HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-09-27, Page 14 FIFTY-FIRST YEAR, NO. 282$ Dome Th eatre u Octo- go AUTO ACCIDENT Phone 32 FRACTURES WRIST IN FALL SPECIALS Gra- the read “BECKY” crazy over thi-s Clarke & Gill Insurance Toronto, re Firemen’s In- Filed. Mon- when COMEDY ADMISSION follows: the J, and J. Taylor Ltd., Safe Works, regardfe replace- a Vault for the present safe. met Fri- was USUAL REGULAR held on on the London We have them ! CAVENDISH and GRANA RD in Exclusive Styles just received,, in Felts, Felt and Velvet Combinations and Velvet and Metallic. to the ground fracturing in two places. Dr. called and re'diuced FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 28th and 29th Becky” OPENING DANCE Will be held in the ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27 th, 1928 Clearing Sale of Woollen Dress Goods We have jiist gone through our stock of Woollens Dress Goods and find we have many odd lines of serges, etc., that are not moving quickly. These we have marked down to sell at prices that will clear them out in a hurry They are real bargains. Ladies, Misses, Childrens Winter Coats We have a complete stock of fall and winter coats, ready for your ini spection. We have small sizes and extra large sizes as well as regular lines. We can save you money on your fall and winter coat. CLEARING OF ODD COATS We have several coats carried over from last season which we are of­ fering at bargain prices. Monarch Knitting Yarns We have just received the new fall shades in Monarch Knitting yarn, in different weights and qualities; also the new fall instruttion books. We will gladly show them to you. CLEARING—5 Dozen Balls of Monarch Starlite Silk and Wool Yarn, various colors, a discontinued line, td clear at 10c. a ball or 3 balls for 25c.-ft Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Finest English Barrymore Overcoats for men in a variety of shades. Smart navy Chinchilla or Whitney Overcoats for men, a model to suit all. These are our best grade overcoats, wonderful values at $25.00 and For those wishing cheaper Overcoats we have them at $12.00 to $20.00 Boys’ plush-lined navy Overcoats all sizes at $12.00. Other colors $6.00 to $10.00. Juvenile Coats at $5.00 to $9.00. Bundle Lots of Wall Paper 4 to 5 Double Rolls and Band to the bundle: Bundles Kitchen and Bedroom $1.00 Bundles Dining Rooms $1.49 Bundle Living rooms $1.98 Some of the above Living Room papers were $1.00 per roll. Prices cut to clear the line. Boys’ Windbreakers For the cold Fall weather for School Boys. Sizes to fit any age, many colors to choose from nothing beats a good wool windbreaker for boys. Priced at $2.75 to $3.50., X ■ i RUBBER BOOTS Lifebuoy, Dominion or Goodrich brand. Every pair guaranteed. Wear Rubber Boots and Keep the feet dry. ones Carhartt Overalls and Smocks j So many demands for Carharth’s we are ; obliged to stock them. They are sold at !• about the closest price of any overall. They wear longer. Price $2.50. for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Copper Boilers No. 9 Copper Boilers Regular $4.00, Special $2.98 No. 9 Heavy Copper Boiler Regular $4.75, Special $3.49 Teakettles Nickled Plated Copper Tea­ kettles reg. $2.75, Special $1.98 Galvanized Tubs Galv. Tubs No. 2 size Regular $1.50, Special $1.19 3 Galvanized Pails $1.00 Phone 32 The first meeting of the Home & School Club following the holiday season will be held at the home of Mrs. N. J. Dore, William St. Friday evening at 8 p.m. All members are urged to be present. A social time in honor of the- teachers, also new members, will be held at the close of the business' session.—Press Supt. Kettles and Pots Large Alum. Pres. Kettles Regular $1.25, Special 98c. Large Alum. Potato Pots Regular $1.50, Special $1.19 Quebec Heaters Doherty Quebecs ....... $18.50 Dominion Quebec ....... $22.50 Quebec Circulators Quebec Cooks Masterpiece with Reservier & Warming Closet ......$75.00 Superb as above Regular $S5.00, Special $79. Buy Your Shells Here and; Sq^ve Money METEOR. CANUCK & LONG RANGE SHELLS ARE THE BEST Heaman’s Hardware & Stove Store We allow 4% in coupons for cash . BIRTHS KESTLE—In Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, on Tuesday, September 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle, a son. i McINNIS—At Paisley, on Friday, {September 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. ;D. Q. McInnis, (nee Miss Irno ,’Swcet) a son. GIBSON—In Biddulpli, on Saturday, *>'September 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson, a daughter. Mrs. D. Mack will hold an auction sale of household effects, opposite the Main St. church on Saturday, afternoon, September 29th. KIRKTON FAIR - 59 years ago this October the ___ fall fair was held in Kirkton and a fair has been iheld every year since. This year it will be held on Tues­ day and Wednesday, October the 2nd and 3rd. ' The Directors are putting forth every effort to make this fair the best in the history of the society. Be sure to attend or you will the big event of the season. 