HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-10-04, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4tJ>, 192S Zurich Fall Fair ! Zurich Fair day on Tuesday start­ ed off with one of those dreary and cold looking autumn days that are always so unwelcome, and while the air was almost unseasonablely cold, it could not help but make one say that this is anything but "Fair Wea­ ther” and it most certainly proved thus, as he sun was out only a few minutes all forenoon, and then just -when, the crowd had gathered and were hoping for a clearing up, down came the rain accompanied by snow, which later developed into almost a real hail storm, and very soon shattered all hopes of (holding the horse races and other speed con­ tests. There was a good representa­ tion of horses present, and if the weather man would have been more ■favorable, a good race would likely have been held. Owing to the un­ favorable and unpromising looking weather, the usual large attendance were not present, and the elements took all the snap and charm out of the day’s sport and so the 192 8 Zu­ rich Fall Fair will go down in his­ tory as one when at times the ground was covered with snow. The inside exhibits were all that could be look­ ed for, especially in the ladies' de­ partment, which was a little better than the average. Some very fine business exhibts were shown, and those sufficiently interested to make such an exhibit, are to be congratu­ lated in helping the fair along in this way. The displays of W. G. Hess & Sons, as well as that of J. Gascho & Son also were worthy of mention. HORSES General Purpose brood mare ac­ companied by foal—Jas. McBride, J. A. Manson & Son, Roy McBride; Foal—Roy McBride. J. McBride, J. A. Manson & Son; 1 yr. old—'Nel. 'Keys & Son, J. A. Manson & Son, E. 3. Walper; 2 yr. old—N. Keys & Son J. A. Manson & Son; Span-—Wil­ liam Decker, D. J. Stephensorf. Agricultural, Brood mare—-A. Me- iick, ,T. A. Manson & Ston,-Lloyd Hay- ter; Foal—N. Keys & Son, L. Hay- ier, J. A. Manson & Son; 1 yr. old— A. Becker, R. McClinchey; 2 year old,—B. Horner, E. Willert, D. Oesch; 3 year old ;G. Coleman, J. Gelinas, E. Willert’; Span—E. Wil­ lert, N. Keys & Son. Heavy Draft—Brood mare—-Harry Eagleson, N. Keyes & Son; Foal— H. Eagleson, N. Keys & Son; 1 yr. ■old—A. Becker, D. Oesch; 3 yr. old ■—L. H. Rader, J. Gelinas & Son, 1 yr. old—Dr. Moir, E. Restemeyer, H. Eagleson; 2 yr. old—S. Hey, E. Oesch; 3 yr. old—Wm, Decker, S. Hey; Single horse in buggy-—N Keys & Son, L. H. Rader, Wm. Thiel; L. W. Hoffman; Special—R. Geiger. J. W. Merner’s Special....R. McLaren; T. Eaton Special’—-Wm. Decker;. Judges, C. J. Calhoun, Dubbington, Ont. CATTLE Registered Duham—-W. Oestricher took all prizes in this class. Other than Pure Bred Durham—Cows, F. Haberer and 2nd; heifer calf—-F. Haberer, J. Battler; Yearling heifer —F. Haberer, J. A. Manson & Son; 2 yr old—F. Haberer; 2 yr. old steer—F. Haberer; Yearling steer— F. Haberer; Steer calf—F. Haberer and 2nd, J. A. Manson & Son; Hol­ stein cow—A. Melick, G. K. Farwell; Holstein heifer—G. K. Farwell. Jersey cow—H. Yungblut, G. K. Farwell. Herd of Cattle grade—F. Haberer Bank of Montreal Special—G. K. Farwell, F. Haberer; T. L, Wurm’s Special—W. Oestricher SHEEP Lincoln, Shearing ram—G. Pen- liale, T. Snowden; Aged ram—T. Snowden; Shearling ewe—G. Pen- hale, and 2nd; Ram lamb—G. Pen- hale, T. Snowden; Ewe Lamb—G. Penhale and 2nd1; Ewe haing raised lamb.