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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1928-08-30, Page 8
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th, 102S WANT COLUMN CHOICE CLOVER HONEY FOR SALE—At John Carrick’s for 9c, a pound straight. Hay P.O- 7-26-tfQ KITCHEN GIRL Wanted-High est wages. Apply to Hicks House, Mitchell. 8-30-4tp. FOR SALE—Baby buggy, just like new, also a baby’s cart. Tele hone 125, Exeter. 8-16-tfc BUILDING LOT FOR SALE—One fifth of an acre on Huron St. Apply to Mrs. T. Snell, Huron st. 8-9-tfc Exeter Markets Wheat. $1.10 Oats 35 c. Barley 65 c. Manitoba Flour $4.15 ...Blend Flour $4.10 Pastry Flour $3.90 Feed Flour $2.40 , Bran $1.80 ‘Shorts $1,80 Cfeamery Butter 44c. Dairy Butter 35 and 38c. Eggs, extra 36c. Eggs, seconds 28c, Hogs $15.00 ^4.------------,-------------------- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, James Foote, B.A., Minister $10 a.m,—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—“His Faithfulness” The Minister 7 p.m.—“False Use of Equality” The Minister September Clearing Sale Starting Saturday and continuing for 2 weeks we offer all lines of Summer Merchandise at ridiculous low prices. Many other lines will be added for this Sale. FOR SALE OR RENT—Fine brick residence, heated with hot air, elec tric lighted, good garden. Apply to R. E. Pickard. ’ 10-27-tfc locals 7 ’ FOR 500 to Taylor, ton. SALE—100 yearling heifers SOO pounds. Apply to F. Exeter or Eli Lawson, Credi- Dr. .Roulston desires to announce that in September his dental office will be .closed for two weeks, com mencing on Labor Day, September 3rd. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. D. McTavish, Pastor W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Special Labor Day Messages a.m.—Sunday School. . a.m.—-“The Man in the Overalls or The Christian Dignity of Man ual Labor,;” p.m.—Spiritual Labor or Working out our own Salvation. 10 11 7 HORSES FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE—-We always have a num ber of horses on hand we will sell or exchange to the farmers.—G.’ J. Dow. 6,7,tfc- LOST—A pair of spectacles pur chased from Dr. Ward, between Exeter and Crediton. Notify Thos. Wein, Crediton. 8130-ltp. POULTRY WANTED—We are in the market for all kinds of poultry paying., the highest prices; also live rabbits. eTruck will call. Phone 30, Dashwood, C. Anderson. 8-2-4tc. John Pryde, week-end in of Toronto, on the Lon- LOST OR STRAYED—A white faced yearling steer. Has missing since May. Information will be gladly received by Sandy McEachen, Dashwood. 8-16-3tc been FOR SALE OR RENT— farm, being lot 19, con, 3, 1*4 miles from Hensail; suitable for fall wheat. John Bell Sr., Andrew St. -100 acre Hay Tp.; 10 acres Apply to Exeter. 8-23-2tc. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— The house of the late Mrs. John Jar- rott, on Station St., Exeter. Apply to W. J- Jarrott, Hillsgreen. 8-23-4tp. her and and and FOR SALE—Mathew Moody Sep arator 22x3 6, nearly new, in first class condition. Apply to Sanford Smith, Parkhill, R. R. No. 8, phone 601-3. 8-23-3tc. We have in stock for sale the fol lowing poultry supplies: Bran Shorts, Wheat, Hominy, Cracked Corn, partially popped Pop Corn, Growing Mash, Laying Mash, Beef Meal, Fish Meal, Oyster Shell and Grit, semi-solid Buttermilk and Cod Liver Oil. Let us supply your needs. Our prices will please you. THE HOGARTH BABY CHICK HATCHERY. 7-26-tfc NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received by the* undersigned up till 1 o’clock p. m., Saturday, September 1st, 1928, for the constructon of the open portion of the Winchelsea Creek Drain Re pair and Improvement in the town ship of Usborne. Plans and specifi cations can be seen at the office of S. W. Archibald, G. E., Seaforth, Ont., or at the Clerk’s office, Us borne. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A marked che que for 5% of the amount specified to accompany each tender. Tenders to be opened at 3 p. m. on Saturday, September 1st, at the township hall, Elimville. Henry Strang, Clerk. 8-9-4tc. Hensall, R. R.1. NOTICE TO DRAINAGE CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received for the repair or contraction of the Lovie- Gill, Sitter and Turner Municipal Drains, up to Tuesday, September 4th, 1928 at 2 p.m. Tenders may be for all the drains or (separately. Drains are located in the Town ship of Stephen, County of Huron, The estimated quantity of earth to be removed is 17,460 cubic yards. