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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-09-13, Page 5
I ♦ ? girtyaod of (Uommcixe CLINTON, ONTARIO OFFERS YOU A PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING that has made it‘possible for our scorces of students to obtain and hold positions demanding a high standard of efficiency. THEIR IS A POSITION WAITING FOR YOU Courses: Secretarial, Commercial," Stenographic, General Office, Civil Service, Commercial Teachers. Courses and Special Courses arranged, You cannot attend a better school.Why not attend'"‘this? SCHOOL REOPENS SEPTEMBER 4th, 1928J3 Write to-day for information. Phon© 198 M. A. STONE, B. I\ WARD, B.A. Com, Specialist, Vice-Principal Principal DR. R. P. I. DOUGALL Honor graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and Master of Science, .University of Western. Ontario. Member of College of Physicians •nd Surgeons of Ontario. Office two doors east of Post Office. HENSALL ONT. Phone 56 Residence 114 ENGAGEMENT of of to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson, Hensail, annuonce the engagement their only daughter Rena Mae, Flarl W. Mitchell, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, of Us- placeborne. The wedding to take the end of September. HensaM THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Crediton The furniture of the late C, Beav er is now being offered for sale at reduced prices, Inspections invited. Mr. E. Fahner in charge. 8-23-4tc, ■ # ’ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ which they expressed their delight in the reunion and also an invitation to hold the next annual meeting in the state of Michigan on Labor Day 1929. Hearty applause and recep tion was given them, Elva Wuerth gave a closing and most fitting re citation, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1023 GODERICH EXHIBITION NEXT WEEK GRAND BEND -------------------------------------t— On Sunday evening last in the United church, Rev. Mr. Story a re turned Missionary from South Amer ica preached to the congregation on missions in South America. On Mon day evening he gave an illustrated lecture in the United church and he showed about 100 pictures of the In dians and other pictures of mission life in tlm Argentina, Paraguay and des-Southern Brazil. Mr. Story’s cription of Indian life in South Am erica was very interesting and was listened to with rapt attention by a large audience. wlio has for some with his Mrs. Jacob Scliwartz is the presi dent of the Crediton section; Mr, Mose Brown, of Michigan section; Mr. John L. Haist, of the ^Niagara section, Rev. W. M. Sippell occup ied the chair and conducted the pro gram, and remarked at being .ac quainted with a great number of this relation, having met some of them in Michigan also having served as their pastor in the Niagara district and now in Crediton. DASHWOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zurich, last three days of week. and Mrs. Chas, the funeral of in Buffalo. John Donehey ringing this Guenther at- the former’s has returned Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17, IS and 19, are the dates of Goderich’s fall fair. Besides the usual displays of the products of the district, there will be a «ood program before the big new grand stand, Speed events—2.20, 2.30 and, free-for-all trot or pace, and relay running race, variety contest. Something doing all the time, miss it, Special musical and Horse-pitching etc. Don’t features, Big Midway, etc. PARKHILL CAFE ROBBED timeEntering th© building some late on Sunday night or early on Monday morning thieves stolet a quantity of cigars, cigarettes, choco late bars and pastry from the nese restaurant at Parkhill, trance was gained through an locked door. Provincial police are investigating the affair are of the opinion that the robbery was committed by residents of Parkhill. FIRE NEAR BRUSSELS Chi- En- un- who Mr. and Mrs. Davis accompanied Ma and Mrs. Scott home to Windsor and will spend a few day8 around that city. The dock is undergoing some re pairs. Why not have .as quite a number of here this summer. The new golf links tracting large crowds. Rev. Mr preached Sunday, the choir "The Old enjoyed by all, M. Colling, was back in his place Sunday evening and preached to a very large congregation. The two fMiss Ferrolls of Saskatchewan, sang a beautiful duett "In th© Garden” the tw'o young