—G. Penhale, T. Snowden. Oxford Down, Shearling ram—S. Pym & Son, T. Snowden; Shearling ewe—S. Pym & Son and 2nd; Ram lamb—Si. Pym & Son; Ewe lamb—-T, McAdams, T Snowden; Ewe having raised lamb—S. Pym & Son aind 2. Shropshire Down—-Shearling ram —Jac. Battler; Aged ram—J. A. Manson & Son; Shearling awe—J. A. Manson & Son and 2nd; Ram lamb— J. A. Manson & Son and 2nd; Ewe having raised lamb—J. A. Manson & Son and second. Leicester, Aged rani'—J. A. Man- son & Son; Shearling ewe. ram lamb, ewe lamb, and ewe having raised lamb—J. A. Manson & Son took first and 2nd in these classes. Fat Sheep—T. McAdams, J. A. Man- son & Son. HOGS . Tamworth, aged sow—-J, A. Man- son & Son and second; Spring Boar —J. A. Manson & Son; J. Gelinas & Son; Spring sow—J. A. Manson & second. Yorkshire aged sow—J. Battler; Spring Boar—Jac. Battler and 2nd ; Johnston & Kalbfleisch Special—J. A. Manson & Son; Judges: IT. Smith, Exeter; Mr. Douglas, Caledona. POULTRY Hamburg, cock and hen—J. Bat- ler and 2nd ; Barred Rock, cock and hen—-G. Heywood and 2nd, cockerel, IT. Yungblut, G. Hess; White Rocks ,Cock and hen—T. Snowden, H. Truemner, cockerel and pullet, T. Snowden; Black Minorcas, cock and hen—J. Battler. 1VI. Rader; Cocker­ el,—-M. Rader. F, Kochems; pullett 'M. Rader and second; Patrick Co- chins, 'hen—■F. Kochems; R. C. W. Leghorns, cock and hen—G. Hey­ wood and 2nd ♦ cockerel—-G. Hey­ wood, J. Gelinas & Son; pullett—E. Wuerth, Or, Moir. R. I. Reds, cock­ erel—II. Yungblut, F. Kochems-, pullett—<F. Kochems and second; Anconas, cock—J. Battler; Hen—P. Kochems and second; Bantams, cock and hen—G. Heywood and second; cockerel and pullett—J. A. Manson & Son, J. Gelinas & Son; Collection of Pigeons—H. Yungblut; Pekin Ducks, old—J. Battler, E. & R. Snowden; Young—J. Battler, E, & Ii. Snowden• Rouen Ducks,old—T. Snowden; Young-—W. Thiel; Ducks any variety—H. Truemner- Geese, old—E. & R, Snowden; Toulouse geese, old—J. Gelinas & Sou; Tur­ keys, old—E. & R. Snowden, Wm, Thiel; Dr. A. J. MacKinnon Special —E. E. Wuerth Big Crowd at Mitchell Fair Dispite Rain Rain threatened to spoil the Mit­ chell fair on Friday last but the weather cleared' about noon and there' was a good crowd present. The following schools were repre­ sented in the parade: No. 1, Hibbert and Logan, first prize, Miss Mary Brown, teacher; No. 2, Hibbert, Miss Pearl Thompson, teachef; No. 3, Hibbert, Miss E. Graham, teacher. Drill—Staffa, Union No. G, No. 2, Hibbert. At the public speaking contest in the evening, the following were awarded prizes: John Miller, St. S. No. 2, Hibbert, subject, "School Fairs and Fall Fairs”; Ethel Roney S. S. No. 1, Hbbert, "Flowers”; B. Turner, S. S. No. 4, Fullarton, "J. Mner, the Great Bird Lover”; Chas. Roney, No. 1, Hibbert, "Union Jack’; Alvin Harmer, S. S. No. 3, Fullar­ ton, "Are School Pairs a Benefit to the Community?”; Jean Smale, S? S. No. 4, Hibbert, "The Great City”; Jean Cole, S. &S. No. 5, Fullarton, “Highways are Our Highways’’; B. Britton-, S. S. No. 1, Hibbert, "Life of Peter McArthur.” The judges were: J, H. Smith, public school inspector, and Miss Mc- McDermid, of the Mitqliell High School staff. In summing up they decided to award the prizes in the following order: Alvin Harmer, B. Turner, Jean Cole, Jean Smale, Eth­ el Roney. The showing of horses, both light and heavy, was good and up to pre­ vious years. Tn cattle, sheep and hops, there was a falling off in en­ tries, but what was shown was oi good quality and many prizes were awarded. On the whole, the fair was a success considering the bad weather. Winchelsea School ♦ The Winchelsea School Fair was held on Wednesday of last week and was a splendid success in spite of the cold inclement weather. There was a splendid showing and the turn-out was good. Great interest was manifest in the public speaking, the spelling match and the mouth organ competi­ tion. Lloyd Hern won in the pub­ lic speaking. Elgin Luxton the spell­ ing match and Welling. Brock the mouth organ contest. Beef Calf—Harold Clarke, Arnold Ford, Russel, Mills, E. Cornish, G. Cornish. Market Lamb-—Evelyn Routly, G. Brooks, Garfield Cornish, Clayton Cornish. Bacon Hog—Marion Miners, La­ verne Skinner, Elgin Skinner. 