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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-04, Page 8
I THE EXETER TIMES,ADVOCATE TRURSRAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1028 WANT COLUMN FOR SALE—A new wagon. Apply to Edward Gramyille, on the Town Line.10-4-1tp TO other Snell, RENT-—Heated room conveniences. Apply to phone 181. with C. B. brickFOR SALE OR RENT—-Fine residence, heated with hot air, elec- trie lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. 10-27-tfc PASTURE FARM FOR SALE—150 acres, Lot 6 and S£, Lot 7, Conces sion 5, Stephen. Apply to GLAD MAN & STANBURY, Exeter. 9-27-8tc. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.15 Oats 42c. Barley 65 c. 'Manitoba Flour $4.00 Blend Flour $3.80 Pastry Flour $3.40 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.80 Shorts $1.80 Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs, Hogs, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B.A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School* •The Way of Decision 7 p.m.—The Floating Fortress 11 a.m.- Butter 35 and 88c. Extras 42 c, seconds 32c. $10.25 ♦ • % HORSES FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE'—We always have a dum ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G. J. 6,7,tfc i, wwh.ii> - *——JU,—,—— .Cocals JAMES ST* UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R* Gouldlng, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SPECIAL HARVEST HOME SERVICES Wei for your inspection. Styles up-to-date. Prices very attractive. ,................... - ■ ■ ■ X ave a large stock of Children’s Misses’ and Ladies’ Coats s Dow. Tuesday Owner FOUND—-In Exeter on Tuesday morning, a watch, may have same by proving property and paying for advertisement, at Times-Advocate. The Ladies’ Aid Society of James St. Church, wjll hold a bazaar and tea in the Towii Hall on Saturday, October the thirteenth. i 3 7 Apply -Rev. J. M. Colling, Grand Bend. Subject, “The Feast of Harvest.” p.m.—Sunday School English Flannelette 36 inches wide, in six good patterns, fast colors and good weight, worth 30c per yd. Special at per yard 25c. 36 Beautiful patterns for comforters. Yoq will like the new patterns* 36 inches wide at per yard 25c. STAR COUPE, 1926—Just hauled, good tires, $125.00 Must be sold this week. Times-Advocate. over down. Apply at 10-4-itc. FOR SALE OR RENT—Brick res idence on Main St. All modern con veniences, Barn, fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to Miss Mary A. Tom 9-13-tfc. NOTICE— Contracts tak'en for gravel, ploughing, quantity of man ure for sale; also good frame build ing suitable for garage or chicken house. Apply to Clyde Heywood, Exeter. ' 9-6-tfc. HOUSE FOR SALE—A story and a half brick house equipped with furnace and electric lights. Property consisting of three lots with garage and a variety of fruit trees. Mrs. R. Gillies 10-4-tfc Mr. J. W. Hern was in Hamilton and Toronto on Friday last on busi ness. Mrs. Dence, of London, is visiting her brother, Mr. B. S. and Mrs. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Hawkins and family, /■of Seaforth, called on rela tives in town on Sunday. Mr. Jim Ferguson, of Toronto, is visiting for a. couple of weeks with his mother, Mrs. Jos. Stacey and his sister Mrs. S. Cann. John Pfeffer, a well-known miller of Milverton, died last week, the funeral being held Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradt and Mr. and Mrs. White, of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Jewell on Sunday. Mrs. Rouatt, of Brucefield, was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston on Monday of this week Mrs. Maurice Quance is waiting Mr. Dilling, who is near Hensall with p.m.—The pastor. Subject, “Life and much goods.” Special music by the choir assist ed by Mr. Luther Jackson, baritone soloist of Metropolitan church, Lon don. MAIN ST- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. O. J. Moorhouse, Pastor 11 a.m..—“The Why of Religious Failure” 7 p.m.—Sunday School p.m.-—“How ReligionMnay be macle Easier.” The congregation will meet Thurs day evening at 8 o’clock in connec tion with their mid-week service. * :K * $• # i|s :f. Stanfields Underwear for Men It is impossible to produce underwear that gives better satisfaction than this well known brand. We carry a full stock of this make in twos piece and combinations. Red Label $2.50 Blue Label $2.75 sss FOR SALE—Twelve inch cutting box in good running Can be operated with any tractor. Pipes for a 37 foot Alachine mounted on a foul truck. Apply at Times-Advo- 0 10-4-ltc. blower order, small farm silo^ wheel cate. have in stock for sale the fol poultry Wheat, We lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHHRY. 7-26-tfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario’s Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Exeter on Thursday, the 18th day of October. 