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the office of the un dersigned or at the office of Mr. Geo. A. McCubbin, O.D.S., M.'E.I.C., Chatham. A marked cheque for 5% of the specified price shall accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted. HENRY EILBER • Clerk: Township of Stephen Crediton, Ont. Mr. and MrS. I. Laughlin, of Osha- wa,'are visiting with Mrs. Dugald Love. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge and family spent Sunday last at Ipper- wash. Messrs. Thomas and of Windsor, spent the town. Mr. Ralph Hawkins, is visiting at his home don Road north. Mr. C. McAvoy and Mrs. Dawson, of Wingham, visited with Mrs.. T. Snell on Sunday. Miss Florence West has returned home after spending the past couple of weeks in Toronto. Monday, September the 3rd will be Labor Day. School will reopen Tuesday, September the 4th. , Miss Ella Link is visiting in Sea forth prior to returning to Alliston to resume her duties as milliner. Miss Winnifred Walper after spending the holidays here returned to her home in Woodstock on Mon day. Miss Ferne Shortt returned to London Sunday after spending vacation with' her parents Mr. Mrs. E. Shortt. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sheere daughter Jean, Mrs. F. M. Boyle Mr. Frank Sheere enjoyed .a motor trip last week to Niagara^ Falls. Mr. and Mrs. WT. A. Turnbull re turned Monday after visiting for a few days with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Reg. Turnbull, of Dundas. A cablegram received at the Unit ed Church Mission Rooms at Toron to, has announced the safe arrival of Miss Edith Sparling at Shanghai. The Crystal City Courier (Man.) says that Garnet Sims threshed eight across of oats, the field yield ing six hundred and sixty odd shels. Holidays, are on the last lap. most of us the holiday season gone all too fast, season r comes next hockey season. If.we ever have a a lot of our flappers would never notice it. Those cute bathing suits they wear never did and ain’t never gonna see no water! Misses Gertrude Francis, Mildred Rowe, Reta Rowe and Amy Shap- £on left Saturday last for Sarnia where they took the boat for •to Fort William and Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. Czar Harness and little son, of Port Colborne, and Mr, and Mrs. Sears and family, of Lon don, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. W. J. Harness. Mr. Russell Sheere and bride and the former’s er and two Mich., are mother Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pryde mo tored to Windsor, on Friday of last week and were accompanied home by their two sons, Ray and Jack, Who have been visiting in that city. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wallace, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull and other relatives on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Batson, of Tor onto, visited for a few days at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey. Mrs. Harvey is returning with them for a few days. . Some of the most interesting let ters it has been our privilege to read weTe written by Miss Jean Love from Peru, South America, to her mother, Mrs. Lewis Love, of town. They will be found on another page. Miss Ann Turnbull, R. N., Strat- •Iford; Mr. W.G. Turnbull, of Toron- The fall and then bn- To has fair the water shortage a trip sister Mrs. Amos Park children, of Lansing, visiting their grand- M. Sheere. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH CANADA Moorhouse, Pastor Sunday School OF discussions of problems. will tlie Rev. C. J. 10 a.m.—Our meet. 11 a.m.—The Laboui’ day 7 p.m.—The neglected and impor tant part of a church’s task. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rev. Walter Jones, Rector ANNIVERSARY 10 11 13th Sunday ’ after Trinity a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon. 