20 30 i I .1 i Suits Gtriadian Conditions 6-Ad>e Baticryless Console . $285 complete THE Radio Set that lacks in sensitivity is use­ less in many parts of Canada. In the Westinghouse Receivers sensitivity has been developed to the full, possibilities of present day radiotrons. More than that, the 6 tube Westinghouse Models have power in abundance —reserve power to bring in the very distant stations with clarity and reasonable volume. Extraordinary sensitivity is the result of the com­ bined laboratory engineering of Westinghouse Radio and Radiotron Engineers to create the perfect radio receiver for Canadian conditions. - AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS For Batteryless, Battery and the Full Line of Radiola Models F. RABETHGE, JEWELLER, Successor to Jas. Lawson: EXETER (*WHEN YOU BUY A WESTINGHOUSE YOU OWN TH EWORLD'S MOST ADVANCED RADIo’p Lloyd Hern won the Eaton trophy for the greatest number of prizes with Irene Sweet and Gertrude Camm following very close. Tim prize winners were as fol­ lows;— Public. Speaking—Lloyd' Hern, M. Stewart, Maizie O’Reilly. Spelling Match—Elgin Luxton, L. Ford. Jessie Monteith, Margaret Johns, Florence Mitchell, Evelyn Hunkin. Musical Contest—Welling. Brock, ^Maizie O’Reilly, Olive Johns, Ger­ trude, Camm, Lloyd Hern. Judging calves or lambs—Bert Borland, Roy Hunter, Allen West­ cott, Cecil Wright, Lloyd Hern, P. Hern. Poultry Judging—Florence Mit­ chell, Evelyn Routly, Betty Coates, Gertrude Camm. Special Prize for Champion Pupils —-T. Baton & Co.,—Lloyd Hern, I. Sweet, Gertrude Camm. Graham or Bran Muffins—-Ina Ford, Beth Ballantyne, Loreen Bor­ land, Beatrice Knight, Reggie Ford, Dorothy Kerslake. Dark Cake, iced— Dorothy Del- bridge, Venettas Routly, Irene Sweet Marjorie Stewart, Alma Gower, G. Coward. Date Tarts—Dorothy Delbridge, B. Skinner, Beryl Brock, Gladys Johns, Marjorie Stewart, Myrtle Earl. Light Cookies—Cecil Wright, A. Rowcliffe,♦Myrtle Earl, Beth Ballan­ tyne, Blossom Wright. Apple Pie—Beulah Skinner, Dor­ othy Delbridge, Myrtle Earl, Alma Gower, Dorothy Kerslake, Brock, Homemade Candy—Alma Beryl Brock, Irene Sweet, THE MEASURING STICK OF THE tractor industry Beryl Gower. Audrey Roweliffe, Dorothy Delbridge, Mai- sie O’Reilly. School Lunch—Mary Johns, Au- drew Roweliffe, Irene Sweet, Blos­ som Wright, Ella Routly, Margaret Johns, Vegetable Salad—Laura Ford, I Sweet, Audrey Roweliffe, Marjorie Stewart, Beatrice Essery, Thelma O’Reilly. The University of Nebraska, which Is the standard for United States and Canada in their Official Test No, 134, has the following to say about the WALLIS Certified Tractor, The Wallis Tractor pulled 75% of is weight on the Drawbar at 2.98 miles per hour. It Delivered 76.55% of its maxima belt power to the Drawbar. It Delivered one HORSE POWER at the Drawbar for each 168 pounds of its Lincoln Test Weight. It pulled 27.05 h.p, on Low Gear at 2.98 miles per hour. It pulled 26.36 h.p. on High Gear at 3.77 miles per hour. Arthur Jones MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY J - D 0 Spring Wheat, quart—Earl Hern, Kenneth Hern. Spring Wheat, sheaf—Kenneth Hern, Ear] Horn, ’Wellington Brock. Oats, O.A.C., quart—Phillip Hern. Oats O.A.C., Sheaf—'Phillip Hern. Barley OZA.C., quart—Garfield Cornish, Howard Johns, Herman Herdman , Laverne Skinner, Clar­ ence Prance Barley, sheaf—Howard Johns, H. Herdman, Garfield Cornish. Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam—L. Hern, Oliver Jacques, Bert Gardi­ ner. Lloyd Bell. Potatoes, Irish Cobblers—A. Bus­ well, Dorothy Johns, Jessie Mon­ teith, Grant Taylor, Clifford Allen, Wilmer Elford, Johnnie Johns. Gr>>en Mountains— Wesley Neil, Elgin Skinner, Arnold Ford, B. Bal- lantyim, Ina, Ford, Ruby Johns, Bil­ lie Rowell. Dooleys— Myrtle Earl, Gerald Neil. Roy Hunter, Betty Coates, L. Ford, Margaret Johns, D. Kerslake. .Mangolds—Lester Allen, Melvin Gardiner, Gord'on Brooks, Alien Westcott, Russell Mills, Ronald El­ ford, Gordon Prance. Turnips—Norman Ferguson, Har­ old Clarke, Billy Coward, Lome El­ ford. Beets—-Orland Squire, Verna Jac­ ques, Olive Johns, Beulah Skinner, Billy Johns, Eula Herdman, Marion Pooley. Carrots—'Mary Johns, Ella Rout­ ly, Melville Buswell. Blossom Wright Evelyn Routly, Leola Johns, Beat­ rice Essery. Parsnips—Irene Sweet. Wilmer Ferguson, Harold Kerslake. Onions—Lillian March, Cecil Wright Ivrin O’Reilly, Alma Gower, Print Apron—Myrtle Earl, Bea­ trice Knight, Thelma O’Reilly, G. Johns, Laura Ford, Gertrude Camm. Buttonholes—Betty Coates, Mary Johns, Alma Gower, Margaret Johns Gertrude Camm, Thelma O’Reilly. Tatting—Dorothy Bacon, Dorothy Camm, Audrey Prance. Darning on woollen stocking- Camm, Irvin O’Reilly, Marie wer. Embroidered Earl, Gertrude Camm, Jean Duncan, Irene Sweet, Laura Ford, M. Johns. Knitting, mitt cuff—Dor'otliy B,a- can, Gertrude Camm. Wash Gower, Johns. Doll’s Reilly, Gladys Johns, Dorothy Delbridge, Thelma O’Reilly. Nail Box—'Billie Roweliffe, Lome MacNaughton. Rope Halter—Billie Roweliffe, H. Davis,’ OliVe Johns, Laverne Skinner Paper Cutting—Hazel Johns, Rus- Passmore. Patch on Grain bag—Billie Row- cliffe, Arnold Ford, Ross Francis, Phillip Hern, Lome Elf-ord, Allen Westcott. Reed Work—'Florence Mitchell. •G. O’Reilly, Thelma O’Reilly, Alma Go- Cloth—Gertrude Camm, A Marion Pooley, Dorothy quilt patched—Maizie O’­ Gert. Camm, Weeds and1 their seeds—Kenneth Hern, Lloyd Hern. 10 Native Woods—Lloyd Bell 10 mounted flowers—Kenneth Hern, Phillip Hern, Thelma O’Reilly. Lloyd Hern, Irwin O’Reilly, Maizie O’Reilly. 10 Named Insects—Kenneth Hern Lloyd Hern, Beatrice Avery, of Zinnia— Wilhelmine Clayton Cornish, Wm. of African Marigolds— Bouquet of Asters—Kenneth Hern Gordon Prance. Bouquet of Phlox—Howard Johns, Evelyn Ro utley, Bouquet Ferguson, Quinton. Bouquet Garnet Coward, Billy Coward. Calendula—Jean Ballantyne, Ce­ cil Wright, Clarence Prance, Elgin Luxton, Melvin Wright. French Marigolds—-Beulah Skin­ ner, Verna Jacpues, Lloyd Bell, Au­ drey Roweliffe, Allan Verbenas—-Florence Hern. Cosmos — Harold Sweet, Dorothy Bacon, Pinks- Grant Taylor. Bouquet from home garden—Wm. Coward, Lloyd Hern, Russel Lois Prance, Eula Herdman, trude Camm. Bouquet of Gladioli—-Russel Venetta Routly. Dorothy Delbridge, Margaret Johns. Poultry, cockerel—Bios. Wright, Lome Elford. Rov Hunter, Cecil Wright, Melvin Wright, B. Coates. Ralph Cornish. Pullet-—Blossom Wright, R. Hun­ ter. Arnold Ford. Melvin Wright, C. Wright, Betty Coates, Lome Elford. Pen of three cockerels and two pullets— Blossom Wright, Melvin Wrlight, Roy Hunter, Cecil Wright, Elgin Luxton. Clayton Cornish, R. Cornish. Pair of Essery, Cord, ers, Roy Pair Routly, Brooks, Camm, Verna Jacques. Clifton Brock of Ducks—Harold Clarke, C. Westcott. Mitchell, L. Clark, Irene Ross Francis. •Betty Coates, V. Routly, M’ills. Ger- Mills Barred