ladies are school teachers in the West and have just returned from a tour of the Old Land. They called on their way home on their numerous aunts and uncles in this neighborhood. Miss Istwin, of Greenway and Mr. Woodrow, of Niagara Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter England last week’. Next Sunday will be Communion service at the United church when the pastor will preach morning and evening, with special music. All.are welcome. a real dock yacts docked .are still at- Breinner, of Brucefield, a very inspiring ssrmon on Mrs, J, Bontjiron assisted rendering a beautiful solo Rugged Cross” which was The pastor, Rev. J. The barns of John McDonald, cession 16, Grey Township, completely destroyed by fire at 10:30 on last Monday morning when sparks from the threshing engine of W. J. Shortreed ignited the roof of the hen-house.. The separator was also' destroyed, James Shortreed, son of the threshing owner, being severely burned about the arms and neck when he endeavored to hitch a chain to the separator and run it from the barn. The blaze spread with such rapid ity that nothing was saved from the barn. Th© entire season’s crop was lost, as well as some pigs. The loss to both Mrs. Shortreed latter collapsed and excitement. , con- were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Anderson at tended London Fair on Tuesday. Mrs. S. Quance, of Toronto, is vis iting with her sister Mrs. Chris. Hoffman. Crediton United Church Fowl Supper will be held Thursday, Oc tober 25 th. Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Beavers and babe, or Waterloo, spent the week end visiting relatives and friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter spent Si/nday with the for mer’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Bullock iii Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sims and two children spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs, J. Baird in Grand Bend. The United church Anniversary will be held on September 30th. Rev. J. J. Brown, of. Lucan, will be the special speaker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson and son Jack, of Exeter, spent Sun day with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson. Mr. I. Sims, of Exeter, been confined to his home time spent the week-end parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sims. Friends ar© cordially invited to attend the United church service next Sunday, September 16th at 7:30 o’clock. The pastor will be in charge. Mr. T. H. Yule and Mrs. Clifford Earnst and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, all of London, spent Sat urday with the latten’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz. The Women’s Institute will hold their regular meeting on Monday af ternoon, September 17th. A paper will be given on “Notable Events of Fifty Years Ago.” and there will be an exhibiton of heirlooms "arid relics. The meeting will be in charge of the Good Cheer committee. An inter esting time is looked for. The regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church was held on Thursday, September 6th with the president Mrs. Geo. Clark in the chair. A report of the District Convention, held recently in Main St. church, Exeter, was given by Mrs. Orme, the delegate. The mem bers are planning a birthday party to be held some time in the near future. Particulars later. Mission Circle of Crediton United church met in the church on Friday, September the 7 th. Meeting open ed by singing a hymn, followed by prayer by Mrs. I. Hill. Eleven re sponded to the roll call. Scripture Lesson was read by Alva Lamport; also a reading by Mrs. I. Hill, the Circle girls sang a song. Trevethick gave a report of the sionary Convention which was in Exeter recently. Hymn 92 then sung. The meeting was closed by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Crediton United Church Items SHIPKA HENSALL W. M. S. The W. M. S. of the United church in Hensail, held th© monthly meet ing, with the president, Mrs. C. Mc- Donell, presiding. The offering amounted to $14.13. A letter was read from Mrs. John Coulter, ex pressing her thanks for the floral gifts sent from the W.M.S.. A card of thanks was received from Mrs. Mollard for flowers sent during her recent illness. It was decided to send a donation of fruit to the Deaconess Home at Toronto. Mrs. Alex Munn and Mrs. George Hob kirk were appointed to visit the sick