HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-11, Page 4t ’THURSDAY, OC TOBER lltli, R)2S ......... ■ 1 ........—. ...................... ■" •'-* fTHE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE K> , CREDITON Mr. Ell Lawson arrived hopie, from the West on Monday. Mr. and iMrs. Irvine Eckstein and baby of the Lake Road spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson spent the week-end with their son Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Anderson in Exeter. S Mrs. Jessie Baisden, of London, is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Chris. Hoffman. Mrs. Muriel Drummond and dau­ ghter Ruth of Ailsa Craig spent the -week-end with her aunt Mrs. Chris. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Zuefle, of Elint, Mich., spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Immport. Mr. Dan Truemner and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfaff spent Sunday with relatives at Blake, Miss Lavina Smith and Mr. Clay­ ton Sims assisted in the program of the Rally service of the Young People’s Society at Granton United church on Monday evening. There will be no service in the Crediton United church next Sun­ day evening, October the 14th on account of the Anniversary services at Brinsley. Services will be held at. Brinsley at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brook, a former pastor will preach. Good singing. All invited. The Evangelical Fowl Supper, of Crediton was the same decided suc­ cess as last year. Supper served irom 5 to 9 soon found twelve tables with sixteen guests at each table filled and continuously so un­ til 8.30 when the numbers became less. The Fowl Supper Committee is confident that there were even more in attendance than last year J because the gross proceeds of all the supper, bazaar and .donations are $100.0'1 more than last year. The committee heartily thank all who donated and the untiring efforts of all the helpers. The program be­ gan at 9 o’clock. The Evangelical Orchestra under the lead of the pas­ tor opened with three selections of "College Girls”. “Opera Gems” and "Patriotic Medley.” The large male chorus rendered two selection. Miss Ruby Finkbeiner gave a reading. Mr. Lewis Eckmeyer, of Stratford, reader, appeared in the program three times; the male quartette rendered two humorous selections; six-hand piano selection by Misies A. Gaiser, L. Smith and C. Morlock; moving pictures at the close. The Fowl Supper Committee with Mrs. Christ. Haist convenor and Mrs. Moses Faist, sec’y-treas., together with other ladies of the committee Mrs. Clayton Sims, Mrs. Jack Wein, Mrs. Godfrey Wein, Mrs. A. Wolf and Mrs. Albert Morlock, are re­ ceiving eongratuations of the com- niunty for their success. The com­ mittee however are aware how help­ less they are without the co-opera­ tion of every member and friend of the congregation. The piogiam committee with J. II. Holtzmann, convcenor and W. M. Sippell, sec j also received congratulations for the interesting and humorous program of the evening. They also have an invitation to furnish the program for the Mildmay Fowl Supper some­ time this month. Several leading members from Mildmay Evangelical Congregation were present to make the offer at the close. A bunch of keys lost at the Evan­ gelical Fowl Supper last Thursday evening was returned to the owner; likewise a purse with a considerable sum of money was found and deliv­ ered to the owner; this speaks well for the people of this community and would be the same in almost every community in Ontario. Now if anybody found a fountian pen with two gold bands about the bar­ rel with the initials (W.M.S.) en­ graved on one of the bands please return to the Evangelical Parsonage Crediton and receive reward. This pen was a gift to me at a public meeting of the L. O. L. of Pembroke an was lost in September at Exeter or Crediton.—W. M. Sippell. Crediton United Cliurch News Rally Day Services were held last Sunday morning in the basement of the church with a large attendance present and the special collection for Rally Day funds was beyond all ex­ pectations. The school room was tastefully decorated with autumn flowers. Special features of the pro­ gram were several duets given by pupils of th school, one by Freder­ ick and Margaret Jones and the other by Jean Baynham and Lois Orme. Both selections being ably rendered Si" O. K. CIDER MILL WILL RUN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SATURDAY Pressing cider 5c per gallon & steam cooking apple butter CUSTOM WORK 35c. cwt paid for 2| in. paring apples S. J. V. CANN, Proprietor PHONE 115, EXETER, ONT. READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING SPECIALS WILL SAVE YOU REAL MONEY On Sale Saturday eye-opener. 