1st miss RALLY SERVICE The Annual Rally Service of Coven Presbyterian Sunday School was held in the church on Sunday morn­ ing and very largely attended. Rev. James Elder, of Cromarty was the special speaker and was enjoyed1 by young and old. The Sunday School orchestra was in charge of the mu­ sic.. _____ BROPHY—In McGillivray Tp„ Sunday, September the 16th, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brophy, daughter, . ; .. CARD OF THANKS f Mrs. Ezra Haist and family sire to express their sincere tni to the neighbors and friends for the kind assistance and sympathy dur­ ing Mr, Haist’s illness and death; al­ so for the floral .tributes and loan of automobiles. 9-27-ltc. on to a r de- anks Miss Janie Hogarth has returned to Toronto after spending her va­ cation with her parents Mr. and Mrs F. Hogarth and 'also visiting for a few days1 with her sister Miss Mur­ iel Hogarth in Windsor. Dr. M. E. Johnston and Dr. M. Bray, of Hamilton, motored up on Friday for a two-days’ visit the former’s parents here, They accompanied by Mr. and Smythe, of Tornoto. with were Mrs. IN MEMOHTAM PENRICE—In loving memory Pte, Ernest Pentice, who fell France on September 28, 1918. Greater lovo hath no man than ! would lay down his life for his friends, * Mother and family of in he EXETER COUNCIL Monday, September 24th, 1928 A regular meeting of the Muni­ cipal Council was held in the Town Hall. Absent Councillor Christie The minutes of the meeting held on September 10 th were re'ad and, ap- roved. Letters were read and laid on the table as From Toronto ment of Filed. From Brokers, surance. Messrs. J. L. McManne and C. F. Layne, of the Layne Bowler Well Water System and Vertical Turbine Pumps, Temperance St., Toronto, addressed the council in regards to drilling of wellS and the machinery for the purpose of pumping water The Layne System being “Water or no Pay.’’ An illustration of the Workings of the pump was given by lantern slides. The Municipal rate of taxation for the year was taken up and discussed and on motion of Francis and Bierl- ing the following rates were made. Village rate 13 mills, School 12 mills, County 5 mills, Debentures & interest 11 miles, Total is 41 mills. Carried. The Clerk to prepare a by-law accordingly. The following accounts were read and ordered paid: John Stanbury, meat account char­ ity, $1.95; John Parsons, labor $6; Thos. Sanders, labor $6; George Smith, labor $11.70. Cemetery accounts—Wm. Smith, labor $15.90; Jno. Hunter, repair to piping $2.50; Public Utilities Com­ mission, piping and supplies, $101.- 90. Passed on motion of Bierling and Rivers. Carried. Adjournment by Francis. Jos. Senior, Clerk OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS Mr. Sidney West, an employee at the Times-Advocate, was taken ill Thursday of last week and on Sat­ urday was taken to Victoria Hospit­ al where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. He is getting along as well as can be expected. His mother accompanied him and re­ mained in the city for a few days. PLOWING MATCH, OCTOBER 24 The executive of the Exeter Plow­ men’s Association held a meeting in the' Town Hall on Saturday evening and set the date fo# the annual plow­ ing match which will be Wednesday, October 24th farm of Mr. Ed. Walker, Road south. Mr. Stephen. Powell, of town, with an unfortunate accident on day evening of last week. He in the yard and slipped on a board tumbling his wrist ham was fractures. WOUNDED IN THREE PLACES WHEN RIFLE DISCHARGED Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Quance, of Cromarty, was injured on Saturday last when a rifle dis­ charged and the bullet wounded the boy in three places. Allan was spending the day on the farm of his uncle Mr. Edward Allen and was out in the field with his cousin Ernest who was plowing. They had taken a rifle along with them and had placed! the rifle on the plow. Allen went to pick it up taking Oiold of it by the barrel when the rifle dis­ charged. The bullett went through the palm, of the boy’s right hand grazed one of the fingers on the left hand and also went through the lobe of the ear. It was a mighty close call. A doctor from Dublin was calle'd1 to dress the wounds. ser­ TRIVITT MEMORIAL HARVEST THANKSGIVING Tile Harvest Thanksgiving vices of the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter were held on Sun­ day, September the 23rd. There was a celebration of the Holy Com­ munion and sermon at 11 a.m. and evensong and sermon at 7 ’p.m. The preacher of -the day was Rev. Canon R. J. M. Perkins, M.A., who gave two thoughtful and inspiring ser­ mons. Canon Perkins resigned his Restorship of Exeter some twenty- two years ago, and many of his old friends were glad to see him again. Special and appropriate anthems were rendtered by the choir, morn­ ing and evening under the direction of Ni'r. Arthur Middlemiss. Mrs. N. J. Dore was the organist in the morning and Miss K. MacFaul in the evening. The church was very thstifully decorated for the occasion by members of the church. We are very grateful to all who assisted in anyway to make the Festival a suc­ cess. . , i j PROMINENT MANUFACTURER. OF