and shut-ins. Following this part of the meeting an interesting read ing was given by Mrs. W~"D?rugalI. The next part of the meeting was given over to the presentation of leaflets on work among Indians by Mrs. M. Drysale. Mrs. E. McQueen and Miss A. Moore. Mrs. Hess told of the different places the W. M. S. is working among the Indians. A report of the W.M.S. convention held in Exeter was given by Mrs. McDon ald. The Ladies’ Aid held a brief meeting and decided to hold zaar in the near future. Quite a number in this community who have been confined to their homes with an attack of the Mumps are recovering. Public School re-opened this week Miss Shelby, of Zurich, as teacher. A baby girl has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Harl- ton; The Ladies’ Aid of the United church are holding a chicken supper on Wednesday, October the 10th. More particulars later. Miss Eileen Baynham, who has been in Centralia for several weeks has returned to her home. at- Y 4 * 4 4' * week at London, at his A number from Hensail are tiding London Fair this week. Mr. Jack McDonell spent a few 4ays last week in Oshawa. JMrs. Jas. Bonthron visited for a few days with friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs, A. Spencer visited in Goderich on Sunday. Mrs. John Murdock visited for a few days with relatives in Goderich. Mr. Jas. Sangster was in Stratford on Monday. Colonel Coombes, of Clinton, was an town Friday, on business, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paler, of Wind sor, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer, Miss Jean Elder, of London, has been holidaying.for the past her home here. Mr. Donald Hoggarth, of visited over the week-end home here. t Mr. and Mrs. Allen Webber, of London, visited in town on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore and son Billie, of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Mrs. Wm. Davis is having her house shingled this week and other wise improved. Miss visited Swan. Mrs. Ring with relatives in Michigan has returned home.' Mrs. Peter Fisher and Miss Elean or Fisher are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt in Brucefield. Mr. Wm. Hildrebrandt and dau- •ghter Viola are visiting in London this - — • Mr. case and time. Mr. Alvin Wurm while opening a gem of fruit, broke the glass and cut liis hand badly, several stitches were required to close the wound. Mr. John Passmore’last week sold two more new Chrysler cars to -Mr. John and Wm. Craig, of Hensail and to Mr. McLaughton, of Cromarty. Professoi’ Gladstone and his of artists gave a concert in the Hail on Friday and Saturday ings to good crowds. •» A large quantity of fowl is marketed here at Herisall.. cal shipper Mr. Robt. Higgins making large shipments daily. Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and little dau ghter. of Detroit, are visiting for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rf Higgins. Harvest Home services will be .held in St. Paul's Anglican church on the coming Sunday. Rev. F. W. Shafter, of Wingham, will preach special sermons for the occasion. Mrs. Garnet Case, who has been in Seaforth Hospital for several weeks, was brought to her home ■here on Monday and is slowly re covering. Mr. Maning Jinks, who went to Detroit, last week, was home for the week-end and’ returned to Detroit, Sunday night. Maney has secured a good position in that city. The good roads commission of the county a rehaving the Zurich' road gravelled, a number of trucks are doing the work, running through here daily. Miss Thelma Hudson, who spent the summer at Grand Bend arrived home Sunday evening and is leaving Thursday for Seaforth where she will spend the winter. Professor Gladstone, who gave -two splendid entertainments in the Town Ilall on Friday and Saturday evenings last will again be in Hen sail on Monday and Tuesday even ings, September 17 and 18th giving a concert each evening in the Town Hall order dim auspices of the An- church. Gillespie, of Elkhart, Ind., for a few days with Miss H. S. Merner, who lias been vis- week and taking in the Fair. Wm. Bender is nursing a bad of blood-poinsoning in his hand will be laid off work for some troup Town even- being Our lo- is a ba- STAFFA The Anniversary and Thank-offer ing of the United church will be held on Sunday, September the 16th.' Rev. F. A. Bell, B.A., of Kirkton will conduct morning and evening