HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-11, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1028 WANT COLUMN TRACTOR FOR HIRE—20x30 Wallis, plowing and belt work, Bradshaw, Centralia io-ll-2tp ONIONS—I will take in onions on October 16th, 17th and 18th at the store house on Carling St.—J. H. Greive. 10-11-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec­ tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc -■■■ ........ r**r PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—150 acres, Lot 6 and SL Lot 7, Conces­ sion 5, Stephen. Apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter. 9-27-8tc. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX­ CHANGE—We always have a num­ ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. Dow. 6,7,tfc FOR SALE—100 heifers and 100 steers, yearlings and two-year-olds. Ap-ply Frank Taylor, Exeter or Eli Lawson, Crediton. 10-ll-3tc Exeter Markets Wheat §1.20 Oats 42c. Barley 65c. Manitoba Flour §4-00 Blend Flour §3.80 Pastry Flour §3.40 Feed Flour §2,25 Bran §1.80 Shorts §1.80 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Butter 38 and 41c. Eggs, Extras 42c. Eggs, seconds 32c. Hogs §9.75 p_______ ______-------------------. —Q 1 Xoaals -------5 .............O TRY OUR “QUAKER KISSES” Sugar, Molasses, Butter and Milk; smooth as silk. The family candy. 4Or a lb. Something new.—-HAR­ VEY’S GROCERY. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—-‘'The Christian Ministry" 7 p.m.—“The Price of Vision1’ 4 * ANNIVERSARY SERVICES OCT 31 Rev. Geo. Rowland, of Knox church Stratford, will preach diianiiaiuiMiniiiimlmiium■ imii iiiibk■!>«i n■ •iminimoMwaiiMiiBii n imn nii o.iiiii ii ,i iixMft JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, D. McTavish, Pastoi’ W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—“Lost Boy No. 2.” 4th in the series on the ‘God of the Lost’ 3 p.m.-—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Rev. J. A. Walker, B.A., of Dungannon. NOTE—The new heating system will be in operation for Sunday. FARM WANTED—Want to hear from owner having good Ontario farm for sale. If bargain, send price and description F. B. G. Box 495, Olney, Illinois. 10-11-ltc LOST—Between Exeter and Elim- vilfe Saturday evening a gentleman’s black club bag. Finder please com­ municate with Times-Advocate. 10-11-ltp. Mrs. R. Gillies will hold a sale of household effects at her home one block north of the Exeter creamery, on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 20th. All who cherish the sensation of a real hot Fowl Supper, whet your appetite and wend your way to Dash­ wood Evangelical church on Wed­ nesday, October 17th and enjoy an evening long to be remembered. LOST—Ladies’ wrist watch, black wrist band. In Exeter about three weeks ago. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times-Advocate. 10-11-ltc. STRAYED—Drving horse, light grey, tall, from Con. 18, McGilli­ vray. Please communicate with Calvert Nichol, R. R. 8, Parkhill, phone 602r4. FOR SALE OR RENT—Brick res­ idence on Main Sc. All modern con­ veniences, Barn, fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to Miss Mary A. Tom 9-13-tfc. NOTICE— Contracts taken for gravel, ploughing, quantity of man­ ure for sale; also good frame build­ ing suitable for garage or chicken house. Apply to Clyde Heywood, Exeter. 9-6-tfc. FARM FOR RENT— S§ lot 10, 3rd Concession, Biddulph, conprising 50 acres, good buildings. Possession this fall. Apply to John H. Black­ well, 1219 York St., London. 10-ll-2tp. HOUSE FOR SALE—A story and a half brick house equipped with furnace and electric lights. Property consisting of three lots with garage and a variety of fruit trees. Mrs. R. Gillies 10-4-tfc We have in stock for sale the fol­ lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario’s Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Exeter on Thursday, the 18th day of October, 1928, at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for 1928. Dated the 1st day of October 1928 JOS. SENIOR, Clerk Municipality of the Village cf Exeter 10-4-2tc Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chappel, Mr. Chester Chappel and the former's mother, of Dundas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle and other relatives over the week-end. FREE BOARD A limited number of open­ ings are available to ambitious young people to obtain Free Board while attending here, in exchange for work in spare hours. Write immediately if you wish to take advantage of this exceptional offer. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD ONTARIO Nordhekner Pianos Martin's Music Store Miss Hettie Sweet is visiting with her brother Victor in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Nelson Hill, of Toronto, visit­ ed last week with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Hill. Mr. G. E. McTaggart and family, of Watford, visited over Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, re­ turned to London on Tuesday after spending a week with friends. Mr. Harold Taylor and cousin Mrs. Glenn Timmerman, of Detroit, spent Sunday at the former’s home here. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. W. W. Handford, of Arn- prior, visited with his mother, Mrs. S. Handford for a few days during the week. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. J. Stanbury, of Toronto, were the week-end guests of the former’s brother Mr. J. G. Stanbury. Mr, and Mrs. Horatio Reynolds have just returned from a two weeks' visit in Sarnia, Windsor and Detroit. *> Mr. H. O. Southcott spent Sunday and Monday visiting with his bro-1 ther Rev. R.. E. Southcott at Mor­ peth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson and Jos. and George Jackson, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Teams and Miss D. Teams and gentleman friend and Miss Fern Short, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Short. Mrs. Ann Thomas after visiting here a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook returned to her home in Hamilton, Tuesday. •Mrs. T. O. Southcott visited over the week-end in Preston and was ac­ companied home by her brother, Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, who is visiting here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson, of Dresden, spent the latter part of the week with the latter’s grandmother Mrs. Wm. Walker and other rela­ tives. Mrs. West returned home last Thursday after spending several days in London with her son Sid who is recuperating in Victoria Hos­ pital from an operation for append­ icitis. Mr. West was able to sit up on Tuesday for the first time since the operation. The Exeter Canning Factory com­ pleted their corn pack on Saturday. The yield was not as heavy .as last year, nevertheless it was a good pack. Rev. Ernest Grigg preached very acceptably in Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Stanbury, of Toronto, delighted the congregation with a solo. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Myers and family, who visited with Mrs. Mey­ er’s parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Short, left recently to visit at Kewanee, IB. They left Chicago for Santi­ ago, Calif., on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Steele, of Lon­ don, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston and nephew, Master Ray Johnston, of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner, on Saturday. Mrs. Steele remained over to visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston returned last week from a very enjoyable two months’ trip through the West, go­ ing through the Rockies as far as Prince Rupert, returning from there by boat and visiting in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland Ore. an'd Edmon­ ton. Last week a couple of loads of lay­ men of Caven Church attended a banquet at Clinton and listened to an address from Mr. G. Tower Fer­ guson, of Toronto. Major McEwen, of Goderich, was chairman. Mr. Crescent Dayman met with an auto accident on the Lake Road Sunday afternoon while on his way to Grand Bend. He was following another auto which applied its brakes suddenly at one of the side­ roads forcing Mr. Dayman to swerve sharply to the left his car taking to the ditch. Ho struck a post which damaged the radiator. No o.ne was hurt. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m.—A report of the Laymen’s convention in Toronto will be given. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—A presentation of the re­ commendation of the General Council. This service will be given over especially to the con­ sideration of these recommendat­ ions. The pastor especially requests our people to forego engagements of all kinds and to attend these services. Thursday night midweek service of prayer and praise at 8 o’clock. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector 19th Sunday after Trinity 11 a.m.—Matins and Sermon 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and sermon. HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec­ ialty. Estimates gladly furnished Cree. ERN. DAVIS Phone 224 Mr. Gibbs Yellarid, of Windsor, visited for a few days with his sis­ ters in town. Mrs. Rd. Murphy has returned'- home after visiting for a couple of weeks in Wyoming. Mrs. Cottle and Ida were in Lon­ don Wednesday attending the fun­ eral of Mrs. Cottle’s neice the late Mrs. Treadgold. Mrs. East held an auction sale of household effects on Saturday last. The house was offered for sale but was not sold. Mrs. East leaves next Monday for London. She says she will not have time to say good­ bye to all her friends but wishes to thank them all for their kindness extended to her while a resident of Exeter. Among those from Exeter who were in Toronto over the week-end attending‘>the Laymen’s convention of the United church were Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and son Reg­ inald, Mr. G. S. Howard and Miss Vivian Hogarth, from the Main St. United church. Mr. W. G. Medd, M.L.A., attended the convention and took part in the devotional exer­ cises at the Saturday afternoon ses­ sion. Messrs. Geo. Williams, J. M. Southcott, Misses Reta Rowe, Betty Grant, Mildred Rowe and Gertrude Francis represented the James St. church. Mrs. H. T. Rowe also spent the week-end in the city. THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 13. R. HOPPSR MODERN EQUIPMENT f KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE While we sell all the Banks & Insurance Com-1 panies throughout the Do­ minion, we are just as de­ sirous of serving the small investors who has $100 or upwards for safe investment. We handle only securities enjoying an immediate market H. R. Bain S Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bldg. Toronto 2- COATS! COATS! COATS! We have a large stock of Children’s Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats for your inspection. Styles up-to-date. Prices very attractive. English Flannelette 36 inches wide, in six good patterns, fast colors and good weight, worth 30c per yd. Special at per yard 25c. 36 inch Fancy Chintz I Beautiful patterns for comforters. You | will like the new patterns. 36 inches wide 1 at per yard 25c. Stanfields Underwear for It is impossible to produce underwear that gives 1 than this well known brand. We carry a full stock of piece and combinations. Red Label $2.50 Blue Label Men 1 • r/f - letter satisfaction this make in two $2.75 Ladies Silk & Wool Hose In all the Newest Fall and Winter shades Made in two qualities 85c. and $1.00 Ladies Colored Bloomers bloomer, well made with good elastic In pink, mauve and sand. A good weight Special at per garment 69c. 2 Only 97-piece English Dinner Sets 2 only 97-piece Dinner Sets. These sets are beautiful English ware, and come in a very neat floral decoration. We have reduced the price td make room for the Christmas goods. Special at $14.95 Special at $14.95 | WARM OVERCOATS FOR BOYS AND MEN WE WANT YOU TO SEE OUR NEW OVERCOATS FOR MEN & BOYS. WE THINK WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AT THE PRICE YOU ARE PREPARED TO PAY. Southcott Bros. Phone 16 Phone 16 | WANTED NOW ti Salesmen in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit •trees, Flowering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual­ ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana­ dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be successful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO.‘ 10-4-8tp. Toronto 2. DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hear Office, Waterloo, Ontario Clinton g. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 21 v 5 9-13-tfc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................... 3c DOUBLE EDGE ............................ -fie Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST ADVANCE NOTICE The Christmas .Season is a few weeks off, and we are anxious to say that our preparations for it is great­ er this year than it has been for some time. We have on order the largest assort­ ment of good toys at most reason­ able prices that we have shown in years- Also the niftiest Christmas cards, seals, tie strings, ribbons, and enclosure-cards you ever saw in a small town. Pretty china gifts, all reasonably priced. RIGHT NOW BULBS—Hyacinths 10, 20, and 25c.; Paperwhite Narcissus 50c. a dozen; Tulips 30, 40, 50, and 60c. supojjna Joos unuiBpXo fuozop tr and Jonqijjls 5, 10, and 15c. each. Our bulbs are reliable. We could sell cheaper bulbs but not quality. Cut flowers for funerals, wedd­ ings, birthdays and gifts, ordered and sent anywhere, we appreciate the chance to serve you. Powell’s Variety Store “WHERE YOU SAVE” Rhone 55 ■' STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! STOP— BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE LOOK—.AT OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE LISTEN—TO WHAT WE SAY. CHESTERFIELD SUITES ..................................... FROM $135.00 ITP DINING-ROOM SETS ........................... FROM $75.00 UP BEDROOM SETS ....................................................... FROM $25.00 UP We have a bag stock and aire giving extra good values in all lines. R. FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20w; RESIDENCE 20 j . R E E__ _ NEW HATS for FALL in BORSALINO and KINGS SEE OUR NEW HARD HATS Ef you want something -real classy in neckwear, we have just placed nn tsoclx some fancy scarfs and a new range of ? swell ties. < _________________ A FULL LINE OF UNDERWEAR MEN’S FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS w PHONE 81w TAMAN EXETER* ONT, it is Bargains you want call at T. H. ELLIOTT'S Store he has a sale on for TEN DAYS, starting on* August 23rd and ending on Sep­ tember 1st. Overalls, work pants, work shirts, ties, hose, suits, work shoes and every thing I have in my store will be on sale. And this means a saving to everyone that buys at my store , Store open every night, T.sH. Elliott’s I L W R. GOULDING A. I. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Piano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music m Schools Studio, Main St. Box 57, Phone 19» EXETER, ONT. Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER ‘ Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT,. SICKNESS, WLWORM, ETC.. .