KITCHENER PASSES Father of Exeter Resident The death occurred on Monday, September 17th, at the private pav­ ilion, Toronto General Hospital, of Mr. John Cochrane, well-known Kit­ chener manufacturer, and father of Mr. J. G. Cochrane, of town. The deceased was a prominent citizen of Kitchener serving his city for sev­ eral years as reeve and deputy-reeve He also belonged to the Masonic order, the Oddfellows and the For­ ester lodges and the Lancaster club. He was a staunch Liberal in provin­ cial and federal politics. Being the originator, along with C. H. Doerr, of the Kitchener arena, the late Mr. Cochrane evinced considerable inter­ est in Kitchener sport, especially hockey and baseball. Several Ont­ ario championships were brought to Kitchener, then Berlin, by teams un­ der his guidance. The late Mr. Coch­ rane was a member of St. Andrew's ■ Presbyterian Church, holding the • office of ruling elder at the time of his death. We Can Help You to See Better Our method of testing is most complete and our prices moderate. Office hours 9.30 to 12 a.m. and 1.30 to 5 p.m. Evening by appointment . $ S. FITTON Phone 75w OPTOMETRIST WOMEN’S INSTITUTE The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The'wea­ ther prevented a number of ladies from being present, but there was a fair attendance. Miss Jeckell’gave a very interesting talk on her visit to Calif.orhia, which was thoroughly en­ joyed by those present. In. describ­ ing‘the scenery or that country, it was igiven in such a pleasing way, and in imagination the ladies could see the beautities of that wonderful land of sunshine and georgeous flowers, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Miss Jeckell at the close of her address. The president Mrs Beavers, also gave a short ex­ planation of the League of Nations in Canada, giving reasons why oiu1 organizations should be linked up with them to support a peace policy, that war may be averted. An ad­ dress of appreciation of the services of a former member Mrs. E. Davies (nee Miss Elsie Knight) was read by Mrs. Down, the address to be for­ warded to London. A grandmother night is being planned for the ber meeting. An auto accident took place day evening on Andrew street a car driven by Mr. Ted Moir crash­ ed into a car driven, by Mr. Elmer Reeder Mr. Reeder was going north on Andrew St. and Mr. Moir was driving west from the school just after six o’clock. Mr. Reeder’s car was carried across the road up against a hydro pole. The wind­ shield and left rear wheel were brok­ en. No person was hurt. Miss Eileen Hicks, of Okotoks, Alta., who for the past two months has been visiting with relatives in this community spent the fore-part of the week in London with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robinson, prior to her return to her home in the West. Rev.. Mr. Storey, a missionary from South America occupied the pulpit of the James Sit. United church Sunday morning and Main St. United church Sunday evening. On Monday evening Mr. Storey gave a lecture illustrated with lantern views in the James St. Church and Tuesday evening in Main St. Mr. Storey is a forceful speaker and in a very vivid manner told of the work among the Indians of South Amer­ ica; the habits and customs of the people, and of their need of the gos­ pel. Mr. Storey has some very thrilling stories and pictures ot wierd customs, mannei* of living and conditions that exist on continent to the south of us. left a deep impression upon hearers. the He his Opera House, EXETER —i on — Wednesday, Oct. 3rd DANCING FROM 9 SHARP TO 1:3Q This is the first dance of the- season; put on by the Exeter Dance Com­ mittee. We hope to make this a bigger and better season than last year. Everyone come and. enjoy an evening of Popular, Old Time and Novelty Dances Music Will be Furnished by The Avalon Orchestra Admission: Gents $1.00 tax included Exeter Dance Committee—President S. Reid, Sec'y-Treas., A. Elliott, S. Winer, C/’ Salter, A. Jones — with ■— Sally O’Neil and Owen Moore The Million who as a Serial will Comedy-Drama'. You want a Hat that’s Different We also have a Lai go Assortment of Children’s Hats in Felt and in Velvet, very moderately priced. W INVITE YOU TO CALL A. Yelland Those who represented Trivitt Memorial church at the meeting o£ the Sunday School Association o£ Huron Deanery at St. Paul’s churc/h, Whigham on Monday evening were; Mrs. H. S. Walter, H. Jennings, Miss- Stella Dearing, and' Misses Lirella. Stanlake. Carrie Daviv and Florence West; afesers. II. Jennings, Sr. Mrs. H. Jennings and Messrs. Ted Moyle, Harry West, -Stanley Walter, Seth R. Complin and Rev, W.Winer, Mi’. Jones. Mrt>. E. Davies, of Lon- Sunday with the latter’s Mr. and don, spent parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight, o£ the London Road, south. KIRKTON FAIR ■ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2 and 3, 1928 Liberal Prizes in all Classes! SPEEDING IN THE RING FARMER’S TROT — FREE-FOR-ALL Dashwood Band in Attendance Write gr Phone Secretary for Increased Prize List. JOHN DUNCAN, Pres. AMOS DOUPF., Trcas. 1 if ib ‘i