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. This is lhe fortieth anniversary of the opening of Trivitt Memorial Church. - HYDRO ELECTRIC Wiring and installing, guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices. Repairing stoves and motors a spec ialty, free. Estimates gladly furnished ERN. DAVIS Phone 224 V and Mrs. H. W. Doerr and after Miss Hodgert, who had been in London, returned with Reta Elworthy, nurse-in- at the Henry Ford ’hospital who has been holidaying Mrs. H. hei’ dut- has been TENDERS Tenders will be received at Secretary’s Office’, Exeter, Omt. till 12 o’clock noon on Saturday, September the 1st, for the erection and completion of a two room addi tion and alteration to the High School at Exeter, Ont. Plans and specifications at the Secretary’s or Architect’s Office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily jr. G. Stanbury William G. Murray Viice-Chairman, Exeter Architect Miss K. MacFaul London, Ont. Secretary, Exeter, Ont. the Up Mrs. T. O. Southcott left Wed nesday to spend a few days with her cousifi, Miss L. Bowman, of Preston. Little Loisi Hunter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hunter, is this week holidaying With, relatives in Stratford, to; Harold W. Turnbull, Detroit and J. A. Turnbull and family, of'Wood- stock, spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. Elizabeth Turnbull on William St. Mrs. David Fenwick, of West Ny ack, New York in renewing her sub scription to the Times-Advocate says: “We look forward to it com ing and wouldn’t miss having it for anything. Its a fine substitute for a weekly visit home?* air. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and and son Dotiald are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Davis spent the past woek on a motor trip through the states of New York and Ohio. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ford and fam ily, of St. Paul,’ Minn,, who have been visiting relatives in this com munity, left last Wednesday for their home. They were accompan ied as far aS Flint, Mich, by Mrs. Thomas Elliott, of town, and Mrs. Harry Gould, of Clinton. Mr. family have returned home holidaying, in Detroit. Miss Mary Elworthy has return ed to London after spending her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elworthy left last week on a trip to the west and intend going through to the Coast. Mr. Lyle Statham, of London, who has been with the Standard Drug Co., expects to attend pharmacy this fall. Mrs. Andrew Hackney, who re cently underwent an operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is gett ing along nicely. Mr. Charles Percy, supervisor of music in the high schools of Cleve land, Ohio, and Mrs. Percy, made a short cal] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding, Saturday. Mrs. M. Hodgert and two child ren, of London, visited for a few days with Miss Jessie Hodgert, of town. ’Visiting them. Miss training Detroit, with her parents, Mr. and Elworthy, has returned to les. Mr. Verne Roulston, who employed with Mr, W. S. Cole, drug gist, has been holidaying for two weeks leaves for London where he will take a position with the stan dard Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton, of. Map-' le Road, N. J.; Mr. Richard Welsh, of Kalamazoo and Mrs. Wm. Rou- som, of Toronto have been visitors during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Among those who left on Thurs day morning last on the Harvester’s Excursion for the West were: Harry Snell, Melville Sammons, George Andrew, Hilton Laing, Arthur Fra- yne, B. McInnis, Ed. Anderson, J. Penrice, B. Horton, Orval Beavers, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston at tended the funeral of the fomer’s cousin, Dr. John Woods, who died suddenly in Ochelset, Mich., last Thursday. He had been ailing for some time but the end was very sudden. Mr. and Mrs. A, Johnston and family, Auburn and Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Johnston and son Cecil, of Lucknow, were also present. Mr. Thomas Sanders, of Theodore Sask., visited for several days With his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanders. Mr. Sanders, who con ducts a drug store at Theodore, m- tored down with Dr. Turner of the same place, day to spend to Exhibition the west. Mr. Archie accident on Thursday He is leaving Thurs- a lew days at Toron- before returning to Towers met with an _____ ___ ______„ of last week and is at present confined to bed at the home of his sister, Mrs.’ Sam. Ros#. Mr. Towers while working around the barn on his farm on tho Thames Road had the misfortune to fall down several steps striking his back. After the accident ho assist ed in bringing in several loads of ■grain. Dr. J. H, Browning was called and found that he was suffer ing from internal injuries. All summer dresses must be cleared. These have been greatly reduced for quick selling Priced at $3.95 $5.50 and $7.95 Ladies Cotton Hose In Sand and Black, a splendid hose for every day wear. Reg. value 25c., Sale Price 21c. Boy’s and Girl’s Ribbed Hose In Sand and Black. A great hose for school wear, all sizes in stock. SALE PRICE ......................................... 