services. Mrs. J. A. Sadler is spending the week in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leslie and family have returned home after pleasant visit in Huntsville. a ELIMVILLE Hey-Messrs. Wesley and Hubert wood and Misses Lila and Hazel re turned from a enjoyable motor trip to Matheson, where Miss Vera Hey wood has accepted a position as teacher. They all enjoyed a real holiday visiting one of the huge paper mills and giving the mines a brief call. Hazel and Lila have many pleasing comments about the beautiful scenery, wooded and de lightful lakes., Hubert is very opti mistic of the about the immense resources wonderful north. THAMES ROAD and The tion Mr. McDonald wjll be heavy, from overexer- COUPLE CELEBRATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mi-, and Mrs. S. Merner, of Grand Bend are feted. HARPLEY All Mrs. Mis held was spending the past of Harriston the Millinery has de- for Wm. Fletcher, of Exeter, few days with her daughter, Allen. . Pollen has returned after with her daughter in Sea- Josh. Ashton, of Seaforth, Mrs. spent a Mrs. T. Mrs. visiting forth. Mrs. visited his sister Mrs. D. Brown re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Flemin, of Saginaw, Mich., have returned after holiday ing for a week with Mr. Smale. Mrs. Simpson and Miss Mt. Pleasant, visited with ghter Mrs. Ken. McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Hodgert and family were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. R. McNicol. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bruce, of An derson and Mrs. Peacock, of Pros- pest Hill, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ferguson recently. Mrs. Rebecca Stewart is visiting in Orono. Mr. John McNicol has invested in new tractor. Mrs. C. Allison entertained a num ber of her friends to a delightful afternoon tea recently. Harvest Homo Services A lai'ge congregation was present on Sunday, at the Harvest Home Ser vices. The. chtirch' was beautifully’ 'decorated with flowers, fruit and grain. Rev. James Anthony gave a splendid address and.the choir ten dered music suitable for the occas ion. and Mrs. Lizzie, of their dau- Wedding bells are week. Mr. tended cousin Mr. to Chicago after spending the sum mer with his grandmother. Dr. Taylor has purchased the home of Mrs. Goetz op Main Street. Mr. Harry Zimmer, of Buffalo, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zimmer. Mrs. P. MclSaac and Miss Susie Hartman are visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Merner, of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merner were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. Wm. Kruger, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his wife and dau ghter who are visiting at the home of Mr. C. L. Walper. Mrs. H. L. Kraft is confined to her bed with an attack of quinsy. Mr. and-Mrs. Earl Neeb and fam ily and Mr. Roy Neeb, of Pontiac, visited their mother Mrs. M. Neeb, a few days last week. Dr. Walters, of London, is attend ing Dr. Taylor’s practice during his absence. K Mr. and Mrs. W. May and Miss T. Ehlers, of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Sam Oes- triclier. Mr. and Mrs. Schenk attended To ronto Exhibition last week. • Mrs. Earl Guenther and son Ray aje visiting in London this week. Quite a number are attending Rondon Fair this week. Mr. A. L. Chamberlain and dau- j^ter of Pt. Huron, .spent Monday With Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. ’ Mr. Morrow, of Toronto, called on Mr. J. C. Reid on Tuesday. Miss Laura Mae Reid has return ed home after week in Londoh. Miss Kennedy, taken charge of partment at J. C. Reid & Co., the fall season. 4 Mrs. M. Hendry is visiting dousin Mrs. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hahn left Tues- __ _____. ___________ day for Detroit enroute to their home the Mawhinney Line, west of Credi-jin San Benito, Texas. It is twenty ton brought a great number of this years since Mr. and Mrs. Hahn were relation to the appointed place of,’here last. They spent the past two meeting. Nearly two hundred and, months with the latter’s brother, fifty relatives and a few s ’ ’’’" TTr"1 guests registered. Three decked tables extending front of their home to the used to accommodate the for dinner. After dinner dent, Mr. A. O. Haist, t Centre, Ont. took charge of the busi ness session. A representation from each of the original families of “Haists” were