relay race—inter, boys—Gode­ rich, Exeter, Seaforth. race—senior boys—Gode- "Dad. did you go to Sunday School - .- when you were a boy?” “Yes. my I Relay son, I always went to Sunday School'! rich, Exeter, Seaforth. “Well, dad. I think I’ll quit going it is'nt doing me any good either."Championships girls—Dorothy Ruston,1 Junior Mitchell. Senior chell and ’Mona Sills, were a tie and were both presented with medals. Senior Boys—M. McKay, of Code- rich. Intermediate boys—R. Stoddart, of Goderich. Junior boys—J. Gandier, of Clin­ ton. In the evening there was dancing in the high school gymnasium from seven to nine o'clock. Much softball and the tiers of girls—Greta Abray, Mit- ot Seaforth. interest was taken in the games played by the Mitchell girls were tin the championship. girls wlu Bronchial Cold Left Her with a Dry, Hacking Cough Mrs. A. Primeau, 36 Ingram St.. Chatham, Ont., writes:—”1 am pleased to take this opportunity of telling you of my experience with Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup a Early last winter I suffered from a severe bronchial cold that left me with a ^provoking, dry, hacking cough. After being bothered with it, both day and night, for some time I had a. professional nurse recommend the above oough syrup which I took with wonder' ful results, and, now, it la the only remedy I ever use for colds.” ’■“Price 35c. a bottle; large family size 60c. at all druggists or dealers. Put up only by The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont, Rev. ■hell Rev Olrl. Sign. Thomas Charlton, former rector of Trinity church, MU died at the residence of his Him Henry Charlton, Clarksburg, Mr, Charlton was 71 yearn of Miss Anna K. Atkinson, dnnglil of Mrs. Atkinson, formerly of lie forth, was united in holy bondii matrimony to Mr. Clyde' If. Mu > Dougall, of Detroit, Rev, Failn I Higgins officiating, Stye lExetcr GHmra-Abiwrate J Established 1873 and 1887 Published every Thursday morning at Exeter, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION—?2.00 per year la advance. United States satyr scription $2.50, RATES—Farm or Real Estate fosr sale 50c, each insertion for rinaft four insertions, 25c. each subset quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ ticles, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, os? Found 10c, per line of six worde^ - -- 10c. per line*. 50 c. Legal ad- Lty one verse 50®* each. Reading notices Card of Thanks vertising 12 and 8c. per line. Memoriam, with extra verses 25c.i Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association. 1874 1911 The London Life POLICIES AS GOOD AS GOLD. 4 W. C. PEARCE Exeter. Phone 130W.. Residence, Ann St., two blocks vrO of Ford Garage GLADMAN & STANBURY j BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Madft Insurance Safe-deposit Vault for use of oiD" ClientB without charge EXETER LONDON HENSAI3J CARLING & MORLEY j BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, IN- ‘ . SURANCE n Office: Carling Block, Main EXETER, ONT. DR. M. C. G. FLETCHER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Graduate of Faculty of Medi«ta«ty University of Western Ontario, Mom* ber of the College of Physicians ant? Surgeons of Ontario; Member of ih> British Medical Council. Phone 6—(The office of the latfr Dr. H. K. Hyndman) Dr. G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.DJS^ % DENTAL SURGEON Late District Dental Officer of Military Distract Number One, London, Ont, Telephones Office 34W Residence 841 Office closed Wednesday afternoo® only, t MATS ST., EXETER, ONT. Dr. G. F. RouLatan, L.D.S.^D.DJ^. DENTIST iy Office over Carling & MozI-sd X Law Office J Extractions Under Oxygen / EXETER, ONT. DR. WM. L. LAWSON L. D. S.D. D. S, DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial ing, Main St., Exeter, Phone 77w» build* JOHN WARD DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER AN3g OPTOMETRIST Physiotherapy Treatment PHONE NO. 70 MAIN ST.EXE TEE} DR. E. S. STEINER « VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Ontario VeterhMMfi< College , DAY AND NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 1®' Office in old Ford Garage Building , Corner of Main and Ann Streets t EXETER, ONT. 1 ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER ,J * For Huron and Middlesex $ FARM SALES A SPECIALTY 1 PRICES REASONABLE R SATISFACTION GUARANTEES? Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. 1, DASHWOOD, ONT. ’ FRANK TAYLOR d LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 for Huron and Middlesex 1 FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 133 »**• OSCAR KLOPP LICENSED AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey Jones’ Au4H tlon School, Special course taken I®!1 Registered Live Stock (all Breed!,)’ Mm-chandiso, Real Estate, Fars© kilos, etc, Rates in keeping witty v 01'ovallliig prices. Satisfaction mh hired, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Qj nliono Zurich. Ont, Farmer( looking out of tliaf ‘ window at a gang of landing aside : "Dan, d, I've been up ........... e rive limes this week, and 1*1 have I seen those fellow# lih'uko of work!” , as the my eyes, this an* plate* train? beats down