21c. 100 yds. of Cotton Crepes In shades of Tan, Blue, Mauve and White, regular 35c. a yard. SALE PRICE, per yard .........................23c. Children’s White Drawers A clean up of all children’s Summer Drawers values as high as 40c. SALE PRICE .......................................... 10c. 50 pairs of Children’s and Women’s Canvas Shoes This is a real bargain. Most sizes in this lot. Values as high as $3.50 Sale price each 48c. Men’s Fancy Socks Regular 50c. values in plain or fancy checks. SALE PRICE,.................... 3 pair for 98c. Men’s Blue Work Shirts Made good and roomy of good material and good washer. Regular $1.25. SALE-PRICE .............................................98c. Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and’ Drawers Men’s Balbriggan shirts and drawers. Regular 75c. values. All sizes in this lot. SALE PRICE . .. .......................................59c. Men’s Fine Shirts All sizes in this lot. Values as high as $2.00. SALE PRICE $1.45 3 for $4.00 SPECIALS IN 2 pounds of Fresh Sodas .......................25c. 2 pounds of Ginger Snaps......................23c. 3 boxes Corn Flakes........... 29c. 10 bars P. & G., Pearl or Sunny Monday Soap ............................................... 39c. GROCERIES 4 cakes of Palmolive for .......................29c. Shelled Walnuts halves, pound............49c* 3 boxes of matches....................................23c. 25c. Salmon........................................2 for 35c Black, Green or Mixed Tea special 59c. lb. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Phone 16 == James Downie, of are the guests of see the ball game Mr. and Mrs. Saskatoon, Sask., Mrs. F. Downie. Come out and Labor Day morning between the Red Caps, London’s Senior O.B.A. team and Exeter. This should be one of the,best games this season. DR. WM. L.- LAWSON L. D. S. DENTIST Office in the Old Commercial build ing, Main St., Exeter, Phone 77w. d. d. s. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED (any make) SINGLE EDGE ............................ DOUBLE EDGE ......................... Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, DRUGGIST 3s 4c THE NEW STORE Furniture and Undertaking HONOR GRADUATE OF ONTARIO EXAMINATION BOARD Day, Night end Sunday Calls Phone Store No. 99 R. HOPPER MODERN^ EQUIPMENT.- KINDLY & ATTENTIVE SERVICE 4—1'11 '"■■i"1.. 11 II1 ihwhwM»U <1111111 .....lli|||i«iii|wiiw,ijiMi;»y»Miwi|i ' «■ ■■ m■— GOOD NEWS Customers frequently say to us that they go toj the city they always bring home salted peanuts, because they got % BL for 15c. In order to stop this noise we have decided to sell £ lb. far 10c. and the quality We sell should! keep this business at home. Wo will also sell delicious handdipped chocolates, in a variety of kinds at 3fic.. that will bo hard to boat at mudf higher prices; with the BEST ICE ©REAM you ever ate and odr Butterllist popcorn tmad» fresh, this store iSught to bo well patron ized. / It is time right now to think of flower pots’, covered pickle crocks, fly swatf/, fly sticky, we have plenty all sizes/and prices to suit. Men’s wadies’ and Children’s hoso' at mohdy-saving prices, “if you buy cheaper! than we Soil—examine tho goods?*| Powell’s Variety Store “XyHERE YOU SAVE/’ Phono 65 H fir FURNITURE SPECIALS X - -- . ................— This is the month to buy your furniture. Everything down in price during August. R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR NEW FUNERAL COACH AND AMBULANCE Advance Models for Fall SEE THE NEW MODELS FOR FALL Suits at $22.50, $24, $27 and up MEN’S FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS ARE NOW IN STOCK THE NEW BOR5ALINO AND KING HATS ARE EXPECTED THIS WEEK. © PHONE 81w EXETER, ONT. 11 Ernest C. Harvey GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER Representing Mutual Life of Canada FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, WINDSTORM, ETC. W R. GOULDING . A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instruction in Plano Vocal Organ Theory Supervisor of Music rn Schools StUdlO, Main St. Box 57, Phone 192 EXHTHR, pjNT« it js Bargains you want call at T. H. ELLIOTT’S Store Im has a, sale on for TEN DAYS, starting oil August 23rd and ending on Sep tember 1st. Overalls, work pants, work shirts, ties, hose, suits, work shoos and every thing I have in my thisstore iSill be in sale. And means a saving to everyone that buys at my 'store . Store every night.open- T. H. Elliott’s