called on to brief report of their sacred hold; Mr. household Mr. John household Mr. Allan Haist reported on household of the late Christian Haist These three original families settled in the neighborhood of what is known as Pelham Centre in the Nia gara district, ported on the Jacob Haist; ported on the Justine Haist of the late Chas. Brown; Mrs. Jacob Schwartz reported on the household of the late August Haist; these lat ter three families settled in the vi cinity of Crediton. These relatives have scattered somewhat even though the greater majority are yet in the Niagara Peninsula and Credi ton, but the “Browns” and quite a Haist Re-union her. a The “Haist Re-union” which was held on Labor Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney on Surrounded by their children and about 40 guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sam-, uei Merner, of Grand Bend celebrat ed their golden wedding anniversary on Wednesday, September the 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Merner were married by Rev. Hunsky in 1878, in the town of Phillipsburg, County of Waterloo. Mrs. Merner’s maiden name was Teresa Eckenswiller. A splended supper was served in M’r, Eccleston’s hall, where congratulations were ex tended to the bride and groom by Rev. J. M. Colling, on behalf of all the guesis. A table adorned with presents testified to the esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Merner are held. Five daughters were present, name ly, Mrs. Davison, o.f Port Huron; Mrs Pieper, of Stratford; Mrs. Ed. Stur geon, of Bayfield; Mrs. Dave’ Stur geon and Mrs. Anderson of Grand Bend. Other guests, were two sis ters of Mrs. Merner and their hus bands, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, of Wa terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruer, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, of Sarnia. child- week- Bend, special j Casper Walper ’and other relatives, well be- Miss Edith Walper accompanied from the'and Mrs. Hahn to London. i road were ■ gathering ■ the presi- of Pelham CENTRALIA Thos. Willis was in Mr. give a liouse- on the Haist; Geo. Haist reported of the late Micheal L. Haist reported on the of the late David Haist; the Windsor W. Skel- day last Mrs. Ed. Wednes- KICK FROM HORSE FACIAL TO FARMER A kick from a horse, a mishap which at first he thought little of, resulted in the death a few hours later of John Moore, highly esteem ed resident of Hibbert Township. Mr. Moore, who was 77 years of age, was plowing on Saturday when he met with the fatal injury. Some thing had gone amiss with the liar-' ness of the horses, and it was when he was putting things aright the ani mals became quarrelsome, and one of them in its movements kicked.Mr. I Moore in the abdomen. He was,not ! seriously effected at the time and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and babe, of Arkona, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Love. My. and Mrs. Olyshant and ren, of Burlington, spent the end with Mrs. A. Ridley. Mr. John Farrell, of South Ind., spent the week-end with the Love relatives. Misses Ellen and Jean Farrell, of. ■ Mosbank, Sask., have spent the past' week visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love and Junior spent Friday in Sarnia. M?. and Mrs, Therman Hay ter, re turned to Detroit, after spending their holidays with relatives Several of our young people en joyed the music provided by Austin Wylie and his orchestra, at the Ca sino, in Grand Bend on Friday ev ening. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love on Sunday evening. Mr.’ Gordon Ulens, of Walkerville, visited with Mr. Robert Love. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, entertained about fifty of the Love relatives with a corn roast on Sat urday evening in honor of their guests, Misses Ellen and Jean Far-, rell and John Farrel. ZION Zion Anniversary Setpember 23rd. Mrs. Hector Taylor had the mis fortune to fall on Friday evening last and fracture three ribs. Mr. and Sirs. Chas. Kerslake vis- ite at the home of Mr. and Hector Taylor on Sunday. Maurice Hern is attending London Technical School. The September meeting of on Thursday at the home Twenty-two the roll call Mrs. the tile Zion W.M.S. was held afternoon of last week of Mrs. W. J. Brock, members responded to and several visitors were present. After devotional exercises and a short business session conducted by the president, Mrs.’ Wm. Hern, the ladies listened with rapt attention and ever increasing interest to Rev. Fred Story, of the South Inland Mission, who gave forming address on the and customs of the native nations of the central regions of the Southern Continent, and told some thing of the difficulties and the ac complishments of the mission work among them. I At the close of th© address Rev. L. C, White expressed briefly the appreciation and surprised interest of the audience and assured the speaker of the continued interest in all prayer for the work of the S.A.I. « Mission. • t Rev. Mr. Story, is returning to I Zion on Friday evening of this week I September 4th and will give an il- ’ lustrated address and show on the > screen 100 splendid pictures of life and conditions in South America among the people where the Inland Mission is carrying on its splendid Work. It is hoped that every per son in th© community will be there. It is not often- that stich an opport unity is presented. offering will evening. The same •ple be showd in Elimvfflo Thursday night. - Mr. last week on business. Mrs. A. Brooks ancl Mrs. ton were in London one week. Mrs. M. C. Sleamon and Cal fas returned home on day after a pleasant holiday at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Mawhiyney , spent j th0Ught'uttle of the injury, continu ing with his work for about an hour. He was forced to stop, however, and agoing to his home' a doctor was called and everything possible done to relieve his sufferings, but he pass ed away in the evening. Mr. Moore was born in Hibbert Township and spent all his life there. He is survived by a grown-up family. The funeral was held .Monday af ternoon from the 3, Hibbert, church, Mitchell, conducted by the Capper, at the home and at grave. Sunday at the home of theii* daugh- j ter Mrs. Otto Brown. Miss Helen -Hicks, nurse-in-train- ‘ ing at Victoria Hospital, London,1 spent Sunday under the parental roof. The chopping mill is now operat ing every week day. Messrs. Bruce Mitchell and Gor don Wilson with their families, left Monday for Burford Lake, where they will spend a couple of weeks camping and fishing. Mr. Storey, who is connected with Mission Work in South America, gave a very interesting address in number of "Haists” have migrated the United church on Sunday morn- to Michigan. | ing. He also gave an illustrated The Evangelical orchestra opened; lecture in the church on Tuesday the brief program. An able wel come address was given by Miss V. Mawhinney, daughter of the home where the reunion was held. A sing-song was conducted by Mr. Roy Goulding, of Exeter, everybody cheerfully responded to the leader. Margueretto. Amy sang a very choice little welcome solo. Mrs. Gordon Morlock in her usual able manner sang the contralto solo "The Arrow and the Song.” Mr. A. O. Haist was again elected' president and Mrs. J. Brown, of Pigeon, Mich,, th© Sec’y* Treas.. Before an invitatioiuwas -re- ■ coifed for a the MichiganI joya<ble and, I Miss Pearl Haist re household of the late Mr. Josli. Brown re- houseliold of the late who became the wife home, lot 14, con. to Trinity Apglipan was Mr. the The service rector, Rev. American a very in conditions tribes and a place to inept again, folks presented an en- quaint.-fysing-song in • fl evening, being an able speaker and giving a very clear idea of the work being done among the South Ameri can Indians. He showed many realistic pictures of the country and the natives to whom the mission ministers. f A great many of otir citizens are taking in London Fair this week. Mrs. W. H. Armstrong and child ren, of Exeter, spent Sunday in the village visiting at the home of Mr. jxud Mrs. W. J. Smith. and Mrs. Thos. Dobbs and his daughter of WOodstoolt, visited over the week-end at’ the home-of Wtw and Mrs. W, J. Dobbs. Kirkton Miss Hester Hannah, of St. Cath erines, is spending her vacation with friends here; Among those who attended the Exhibition in Toronto from here are Mr, and Mrs, Nathan Doupb, Miss Velma Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hazlewood and Dr, C. A. Campbell. Miss Dennis, of London, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Den ham. Dr, Roger, of New Ontario, is vis iting his sister Mrs. John Urquhart. Miss Velma Doupe, accountant in [the 'Bank.ds .having two weeks’ va- j cation.I ....... free. An during the tures will church on Admission is be taken