98c. a 89c. a 79c. a 69c. a The quantity is limited but the prices are a real MEN’S RUBBERS ................................................ YOUTHS’ RUBBERS .......................................... BOYS’ RUBBERS ................................................ CHILDS’ RUBBERS ............................................ COME EARLY WHILE THE SIZES ARE COMPLETE pair pair pair pah' BOYS’ PULLOVER WOOL SWEATERS and GIRLS’ OR BOYS’ WINDBREAKERS A Real Value MEN’S 100 per cent. UNSHRINKABLE VESTS and DRAWERS These are not all wool but are a wool and cot­ ton mixed heavy ribbed and -will give wonderful wear. This is a real live value garment I I MEN’S HEAVY FLEECED VESTS AND DRAWERS Silver finish Garments INFANT’S DELIGHT SOAP A limited quantity LADIES’ SILK AND WOOL HOSE The wool is underneath and does not show' and the hose appears to be all silk.’ First quality. A limited quantity 4 for The biggest value ever in Cnildren’s and Ladies’ Underwear ♦ 3 EL R HE 5 T □ R E -EXE! WILL SAVE YOU MONEY by the artists. Another feature of the program was the presentation of the banner to the class of boys under the leadership of Mr. M. Finkbeiner, These boys and their teacher are to be congratulated on thir splendid showing having received 98 per eent. of all marks. KUNTZ—MAWHINNEY A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical parsonage, Credi­ ton on September 29, when Rev. Sippell united in marriage Miss Vera M. Mawhinney, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MaWhinney, in Crediton to Mr. Arnold Kuntz, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz, of Dashwood. The bride was beauti­ fully attired in rose beige Chantilly lace and georgette with hat, shoes and hose to match. The bride was attended by Mrs. Clayton Pfile,- sis­ ter of the groom. The groom was attended by Mr. Clayton Pfile. After the ceremony a dainty wedd­ ing dinner was served to immediate relatives at the home of the bride’s parents. The happy couple left by motor for Detroit and Lansing. On their return they will reside on the groom’s fine farm near Dashwood. TR1VITT MEMORIAL A. Y, P. A. The members of the A. Y. P. A. met in the Parish Hall on Monday evening with the vice-president, Miss Carrie Davis, in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn and prayer. The minutes of the prev­ ious meeting were read and adopted. The Rector gave notice of the Do­ minion Conference to be held in Windsor, October the 25th, 26th, 27th. and 28tli and an outline of the program. It was decided to name a delegate to represent Trivitt Mem­ orial next Monday, so all members are requested to be present. The balance of the evening was spent socially. Owing to the rain we could not enjoy the planned , weiner roast at the river, neverthe­ less we enjoyed the weiners and cof­ fee. There were about 35 present. Next Monday after the business is transacted, a lively debate is prom- sed on a debatable subject. Resolved “That the press wields a greater iniluence on the world than the pul­ pit.” The Rector was requested to select the judges. This meeting will commence at 8 p.m. and close at 9.30. AUCTION SALE OF STANDARD BRED HORSES The undersigned has received in­ structions to offer for sale by public auction on the premises of I. ARMSTRONG, EXETER, ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1928 at 2 o’clock p.m. the following: SALVA WATTS, Standard bred and registered, 8 years old, foal at side by Davenport. SADIE GRATTON, Standard bred and registered, 5 years old, foal at side, by Davenport, SUSIE GRATTAN, Standard bred, 2 years old, by Sololand Grattan, Horse colt, Standard bred, thir­ teen months old, by Peter Moko, (fast trotter) LAURA WATTS, Standard bred and registered, foaled 1911, by Gen­ eral Watts; dam, Happy Momento. MINTO WATTS, Standard bred and registered, foaled 1922, by Gov­ ernor General; dam, Laura Watts. BELLA PETERS, Standard bred, 4 years old, by Widower Peter; dam Laura Watts. WANDA TODD, Standard bred, 2 years old, by JIM TODD; dam Laura Watts. TERMS—8 months’ credit on fur­ nishing approved joint notes with a discount of 5 per cent off for cash. ARMSTRONG & LAWSON, Props. F. TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE --- of --- IJARM STOCK The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on LOT 17, CON. 4., STEPHEN on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1928 at 1 o’clock the following:- Holstein cow due May 2, Airshire cow due May 21, Roan cow due Apr. 26, Durham cow due April 25, Dur­ ham cow due April 28, Durham cow due May 12, Polled Angus cow due April 25, farrow cow, heifer 3 years old, 3 yearlings, 10 spring calves, Durham registered bull, 190393, 2 brood sows due in November, 1 pig weighing 100 lbs., 35 hens, 25 pul­ lets, Collie dog, 200 bus. barley, 700 bus. oats, 5 0 bus. peas, 125 bus. buckwheat, 5 tons of hay, 1 acre of mangolds, 2 acres of turnips. TERMS:—7 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes wjth 6 per cent, added. AUCTION SALE — of — HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ struction to sell by public auction, at. DASHWOOD, on. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1028 at 2 o’clock p.m. the following: Kitchen stove, newr, cpal or wood; coal stove, extension table, book stand, drop leaf table, centre table, 2 parlor tables, 2 glass cupboards, bureau, 2 couches, sink, washstand, organ, sewing machine, 3 rocking chairs, 6 dining-room chairs, 1 doz­ en kitchen chairs, arm chair, 3 bed­ steads,, springs and 2 mattresses, pictures, picture frames, 2 mirrors, lace curtains, hanging lamp, paper rack, wash basket, 2 lanterns, sau­ sage machine, grinder, curtain poles, apple racks, trunks, cradle, window screens, brooms, carpets, mats, dress­ ing standi, quantity of crocks, and a quantity of sealers, quantity of fruit, quantity of coal and wood, quantity of lumber, Sask, robe, woollen rug, homespun ‘ woollen blanket, w'ood box, coal scuttle, law'n mower, garden rake, scythe, spades, shovels, forks, hoes, pails, pots, pans, full set of dishes, toilet set, water dishes, tea kettles, cop­ per kettle, copper boiler, quantity of other dishes, spoons, knives and forks, ladder, saw horse, buck saw, sad irons, carpenter’s tools, adze­ cross cut saw, 2 benches, stairway carpets, 2 wash boards and numer­ ous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. JOHN SCHRADER, Proprietress J. GRAYBEIL, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF MORSES, OATl’LE AND HOG& On Lot D, Con. 9, Uborne, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th Full list will appear next week. H. N. Taylor, Proprietor McNeil & Nairn, Auctioneers, J I AUCTION SALE — of --- RALPH WILLIS, Proprietor. FRANK COATES, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. HOLSTEIN, DURHAM & JERSEY COWS, YEARLING STEERS AND HEIFERS W. E. Nairn, auctioneer, lias re­ ceived instructions from the under­ signed to sell by public auction on LOT 25, CON. 8, FULLARTON Tp. — on — TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1928 The following A number of Holstein, Durham and Jersey cows, fresh milkers and springers; about 4 0 head of yearling steers and heifers; a number of pigs from 6 to 8 weeks old; single furrow rdiug plow, Cockshutt, in oodoendtngo vgkqj svbgkqj cmfw ffr good condition; one two-wheel trail­ er with stock rack and hitch. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp TERMS—Six months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with 4 per cent, added. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. WALTER STEWART, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public Auction on the premises, in the S. B. MT. CARMEL. LOT 23, —• on — TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1928 at 1 o’clock p.m. the following HORSES—Heavy mare 6 years old; heavy mare 10 years old; aged heavy horse; driving mare 10 yrs. old in foal; driving gelding rising 3; sucking colt. CATTLE—Cow due at time of sale; cow due in March; cow du© in April; cow due in May; 3 cows due in June; heifer due in June; 5 steers two years old; 4 yearlings; 4 spring calves, 1?IGS—3 brood sows; 15 stocker hogs weighing 150 lbs.; 15 barred hens. IMPLEMENTS—Frost & Wood binder; Frost and Wood mower; manure spreader; sulky rake, cul­ tivator; disc harrow, roller, 2-fur- row Maple Leaf plow; walking plow gang plow, incubator, set liarrows and root scuffler; cream separator, wagon, hay rake, wagon box, Reid drill, set sleighs, cutter, buggy, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, McLaughlin car, fanning mill, pulper, slings, 2 ladders. 25 load of alsike cliaf; 35 loads cut straw; 30 loads straw; 20 loads alfalfa to be fed on place; 750 bu­shels mixed grain; 500 bu’ of oats; forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, whiffletrees. chains and other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Parlor suite, walnut, dining room suite, walnut; 2 couches, tables and chairs secretary, 5 bedroom suites com­ plete, crib, cot, pictures, dishes of all kinds, pails, 3 stoves, washing machine, 3 rugs, carpets, window curtains, Victrola, lanyps, V. C. CORREY, Proprietor F, TAYLOR, Auctioneer F, COATES, Clerk AUCTION SALE — on — FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLE­ MENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, at LOT 10, CON. 4, STEPHEN, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1928 ..at 12 o’clock sharp the following.. REAL ESTATE—100 acre farr^ Lot. 10, Con. 4, Stephen, good ban? barn, frame house, hard and soft water in house, large hen stable, hundred feet long, good, garage, slaughter house, well fenced and drained, ploughing all done. This is a good farm and ‘in good state of cultivation. 