Rocks—Beatrice Clayton Cornish, Will Ballantyne. Hunter, White Harold Oliver Lome El- Marion Min- Garfield Cornish. Leghorns — Evelyn Clarke, Gordon Jacques, Gertrude Pair Brock, Wesley Ballantyne, Phillip Hom. Pet-—Lois Prance, Harold Clarke, Gordon Prance, Irwin O’Reilly, R. Francis, Billy Johns, Allan West­ cott. m Now is ths Logical Time! House - cleaning leason .... with its drudgery and mess . . . will soon be here again. Have the carpenters in now home with hardwood floors' simplify your cleaning problem forever. Ask us about prices equip your . . . . and you’ll ROSS-TAYLOR CO Exeter, Ont. SUMMER COMPLAINT Nearly Lost Her Little,Giri Mrs. Theodore Eivett, Anthony, Onfc, writes:—‘‘Last Fall I nearly lost my little girl as she wag suffering terribly from' summer complaint.' She became very thin and weak; had no appetite, and could hardly walk across the room without falling down. At last my, mother advised me to get a bottle oa Map of Usborne—Beulah Skinner. Audrey Roweliffe, Irene Sweet, D. Kerslake, Lester Allen, Map of Ontario—Allan Westcott. Loreen Borland, Elgin Luxton, N McNicol, Mary Johns, Bert Borland. Map of England and Wales—B. Coates, Florence, Mitchell. Dorotln Brown, Lloyd Hern, O'Reilly, Olive A. Johns, Map of British Isles—Leola Johns Audrey Prance, Dorothy Camm. Writing, "Evening Hymn”—Mar­ ion Miners, Harold Kerslake, Eula Herdman, Earl Coultis. Beryl Brock Verna Jacques. "Abide With Me”-—Irene Sweet. Gladys Johns, Audrey Roweliffe. A. Gower, Mary Borland, Lillian Muroh. "The Village Blacksmith" Gridley, Clarence Prance. Jessie Monteith, Borland. "Thou Must sahelle Chidley, Johns, Maizie Johns, Elsie Heywood. "Sleep” — Helen March. Johns, Dorothy Camm, Prance, Allen Johns. Crayon drawing—Russell more, Elsie McNicol, Vrena Jacques, Edith Earl, Blossom Wright, Mary Borland. Water color sketch—Horten Bor­ land, Bert Borr.nd, Jessie Monteith. Maizie O’Reilly, Marjorie Stewart, N. M'cNicliol. Poster—Maizie O'Reilly. Monogram—Marjorie Stewart, O. Johns, Myrtle Earl, Beartiee Knight, Lloyd Hern, Melvin Wright. ■Jean L. Ford. Gertrude Camm, L.v Know Thyself”—-I. Mae Coward, Olive O’Reilly, Margaret Leola Audrey Pass- SONGS OF A HOUSEWIFE I both the best I can'— I’ve been out this morn- piece of cherry pie, Up Against It told hubby, "You brought this man To dinner without any warning. I’ll feed you You know ing. "I have one Of last night’s apple pie, another. Your guest can choose, then you and I Must choose, remember, the other. The guest chose apple pie. "Himself” Said cherry’d taste delightful. We cleared my scanty pastry shelf— When on my ear fell phrases frightful, "I wonder if .1 might have more"— Oh, for a pie-producing fairy! Our guest asked, "From your gen­ erous store Might I now have a piece of cherry. taken & few dotesand after Bhe had she was relieved. I also found it a grand remedy for cramps, and would not be without a bottle of it in the house for aay- thing. ” & & Has been on the market for over 80 yaaxe; put up only by The T. MUbursi Limited, Toronto, Ont ORDER YOUR FERTILIZER NOW AND GET IT AT THE RIGHT PRICE PUT UP IN NEW BAGS AND THE CONDI­ TION GUARANTEED FOR SOWING. A. J. CLATWORTHY Phone 12 GRANTON, ONTARIO W ANTED SHIP US YOUR Goose & DuckLive & Dressed q Goose & DuckPOULTRY & FEATHERS Highest, market prices paid Buyers 12 months in the year FOR OVER 30 YEARS Crates loaned free Write for our guaranteed weekly price list Returns made the same day poultry ^arrives References:- Royal Dank, College & Bathurst; Dun’s & Bradstreet’s A. STORK & SONS Poultry and Feather Merchants 24 St. Patrick’s Market, Toronto