1928, at 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters’ List of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter for 1928. ' Dated the 1st day of October 1928 JOS. SENIOR, Clerk Municipality of the Village of Exeter 10-4-2tc WANTED NOW Salesmen iai Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, Flow’ering Shrubs, etc. Good pay. Exclusive- territory. Whole or part time arrangement. ,. A 600-Acre Nursery We own and operate a modern, well-equipped Nursery and supply our customers with the best in qual ity and variety. Sell hardy, Cana dian-grown Nursery Stock and you will be, successful. Our agency is valuable, Esit-ablishted 35 years. PELHAM NURSERY CO. 10-4-8tp. Toronto 2. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sutherland and daughter Frances, of Glencoe, motore’d up and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant on Sunday. FREE BOARD A Limited number of open ings are available to ambitious young people to obtain Free Board while atttending here, -in exchange for work in. spare hours. Write , immediately if you wish to take advantage of this exceptional offer. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ' STRATFORD ONTARIO on her father, ' ill at his home pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. to Brantford Sunday with Mrs. Fissette, Mr. Preston Dearing made a clean sweep with his Dorset Horned sheep at the Mitchell fair on Friday last against heavy opposition. The many friends of Mrs. Jane Snell, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, will be pleasd to learn that she is improving daily. Misses Kathleen Heaman, Margar et Johns and Ina Jacques, of Victoria. Hospital, London, visited at tjieir homes here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Phillips, of Owen Sound, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips for a couple of days last week. Mrs. H. S. Alton, of West Wawa- nosh and Mrs, Robert Stephenson, of Stanley Tp., visited the former's sis ter, Mrs W. H. Johnston, last week. Mr. Geo. Hind and friend Mr. Art Morrow, of Toronto Dental College motored up Saturday and spent Sun day with the former’s parents and Mrs. J. R. Hind. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Kenyon, Teddy and Bobby, of Brantford, tored here and spent Sunday their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers. Miss Myrtle Freeman, of Mark dale, returned home after .spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson and attending the Pur dy-Hutchinson wedding. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Anderson, of Oshawa, and Mrs. John Bowers, of Markdale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson and attended the Purdy-Hutchinson wedding. Miss Mildred Wood, R.N., and Miss Bess. MacFarlane, R.N., returned to Sarnia after a pleasant visit with the former’s sisters Mrs. John Lux- ten, of Usborne and Mrs. O. S. Win er, oE town. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sleamon, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jones and family, of Exeter, Mrs. Ed. Ca.1- fas and daughter, of Fillmore, Sask, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Jacob.-—Zurich Herald. Stratford will not have a team in the Canpro hockey league for the coming winter. The Stratford Na tionals won the professional league ’championship last year. The play ers have all been signed u'p by other teams. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ridley and son Allen of St. Marys, Miss Dolan and Miss Campbell, teachers at Ben- miller; Misses Doris and. Olive Hil? and Miss Buelah Long, of’'Goderich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Mr. Stephen Powell, who had the misfortune to fall and ■ break his right arm in two places a few'days ago, is able to be out again. This is the third break he has liad in this arm in his lifetime of nearly 78 years. In spite of his advanced age he is quite smart. The Intercollegiate Field Day will be held in Keterson Park, Mitchell, on Friday afternoon, October 5th. Students from Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton, Exeter and Goderich schools will be senior; senior, softball J. A. Stewart and W. Taman, motored and visite® Mr. also mo- with 3 meet at as form TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev, Walter Jones, Rector The Sunday school will p.m. instead of 10 a.m. erly. 8 a.m.—Full Communion 11 a.m.—Morning prayer mon. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Evensong and sermon. Rev. Geo. W. Moore, of Ailsa Craig, will have charge of the ser vices. and ser- 3 7 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabetlige, spent Sunday in Hanover. Mr. G. M. Roberts, Manager of tb£ H. R. Bain & Co., Ltd, Investment Bankers, of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Roberts and son Tom, spent the week-end with his brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips, of town, celebrated their golden wedd ing anniversary on the 25th of Sep tember and entertained the members of their family and a few friends, a most enjoyable time was spent. We expend hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and wish them many years of health and happiness. The regular meeting of James St. Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. Jno. Rowe on Monday evening with a fair attendance.: The “Bible Study” was given by Miss Amy Shap- tton, and Miss Alice Handford gave the second part of the Study of the Blue Book. It was decided to send a bale to Toronto this year, all art icles to be in by the next meeting. Lunch was served by the committee in charge and a social half hour was enjoyed by all present. Mr. anp Mrs. J. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, of Flint, Mich, were visitors in Exeter over the week-end and were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs Reid and Mrs. Beavers were school mates and had not seen each other for over thirty years. The two ladies were daugh ters of Mr. Thos. Caves, who at one time conducted a blacksmith shop in town, he having designed made the hinges on the main doors of the Trivitt Memorial church out of a solid piece of metal. The work manship of the hinges has been commented upon by visitors as well as our townspeople, who were not aware that they had been made by one of our own citizens. The ladies see many improvements in our pret ty town, but found orMy a very few people Jiving here who remembered them. and Martin’s Music Store V/Alli LU JDA-ULv— will’ compete. Boys’ events junior, intermediate and feirTis’ events, junior and There will also be a girls' tournament. Rally Day services were held in both Main St. and James St. United Samday schools on Sunday afternoon. The services marked the change from holding Sunday school in the morn ing back Jo the afternoon for the winter months. Appropriate servi ces were held, the printed program being largely followed. There was a good attendance at both clmrches. As a farmer is careful in the seed he selects for a good crop, our one should be more so in the Selection of investments to safeguard the money derived from the pro ceeds* LIST OF BONDS ON REGUEST Denominations $1.00 $500.00 $1000.00 H. R. Bain’S Co., Investment Bankers Atlas Bldg. Toronto Ladies Silk & Wool Hose In all the Newest Fall and Winter shades Made in two qualities Ladies Colored Bloomers 85c. and $1.00 bloomer, well made with good elastic In pink, mauve and sand. A good weight Special at per garment 69c. i 2 Only 97-piece English Dinner Sets 2 only 97-piece Dinner Sets. These sets are beautifu) English ware, and come in a very neat floral decoration. We have reduced the price to$ make room for the Christmas goods. Special at $14.95 Special at $14.95 WARM OVERCOATS FOR BOYS AND MEN WE WANT YOU TO SEE OUR NEW OVERCOATS FOR MEN & BOYS. WE THINK. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AT THE PRICE YOU ARE PREPARED TO PAY. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 THE NEW STORE Ftirniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night and Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 E. R. HOPPER MODERN EQUIPMENT KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Hear Office, Waterloo, Ontario ^Clinton G. Morlock Agent, Crediton, Ont. Telephone 2.1 r 5 9-13-tfc. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................ 3c DOUBLE EDGE ......................... 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST BULBS’ BULBS! Flower Pots and Bowels I We expect Our bulbs this week. The price this year will be as fol lows, so don’t buy too soon: Hyacinths, Exhibition size, 25c each Hyacinths, large size, 3 for 50c. . Hyacinths, bedding size, 10c each Tulips and Daffodils, Narcissus. In fact, we will get anything you want, and be right. See the handy Enamel kitchen dishes we 15 c. the quality and, price will are selling this week at> See our candy specials featur ed every week; tasty,’ fresh and wholesome. We have peanuts serv ed' in peanut clusters, candy coated, peanut brittle, peanut kisses, butter squares, Spanlish and white salted nuts. Peanuts are nutritious and good for you; To iget good peanut meats, buy them at POWELL’S. NAMELESS Cold Remedy will drive the colds from your system, and sells for 25c. Coats sewing cotton, to clear, 3 spools for 10c. WHERE YOU SAVEF , Phone 65 STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! STOP— BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE LOOK—AT OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE LISTEN—TO WHAT WE SAY. CHESTERFIELD SUITES ................................... FROM $135.00 .............................................. FROM $75.00BEDROOM SETS ...................<................................ FROM $25.00 We have a. big stock and are giving extra good values in all lines. DP UP UP R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20 w; RESIDENCE 20 j NEW HATS for FALL in BORSALINO and KINGS SEE OUR NEW HARD HATS If you want something real classy in neckwear, we have jufet placed m tsock some fancy scarfs and a new range of swell ties. A FWLL LINE OF UNDERWEAR MEN’S FALL AN© WINTER OVERCOATS TAMAN EXETER, ONT.PHONE 81w it is Bargains you want call at T. H, ELLIOTT’S Store he has a sale on for TEN DAYS, starting oh August 2(1 rd and ending on Sep tember 1st. Overalls, work pants, work shirts, ties, hose, suits, work shoes’ and every thing I have in my store will be on sale. And this means a saving to everyone that buys at my store . Store every night.open T. H. Elliott’s -----------------------1 W R. GOULEHNG A. T, C. M. Organist and ChoirmiMjter James St. United Church Instruction inPiano VOcal Organ Theory °f MUS1C SchOOlfi Skidlo, Main St. B0x 57, Phtme 3L9* EXETER, ONT, Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACOH)ENTt SHCWKESS, WlNBSTOIWW, JEXTU.