25 acre farm W5, S?; Lot 20, Con. 6, Stephen, 20 acres of bush, beech and maple balance in grain. HORSES—Heavy mare 7 years old, in foal; gelding general pur­ pose; 2 aged mares 7 years old, in foal; good 'driving horse. CATTLE—Cow due in April; cow due in May; heifer due in May; two spring calves, 5 stocker pigs; two brood sows; collie dog. IMPLEMENTS!—M.H. Binder, F & W. mower, sulky rake, hay loader, 1 stiff tooth cultivator, manure spreader, disc, roller, walking plow, riding plow, seed 'drill, two furrow' plow, stone boat, bean scuffler with puller, row scuffler, single scuffler, 4-sectlon harrow's, sawing outfit, fanning mill, scales, bag truck, grind stone, turning lathes, emery stone, International engine 24 h.p. cider press, belts, root pulper, cut­ ting box, iron force pump, wagon, 2 light wagon, hay rack, wagon box, gravel box, 2 sets of sleighs, cart, 2 top buggies,, open buggy, 2 sets of harness, 2 sets single harness, lad­ ders, 10 cords of wood, quantity of wire, 2 colony houses and stoves, hay fork, rope, slings and pulley, wire stretchers, sausage grinder and press scalding trough, chopping block and bench; 15 tons of hay, sap pans and heater, 800 .bushel of oats, quantity of lumber. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—1 Gas lamp, 4 wash tubs, 5 bed-room suites complete; brass bed, writing desk, 3 couches, 4 rockers, 12 chairs 2 parlor tables, dining-room suite, 2 drop leaf tables, arm chair, four tables, knitting machine, Good Cheer stove, 2 heaters, 2 glass cupboards, rugs, linoleums, carpets, bath tub, 2 lawu chairs, counter scales, 240 pounds; coal stove, oil heater, pots, pans, d’ishes of all kinds, pictures, forks, shovels, hoes, neckyokes, and chains, cream separator, quantity of mangolds and turnips, churn, cutter and other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS Grain—Cash. $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months credit will be giv­ en on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 5 % off for cash. MRS. EZRA HAIST, Proprietress r FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OP HOUSEHOLD PURXITCKE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction in the VILLAGE OF EXETER one block north of the Exeter cream­ ery on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1928 at one o’clock sharp the following: Living-room furniture, dining­ room furniture consisting of walnut buffet, 5 chairs, extension table, 6 oak chairs, 1 oak bed-room suite, walnut diresse'r, bed and comode', single bed, two toilet sets, several oak rocket’s, couch, oak roll-top desk and office chair, cbest of drawers, walnut hall rack, 3 large rugs, 2 Axminister and 1 tapestry; carpet sweeper; coal-oil stove and oven; Quebec heater with oven, nearly new'; stretcher; flower stand pictures, mirrors, dinner set and other dishes; 6 lamps; lawn mower garden tools, step ladder, carpenter tools, Ford touring car, 2 wash tubs 2 copper boilers, kitchen cupboard, wheel-barrow, small beam scales and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. ROBT. GILLIES, Proprietress F. TAYLOR, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Henry Carruthers, late of the Township of Stephen, county of Huron, farqier, who died on August 1st, 1928, are required to forward their claims, duly proven, to H. Eil- ber & Son, Crediton, on or before the 27th day of October, 1928. AND NOTICE is further given that after this said date the executors will proceed to distribute the es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. ■ Mrs. Elizabeth M. Carruthers and J. J. Carruthers, Jr., Parkhill, Exe­ cutors. Dated at Crediton this 8th day of October, 192 8. Notice td Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Emmanuel Wilds, late of the township of Hay, county of Huron, farmer, who died on the 8th day of July 1928, intestate, are re­ quired to,forward their claims, duly proven to H. Eilbei’ & Son, Crediton, on or before the 27th day of Octo­ ber, 192 8. .AND notice is hereby given that after-this said date the Executors Will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Mrs. Martha Wilds, administra­ trix, Dashwood. Dated at Crediton, this Sth day of October 1928. NOTICE TO CREDITORS i NOTICE s hereby given that all | persons having claims against the estate of Ezra Haist, late of the Tp. i of Stephen, county of Huron, farmer | deceased who died on the 21st day of September 1928, are required to forward their claims, duly proven to I H. Eilber & Son, Crediton, on or be­ fore the 20th day, of October 1928. AND notice is hereby gjven that after this said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. Nelson Baker and Mrs. Annie Haist, Crediton, Ont., Executors. Dated at Crediton thjs 2nd day of October 1928. , ( ADMINISTRATOR’S AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction,, — in the — VILLAGE OF EXETER — on — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1928 at 1 o’clock the following valuable property REAL ESTATE—Parcel ,No 1, consisting of a commodious frame one storey house in good repair, frame stable. A most desirable re­ sidential property. Parcel No. 2—consisting of frame woodworking shop and frame black­ smith shop, situated on the north-- east corner of Main and Huron Sts. in the Village of Exeter, the pro­ perty of the late Wm. Treble. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—2 bed­ room suites, white iron bed, springs, and matresses, 2 chests of drawers, 2 feather ticks and pillows, walnut oval table, dining-room table, 2 kit­ chen tables, sideboard, walnut .couch 6 walnut dining-room chairs, six. rocking chairs, 2 wool rugs, large” congoleum rug, long handled wall brush, Quebec heater, nearly , new; laundry stove with new oven, car­ pet sweeper, coaloil stove with oven, window curtains and poles, pictures, wringer and tubs, dishes and kit­ chen utensils, step-ladder, 12-ft. lad­ der, lawn mower and garden tools, electric fixtures, fruit jars and crocks, 2 heavy wagon wheels, cut­ ter, muskrat robe, buggy pole com­ plete, framers boring machine, cross­ cut saw and other tools and other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS— Chattels, cash. Real Estate, 10 per cent, on day of sale,, balance in 3 0 days. For further particulars apply to ED. TREBLE, Administrator CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for- Administrator FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE — of--- FARM, STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFE( TS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction, at LOT 7, CON. 17, TP. OF HAY 2 A miles west of Dashwood and 1%.’ miles north, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1928 ■at 1 p.m. sharp the following: REAL ESTATE-—67 acres of land more or less mostly all seeded down bank barn 37x57; garage; frame*' house with kitchen attached, hen house all cement floored, stable. HORSES—Bay mare 9 years old, weighing 1700 pounds; Bay horse 19 years old, weighing 1500 pounds; grey general purpose, Percheron, 6 years old. CATTLE—3 year old heifer due- in February, 4 year old roan cow due in February 1st; 3 year old Dur­ ham cow due April 1st; Holstein, cow due May 1st; red cow 6 years old with calf at foot; 2 steers ris­ ing two; heifer rising two. spring, calf. ’ IMPLEMENTS—Dearing Binder 6ft; McCormick mower 5ft; hoe drill, 3-section harrow, wagon, gra­ vel box, 16 ft. hay rack, toil buggy, open buggy, walking Fleury plow’ new; fanning mill, cutting box, disc, spring tooth cultivator, sulky rake, root pulper, one horse scuffler, cut­ ter, bob sleighs and bunks, grind stone, two double barrel shot guns, rifle and traps, Ford touring car, car tools, set of chains, windlass and ropes complete, track, fork and car-- riage, set of double harness, set of single harness, doubletrees, neck- yokes, logging chains, forks, shov­ els, ditching spades, post hole dig­ ger, steel wheel barrow, iron kettle, a quantity of carpenter tools. HOGS—3 stocker pigs, 170 lbs. each. POULTRY- - 5 0 yearling Rock hens, 40 Rock pullets, 40 Rock roos­ ters. GRAIN & HAY—25 tons of mixed hay; 100 bushels of oats, 100 bu­ shels of mixed grain. 15 acres of turnips, a quantity of potatoes. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Side­ board, extension table, cook stove,, heater, De Laval c’ream separator, 6 dining room chairs, kitchen table &- zinc, quantity of sealers, quantity of crocks, cider barrel, churn, 3 burn­ er new Perfection coal-oil stove, S’ day clock, pure bred Beogle hound, yearling, collie dog, 2 years; 2 kit­ chen chairs, and other articles too* numerous 'to mention. TERMS REAL ESTATE—10 per cent, to be paid down on day of sale and bal­ ance to be paid in 30 day*. CHATTELS—All sums’of $10.06 and under, cash; over that amount 11 months credit will he given on. furnishing approved joint, notes, with a discount of 4 per cent, straight off for cash on credit amounts. Hay, grain and poultry—cash. MRS. MARTHA WILDS, Propriet­ ress to Estate of Emmanuel Wilds- ADDIE TIEMAN, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer | I